Thanks to Erling "Pilgrim" Jørgensen for helping with a bit of info here!!
^ Old photo ........................................... ^ New photo
BAND NAME: Antestor
GENRE: Doom/Death Metal (early), Unblack Metal (now)
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: Norway (Jessheim, Akershus)
Years active:
1989 - 1993 Crush Evil
1993 - 2007 Antestor
2010 - present Antestor
2010 - present Antestor
Ronny Hansen - Vocals
Lars Stokstad - Clean Vocals, Guitars (+Keyboards, early)
Erkebisp - Guitars
Robert Bordevik - Guitars (early), Backing Vocals, Guitars (mid), Bass, Lyrics (now)
Erik Normann Aanonsen - Bass
Jo Henning Børven - Drums
Lars Stokstad - Clean Vocals, Guitars (+Keyboards, early)
Erkebisp - Guitars
Robert Bordevik - Guitars (early), Backing Vocals, Guitars (mid), Bass, Lyrics (now)
Erik Normann Aanonsen - Bass
Jo Henning Børven - Drums
Past members:
Martyr - Vocals
Pilgrim - Guitars
Ole Børud - Guitars
Gard - Bass
Thor Georg Buer - Bass, Programming (early), Guitars (later)
Sygmoon - Keyboards
Nickolas Main Henriksen - Keyboards
Armoth - Drums
Apple Music
Myspace @
Unofficial links:
Brazilian fan website @ (LOTS of info here!)
Unblack Metal Wallpapers
Romerikes Vakreste (compilation, 1993, label unknown)
Format unknown
Metal Archives says, "local newspaper compilation CD of local bands"
[This site] says "tape compilation". That site is also where I got the track number.
6) Antestor - Jesus, Jesus, ver du hjå meg
Martyr - Vocals
Pilgrim - Guitars
Ole Børud - Guitars
Gard - Bass
Thor Georg Buer - Bass, Programming (early), Guitars (later)
Sygmoon - Keyboards
Nickolas Main Henriksen - Keyboards
Armoth - Drums
Apple Music
Myspace @
Unofficial links:
Brazilian fan website @ (LOTS of info here!)
Unblack Metal Wallpapers
Romerikes Vakreste (compilation, 1993, label unknown)
Format unknown
Metal Archives says, "local newspaper compilation CD of local bands"
[This site] says "tape compilation". That site is also where I got the track number.
6) Antestor - Jesus, Jesus, ver du hjå meg
Despair (demo)
August 1993, Strawberry Records, Cassette, limited 600 copies
1994, Strawberry Records, Cassette
Guest appearances:
Bjørn Leren - Guitars (lead, track 6)
1) Preludium
00:50, instrumental
2) Demonic Seduction
5:59, lyrics:
The rulers of the darkness of this world
Unmasked bringing their offers to man
A terrible reality is knocking on your door
Threatening to destroy your life forevermore
Personal freedom and independence
Fulfillment of desire, still needing more
Sinning without any feelings of guilt
Emptiness and exhausted soul
Without God there is no life
Man can not survive
Blinded by demonic seduction
Led into destruction
Free people with self-determination
Crimes, suicide and apprehension
Living is worthless, nothing to gain
Denying the truth the truth and satan's existence
3) Message from Hell
3:38, lyrics:
I got through to you
And destroyed you too
I made you all pay
Cause you did obey
You didn't stop me
I got your key
You cannot turn back
I got you on my track
I fooled you with a lie
And you did not deny
I fooled you with a lie
And you did not deny
I was fooling you
Cause you never knew
4) Lost Generation
2:30, lyrics:
We were born to get love from above
Selfish, greed and curiosity
Sin burned through our hearts
We lost it all
Cause it made us fall
Selfish endeavor fails in the end
The safety you had is gone
You are left to be alone
Blinded by fright,
Your eyes have lost sight
You do not know what you are doing
The evil that you have done
Have made you all become blind
Your dream is a lie,
You live just to die
Trust in the word of the mighty Lord
Real life is in God's hand
Is it so hard to believe
To Him we must come,
He'll give us wisdom
5) Human
4:59, lyrics:
Temptations fills my soul
And pain rises from inside
The devil works from within
Our sinful passions aroused by the law
I know that within
What's good is not at home
I try with all my strength
But still I'm condemned to fall
The law took my life away
The sin put me to death
The fainting human that I am
I cannot understand
I do not practice what I will
But I do what I hate
Who will rescue me
From this body doomed to death?
Thanks be to God through Jesus
No condemnation in the Lord
Thank You Jesus for saving me
6) Jesus, Jesus, ver du hjå meg
3:14, lyrics:
Jesus, Jesus, ver du hjå meg
Statt ved leiet gå'kje frå meg
No mi avferd stundar til
La'kje satan meg få gjera
Noko vondt, du meg må bera
Det er heim til deg eg vil
Jesus, gløym i nåde ordi
Som eg i mitt liv på jordi
Titt har tala deg imot
Gløym alt vondt eg gjorde, tenkte
Det som titt ditt hjarta krenkte
Læk mi sjuke hjarterot
Alt som vil mitt hjarta tyngja
Tak det bort, så eg kan syngja
Fri og frelst min siste song
Jesus, Jesus, gå'kje frå meg
Statt ved leiet, ver du hjå meg
No eg sovnar siste gong
Northern Lights - Norwegian Metal Compilation (1996, Rowe Productions)
Format: CD
7) Antestor - Mercy Lord
6:40, lyrics:
Be gracious to me o God
In Thy true love
In the fullness of Thy mercy
Blot out my misdeeds
Create in me a pure heart o God
Give me a new and steadfast spirit
Do not drive me from Thy presence
Or take Thy Holy Spirit from me
Against Thee I have sinned
And done what displeases Thee
Thou hast hidden the truth in darkness
Through this mystery Thou teach me
Create in me a pure heart o God
Give me a new and steadfast spirit
Do not drive me from Thy presence
Or take Thy Holy Spirit from me
8) Antestor - Thoughts
7:09, lyrics:
Living inside restless and wild
Using your mind just like you’re blind
Imagination hallucination
Distortion of the soul
Leaving you out cold
Nowhere to run there’s no more fun
See no solution to your confusion
Don’t stay too long
You’ll never know what’s wrong
Open up wide let God inside
9) Antestor - Inmost Fear
5:38, lyrics:
Never to feel nothing too real
The place of doom this empty room
Look inside the brain
The unconscious chain
All the time awaiting
Creatures my soul are taking
Who can break these chains
Only death remains
The inmost fear it’s all so near
The evil within stored by sin
The dark side forsaken
Ready to be awakened
In my darkest hour
I can feel the power
Running through my vein
Driving me insane
Where am I to go
Still inside my soul
Reaching out from within
Who can forgive my sin
If I could reach the door
All this pain no more
No more...
Kongsblood (demo)
Top, left:
1997, Independent, CD, limited 500 copies
Top, right:
20 April, 2018, Nordic Mission, CD
20 April, 2018, Nordic Mission, two 12'' vinyls, limited 500 copies (400 black, 100 clear)
UPCOMING, Nordic Mission, Cassette (pre-order)
See the "Return of the Black Death" album below for lyrics.
Vinyl 1, Side A
1) Vinterferden 1:21
2) A Sovereign Fortress 4:54
3) Svartedauens gjenkomst 4:42
Vinyl 1, Side B
4) Sorg 6:14
5) The Bridge of Death 5:31
Vinyl 2, Side A
6) Gamlelandet 6:14
7) Kilden - lik en endelös elv 6:23
8) Kongsblod 5:50
Vinyl 2, Side B
9) Battlefield 5:59
10) Ancient Prophecy 8:00
11) Ildnatten 2:05
Top, left:
1997, Independent, CD, limited 500 copies
Top, right:
20 April, 2018, Nordic Mission, CD
20 April, 2018, Nordic Mission, two 12'' vinyls, limited 500 copies (400 black, 100 clear)
UPCOMING, Nordic Mission, Cassette (pre-order)
See the "Return of the Black Death" album below for lyrics.
