BAND NAME: Eternal Emperor
GENRE: Death/Unblack Metal with Doom Influences
STATUS: Unknown
LOCATION: Germany (Berlin)

Formed in 2007; went on hold at some point after 2011 (as confirmed by Shadrach).
Activity is planned for 2019. 2019 passed and nothing happened. I'm not sure now.

Tobias "Shadrach" Jäpel - All instruments, Vocals

Past members:
Meshach - Bass


Ew'ger Herrscher (EP, 2008, Independent)
Format: CD-R

Same as the "In the Beginning" EP, just with the original name. Produced in limited CD-R copies.

In the Beginning (EP)

1 April, 2008, Soundmass Records, CD
2008, Soundmass Records, CDBaby, link expired

Guest appearances:
Sadoth - Drums

""In The Beginning" was planned to be a selfreleased demo CD originally entitled "Ew'ger Herrscher" with a complete different artwork before Soundmass decided to release this EP professionally."

1) In the Woods
1:19, instrumental

2) In the Sky and on the Ground
4:29, lyrics:
Ravens, hawks and falcons
Creation in the sky
The eagle circles majestically
The king is flying high

A thousand more creatures
Are crawling on the ground
A billion signs of the Lord
Are here to be found.

In the beginning God created
The heavens and the earth
The earth was formless and empty
Darkness was over the surface of the deep.

"Let there be light",
and there was light;
"Let there be light",
and there was the light.

"Let the land produce
seed-bearing plants all over the land;
let the land produce
living creatures according to their kind;
let us make man in our image, in our likeness
and let them rule over it all".

Can't you see it? Can't you feel it?
The seal of the Lord that lies on this land;
The wonders, the glory, the heavenliness
The Master gave from His hand.

3) The Fortress
3:20, lyrics:
Satan sinks his claws into creation,
unfolds ungodliness
The world is tumbling,
but nothing can shake the heavenly realm.

The fortress
Invincible it stands
Shielded by holy forces
Under command of divine hand

Plagued by the enemy
Suffering in a world of sin
In this desperate scenery
There is hope in the word of God

The fortress
Invincible it stands
Shielded by holy forces
Under command of divine hand

The day of final victory is night
The day of final defeat
The second coming, the end of all suffering,
This world's omega.

The fortress
Invincible it stands
Shielded by holy forces
Under command of divine hand

4) Death Ritual
4:49, lyrics:
The endless fear of fading
The battle against time
Your mortal body is aging
Condemned to the shrine

You thought you were prepared for eternity
But not to burn in Hell
Invocations, ritual scenery,
The death cult left behind a rotting shell.

Religious rites and blindness,
The sayings of the wise:
"Those scrolls in your coffin
And your body will arise."

You thought you were prepared for eternity
But not to burn in Hell
Invocations, ritual scenery,
The death cult left behind a rotting shell.

Soul escaped - caught in fire;
Body left to rot - lifeless forever

Once a shining majesty,
Now a pile of bones;
Corpses of the kings
Fallen to dust like their thrones.

You thought you were prepared for eternity
But not to burn in Hell
Invocations, ritual scenery,
The death cult left behind a rotting shell.

Soul escaped - caught in fire;
Body left to rot - lifeless forever.

5) Psalm 91
3:00, lyrics:
He that dwelleth in the secret place
of the Most High
Shall abide under the shadow
of the Almighty.

I will say of the Lord,
"He is my refuge, my fortress,
My God,
In Him I trust."

Surely He shall deliver thee
From the snare
Of the power
And noisome pestilence

He shall cover thee
With His feathers
And under His wings
Shalt thou trust

Thou shalt not be afraid
For the terror by night
Nor for destruction
That wasteth at noonday.

A thousand shall fall
At thy side
And ten thousand
At thy hand
But it shall not come nigh thee.

6) Ew’ger Herrscher
6:42, lyrics:
Der, der meinen Namen kennt
Ihm bin ich nicht fremd
Ew'ger Herrscher über allem.

Der alles in Händen hält
der gerechtes urteil fällt
König, ew'ger König.

Des schöpfers hand ruht auf diesem Land;
Seine Herrlichkeit wird niemals vergehen
Mit seinem Wort uns ewig die Treue hält
Auch wenn Dunkelheit und Angst uns befallen.

Wenn der Satan schleicht,
wenn uns eis'ger Tod umkreist
Mit messerscharfer Klinge - Du bist nah!
Wenn die Angst erwacht
das Dunkel in der Tiefe lacht
Dann ist Rettung nah!

Du kennst den Anfang und Du kennst das Ende
Denn beides kommt aus Deiner Hand
Dein Erbarmen kennt keine Grenzen
Den Messias hast Du uns gesandt

Deine Schöpfung so wohl gelungen
Sing Dir ein lobgesang
In der Höhe und in der Tiefe
Mit Deinem Wort alles begann.

