^ Old logo ............ v New logo


BAND NAME: Dominus Virtutem
GENRE: Unblack Metal with Various Influences
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: Costa Rica

Years active:
2013 - 2015, Eternal Covenant
2015 - present, Dominus Virtutem

The band takes influence from various different subgenres and don't wish to restrict themselves stylistically, so each song tends to sound different. For example, "The War Inside Us" is like black/thrash, while "Destrozado" is symphonic black.

dominusvirtutem [AT] gmail [DOT] com

Raquel Díaz - Vocals
Jose Daniel Meneses - Guttural Vocals, Flute
Josh Pérez - Guitars/Drums
Gersan Andrey Meyers - Guitars
Mónica Dainé Guzmán - Bass

Past members:
Roberto Salas - Lead Vocals
Naomi Cruz - Female Vocals
Jafet Delgado Hernández - Lead Guitars
Andres - Bass
Tony - Bass
Alvaro "Varo" Delgado - Drums

Amazon Music
Apple Music

In addition to the discography below, two more songs have been recorded: "A quién confiaré mi corazón" and "Guerreros del Evangelio". I don't know if either of these were released.


Guitar Symphony - compilado 2017 (compilation)

23 March, 2017, no label, Mediafire
1 April, 2017, no label, Spotify / Deezer

Released independently by Sebastián Salinas (who also appears on the compilation, track 3), with help from various sponsors. More info on these sponsors and also a MASSIVE booklet can be found in the Mediafire download. Eventually I may post this stuff here on Unblack Archives, but it's a lot of information. It'll have to wait for some other time.

Note that the CD artwork on the poster is just a mock-up. This wasn't released on CD.

Track 16 (Spelled Moon - A War of Shadows) isn't included on streaming sites, moving Dominus Virtutem's song up a number. It's 57 on Mediafire and 56 on streaming sites.

57/56) Dominus Virtutem - Nuclear Attack from Heaven
2:56, lyrics unknown

Dominus Virtuten (album, NOT SURE IF RELEASED, The Underground Anchor)

Announced 23 March, 2021 and planned for release during that year. I can't find any updates.

The War Inside Us (single, 24 February, 2023, Independent)
Format: Digital
Spotify / Apple / etc (OFFICIAL)

1) The War Inside Us
6:31, lyrics unknown

Destrozado (single, 12 June, 2024, Independent)
Format: Digital
Spotify / Apple / etc (OFFICIAL)

1) Destrozado
5:29, lyrics:
Delante de nuestro Señor
Nada podemos esconder
Delante de nuestro Señor
Sólo a Él recurriré

En valle de huesos secos, mi corazón
quisiere desfallecer
Mi sustento hallare en Él

Legiones de demonios temblan ante Él
Nade pueden hacer
Ahora les toca desfallecer
Ante Su gran poder (Su gran poder)

A ti Baphomet, te veremos arder
Y retroceder. ¿Qué podrás hacer?

El poder de Jesucristo a Satanás hará desfallecer
Tomo la autoridad para decir que destrozado
Estará toda hueste de maldad
Leviatán, he aquí Jehová, quién con anzuelo te puede cazar
Todos esos principados de maldad
Ante Su gran nombre
Jamás podrán
Jamás podrán

El poder de Jesucristo a Satanás hará desfallecer
Tomo la autoridad para decir que destrozado
Estará toda hueste de maldad
Leviatán, he aquí Jehová, quién con anzuelo te puede cazar
Todos esos principados de maldad
Ante Su gran nombre
Jamás podrán
Jamás podrán
Jamás podrán



IncompletePage, CouldUseBetterImages
1) Missing lyrics? 2) Were "A quién confiaré mi corazón" and "Guerreros del Evangelio" released? 3) Info on their 2021 album?
The top / "old" logo is cut off at the sides. Does anyone have a variant with the whole image?

Miscellaneous stuff:
Left / Middle: More old logos
Right: The graphic on their page of the "Guitar Symphony" booklet

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