Vinyl 1, Side A
1) Vinterferden 1:21
2) A Sovereign Fortress 4:54
3) Svartedauens gjenkomst 4:42
Vinyl 1, Side B
4) Sorg 6:14
5) The Bridge of Death 5:31
Vinyl 2, Side A
6) Gamlelandet 6:14
7) Kilden - lik en endelös elv 6:23
8) Kongsblod 5:50
Vinyl 2, Side B
9) Battlefield 5:59
10) Ancient Prophecy 8:00
11) Ildnatten 2:05
The Return of the Black Death (album)
1998, Cacophonous Records, CD, promo (cardboard sleeve)
1998, Cacophonous Records, CD, jewel case
The Return of the Black Death (album)
1998, Cacophonous Records, CD, promo (cardboard sleeve)
1998, Cacophonous Records, CD, jewel case
1) Vinterferden
1:21, instrumental
2) A Sovereign Fortress
4:54, lyrics:
3) Svartedauens gjenkomst
4:42, lyrics:
Det tordner i norges land
Vinden herjer blant fjell og vann
Tettpakket med tunge skyer
Som ligger tett over norske byer
Svartedauen er på vei igjen
Smitter over på alle vordne menn
Fra vikingid til vår samfunnsstrid
En manndomskamp kjempes med flid
Gjør klar til kamp
Kjemp med svettedamp
Gud vil med deg stride
Nederlag vil du ei lide
Dypt inn i skogens skygge
Ligger mørkets menn så trygge
Men vikingmann har ingen frykt
En hellig mann har gitt ham lykt
Gjør klar til kamp
Kjemp med svettedamp
Gud vil med deg stride
Nederlag vil du ei lide
4) Sorg
6:14, lyrics:
Inn i sjelens dype mørke
Hvor livet svinner hen
Der tomhet har sitt rike
Og intet blir igjen
Hvordan skal jeg kunne leve
Min sjel så høyt forhatt
Sorg er hva jeg føler
Alt så ensomt og forlatt
Av hele min kropp jeg kjemper
Men ingen krefter har
Finnes det håp i mørket
Vise vei til det som var
Har sorgen vunnet sin seier
Hvor kan jeg finne håp
Lyset som glimtet i mørket
Var kun sorgens dåp
5) The Bridge of Death
5:31, lyrics:
Weakened by the things I've done
Blackened has my soul become
Satan says he'll set me free
But he's a loser just like me
The things I've done in my past
It haunts my soul and kills at last
My life is a path of pain
No light and laid in chains
My effort contains no meaning
The strength I had - now weakening
As time passes the soul is screaming
The wall of grief inside increasing
Father, I don't need these emotions
Why won't you just stop the pain
My heart has become hard as stone
I've brought upon myself a wall
Jesus you fought the battle for me
Help me to see that you sets me free
How can I manage to live
I don't receive as much as I give
The dark side of an emotional soul
Will not let this become his goal
A struggle against the evil within,
A fight which no man can ever win
Fooled by the lie, of changing my destiny
I fought the truth, never to rest in peace
Is there a way, how can I pay
Jesus you fought the battle for me
Help me to see that you set me free
6) Gamlelandet
6:14, lyrics:
Svake menn uten styrke
Lar seg derfor snarlig lure
Sluker alt som tilbys dem
Landet blir ei deres hjem
Faller for et fremmed folk
Som frister med dødens liv
De vet ikke hva de gjør
Og skaper ulykke bak hver en dør
Satans barn langveis fra
Kommer hit med falske håp
Fordømmelse over den norske mann
Fortærer det ganske land
La blikket ei fra veien vike
Norske menn i det sanne lys
La deg ei fra lyset lure
Da skal ingen kunne deg kue
Der Kristus får regjere
Vil folket stå med styrket sjel
Den mektigste trone står
Og Herren folkets hyllest får
7) Kilden - lik en endelös elv
6:23, lyrics:
Vi trenger ikke bruke krefter
For Herren har kraft nok lik tusen hester
Nå nærmer vi oss endetiden
Men kampen ble vunnet for lenge siden
Ingenting er vi i oss selv
Faderen er kilden lik en endeløs elv
Sammen vi står med kraft i Ånden
Herren gir oss det vi trenger i hånden
Hør du veike hjerte
Vend om og du blir sterk
Herren er større enn alle guder
Hans navn består til evig tid
Herren sørger for alle sine
Ingen skal mangle noe i strid
Ingen skal lenger behøve å lide
Kristus er han som vant oss I tide
Troen er sterk i Herren
Selv døden er en seier over verden
Det er ingen som kan oss stoppe
Når det er Herren som holder oss oppe
Han styrker oss i denne verden
Fra Ham strømmer kraften til hele ferden
Snart er ferden omme
For sent å vende om
8) Kongsblod
5:50, lyrics:
Guds ord fra vår munn, lysets barn, skal runge
De onde, mørkets barn, skal miste sin tunge
Helliget være de ydmykes skarpe sverd
Mørket fryktes ei når vi vandrer på vår vei
Far ydmykt frem lysets barn
Frykt herren, Han bringer oss hjem
Guds ord fra vår munn, lysets barn, skal runge
De onde, mørkets barn, skal miste sin tunge
Helliget være de ydmykes skarpe sverd
Mørket fryktes ei når vi vandrer på vår vei
Himmelen skaker, jorden skjelver
Dagen Hans vrede flammer opp
Helliget være de ydmykes skarpe sverd
Mørket fryktes ei når vi vandrer på vår vei
Guds mektige vesen, allhærs Gud
Legger jorden øde og rydder syndere ut
9) Battlefield
5:59, lyrics:
We are God’s servants
Armed for war
Our lives are sacrificed
To die for the Lord
Mountains are shaking
We’re marching ahead
God uses His servants
To help the mislead
Rejoice in the Lord
Through Him we’ll fight
We’ll get our reward
When the time is right
The Lord is our master
O Lord make us win
The Lord is our master
Our strength is from within
God’s word - our sword
The faith - our shield
In God’s people
Truth is revealed
Lift up His name
The battle has begun
Listen you mortal
Obey, no use to run
The Almighty is here
Calling your name
We are God’s servants
Armed for war
Our lives are sacrificed
To die for the Lord
Mountains are shaking
We’re marching ahead
God uses His servants
To help the mislead
Rejoice in the Lord
Through Him we’ll fight
We’ll get our reward
When the time is right
The Lord is our master
O Lord make us win
The Lord is our master
Our strength is from within
10) Ancient Prophecy
8:00, lyrics:
Too bad you won't live
But then again who does
Christ was dead but now He lives
And they who live, they are dead
It's not a good thing to live in fear
Someone is in fear of living
No one lives without fear
Wake up, it's time to die
Weak is the strong
Strong are they who weep
Sad is the truth
And laughs are for few
Not an easy thing
To meet your maker
Everyone will see Him face to face
No escape beyond His dominion
Plain and simple
Skinned to the core
11) Ildnatten
2:05, instrumental
7) Antestor - Spiritual Disease 6:42
1:21, instrumental
2) A Sovereign Fortress
4:54, lyrics:
In You, I have taken refuge
Never let me be put to shame
As You are righteous rescue me and save my life
Hear me and set me free
Be a rock of refuge for me,
Where I may ever find safety at Your call
For You are my towering crag and stronghold
O Lord , keep my life safe from the wicked
You are my hope, o Lord, my trust, o Lord, since boyhood
From birth I have leaned upon You
My protector since I left my mother's womb
Let all my traducers be shamed and dishonored
Let all who seek my hurt be covered with scorn
But I will wait in continual hope
I will praise you again and again
All day long Your righteousness, Your saving acts,
Shall be upon my lips
You shall ever be the theme of my praise
Your righteousness, Yours alone
You are my hope, o Lord, my trust, o Lord, since boyhood
From birth I have leaned upon You
My protector since I left my mother's womb
For You have done great things
Who is like You?
