Bands I'm Not Sure About

This is a list of bands I've found, but I'm not sure if they fit this website or not.
Note: This list is updated from time to time!
If anyone can help clear these up, that'd be appreciated!

- Aivarim ("Biblical". May have been Christian in their early days?)
- Al Akhirah
- Aldegar
- Anerhoth
- Argonath (Grimbold from Slechtvalk played in this band)
- Askesprak / Askespråk
- Atrocious Depression ("Sole Nero" and "Luna" are not Christian. Are the other releases?)
- Batyushka (Батюшка) ("Russia". May be a parody band. Anyone know if it's serious?)
- Батрушка / BaTRUEshka ([this band]. May be a parody. Anyone know if it's serious?)
- Blooded (appeared on that "Seal the Abyss" comp)
- Bone Dagger ("Pardonné par Satan. Fuck Satan.") (???)
- Byzantium (Repose Records. Is it actually Christian, or just Christian-inspired?)
- Candle Light (MA's lyrical themes say "Christianity", but have no proof they're Christian)
- Catholic Soldier (may have been a parody band. Anyone know if it was serious?)
- Crux Commissa (a bit of info here)
- Darkdzelat (here)
- Decay Lord (featured here)
- Disconquered (mentioned here)
- Dodenstorm
- Embers Fade
- Ethereal Blood (USA) (secular, but may have began Christian. Anyone know?)
- Exeptus (mentioned here, features vulgar song titles, but supposedly there was a Christian band with this name as well?)
- Exorcism (here)
- Far Gone Light (mentioned [here], [ that doesn't work] )
- Frozen Eclipse (See here)
- Forestthrone (side project of Opus Majestic?)
- Hans Sievers (side project of Исихиазм)
- Ivadeorum
- Job (2008-2009 stuff MIGHT be Christian. Can anyone confirm? (2010-later material is confirmed not Christian)
- LUCifers KEY / LUCifer's KEY (Surely not? Anyway, mentioned [here])
- Luziferion ("Biblical themes"?)
- Μαρουσκα / Marouska (actually Christian, or just a Batushka parody?)
- Marrow of Earth (Divulgence was Christian. Is this new band Christian also?)
- Martiis Nocturnem
- Mortii Complexus Sum (appeared on that "Seal the Abyss" comp)
- Natan (first demo "Akeldama" may have been Christian, anyone know for sure?)
- Natteskoge
- Necrolytic Goat Converter
- Necrowar
- Nokturnal Poetry (new material is NOT Christian. Was the old material?)
- NYX (mentioned [here])
- Old Wounds (EEE side project, probably secular but I don't have proof.)
- One Million Dead (here)
- Onwaardigh (appeared on a SneeuwStorm comp)
- Profundum Vita (left a comment on this Myspace page, can't find anything else)
- Reto (See here)
- Room XXI (someone on Blackened Hymns said this was Christian, but I'm not sure?)
- Sequel of End (See here)
- Seven Chains
- Sghor (not Christian now, but might have been in the past?)
- Skoll (Grimbold from Slechtvalk played in this band; NOT these other bands)
- Sol Iustitiae (See here)
- Sotakirves (appeared on that "Seal the Abyss" comp)
- Tegnub (side project of the EEE guys, probably secular but I don't have proof.)
- The Fallen Angel (listed as "unblack" here, but their site has pentagrams??)
- Undark (2013 onward indicates this is a band. Are they black metal / Christian?)
- Valinor (Poland)
- Wapenveld (2/3 members were Christian, might be "unblack". Anyone have the lyrics?)
- Winter's Solace (Gabriel from Ecthirion was in this band [1] [2])
- Ximvne (I can't understand most of the words, but it seems weird)

- Alphomega (Honduras) (Played power metal but their Myspace URL says "unblack". Did they play unblack at some point?)
- Anguelus (old band of 2 members of Zacai. Aelos - guitars, Igor - drums... Any info?)
- Betroth (USA) ...... May have released a black metal album, but I'm not sure.
- BRASH / B.R.A.S.H. ... Only one song on their demo is black metal. What about the full-length?
- Death to the Usurper ... Precursor to [this band]. Did it have any releases?
- Destruction (Brazil) ... Posted on Facebook in 2013. Their logo is [here].
- DIM (Canada) ... Tagged "black metal", but all music seems to be dungeon synth. Any help?
- Eternal Imperium (Bogotá, Colombia; bassist named "Jeremoth") ..... left a comment [here]
- Grimness Enshroud (other name "Eternal Damnation" was grindcore)
- Icewind (Sweden; side project of Taketh)
- Ienissiamem
- Immortal Drone (side project of "Behead Lucifer" members? Released "Black Eyes EP")
- Kilden (mentioned here)
- Kult of Yeshua / Kult of Yeshoua (first demo may have been black metal, anyone have audio?)
- Omsorg (Country unknown, not to be confused with Omsorg from Norway. Had an album called "Prayer of Changed Hearts", and songs called "Jesus Christ, My Savior" 7:10, and "Waiting for You" 8:20.)
- Team Death Machine (USA. "Black/Death/Grind/Spazzz"?)[here]
- Tercer Día (mentioned [here])
- Thoroth (Poland)

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