BAND NAME: Hungry Vultures
GENRE: Atmospheric Unblack Metal
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: Brazil (Lima Duarte, Minas Gerais)

I previously noted here that this project was formed in 2014. That was wrong, but I don't know what the correct year was. (Notice in the layout photos, recording started as far back as 2010.)

Lord of the Night (Dark Woods, etc) - All instruments, Vocals


^ Higher quality, lower res ................. ^ Higher res, lower quality

Hungry Vultures (album, 2014, Independent)
Format: CD-R

The image on the left is a small-res version on Extreme Records' old website. Presumably, these are the actual colors on the artwork. The image on the right is a higher-res version, but much lower quality.

 1) Valleys of Bones
4:59, lyrics:
Walk in the dark over bones
I crush them on my feet
And the stench of guts
Bone after bone. The valley of dry bones
A horrifying vision
And arise
Blood and flesh joins
Stand up
A mighty wind
But they have no spirit
The Lord of death and life have them on the field

2) Embrace of Shadows
4:49, lyrics:
Hungry eyes peering at me all day. I feel like I was the biggest target of all existence
The weak fall, but strong feel it and then get up
Walking and long about the black forest, soldiers on the ground like that
Notice of an unexpected destination. Hear a voice like thunder sound of many waters and many
I lead me down this path that comes right before me
The trail of light in the dark path

3) Eternal Lord
5:32, lyrics:
My eyes see, my heart burns
Looks that way on the darkness devours me
A cold night trying to swallow me
I see a boo that shines and attracts me
A voice in the silence
Desolation claws do not hold me anymore
I'm free
Into the eternal night I'm free
Now feel
I'm on His eternal dominion
Eternal Lord

4) Winds of Despair
7:18, lyrics:
Hear the winds blow
Tells me what direction they will
Dark dreams is near where I have to hold myself
In his hands or his triumphant hammer
Winds of despair takes account my mind
Cold night on a full moon look in the vastness of the horizon
As I walk this road and not this way
What will I do? Where are you? I beg... Find me in that darkness
Where my dreams of travelling to far away mountains dark on cold days

5) Sound in the Night Visions
4:49, instrumental

6) Screaming for Mercy
5:31, lyrics:

7) Forgiveness of Eternity
7:19, lyrics:
Lord, how many of my sin has upset you
The darkness that attracts me this everywhere, especially
When I am sinning
I beg boot these sins of my inner self
Oh Sir this light of eternity that makes a path in the sky. Do not let me lose it
Forgive me
I beg
I beg
Forgive me
Forgive me please
Help me
Help me Lord

The Vultures (album, 2023, label uncertain)
Format: CD-R

Released somewhere between 31 August and 27 November. I have no other info.

I'm also unsure if, like the 2014 album, this was released independently and distributed through Extreme Records, or if it was fully released by Extreme Records.

"Lançado recentemente, o novo petardo do climático e exordial Hungry Vultures se apresenta como uma boa opção para aqueles que esperam por algo denso, pesado, climático, atmosférico e ao mesmo tempo orgânico e primitivo. Sua vultuosidade é biologicamente inalterada e assim, The Vultures trás essas nuances além de uma progressão em relação ao trabalho anterior auto intitulado lançado em 2014."

1) Wherever the Corpse Is, There the Vultures Will Gather
2) Hungry Vultures
3) The Lost Forest Vultures
4) The Sad Rain in the Lonely Cemetery Vultures
5) Guide Your Hungry Vultures

IncompletePage, CouldUseBetterImages
1) When did the project start? 2) More specific release dates? 3) Missing track lengths, lyrics (etc) for the 2nd album.
1) Both logos. 2) Cover art for the debut. Can anyone provide a version that's high quality AND high res?

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