Never let me be put to shame
As You are righteous rescue me and save my life
Hear me and set me free
Be a rock of refuge for me,
Where I may ever find safety at Your call
For You are my towering crag and stronghold
O Lord , keep my life safe from the wicked
You are my hope, o Lord, my trust, o Lord, since boyhood
From birth I have leaned upon You
My protector since I left my mother's womb
Let all my traducers be shamed and dishonored
Let all who seek my hurt be covered with scorn
But I will wait in continual hope
I will praise you again and again
All day long Your righteousness, Your saving acts,
Shall be upon my lips
You shall ever be the theme of my praise
Your righteousness, Yours alone
You are my hope, o Lord, my trust, o Lord, since boyhood
From birth I have leaned upon You
My protector since I left my mother's womb
For You have done great things
Who is like You?
3) Svartedauens gjenkomst
4:42, lyrics:
Det tordner i norges land
Vinden herjer blant fjell og vann
Tettpakket med tunge skyer
Som ligger tett over norske byer
Svartedauen er på vei igjen
Smitter over på alle vordne menn
Fra vikingid til vår samfunnsstrid
En manndomskamp kjempes med flid
Gjør klar til kamp
Kjemp med svettedamp
Gud vil med deg stride
Nederlag vil du ei lide
Dypt inn i skogens skygge
Ligger mørkets menn så trygge
Men vikingmann har ingen frykt
En hellig mann har gitt ham lykt
Gjør klar til kamp
Kjemp med svettedamp
Gud vil med deg stride
Nederlag vil du ei lide
4) Sorg
6:14, lyrics:
Inn i sjelens dype mørke
Hvor livet svinner hen
Der tomhet har sitt rike
Og intet blir igjen
Hvordan skal jeg kunne leve
Min sjel så høyt forhatt
Sorg er hva jeg føler
Alt så ensomt og forlatt
Av hele min kropp jeg kjemper
Men ingen krefter har
Finnes det håp i mørket
Vise vei til det som var
Har sorgen vunnet sin seier
Hvor kan jeg finne håp
Lyset som glimtet i mørket
Var kun sorgens dåp
5) The Bridge of Death
5:31, lyrics:
Weakened by the things I've done
Blackened has my soul become
Satan says he'll set me free
But he's a loser just like me
The things I've done in my past
It haunts my soul and kills at last
My life is a path of pain
No light and laid in chains
My effort contains no meaning
The strength I had - now weakening
As time passes the soul is screaming
The wall of grief inside increasing
Father, I don't need these emotions
Why won't you just stop the pain
My heart has become hard as stone
I've brought upon myself a wall
Jesus you fought the battle for me
Help me to see that you sets me free
How can I manage to live
I don't receive as much as I give
The dark side of an emotional soul
Will not let this become his goal
A struggle against the evil within,
A fight which no man can ever win
Fooled by the lie, of changing my destiny
I fought the truth, never to rest in peace
Is there a way, how can I pay
Jesus you fought the battle for me
Help me to see that you set me free
6) Gamlelandet
6:14, lyrics:
Svake menn uten styrke
Lar seg derfor snarlig lure
Sluker alt som tilbys dem
Landet blir ei deres hjem
Faller for et fremmed folk
Som frister med dødens liv
De vet ikke hva de gjør
Og skaper ulykke bak hver en dør
Satans barn langveis fra
Kommer hit med falske håp
Fordømmelse over den norske mann
Fortærer det ganske land
La blikket ei fra veien vike
Norske menn i det sanne lys
La deg ei fra lyset lure
Da skal ingen kunne deg kue
Der Kristus får regjere
Vil folket stå med styrket sjel
Den mektigste trone står
Og Herren folkets hyllest får
7) Kilden - lik en endelös elv
6:23, lyrics:
Vi trenger ikke bruke krefter
For Herren har kraft nok lik tusen hester
Nå nærmer vi oss endetiden
Men kampen ble vunnet for lenge siden
Ingenting er vi i oss selv
Faderen er kilden lik en endeløs elv
Sammen vi står med kraft i Ånden
Herren gir oss det vi trenger i hånden
Hør du veike hjerte
Vend om og du blir sterk
Herren er større enn alle guder
Hans navn består til evig tid
Herren sørger for alle sine
Ingen skal mangle noe i strid
Ingen skal lenger behøve å lide
Kristus er han som vant oss I tide
Troen er sterk i Herren
Selv døden er en seier over verden
Det er ingen som kan oss stoppe
Når det er Herren som holder oss oppe
Han styrker oss i denne verden
Fra Ham strømmer kraften til hele ferden
Snart er ferden omme
For sent å vende om
8) Kongsblod
5:50, lyrics:
Guds ord fra vår munn, lysets barn, skal runge
De onde, mørkets barn, skal miste sin tunge
Helliget være de ydmykes skarpe sverd
Mørket fryktes ei når vi vandrer på vår vei
Far ydmykt frem lysets barn
Frykt herren, Han bringer oss hjem
Guds ord fra vår munn, lysets barn, skal runge
De onde, mørkets barn, skal miste sin tunge
Helliget være de ydmykes skarpe sverd
Mørket fryktes ei når vi vandrer på vår vei
Himmelen skaker, jorden skjelver
Dagen Hans vrede flammer opp
Helliget være de ydmykes skarpe sverd
Mørket fryktes ei når vi vandrer på vår vei
Guds mektige vesen, allhærs Gud
Legger jorden øde og rydder syndere ut
9) Battlefield
5:59, lyrics:
We are God’s servants
Armed for war
Our lives are sacrificed
To die for the Lord
Mountains are shaking
We’re marching ahead
God uses His servants
To help the mislead
Rejoice in the Lord
Through Him we’ll fight
We’ll get our reward
When the time is right
The Lord is our master
O Lord make us win
The Lord is our master
Our strength is from within
God’s word - our sword
The faith - our shield
In God’s people
Truth is revealed
Lift up His name
The battle has begun
Listen you mortal
Obey, no use to run
The Almighty is here
Calling your name
We are God’s servants
Armed for war
Our lives are sacrificed
To die for the Lord
Mountains are shaking
We’re marching ahead
God uses His servants
To help the mislead
Rejoice in the Lord
Through Him we’ll fight
We’ll get our reward
When the time is right
The Lord is our master
O Lord make us win
The Lord is our master
Our strength is from within
10) Ancient Prophecy
8:00, lyrics:
Too bad you won't live
But then again who does
Christ was dead but now He lives
And they who live, they are dead
It's not a good thing to live in fear
Someone is in fear of living
No one lives without fear
Wake up, it's time to die
Weak is the strong
Strong are they who weep
Sad is the truth
And laughs are for few
Not an easy thing
To meet your maker
Everyone will see Him face to face
No escape beyond His dominion
Plain and simple
Skinned to the core
11) Ildnatten
2:05, instrumental

In the Shadow of Death (compilation)
13 December, 2014, Endtime Productions, Bandcamp
7) Antestor - Spiritual Disease 6:42
Extreme Music Sampler Volume 4 (compilation, 2000, Cross Rhythms Music)
Format: CD
4) Antestor - Searching 3:01
Martyrium (demo, PRIVATE RELEASE, year/label unknown)
Formats: CD (CD-R possibly?) and Cassette
Recorded in December, 1994 [1] but I'm not sure if it was released the same year or not.
This is a pre-mastered version of Martyrium, meant only for the band members. According to Erling / Pilgrim, some copies may have been sent to record labels.
However: there are rumors about another demo version of Martyrium where you can hear the band members talking at various points throughout the recording. According to Erling, this is NOT that version. In fact, he has never heard about a version like that which, being a band member himself, makes me a bit suspicious that such a version was just a rumor, and was never actually recorded, but I'm not sure.
Tracklist unknown. I assume it's the same as on the album version, but I don't know yet.
To view the original 3000x3000 res, click [here].
