HĀLIGBLOT (Haligblot)

BAND NAME: Hāligblot
GENRE: Unblack Metal with Raw / Medieval influences
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: USA (Tennessee)
Formed a few years before the debut was released.

Sean C. Wright - All instruments, Vocals


ᚻᚪᛚᛁᚷᛒᛚᚩᛏ / self-titled (album, 3 November, 2023, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

Based on the Heliand.
1) Écra-gǽst
1:53, instrumental

2) Oathsworn
4:33, lyrics:
Áðesworn (Oathsworn):
Bunden mid wurðmynte
Æfre þæt áð gebrecan
Æfre þæt soð healdan
Swylce hæstestum dydum
Nanu þegnscipe geafod
þam gefeallenum feonde
Hit is ma þurhþingod
þæt deaðe freoðe geþingað

Bærende bealofullu
Of geondan feohtum
Beoð boren mid wurðmynte
And tacen minre áðe
Swylce hæstestum dydum
Nanu þegnscipe geafod
Hit is ma þurhþingod
þæt deaðe freoðe geþingað

Áðesworn þam hieraþe
Áðesworn minum folce
Áðesworn minum lande
Auslanderas swelgað on minum fylle

Min wurðmynt is minra leofenaþe
For blode and eorþan
Ic sylle min líf
Swylce he þe for me forgeaf.

3) Rise White Dragon
7:35, lyrics:
Rīsan Hwīt Wyrm (Rise White Dragon)
Stand gehealdan,
fōtum beworht on hāligum grundum,
mægen ġodes YWHW
blētsung cāfne stēl
Sunu Wōdenes
feohteþ wiþ þām slīfe scrahelinga,
druncne on myre
tūna on sorge
þæs hrēosan
æt life ġelēafan.

Blǣt mid Fyrhtu ārlēasan
Rīsan Hwīt Wyrm
Gebynded mid blōde
wiþ ēowend fremednysse
Fleoge hēah symbel Engle-landes
Rīsan Hwīt Wyrm
þurhblāwan landes ġeswungen
Rīsan Hwīt Wyrm

Sigefæst oþþe forwunden
nǣfre þæs byrele
Wē sind strang cynn trūwes
Hwītan cnihtas Norþanhymbra
of Wesseaxe, Mercia, and Norðymbraland
Gaderiaþ styrce, ǣnig ūre āðbrǣcere
Standaþ on þām wege þǣre fullan sige,
Hīe swā þām ǣrran worden bēoþ forþrēdode.

"Se Hwīta Draca spȳtt forþ flǣmas ġeðwǣrnesse þæt þǣre dēorcum ġewǣdu land ālysð þæt hē āhte ġehāt."

4) Warrior Christ
7:37, lyrics:
Warrior Christ
Within yon ancient halls, where mournful echoes weep,
A tale untold, a warrior's slumber deep.
From distant lands, a chieftain bold,
Jesus Christ, his name, a battle anthem told.
With sword in grasp, he journeys o'er the land,
A beacon of hope, a noble birthright grand.
He sails the seas, as lord of ages past,
Spreading his gospel, dauntless and steadfast.

Warrior Christ, clad in armor, gleaming bright,
A son of Isaac, radiant in light.
Through realms he strides, with purpose and with might,
Guiding his people, in everlasting fight.

His loyal followers, a steadfast throng,
Bound by his words, their faith grows fierce and strong.
He heals the sick, his touch divine and rare,
Defying the laws of space and time's affair.
In battles and struggles, his foes doth fall,
A shield for the meek, he answers the call.
With wisdom and mercy, his teachings unfold,
A Saxon our Lord, with a heart of gold.

But the hour draweth nigh, for his final stand,
Betrayed by a disciple, struck by treacherous hand.
Yet even in death, his spirit shall endure,
Rising victorious, his mission pure and sure
The tale is spun, of a warrior divine,
Jesus Christ, chieftain o'er the sands of time.
In echoes of doom, his legacy shall dwell,
A Saxon warrior, eternal, he shall excel.

5) The Thane
5:42, lyrics:
Se þegn (The Thane)
Hwan þæt cymeð, cwæð þæs Críste þegn,
Hit wæs tó becuman on þisse widan, widan worulde,
Þegn His ágenra Sunu. And cwæð þæt hié begá
Fære sylfe hér swíþe be tidungum."

