1) Most of the info on this page is outdated (~2019). I hope to get it organized and up to date with time. Please be patient in the meantime.

2) A bit of content on this page was censored for being too graphic. This was done with permission from the artist. I did my best, but if there's something I missed that readers believe should be redacted/censored, please tell me. I'm happy to make changes.

^ Old logo .............. ^ New logo

BAND NAME: Goatscorge
GENRE: Raw Bestial Black / War Metal
STATUS: On hold
LOCATION: USA (Russellville, Alabama)

The pentagram in the new logo is adapted from an ancient seal of the city of Jerusalem.
The Hebrew is YHWH, a name of God in Hebrew.

Went on hold on 1 October, 2019.

Nocturnal Servant - All instruments, Vocals


Lacerate the Goat (single)

10 May, 2019, Independent, Bandcamp
10 May, 2019, Independent, The Bearded Dragon Productions, Bandcamp

Drums (free for commercial use) by Death Culture Studio.

1) Lacerate the Goat 2:33, see below for lyrics

This image has been resized.
To view the original 2289x2289 res, click [here].

Awaiting the Apocalypse (EP)

12 June, 2019, Independent, Bandcamp
12 June, 2019, The Bearded Dragon Productions, Bandcamp
30 June, 2019, Blackened Label Records, CD

Also stream on YouTube (OFFICIAL)

1) War of All Wars
1:31, instrumental

2) Awaiting the Apocalypse
2:20, lyrics:
Killing as many as we can
Before that dreadful day
Scum rulers of death
Demonic corpse mutilation

Spraying the astral plain
In bullets
Holy anointing crushing demonic filth
Bombing the gates of Hell
As we await the apocalypse

Heavenly arsenal of weapons
Holy sword and nuclear might
In the spirit world we war
In the spirit world we kill
They die

As we await for the apocalypse
As we await the apocalypse

Crushing demonic filth
Weapons of war crafted from the Spirit's flame
Crushed in everlasting torment Satan still burns
Satan's demise is inevitable
Weapons crafted in Heaven's forge
To wipe away all demonic scum
We wait for the apocalypse

We wait for the apocalypse

The terrible day of Yahweh
Woe to those who long for it
A terrible day it will be
Save yourself while you can

And war!
And war!

3) Fallen Angel Corpse
2:39, lyrics:
Darkened one fallen
A stray angel in the midst of bleak destruction
Death awaits him as I desecrate his temple
Taking what sackcloth I find in the midst of the ash
Force him into submission

The Lord repays evil for Justice
Victorious triumph will be the last thing Satan sees of God
Once a bright cherubim in the northern sky
Now brought to nothing, alone and afraid

Taken out of the Heavenly Kingdom to rot and burn and die
Forevermore he shall suffer as his satanic offspring feast on his bones
Desecrated in eternal death he burns in eternal fire and darkness
Blackened flame of destruction surrounds this corpse

Blackened flame of oppression overtakes this
Fallen angel corpse

The corpse of the fallen, fallen rotting into submission
The corpse of the fallen one, taking away his high rank
And made him into a fool of his own likeness and a coward
Taken away from the Heavenly Kingdom to earth
To rot and burn and die and suffer
Sulfur, brimstone

Fallen angel corpse, many are the fallen
Many are the desecrated, many are the dead
This blood flows, from the corpse of the fallen one

Fallen angel corpse, many are the fallen
Many are the desecrated, many are the dead
This blood flows, from the corpse of the fallen one

4) Lacerate the Goat
2:33, lyrics:
Laceration, corpse dissection
To be humiliated and shamed
Lacerate the goat

Stripped naked in the wilderness
Broken off its horns
A swift slice to its back
A thousand times

Burning in the ethereal flame
Bleeding naked and alone
Lacerated in the pit
The goat in boiling excrement

Taking its throne to shatter
Into worthless rubble
Its worshipers now apostate of the apostate
Even the blood yearns for more destruction

Goat laceration
Goat lacerated
Lacerate the scum
Lacerate the evil one
Lacerate the goat