Martyrium (album)
1997, Morphine Records, Cassette, limited 50 copies (UNOFFICIAL)
2000, Endtime Productions, CD, Digipak, limited 500 copies
2000, Endtime Productions, 12" Vinyl (33⅓ RPM), limited (???) copies
year unknown, Endtime Productions, CD, Jewel case
20 November, 2014, Endtime Productions, Bandcamp
Guest appearances:
Tora - Vocals (female)
For the Morphine Records tape version, tracks 1-5 are on Side A, tracks 6-9 are on Side B
For the Endtime vinyl version, tracks 1-4 are on Side A, tracks 5-9 are on Side B
Also, according to the person who added the jewel case version to Discogs, the coloring of the artwork is slightly different from other versions.
Originally I had a note based on [this site], that the digipak was limited to 600 copies. It seems this was a typo, as [this official source] says 500.
1) Spiritual Disease
6:42, lyrics:
Living just playing the game
Lust for power lies within
Killing is no longer a sin
Striving for a mental illness
And slowly leaving reality
Lost without control
Left within you soul
Subconsciousness no turning back
Absorbed by their own needs
They cannot see where it leads
Left in an inner world of fantasy
Ending their lives as a human wreck
Playing just losing the game
Destroyed themselves with hate
Their souls will not be saved
Endless pain tormented forever
God’s rage awaits for them to see
Lost without control
Left within you soul
2) Materalistic Lie
3:13, lyrics:
Satisfaction death reaction
Lifeless being life deceiving
Materialistic lie existing till you die
The world cannot give nor let you live
Lustful bodies skinned to the core
still crying out for so much more
Needing eyes filled with desire
made to be just another liar
Turn away it’s hell to pay
Not a very nice place to stay
When you die the needing eyes cry
there’s nothing left to consume
All that you’ve worked for falls through the dust
there’s only hell left to pay for your lust
Materialistic lie existing till you die
The world cannot give nor let you live
3) Depressed
6:43, lyrics:
Fighting seems so in vain
Weakened by my own brain
Mindless torture blackening my thoughts
I’m flying away to my deepest decay
I’m falling through the black hole
I’ve lost my tears now I’m cold
Deeper deeper deeper I’ll fall
I have no strength hear my call
My soul is screaming let me free
Take away this pain I see
Descending feelings where are you leading me
Desires of death rules in my darkness
In the shadows I’ll die all alone
Blinding sorrow there’s no tomorrow
There’s no place my soul can hide
Slain by the thoughts that lied
Fighting seems so in vain
Weakened by my own brain
See the reason to exist
Jesus help me trough this miss
4) Thoughts
7:09, lyrics:
Living inside restless and wild
Using your mind just like you’re blind
Imagination hallucination
Distortion of the soul
Leaving you out cold
Nowhere to run there’s no more fun
See no solution to your confusion
Don’t stay too long
You’ll never know what’s wrong
Open up wide let God inside
5) Under the Sun
5:00, lyrics:
I started to think of
what I’ve done with my hands
Worked hard and suffered for
nothing but emptiness
Want to cry to die
under the sun that’s why
Wisdom and foolishness
nothing but emptiness
Wisdom is better than folly
The wise have got eyes in their head
while fools walk about in the dark
But they meet the same destiny
Want to cry to die
Can you tell me why?
Then I said in my silent mind
I’ve the same fate as the fool
Want to cry to die
Can you tell me why?
Want to cry to die
Is it all a lie?
How can all my wisdom serve me?
The wise must die like a fool
All Man’s days full of pain
all he does brings him grief
No comfort just oppressed
nothing but emptiness
All his tears all his fears
under the sun it breeds
Hopelessness wickedness
nothing but emptiness
God has granted Man abundance
a gift of God power to enjoy
He won’t dwell upon the passing years
because God satisfies
6) Inmost Fear
5:38, lyrics:
Never to feel nothing too real
The place of doom this empty room
Look inside the brain
The unconscious chain
All the time awaiting
Creatures my soul are taking
Who can break these chains
Only death remains
The inmost fear it’s all so near
The evil within stored by sin
The dark side forsaken
Ready to be awakened
In my darkest hour
I can feel the power
Running through my vein
Driving me insane
Where am I to go
Still inside my soul
Reaching out from within
Who can forgive my sin
If I could reach the door
All this pain no more
No more...
7) Searching
3:00, lyrics:
I’m searching for you I’m searching for me
For some answers to see
For something to come for something to go
That’s all I want to know
God creates God destroys
Jesus dies so you could live
Drink the blood of Christ
The Son of Man was sacrificed
I’m searching for good I’m searching for bad
Where is the faith I had
For someone to listen for someone to care
I don’t want to be a mayor
I’m searching for love I’m searching for hate
Can it be too late?
For something true for something false
There’s someone who calls
God creates God destroys
Jesus dies so you could live
Drink the blood of Christ
The Son of Man was sacrificed
8) Martyrium
2:59, instrumental
9) Mercy Lord
6:40, lyrics:
Be gracious to me o God
In Thy true love
In the fullness of Thy mercy
Blot out my misdeeds
Create in me a pure heart o God
Give me a new and steadfast spirit
Do not drive me from Thy presence
Or take Thy Holy Spirit from me
Against Thee I have sinned
And done what displeases Thee
Thou hast hidden the truth in darkness
Through this mystery Thou teach me
Create in me a pure heart o God
Give me a new and steadfast spirit
Do not drive me from Thy presence
Or take Thy Holy Spirit from me
1997, Morphine Records, Cassette, limited 50 copies (UNOFFICIAL)
2000, Endtime Productions, CD, Digipak, limited 500 copies
2000, Endtime Productions, 12" Vinyl (33⅓ RPM), limited (???) copies
year unknown, Endtime Productions, CD, Jewel case
20 November, 2014, Endtime Productions, Bandcamp
Guest appearances:
Tora - Vocals (female)
For the Morphine Records tape version, tracks 1-5 are on Side A, tracks 6-9 are on Side B
For the Endtime vinyl version, tracks 1-4 are on Side A, tracks 5-9 are on Side B
Also, according to the person who added the jewel case version to Discogs, the coloring of the artwork is slightly different from other versions.
Originally I had a note based on [this site], that the digipak was limited to 600 copies. It seems this was a typo, as [this official source] says 500.
1) Spiritual Disease
6:42, lyrics:
Living just playing the game
Lust for power lies within
Killing is no longer a sin
Striving for a mental illness
And slowly leaving reality
Lost without control
Left within you soul
Subconsciousness no turning back
Absorbed by their own needs
They cannot see where it leads
Left in an inner world of fantasy
Ending their lives as a human wreck
Playing just losing the game
Destroyed themselves with hate
Their souls will not be saved
Endless pain tormented forever
God’s rage awaits for them to see
Lost without control
Left within you soul
2) Materalistic Lie
3:13, lyrics:
Satisfaction death reaction
Lifeless being life deceiving
Materialistic lie existing till you die
The world cannot give nor let you live
Lustful bodies skinned to the core
still crying out for so much more
Needing eyes filled with desire
made to be just another liar
Turn away it’s hell to pay
Not a very nice place to stay
When you die the needing eyes cry
there’s nothing left to consume
All that you’ve worked for falls through the dust
there’s only hell left to pay for your lust
Materialistic lie existing till you die
The world cannot give nor let you live
3) Depressed
6:43, lyrics:
Fighting seems so in vain
Weakened by my own brain
Mindless torture blackening my thoughts
I’m flying away to my deepest decay
I’m falling through the black hole
I’ve lost my tears now I’m cold
Deeper deeper deeper I’ll fall
I have no strength hear my call
My soul is screaming let me free
Take away this pain I see
Descending feelings where are you leading me
Desires of death rules in my darkness
In the shadows I’ll die all alone
Blinding sorrow there’s no tomorrow
There’s no place my soul can hide
Slain by the thoughts that lied
Fighting seems so in vain
Weakened by my own brain
See the reason to exist
Jesus help me trough this miss
4) Thoughts
7:09, lyrics:
Living inside restless and wild
Using your mind just like you’re blind
Imagination hallucination
Distortion of the soul
Leaving you out cold
Nowhere to run there’s no more fun
See no solution to your confusion
Don’t stay too long
You’ll never know what’s wrong
Open up wide let God inside
5) Under the Sun
5:00, lyrics:
I started to think of
what I’ve done with my hands
Worked hard and suffered for
nothing but emptiness
Want to cry to die
under the sun that’s why
Wisdom and foolishness
nothing but emptiness
Wisdom is better than folly
The wise have got eyes in their head
while fools walk about in the dark
But they meet the same destiny
Want to cry to die
Can you tell me why?
