Note: This is a solo project (later full band) from Costa Rica. Not to be confused with other bands with the same name.

BAND NAME: Eternal Covenant
GENRE: Symphonic / Experimental Unblack Metal
STATUS: Changed name
(Active under new name, [Dominus Virtutem])
LOCATION: Costa Rica

2013 - 2015, Eternal Covenant
2015 - present, Dominus Virtutem

Started as a solo project, under which two songs were recorded. The name was inspired by Hebrews 13:20. In mid-2015, Roberto offered to join as a vocalist, and they decided to make it into a full band. After only one rehearsal as a full band, it was discovered another band was already using the name "Eternal Covenant" so they changed it.

Roberto Salas - Vocals
Jose Daniel Meneses - Guttural Vocals, Flute
Josh "Byron" Pérez - All instruments/Vocals (early), Guitars/Drums (later)
Andres - Bass
Alvaro "Varo" Delgado - Drums



Two songs:
- Despertar
2:53, lyrics:
Todos queremos todo sin hacer nada a cambio
Pensamos que las cosas nos vienen por el caño
Desperamos que las cosas nos caigan del cielo
Y así seguimos durmiendo en este sueño eterno...

Ahora Padre en el cielo, sopla de Tu aliento
Porque ha llegado la hora de luchar!
Estamos hartos de ser vagos, nos vamos a esforzar
Las murallas están al frente, las vamos a derribar!

No más cobardía, ya no más dormir
Arrebatamos lo que está por venir
Como ejército que se prepara para destruir
Nos prepramos para vivir y combatir

Ahora Padre en el cielo, sopla de Tu aliento
Porque ha llegado la hora de luchar!
Estamos hartos de ser vagos, nos vamos a esforzar
Las murallas están al frente, las vamos a derribar!

Levántate tú que duermes, y te alumbrará Cristo
Con Su luz eterna, jamás serás vencido!

- Batalla vikinga
An instrumental track, and in fact, may have started off having the name "Instrmental". No other info currently known.

IncompletePage, UncertainInfo, NotOnMA
1) Did "Batalla vikinga" have the title "Instrumental" at some point? 2) Were either of these songs released? If so, where? 3) More info on the songs in general? 4) Did the band ever have a logo, or photos, anything like that?

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