Taking its head
For my collection of demonic skulls
Carve into its flesh with the whip
Carve into its face with a knife
Take its corpse and burn it publicly

Its eyes melt into the sockets
But still I am unrelenting
I continue to lacerate this goat
A million times over cruelly, uncompassionately
As I stare down at its burning, rotting, dying face

5) To Tolerate Evil
2:38, lyrics:
Toleration of wickedness is futile
Destroy the demonic offspring
Take the head of Satan
And hang it on this rusty pole

Would you tolerate Hitler walking your streets?
Why then do you tolerate sin and evil?
You wicked people of a generation of snakes
Crush Beelzebub under your boot and tear his flesh

Genocide of demonic spawn
The blood, organs, brains spewing
The intestines of Lilith pouring
The humiliation of Set as he is shamed
And burned at the stake

Blood and violence as the angels pour out God's wrath
Upon this generation of wickedness and evil
They kill each other without relenting
The apocalypse is here because of your tolerance of evil

The streets are soaked in innocent blood
Cries of disembodied voices weep horrifically in terror
Demons scorged and humiliated in the unearthly flame
Death cries out in pain as it can't much more of its victims
Babylon forever broken and defeated

The temple of Baal is destroyed
The temple of Ashteroth is completely eradicated
Hell itself wishes it could implode
At the number of lost souls it must bare

You tolerate evil and shun the Holy Spirit's conviction
In order to please your filthy flesh
Behold the antichrist has risen
You are too late, you've accepted the mark unknowingly
The cost of evil, the cost of your soul

6) Demonic Offspring Genocide
3:48, lyrics:
Nephilim punisher
Demonic offspring genocide
Slaughtered by the millions
Buried in their own blood

Taking their heads
As in David's time
Place them on a pike
On this rusty pole

Let the nephilim blood flow
Neither demon nor man
Let the demonic blood flow
As they watch their children die

Fallen angels
Raping human women
Satan's seed
Shall forever perish and die

Nephilim desecrator smash their heads in

Nephilim eviscerator watch the brains flow
Gore excessive dead demonic abomination
Crimes against creation
They reproduce no more

Total demonic extinction of unholy offspring
Extreme might powerful enough
To cripple the largest of armies
Bullets tearing through the demonic offspring flesh

In times of old swords slicing wicked offspring skulls
Destroy the demonic offspring
Take a blade and a knife
Take your bat and your club

Kill them all
Goliath rots
Kill them all
Goliath rots forever

All enemies of God shall perish
All demons shall be scorged
The goat shall be eviscerated
Satan shall watch his kingdom crumble
And the Antichrist shall burn alive forever

Kill them all
Goliath rots
Kill them all
Goliath rots forever

All demons
All demons die

All enemies of God shall perish
All demons shall be scorged
The goat shall be eviscerated
Satan shall watch his kingdom crumble
And the Antichrist shall burn alive forever

7) Sodom, Gommorah, and Sodomy
4:21, lyrics:
Unholy sodomy, giving into the flesh
Taking a God given natural instinct
And turning it into a perversion
Marriage now optional to give into your whorish lust

God promised never to flood the Earth again
Yet you mock Him by blaspheming a symbol of His Grace
Unholy legions swarm down to the Earth to kill
To destroy, to steal your worthless cities and streets

Yet the fire and brimstone awaits being sent
Because of His mercy He gives you a chance to repent
How uncomfortable are you now?
Take such a matter lightly?
Or do you conform to the world out of fear and disgraceful negligence?
You coward!

The war is begun, the war is here
Destroy the astral realms of darkness with truth and light
Do not conform to fear, the words of the people are worthless
Idols are nothing more than silver and gold and cannot speak
Their day of reckoning shall come in time and be made to rubble

Sodomy, fornication, lust, it's all the same
Unnatural instinct of fallen fleshly nature
Having sex with whatever you please
You even go as far as to rape the forest
God's creation

Scum desecration
Demonic horde surrounds you
As you die and breathe your last breath
[. . .]
Lust, it's all the same
Lust, it brings death

This is the truth, whether it is good or not
Even if you're offended, truth does not care
It is here, truth will always prevail
You swine and demonic offspring
Lucifer the goat in flame

Like Sodom and Gomorrah, Satan shall burn forever

8) Eternal Triumph of the Holy Kingdom
1:07, instrumental

The Brotherhood (compilation, 31 July, 2019, Christian Metalhead Brotherhood)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

3) Goatscorge - Laying the Foundation for Eternity
3:40, lyrics:
I hope you're ready for this..