Then I said in my silent mind
I’ve the same fate as the fool
Want to cry to die
Can you tell me why?
Want to cry to die
Is it all a lie?
How can all my wisdom serve me?
The wise must die like a fool
All Man’s days full of pain
all he does brings him grief
No comfort just oppressed
nothing but emptiness
All his tears all his fears
under the sun it breeds
Hopelessness wickedness
nothing but emptiness
God has granted Man abundance
a gift of God power to enjoy
He won’t dwell upon the passing years
because God satisfies
6) Inmost Fear
5:38, lyrics:
Never to feel nothing too real
The place of doom this empty room
Look inside the brain
The unconscious chain
All the time awaiting
Creatures my soul are taking
Who can break these chains
Only death remains
The inmost fear it’s all so near
The evil within stored by sin
The dark side forsaken
Ready to be awakened
In my darkest hour
I can feel the power
Running through my vein
Driving me insane
Where am I to go
Still inside my soul
Reaching out from within
Who can forgive my sin
If I could reach the door
All this pain no more
No more...
7) Searching
3:00, lyrics:
I’m searching for you I’m searching for me
For some answers to see
For something to come for something to go
That’s all I want to know
God creates God destroys
Jesus dies so you could live
Drink the blood of Christ
The Son of Man was sacrificed
I’m searching for good I’m searching for bad
Where is the faith I had
For someone to listen for someone to care
I don’t want to be a mayor
I’m searching for love I’m searching for hate
Can it be too late?
For something true for something false
There’s someone who calls
God creates God destroys
Jesus dies so you could live
Drink the blood of Christ
The Son of Man was sacrificed
8) Martyrium
2:59, instrumental
9) Mercy Lord
6:40, lyrics:
Be gracious to me o God
In Thy true love
In the fullness of Thy mercy
Blot out my misdeeds
Create in me a pure heart o God
Give me a new and steadfast spirit
Do not drive me from Thy presence
Or take Thy Holy Spirit from me
Against Thee I have sinned
And done what displeases Thee
Thou hast hidden the truth in darkness
Through this mystery Thou teach me
Create in me a pure heart o God
Give me a new and steadfast spirit
Do not drive me from Thy presence
Or take Thy Holy Spirit from me
USA LIVE 2000 (UNOFFICIAL, year unknown, label unknown)
Format: Digital / Mediafire
all links have expired
Format: Digital / Mediafire
The DVD artwork is definitely fake. It's the exact same image as the above photograph of "The Forsaken" (same dust particles and everything), just with the text removed. This is definitely just a digital release. It was released as a four-part download on Mediafire, but none of the links work anymore. I see no reason why Antestor would release live footage on Mediafire, so I think it's safe to say this is a bootleg.
Update April 2023:
I found some info [here] - Video resolution was 480x360, and the total video length was 31:59.
(Tracklist still unknown.)
Released sometime in the 2000s.
17) Antestor - Rites of Death 4:15, see below for lyrics
Update April 2023:
I found some info [here] - Video resolution was 480x360, and the total video length was 31:59.
(Tracklist still unknown.)
CMF Collection Volume 1 (compilation, year unknown, CMF Records)
Format: CD
Written on the cover art:
"Christian Metal Force Salvador
CMF Collection
volume 1"
Format: CD
Written on the cover art:
"Christian Metal Force Salvador
CMF Collection
volume 1"
Released sometime in the 2000s.
listed on some sites as "Underground Bahia". It's actually a from an
underground ministry called Christian Metal Force, which is based in the region of Bahia.
Come Armageddon (compilation, 2003, Endtime Productions)
Formats: CD and Vinyl
This one is going to be a mess to explain.
LEFT: normal CD version, Digipak, ENDCD10
There's also a vinyl version with an identical tracklist, but I don't have pictures of that one. ENDLP10
4) Antestor - Mercy Lord 6:39
1) Antestor - Old Times Cruelty 3:58
The Defeat of Satan (compilation, 18 April, 2003, Momentum Scandinavia)
Format: CD, limited 999 copies
A rerelease / compilation of their first two demos.
Tracks 1-5 are from "Despair" by Antestor (1993).
Tracks 6-9 are from "The Defeat of Satan" by Crush Evil (1991).
Guest appearances:
Bjørn Leren - Guitars (lead, track 6)
1) Preludium
00:54, instrumental
2) Demonic Seduction
6:09, lyrics:
The rulers of the darkness of this world
Unmasked bringing their offers to man
A terrible reality is knocking on your door
Threatening to destroy your life forevermore
Personal freedom and independence
Fulfillment of desire, still needing more
Sinning without any feelings of guilt
Emptiness and exhausted soul
Without God there is no life
Man can not survive
Blinded by demonic seduction
Led into destruction
Free people with self-determination
Crimes, suicide and apprehension
Living is worthless, nothing to gain
Denying the truth the truth and satan's existence
3) Message from Hell
3:45, lyrics:
I got through to you
And destroyed you too
I made you all pay
Cause you did obey
You didn't stop me
I got your key
You cannot turn back
I got you on my track
I fooled you with a lie
And you did not deny
I fooled you with a lie
And you did not deny
I was fooling you
Cause you never knew
4) Lost Generation
3:24, lyrics:
We were born to get love from above
Selfish, greed and curiosity
Sin burned through our hearts
We lost it all
Cause it made us fall
Selfish endeavor fails in the end
The safety you had is gone
You are left to be alone
Blinded by fright,
Your eyes have lost sight
You do not know what you are doing
The evil that you have done
Have made you all become blind
Your dream is a lie,
You live just to die
Trust in the word of the mighty Lord
Real life is in God's hand
Is it so hard to believe
To Him we must come,
He'll give us wisdom
5) Human
5:03, lyrics:
Temptations fills my soul
And pain rises from inside
The devil works from within
Our sinful passions aroused by the law
I know that within
What's good is not at home
I try with all my strength
But still I'm condemned to fall
The law took my life away
The sin put me to death
The fainting human that I am
I cannot understand
I do not practice what I will
But I do what I hate
Who will rescue me
From this body doomed to death?