Dim is úre gesihþ and sláw sind úre lendenu,
Úre flæsc feallað weg, úre skinn is unscéne,
Úre limas unlithe, awrigene úre áríselic bódig,
And úre ansýn: ealas, hit is gewendod -

Þá wearð þæs Heofoncýninges hereréfa beswicen on his mód
And nolde geléfan þæt Halig Drihten God,
Gif He hit swá wolde, mihte hine geongian wel,
Swá he ár wæs gewealden. Þá þæt engel him þearfode,
Se gleáwa, swá þæt he ne mihte secgan áne word

An wigend Crístendómes eþelwerod
An þegn tó þam gecorenum leohtwísan
Hereréfa þæs Godes word

6) Weilding the Holy Sword
6:01, lyrics:
Wieldan þæt Halige Sweord (Wielding the Holy Sword)
Mange þær wæron gesenctende heora mod,
To secgan þæt wæs geflæht: þæt Miht-Hæbbende Crist,
Hæfde her betwix mannum manig wundra gedon
Mid his wordum and his weorcum.

Eorðan folc — ealle woldon Cristes rædum herian,
Gods halige Word, and wrītan mid heora handum
Beorht on an boc hu betst Godes bebod
Hig mōsten fullfremman, mann-cynn sib.

Þær wæron feower of þæm manigum: hig hæfdon miht of þam Wyrhtan,
Fultum eac of Heofenum and of Halgum Gaste,
Strenc of þam Hælende: swa wæron hig gecoren to þison.
Eallunga hig wæron to gesceadwisan...

Hæftende þæt Halige Sweord þæs Wordes.

7) Valknut
5:04, lyrics:
In realms where myths and histories twine,
A tale of symbols interwined,
The Valknut's threads, a mystery's art,
In Christian light, they find a part.

Norse skies, where Odin's ravens soar,
Their lore, a tapestry of yore,
Yet 'neath the stars, another tale,
A Christian whisper, strong and hale.

Threefold knot, the Valknut stands,
Binding souls from distant lands,
A symbol of the Trinity's grace,
In Christian hearts, a sacred place.

Triune nature, Father, Son, and Ghost,
In sacred union, faith embossed,
The Valknut's lines, they intertwine,
With Christian truths, in mystic rhyme.

So let us ponder, history's dance,
How symbols weave their fateful chance,
The Valknut's tale, a bridge of time,
Where faith and myths in harmony chime.

8) Fadar Unsa
7:55, lyrics:
Fadār unsa,
þū in himinama,
Wīhhjē namō þīna,
Kwemē rīkkja þīna,
swā in himinē jahw ana erþu.
Hlēba unsanō þanō dagalīkanu,
Geb uns himmē dagē.
Frageb uns skuldinz unsanō,
swaswā wīr fragebam þēma sundārjama unsēma.
andi ne fralēddjēs uns in kustungu, ak lōsī uns ab þammē ubilini.


God's strength and His skill: for the crone so aged,
The wife was with child. Offspring was granted unto them,
Bairn in the bastion - a so God-like babe.
And the woman awaited the workings of Weird.
The winter wore on, the year fell away. John came,
A light to the earth-folk: fair was his flesh,
Seemly his skin, and shimmering was he of cheek,
And the hair of his head and his nails. Now the hoary,
The wise gathered quickly, the closest of kinsmen,
Wondering much at the work, how well it could happen
That a couple so aged could still bear a child,
A babe in the bastion, unless at God's bidding.
They well understood that unless this was so,
It could never have been - this babe - quite so fair.
Then an old man spoke, one of learned and reasonable mind,
Who knew wise words. With zeal he did ask
What the babe's name should be here below in this world:
"Methinks in his way and his bearing he is greater than we.
So I wean that verily God from Heaven hath sent him Himself."
Then the child's mother did straightway speak. She who had borne him did say
With the babe on her lap: "Last year God's bidding
Did come unto us, commanded with words of great weight
That he be called John, according to the teaching of God.
Even, indeed, if I might, in my mind I cannot,
I dare not so change it." Then spoke thereupon
A most haughty man: from her homeland he was,
"No aethling is named so," quoth he, "no kith of our clan."
Similar to: [SECULAR] Gladsheim, Blue Hummingbird on the Left, Bloodaxe, Raben Nacht, Hellkult, Hakaristi, Raven Dark, [CHRISTIAN] Elgibbor, (add more later)

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