Giving into falsehoods and disillusion shattering the Almighty's respect as Creator
Giving into heresy at every turn resulting in misconceptions
Do you not think that a lifestyle of sin would bring upon you a false reality?
The very foundations sing of His glory and you choose to turn Him away
Do not give Him the rightful credit He deserves as Creator of all things

Why would I emphasize such a point that does not affect Salvation?
Could it be to show your weakness in doubt as a believer to give into this lie
Evolutionary theory has so many holes
Even the scientific principals on which it is founded contradicts itself
Don't you know that the God who made Heaven and Earth founded math and science to begin with

He does not exist within this physical reality, reality of flesh
He can bend matter to His Will because He always leaves a backdoor in His Creation
It is utterly impossible for Him to be wrong or to commit sin and He cannot lie
It is not made clear that He exists knowing that we ourselves exist?
Surely something this grand cannot happen on its own

Sure you can believe the way you do and still go to Heaven if you're a true believer
But why give into the world and be unwilling to risk your reputation to stand firm
On the Truth that He is and has given to us from the dawn of time
Demons burn in Hell as we speak and angels fight the evil one
Yet you spend your time in constant debates with other Christians

Don't let your personal beliefs override what the Most High has said
Don't let your opinion root out the Truth that was once first planted in you

Laying the foundation of eternity
God knew that we would believe lies
Still His mercy endures forever, may Your Kingdom come
Crush Satan before our very eyes, show him no mercy
Even now is the beginning when everyone will see Your power on Earth

Restored be Your temple and slay the antichrist
He will set up an idol, the image of the beast
I will never bow to that idol, I will watch it fall

This image has been resized.
To view the original 2508x2508 res, click [here].

Angel of Death (single)

6 September, 2019, Independent, Bandcamp
6 September, 2019, The Bearded Dragon Productions, Bandcamp

1) Angel of Death
3:45, lyrics:
Angel of death torments the wicked soul
Angel of death crushes the antichristial throne
At the word of the Lord he slays demonic princes
In perfect timing he is the instrument of God's wrath
Upon a wicked people and the blackened abysmal snake

He rides forth to carry out God's wrathful vengeance
Angel of death the tenth plague
Angel of death the tormentor of wicked souls
And the slayer of all that is unrighteous
Demonic principalities bow before the Baphomet's throne

Angel of death slaughters all wicked hosts
And crushes the Baphomet's throne of stench and filth
Worthlessness is what awaits the demonic hosts of evil
To be slain is now the purpose of Satan's existence
Satan's demise will make onlookers to behold the throne of Yahweh

All wicked foes shall be slain that dare stand against God's Almighty Majesty
As the throne of God is giving off beams of purifying light
Casting out and charring the wicked souls and spirits of evil
Demonic princes bow before the throne of Yahweh
Before they are cast into the utmost depths of Hell

Angel of death
Committing genocide against the unrighteousness of this modern age
Against the evil hosts of demonic power in the day of God's wrath
Satanic uprising diminishing before our eyes
The righteous are slain no longer

Angel of death

Draak Herd (Vol. 1) (compilation, 13 September, 2019, The Bearded Dragon Productions)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

13) Goatscorge - Lacerate the Goat 2:33, see above for lyrics

Marching Against the Evil One (album, UPCOMING)

More info will be added as it becomes available!

20 October, 2022, The Shrouded Winter, Cassette (25 copies)

One of the tape copies was autographed by Nocturnal Servant. That copy has since been sold.

Miscellaneous stuff:
The project's razor graphic:

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