Thanks be to God through Jesus
No condemnation in the Lord
Thank You Jesus for saving me
6) Jesus, Jesus ver du hjå meg
3:16, lyrics:
Jesus, Jesus, ver du hjå meg
Statt ved leiet gå'kje frå meg
No mi avferd stundar til
La'kje satan meg få gjera
Noko vondt, du meg må bera
Det er heim til deg eg vil
Jesus, gløym i nåde ordi
Som eg i mitt liv på jordi
Titt har tala deg imot
Gløym alt vondt eg gjorde, tenkte
Det som titt ditt hjarta krenkte
Læk mi sjuke hjarterot
Alt som vil mitt hjarta tyngja
Tak det bort, så eg kan syngja
Fri og frelst min siste song
Jesus, Jesus, gå'kje frå meg
Statt ved leiet, ver du hjå meg
No eg sovnar siste gong
7) The Defeat of Satan
9:04, lyrics:
An angel descending from heaven
holding the key to the abyss
he seized the serpent of old
who is the devil and Satan
Into the abyss sealed
bound for a thousand years
After that he must be / released for a little while
Out to lead astray the nations
to muster them for battle
up over the breadth of the earth
surrounded the camp of the saints
ready to fight the beloved city
In the end, they will be / Forever in, the lake of fire
Fire came down from heaven
the devil who deceived them
flung into the lake of fire
to the beast and the false prophet
tortured day and night forever
8) New Life
7:37, lyrics:
Insanity; look for yourself, Satan rules this world
destruction - he is the source, he is after your soul
To save us from the hellish pain, God sent Jesus Christ
Crucified for all our sins, He felt the horror and pain
New life He rose again / New life He came to give
New life to a world of hate / New life you came to receive
New life He sets sinners free / New life He is for us
New life can be born today / New life for you
Condemned, burned in holy flames
God you can stand his presence
The law you cannot be saved
Man sin is in your way / Love the holy and pure
Done what man couldn't do
blood cover your sins / Jesus offered his life
9) Jesus Saves
8:26, lyrics:
A beast rose from the sea
It started to blaspheme
You watch out, Satan might get you
He will never let you go
Jesus can help, He has won
He is the Messiah
In Him you must believe
Don't let Satan treat you as a friend
Satan comes to collect his souls
Jesus saves you if you want to
It's up to you to make the choice
Give your life to Jesus Christ
You watch out, Satan might get you
He will never let you go
Jesus can help, He has won
He is the Messiah
In Him you must believe
Jesus is the one and only
He was crucified for your life
You got to have faith in the Lord
He'll save you from eternal death
Give your life to Jesus Christ
You've got a choice, that you must make
It's up to you, to live or die
10) Knus ondskapen
1:03, instrumental
TBA (promo, 2004, Endtime Productions)
Format: CD-R
Simply called "TBA" (To Be Announced). Features the complete "The Forsaken" album, and the "Det tapte liv" EP on one disc. According to a person who received a copy of this promo, the label owner confirmed this was the first promotional material sent out for "The Forsaken".
The release has no cover art or on-disc artwork -- only back and side artwork.
Tracks 1-10 are from "ALBUM" (The Forsaken).
Tracks 11-15 are from "EP" (Det tapte liv).
See below for lyrics!
1) Rites of Death 4:15
2) Old Times Cruelty 3:57
3) Via Dolorosa 5:09
4) Raade 3:28
5) The Crown I Carry 4:53
6) Betrayed 4:22
7) Vale of Tears 5:53
8) The Return 4:48
9) As I Die 4:52
10) Mitt hjerte 3:22
11) Rites of Death 3:46
12) Grief 3:32
13) Last Season 3:46
14) Med hevede sverd 4:51
15) Det tapte liv 2:46
Det tapte liv (EP)
2004, Endtime Productions, CD, black cardboard box, limited 1000 copies
22 October, 2004, Endtime Productions, CD, jewel case
13 December, 2014, Endtime Productions, Bandcamp
Guest appearances:
Bjørn Leren - Guitars
Hellhammer - Drums
1) Rites of Death
3:46, lyrics:
Rites of death
Rites of undeath
We're falling
We're falling down
I told you we're into deep
Transfer life into what's dead
The act of humans playing God
Redoing the acts of medieval
Witchcraft and the worship of dead
We're falling, we're falling down
From our throne, so supposedly high
When we confront the power great
The might of our own creator
Transfer life into what's dead
The act of human playing God
Redoing the acts of medieval
Witchcraft and the worship of dead
The rites of undeath
Is the testament of our own death
2) Grief
3:32, lyrics:
Sometimes I cry in grief
Not for the dead that once surrounded me
Or for the sadness that comes to me
When I am lonely
But I cry
For those who have chosen a life without Christ
There are twelve months
Three hundred and sixty-five days a year
But it takes just one second to answer Him
And receive eternal peace
3) Last Season
3:45, instrumental
4) Med hevede sverd
4:50, lyrics:
Vi kommer tilbake på hvite hester,
med sverdene hevet klare til kamp !
Vi strider med Kristus mot hedningefolket,
som slo seg på brystet og sa:
"Gud han er død", de ville ei knele,
de ville ei døpes i natt skal de dø !
Hver eneste en de ender med sine, i helvædes rige,
menn uten mot mål og mening.
Gud, kan ei blø
I natt skal du dø
Sverdene i våre hender
Frir deg ut fra jordiske bånd
Vi tar våre hester sammen med Kristus
Oppad vi farer mot himmelens hall
Der skal vi i sammen med Herren regjere
Hans styrke består til evige tider
Med frihet og glede i lyset fra tronen
Vår trette sjel vil der finne hvile
Men utenfor skjærer de tenner og gråter
Vær du ei en dåre når du tar ditt valg
Nå ser vi i et speil som i en gåte
Men da skal vi se utilslørt
Himmelen åpenbart!
5) Det tapte liv
2:46, lyrics:
Vemod over det tapte liv
Et liv som aldri ble levd
Jeg vet lite av glede
Men mye av vrede
Vik fra meg
Format: CD, limited 999 copies
A rerelease / compilation of their first two demos.
Tracks 1-5 are from "Despair" by Antestor (1993).
Tracks 6-9 are from "The Defeat of Satan" by Crush Evil (1991).
Guest appearances:
Bjørn Leren - Guitars (lead, track 6)
1) Preludium
00:54, instrumental
2) Demonic Seduction
6:09, lyrics:
The rulers of the darkness of this world
Unmasked bringing their offers to man
A terrible reality is knocking on your door
Threatening to destroy your life forevermore
Personal freedom and independence
Fulfillment of desire, still needing more
Sinning without any feelings of guilt
Emptiness and exhausted soul
Without God there is no life
Man can not survive
Blinded by demonic seduction
Led into destruction
Free people with self-determination
Crimes, suicide and apprehension
Living is worthless, nothing to gain
Denying the truth the truth and satan's existence
3) Message from Hell
3:45, lyrics:
I got through to you
And destroyed you too
I made you all pay
Cause you did obey
You didn't stop me
I got your key
You cannot turn back
I got you on my track
I fooled you with a lie
And you did not deny
I fooled you with a lie
And you did not deny
I was fooling you
Cause you never knew
4) Lost Generation
3:24, lyrics:
We were born to get love from above
Selfish, greed and curiosity
Sin burned through our hearts
We lost it all
Cause it made us fall
Selfish endeavor fails in the end
The safety you had is gone
You are left to be alone
Blinded by fright,
Your eyes have lost sight
You do not know what you are doing
The evil that you have done
Have made you all become blind
Your dream is a lie,
You live just to die
Trust in the word of the mighty Lord
Real life is in God's hand
Is it so hard to believe
To Him we must come,
He'll give us wisdom
5) Human
5:03, lyrics:
Temptations fills my soul
And pain rises from inside
The devil works from within
Our sinful passions aroused by the law
I know that within
What's good is not at home
I try with all my strength
But still I'm condemned to fall
The law took my life away
The sin put me to death
The fainting human that I am
I cannot understand
I do not practice what I will
But I do what I hate
Who will rescue me
From this body doomed to death?
