GENRE: Raw Unblack Metal
STATUS: Split-up
LOCATION: USA (Arcadia, California)

Formed in 2006.

From SoundClick:
"This is band is the sole creation of Methuselah who's only goal was to create the most awful annoying black metal possible or in other words res ipsa loquitor."

"This stuff really sucks. You have been warned."

Methuselah - All instruments, Vocals



Of Black Earth and Shadows (demo, 20 May, 2006, Res Ipsa Loquitor Music)
Format unknown

The release date is taken from Metal Archives. I can't find anything about a 20 May release date online.

No lyrics are given on SoundClick. However, there are notes written for each song.
Of Black Earth and Shadows: "Satan loses read the real book."

Purification by Fire: "It's nexus of Aske and the book of Revelation 3:14 - 18. You can't kill Christianity by burning dead churches."

Sacred Throne: "Every knee shall bow"

1) Of Black Earth and Shadows 3:43
2) Purification by Fire 2:32
3) Sacred Throne 3:58

Also released the following miscellaneous songs. All songs use the artwork above (a photo of "Calvary", a statue in Prague), and are listed as being released by "Res Ipsa Loquitor Music". Again, no actual lyrics are given, only short notes.

- Delirium Nocturnum
24 June, 2006
"Inspired by the fears that dwell in the night and the spirit of the light that chases them away"

- Screams of Eternal Torment
24 June, 2006
"The lake of fire"

- Lay Flame to Thy Defiled Temple
27 August, 2006
"Returning to one's own vomit."

IncompletePage, SimilarTo
1) A definite release date, and a format, for the "Of Black Earth" demo. 2) Actual lyrics for the songs.

Similar to: [SECULAR] Аццкая Сотона, Ostie, [CHRISTIAN] Calvarium, (add more later)

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