BAND NAME: Order of Splendour
GENRE: Symphonic/Atmospheric Unblack Metal
STATUS: Split-up
LOCATION: Bulgaria (Pleven)

Bulgarian Rock Archives says the band was active from 1998-1999, but I'm not 100% sure if that's accurate or not.

Last-known contact:
angelbeshev [AT] hotmail [DOT] com

Tosho - Vocals
Veronica - Vocals
Angel Beshev - Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Synthesizers

Unofficial links:


The Royal Seat (album)

1998, Dark Mist Productions, Cassette
2001, Rock Express Records, Cassette

On the Dark Mist version, tracks 1-6 are on Side A, and 7-11 are on Side B.

On the Rock Express version, tracks 1-5 are on Side A, and 6-11 are on Side B.
On this version, track 6, "Dread of Hell", has "(Intro)" written after it.

NOTE: On the Rock Express version, it says, "(C) 1999, Butchery Music (Bulgaria)"... Could this possibly mean there was a version in 1999 as well?

1) Prologue
2) False Tales of Northern Wind
3) The Cross
4) Malachi's Prophecy
5) The Man with White Horse
6) Dread of Hell
7) The Battle
8) Royal Priesthood
9) Megathron
10) The Book
11) The Royal Seat

IncompletePage, CouldUseBetterImages, SimilarTo
1) Track lengths and lyrics. 2) Was there a version in 1999 released on Butchery Music?
All of them.
Similar to: [SECULAR] Dunkelheit (Pol), Fangorn (Aut), Fiendish Nymph, My Infinite Kingdom, Noctiflorous Thorns, Nócturnal Aar / Nocturnal Aar, Nordwind, Tears of Ea, The 7th Gate, Thuban, Grok (CO/US), Funeral Chant, [CHRISTIAN] Animae Capronii, Alabanzas Tecorpusta, Phanerosis, Santuário / Santuario (Br), (add more later)

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