Thanks be to God through Jesus
No condemnation in the Lord
Thank You Jesus for saving me
6) Jesus, Jesus ver du hjå meg
3:16, lyrics:
Jesus, Jesus, ver du hjå meg
Statt ved leiet gå'kje frå meg
No mi avferd stundar til
La'kje satan meg få gjera
Noko vondt, du meg må bera
Det er heim til deg eg vil
Jesus, gløym i nåde ordi
Som eg i mitt liv på jordi
Titt har tala deg imot
Gløym alt vondt eg gjorde, tenkte
Det som titt ditt hjarta krenkte
Læk mi sjuke hjarterot
Alt som vil mitt hjarta tyngja
Tak det bort, så eg kan syngja
Fri og frelst min siste song
Jesus, Jesus, gå'kje frå meg
Statt ved leiet, ver du hjå meg
No eg sovnar siste gong
7) The Defeat of Satan
9:04, lyrics:
An angel descending from heaven
holding the key to the abyss
he seized the serpent of old
who is the devil and Satan
Into the abyss sealed
bound for a thousand years
After that he must be / released for a little while
Out to lead astray the nations
to muster them for battle
up over the breadth of the earth
surrounded the camp of the saints
ready to fight the beloved city
In the end, they will be / Forever in, the lake of fire
Fire came down from heaven
the devil who deceived them
flung into the lake of fire
to the beast and the false prophet
tortured day and night forever
8) New Life
7:37, lyrics:
Insanity; look for yourself, Satan rules this world
destruction - he is the source, he is after your soul
To save us from the hellish pain, God sent Jesus Christ
Crucified for all our sins, He felt the horror and pain
New life He rose again / New life He came to give
New life to a world of hate / New life you came to receive
New life He sets sinners free / New life He is for us
New life can be born today / New life for you
Condemned, burned in holy flames
God you can stand his presence
The law you cannot be saved
Man sin is in your way / Love the holy and pure
Done what man couldn't do
blood cover your sins / Jesus offered his life
9) Jesus Saves
8:26, lyrics:
A beast rose from the sea
It started to blaspheme
You watch out, Satan might get you
He will never let you go
Jesus can help, He has won
He is the Messiah
In Him you must believe
Don't let Satan treat you as a friend
Satan comes to collect his souls
Jesus saves you if you want to
It's up to you to make the choice
Give your life to Jesus Christ
You watch out, Satan might get you
He will never let you go
Jesus can help, He has won
He is the Messiah
In Him you must believe
Jesus is the one and only
He was crucified for your life
You got to have faith in the Lord
He'll save you from eternal death
Give your life to Jesus Christ
You've got a choice, that you must make
It's up to you, to live or die
10) Knus ondskapen
1:03, instrumental
TBA (promo, 2004, Endtime Productions)
Format: CD-R
Simply called "TBA" (To Be Announced). Features the complete "The Forsaken" album, and the "Det tapte liv" EP on one disc. According to a person who received a copy of this promo, the label owner confirmed this was the first promotional material sent out for "The Forsaken".
The release has no cover art or on-disc artwork -- only back and side artwork.
Tracks 1-10 are from "ALBUM" (The Forsaken).
Tracks 11-15 are from "EP" (Det tapte liv).
See below for lyrics!
1) Rites of Death 4:15
2) Old Times Cruelty 3:57
3) Via Dolorosa 5:09
4) Raade 3:28
5) The Crown I Carry 4:53
6) Betrayed 4:22
7) Vale of Tears 5:53
8) The Return 4:48
9) As I Die 4:52
10) Mitt hjerte 3:22
11) Rites of Death 3:46
12) Grief 3:32
13) Last Season 3:46
14) Med hevede sverd 4:51
15) Det tapte liv 2:46
Det tapte liv (EP)
2004, Endtime Productions, CD, black cardboard box, limited 1000 copies
22 October, 2004, Endtime Productions, CD, jewel case
13 December, 2014, Endtime Productions, Bandcamp
Guest appearances:
Bjørn Leren - Guitars
Hellhammer - Drums
1) Rites of Death
3:46, lyrics:
Rites of death
Rites of undeath
We're falling
We're falling down
I told you we're into deep
Transfer life into what's dead
The act of humans playing God
Redoing the acts of medieval
Witchcraft and the worship of dead
We're falling, we're falling down
From our throne, so supposedly high
When we confront the power great
The might of our own creator
Transfer life into what's dead
The act of human playing God
Redoing the acts of medieval
Witchcraft and the worship of dead
The rites of undeath
Is the testament of our own death
2) Grief
3:32, lyrics:
Sometimes I cry in grief
Not for the dead that once surrounded me
Or for the sadness that comes to me
When I am lonely
But I cry
For those who have chosen a life without Christ
There are twelve months
Three hundred and sixty-five days a year
But it takes just one second to answer Him
And receive eternal peace
3) Last Season
3:45, instrumental
4) Med hevede sverd
4:50, lyrics:
Vi kommer tilbake på hvite hester,
med sverdene hevet klare til kamp !
Vi strider med Kristus mot hedningefolket,
som slo seg på brystet og sa:
"Gud han er død", de ville ei knele,
de ville ei døpes i natt skal de dø !
Hver eneste en de ender med sine, i helvædes rige,
menn uten mot mål og mening.
Gud, kan ei blø
I natt skal du dø
Sverdene i våre hender
Frir deg ut fra jordiske bånd
Vi tar våre hester sammen med Kristus
Oppad vi farer mot himmelens hall
Der skal vi i sammen med Herren regjere
Hans styrke består til evige tider
Med frihet og glede i lyset fra tronen
Vår trette sjel vil der finne hvile
Men utenfor skjærer de tenner og gråter
Vær du ei en dåre når du tar ditt valg
Nå ser vi i et speil som i en gåte
Men da skal vi se utilslørt
Himmelen åpenbart!
5) Det tapte liv
2:46, lyrics:
Vemod over det tapte liv
Et liv som aldri ble levd
Jeg vet lite av glede
Men mye av vrede
Vik fra meg
The Forsaken (album)
10 December, 2006, Silent Music, CD, 500 copies
Bottom, left:
22 October, 2004, Endtime Productions, CD, promo (NordicFest)
Bottom, right:
5 January, 2005, Endtime Productions, CD, Digipak, limited 1000 copies
5 January, 2005, Endtime Productions, CD, Slipcase
5 January, 2005, Fear Dark Records, CD
2005, Silent Music Records, CD
2011, Endtime Productions, 12'' Vinyl, limited 500 copies
20 November, 2014, Endtime Productions, Bandcamp
Guest appearances:
Ann-Mari Edvardsen - Vocals (female)
Bjørn Leren - Guitars
Hellhammer - Drums
Note: For the vinyl version, tracks 1-5 are on Side A, tracks 6-10 are on Side B.
Note about the Silent Music verison: There are 500 total, but only 40 of them included the slipcase shown above.
1) Rites of Death
4:14, lyrics:
Rites of death
Rites of undeath
We're falling
We're falling down
I told you we're into deep
Transfer life into what's dead
The act of humans playing God
Redoing the acts of medieval
Witchcraft and the worship of dead
We're falling, we're falling down
From our throne, so supposedly high
When we confront the power great
The might of our own creator
Transfer life into what's dead
The act of human playing God
Redoing the acts of medieval
Witchcraft and the worship of dead
The rites of undeath
Is the testament of our own death
2) Old Times Cruelty
3:56, lyrics:
Enter the halls of distant memory
Feel your previous actions once again
Your lies and deceit
Your hate and long lost love
Walk through the hallway of your past
Sense evil, like a whip from beyond
The doors keep on forever
Possibility is endless
Wander through one of the bronze-covered doors
And feel the weaves of old times cruelty
Run from the darkness, the endless void
And get yourself cornered by the demons of fear
Running and screaming though these ancient halls
The presence of something unseen carries on
Of old times cruelty
The past haunts you
Of old time cruelty
...Save Me...
The regrets of all actions that you've done before
Has now turned it's way back to you
The demons from the past
Haunts your soul
Walk though the hallway of your past
Sense the evil, like a whip from beyond
The doors keep on forever
Possibility is endless
3) Via Dolorosa
5:09, lyrics:
Your ideals are wicked and deceiving
How can you find peace
You seek the righteous, but find the void
Die by the sword or live by the book
Glimpse your death within the scythe
Seek the righteous, find the truth
The book of eternal youth
Of generations
Cold as stone, you wander still
Awaiting your inevitable death
Your quest has ended where it began
But is there really a life for me
Is there a place to Dwell
Pleasures of the flesh
Via Dolorosa
Of fear and despair, you've wandered
Of hatred and grief, you've slaughtered
I've seen you in your darkest hour
I know you as myself
But is there really a life for me...
Via dolorosa, Memento Mori!
