BAND NAME: Cromleh
GENRE: Symphonic Unblack Metal
STATUS: Split-up
LOCATION: Romania (Galaţi, Iasi, and Cluj-Napoca)

Years active:
2002 - 2004 Sepulcral
2004 - 2007 Cromleh

Cristian Hainic - Vocals, Guitars
Andrei - Bass

Past members:
Isac Vlad - Guitars
Marian Sava - Bass
Elena Ursu - Bass
Georgiana Sava - Keyboards
Răzvan Popa - Drums
Radu "Pasăre" Matric - Drums



Denunțul trădării (demo)

2007, Independent, CD-R, slim jewel case
2009,, Digital, link expired

[Here] is a mention of the listing on

Note that, in the layout photos above, at least some copies have the "content advisory" warning in both Romanian and in English:
"Atenţie! Conţine cuvinte sau expresii verbale pe care unii le-ar putea considera ofensive."
"Caution! Public discretion is adviced due to potentially offensive utterance."

1) Calugăr auster 5:58
2) În coasa mea 3:43
3) Suflet de prunc 3:11
4) Oda soldatului muribund 2:56

Undark Compilation Album Volume 1 (January, 2009,
Format: Digital
link expired

11) Cromleh - track title unknown

These two songs are mentioned on Myspace. Apparently they played these songs live:
Si ingerii pot masacra (Angels Can Also Massacre)
A marsalui spre cer (Marching Towards the Sky)

The song "Prea luminatul" is also mentioned on unofficial pages, but I don't know if this is actually a Cromleh song or not.

IncompletePage, CouldUseBetterImages, UncertainInfo
1) Is "Prea luminatul" a Cromleh song? 2) I'm almost certain there used to be a better version of the cover art online, before Myspace started losing so many of their files. Does anyone still have it? 3) What song did this band contribute to the comp? 4) More info on "Si ingeri..." or "A marsalui..."? 5) Lyrics?

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