Ew'ger Herrscher, ew'ger Konig!

Ew'ge Herrschaft, Ew'ger sieg!

Südwärts (EP, 14 December, 2011, Independent)
Format: Digital
Download (OFFICIAL)

1) Südwärts
4:00, lyrics:
Tosende Wellen umschlingen den Bug,schäumende Gischt schlägt uns entgegen
Über tiefschwarze See die Reise uns führt; Rückkehr ist stets ungewiss
Tief in uns ruht der eiserne Wille den harschen Gewalten zu trotzen
Um uns zu beweisen und die Neugier zu stillen, wenn der Natur letzte Festung fällt

Weiβe Hölle am Endre der Welt – der Wahnsinn treibt uns hierher
Unwirklich unwirtlich liegt er vor uns, der fiebrige Traum uns`rer Kühnheit

Hölzerne Planken durchbrechen das Eis, mit Gewalt erzwingen wir den Weg
Stöhnend und ächzend zerbresten die Schollen, die Machine hält keuchend dagegen

Weiβe Hölle am Endre der Welt – der Wahnsinn treibt uns hierher
Unwirklich unwirtlich liegt er vor uns, ein Alptraum geboren aus Torheit

Vom Sturm geplagt, gen Land gespült, an die Flanken kristallener Klippen
Wo das rasende Meer zu Eis erstarrt und nackter Fels schroff steig empor
Wo kein Fuβ jemals das Land betrat, wo kein Wort jemals erkalng
Ertönt aus Brandung und Sturm vereint eine eis`ge Sinfonie

Endlich löst die See den Würgegriff,scheinbar sicher der feste Grund
Doch hinter fernem Horizont erhebt sich die Gefahr
Unfassbar mächtig, barbarisch kalt – ein Sturm dem niemand trotzt
Atem erstickt, keine Sicht – Himmel und Erde sind eins

Weites Land, so unbekannt, verborgene Schönheit seit ew`ger Zeit
Gefror`ne See, erhabene Höhen, Anmut soweit das Auge reicht
In Frost gehült das karge Bild, gemalt von Naturgewalten
Aus Lava geformt, von Eis gekrönt, um den Pol für immer verborgen zu halten

Tatendrang uns hierher zwang – der Fluch des Abenteurs
Der Heimat so fern, doch unter selbem Stern – stet`ger Funke uns`rer Sehnsucht
"Am Ende der Welt allein auf uns gestellt", singt das Schicksal sein wehmütiges Lied
Am Ende der Welt allein auf uns gestellt lauschen wir der eis`gen Sinfonie

2) Keeper of the Southern Gateway
6:00, lyrics:
At your head the swinging smoke-cloud; at your feet the grinding floes;
Racked and seared by the inner fires, gripped close by the outer snows.
Proud, unconquered and unyielding, whilst the untold aeons passed,
Inviolate through the ages, your ramparts spurning the blast,

Till men impelled by a strong desire, broke through your icy bars;
Fierce was the fight to gain that height where your stern peak dares the stars.
You called your vassals to aid you, and the leaping blizzard rose,
Driving in furious eddies, blinding, stifling, cruel snows.

Keeper of the Southern Gateway, grim, rugged, gloomy and grand;
Warden of these wastes uncharted, as the years sweep on, you stand.

The grasp of the numbing frost clutched hard at their hands and faces,
And the weird gloom made darker still dim seen perilous places.
They, weary, wayworn, and sleepless, through the long withering night,
Grimly clung to your iron sides till with laggard Dawn came the light:

Keeper of the Southern Gateway, grim, rugged, gloomy and grand;
Warden of these wastes uncharted, as the years sweep on, you stand.

Both heart and brain upheld them, till the long-drawn strain was o’er,
Victors then on your crown they stood and gazed at the Western Shore;
The distant glory of that land in broad splendour lay unrolled,
With icefield, cape, and mountain height, flame rose in a sea of gold.

Oh! Herald of returning Suns to the waiting lands below;
Beacon to their home-seeking feet, far across the Southern snow.
In the Northland in the years to be, pale Winter’s first white sign
Will turn again their thoughts to thee, and the glamour that is thine.

(Sir Ernest Shackleton - Erebus)

3) Icebound
5:25, instrumental


ANTARCTICA I – Triumph & Defeat (album, UNRELEASED)

The planned album from 2010-2011. Cancelled, as confirmed in a 2018 Facebook post.

IncompletePage, CouldUseBetterImages, NeedsScriptureReferences, SimilarTo
Does anyone have the original artwork for Ew'ger Herrscher"?
Anyone have a higher-res version of the logo? This is the absolute best I could find online.

(Also note to self: Upload some scans.)

Also, miscellaneous images from I figured people would find interesting:

Similar to: [SECULAR] Drudkh, Moonthoth, W.A.I.L., Primitive Winds, [CHRISTIAN] Hesychast, Irgalom, Shadowmourne, (add more later)

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