In you I've found my nothing
In you I can't hide my pain
In you my love has gone
In you I've kept my cold
Captor of sin, you've stolen my past
Via Dolorosa
I've wasted my life for you
My hate you create
My blood is water
My life means nothing
My warmth has vanished
4) Raade
3:28, instrumental
5) The Crown I Carry
4:52, lyrics:
The grip no longer holds
When passion abandons
The bonds no longer clutch
And the rope screams your name
A path of daggers
But where to step
A hallway of illusions
Of what was
Duty heavy as a mountain
The battle draws near
Your shoulders carry many
Still death seems remarkably void
You wonder fate in lack of faith
What you consider luck, may be Gods will
A wanderer of the light will never die
Before God give his approval
A path of daggers...
The crown I carry as an aura above me
Is the proof of who my saviour truly is
My mute cries overheard
My blindness is seen
My tears washed away
My feebleness became my strength
Duty heavy as a mountain
The battle draws near
Your shoulders carry many
Still death seems remarkably void
You wonder fate in lack of faith
What you consider luck, may be Gods will
A wanderer of the light will never die
Before God give his approval
A path of daggers...
When love is lost, only hate will remain
6) Betrayed
4:21, lyrics:
I am in pain
I am the cursed one
Life isn't what it was meant to be
What I didn't ask for has now turned my way
Somewhere in a garden it all turned wrong
Things I once believed in have now turned evil
Yet I pray, 'deliver me from evil'
But another spell pulled me away
Will suicide break the ring of curse
Or is there just another hell waiting out there?
Will suicide break the ring of curse
Tomorrow I'll be gone, so don't look for me
I am lying on my death-bed, with chaos in my mind
My life took more than it gave
Betrayed and deceived, I will now pass away
And with the gun in my hand, my questions
Are soon to be answered
Will suicide break the ring of curse
Or is there just another hell waiting out there?
Will suicide break the ring of curse
Tomorrow I'll be gone, so don't look for me
Satan and God, the thought passes my mind
Heaven and Hell, it's not up to me
But if the Christians that I've seen
Represent the true God of Heaven
Then it's not a place that I want to be
But if I'm blinded, please open my eyes
And help me now...
Will suicide break the ring of curse
Tomorrow I'll be gone, then you'll be all alone
7) Vale of Tears
5:52, lyrics:
The assembler of souls absorbs all within his reach
His seemingly perpetual glance of doom
would even make the smallest of serenities breach
As he rides the wind being the ghost of doom
Running darkness all around
A knife in her hand
Falling, rising, screaming the name of her beloved
So weak, and so weary
Something blackening her thoughts
A cloud, a force, a weight
Finding her true love lying in red
Is this reality or just a vision in her head
To be the knife as well as the wound
Is all that concerns her
Overwhelmed by a burden, like hordes of fear
The obscurity of the vale of tears
Grasping for safety, which lies all so near
Incresent malice of the vale of tears
Wandering oblivious in the foggy twilight
Shades of an obelisk shines so bright
Incredulous thoughts, bewildering her mind
Is there really a god to find
Halting through the darkest of forests
The obese and extraneous at her tail
This haunting, lingering to the extreme
She is about to quail
Then a formless mass of black, went skyward
Stars began to fade behind a veil of dark blue velvet
She stopped, she listened, nothing
Silence, an eternity passed
The silhouettes of something unseen, a presence
8) The Return
4:47, lyrics:
The art of the Y
Is the excellence of X
Corroding is for autumn
Renewing is for spring
The art of the Y
Is the excellence of X
Corroding is for autumn
Renewing is for spring
Recovering of the dead
Impossible for the living
The making of a copy
Is destruction of mankind
The earth is in its autumn
The leaves have hit the ground
Corroding this earth is dying
Not knowing, you'll face the end
The coming of Christ
Is the return of X
The art of the Y
Is in the new spring
9) As I Die
4:51, lyrics:
My hand in the open wound
The knife clutches near
The blood of my veins spread out
My flesh becomes soiled
This desperate act of loss
The pain of knowing why
My mind slips into a blur
Upcoming questions...As I die
Forever in search of the truth
I find myself puzzled
Don't you feel the urge
The passionate flow
The endless collision
Of purity and evil
Since we're of the flesh
We are to realize
That mankind must end
If purity will prevail
Forever in search of the truth
I find myself puzzled
...As I die
Don't you feel the urge
The passionate flow
The endless collision
Of purity and evil
Since we're of the flesh
We are to realize
That mankind must end
If purity will prevail
Death is my goal/Death, set me free
In my living hell I can no longer be
Please bring me back home
Where I can be free
10) Mitt hjerte
3:18, instrumental
Omen (album)
December, 2012, Endtime Productions, CD
30 November, 2019, Bombworks Records, Vinyl, brown/purple swirl, 100 copies
Guest appearances:
Morten Sigmund Magerøy - Vocals (clean)
Jo Einar Sterten Jansen - Hardanger fiddle
Please note that, for the vinyl version, the tracks "The Kindling" and "Tilflukt" are absent.
Also, the vinyl version misspells their name as "AntestRor", lol.
1) Treacherous Domain
5:32, lyrics:
As I whisper gently into sleeping ears
strange images appear and fills the horizon
focus seems to be drawn away from me
whilst colours fade, time ceases to exist
Dreaming, doors opening
waking, can this be real
wake up
To see what I have foreseen
To be what I have become
a treacherous domain
Sing with me this last song
as I lay myself to rest
unfulfilled promises of change
this is the end
sing for me this swan-song
everlasting hope disappearing
Built upon lies upon promises of gold
makes this deceit tenfold
I have caressed this lie
forsaken I will die
Sing with me this last song
before I lay myself to rest
all I've ever been will be gone
sing for me this manifest
2) Unchained
3:57, lyrics:
I was an easy prey for you
better believe that those
days are over now
Naivety of the past so sick
of being abused
Forgiving is not forgetting
My revenge boils inside
though I try to oppress it but
I cannot deny my newborn
Forgiving is not forgetting
A broken heart mended no
more crying in vain regrets
suffer ignorance all feelings
are dead
Some wounds heal with time
I welcome this new reality
and call it my own
Rage, because of you hate,
because of you fallen,
because of you reborn,
because of you
Forgiven and forgotten
3) In Solitude
4:34, lyrics:
Frantic I scream in agony of not being
able to reach my goals wars inside
my head
I do my best, I give my all still I'm so far
away trying to keep my hope I stumble
and I fall
As I lay here, waiting for you beside me,
to keep me calm
My head held high, my outside unscathed
no one to ask, no one to help I'm left
here all alone
Battle rages all day long bitterness
seldom comes alone fury becoming my
strength and seems to be the only way
to survive
All pain that I've ever known I reap only
what my past has sown no secrets
are kept from you as you witness my
attempts to ignore
Frantic I scream in agony of not being
able to reach my goals wars inside
my head
I do my best, I give my all still I'm so far
away trying to keep my hope I stumble
and I fall
I ask for forgiveness but my screams
are unheard my claims misunderstood
ignorance has won
As I lay here, waiting for You beside
me, to keep me calm I feel your spirit
comforting me and within me,
I'm saved through grace
4) The Kindling
5:25, lyrics:
No chains needed to keep me still
strangulation does not keep me from screaming
no poison can deny the truth
purification has replaced my anger
Outcast, freak
titles made by those who fear the unknown
infectious, leper lack of wisdom overpowers
Leper in disguise
Injustice has been served for several years
a life ignored by most
never again will I keep to myself
my actions speak louder than words
Outcast, freak
titles made by those who fear the unknown
infectious, leper
lack of wisdom overpowers humanity
No chains needed to keep me still
strangulation does not keep me from screaming
no poison can deny the truth
purification has replaced my anger
My silence has broken
5) Remnants
6:01, lyrics:
Stabbed in the back by the most trusted individual leaves
mental scars that time will not heal I will never forget, and
I cannot possibly forgive locked away in the back of my
mind forever it is like a hibernating cancer
Abandoning my name
fleeing from an invisible force
many years have passed
still the daggers are caressing my skin
Breathe, feel, deny, search, find, receive
Animal behavior, these darwinistic thoughts certifies my
human nature forgiving and forgetting can only be done
through divine intervention
Abandoning my name
fleeing from an invisible force
many years have passed
still the daggers are caressing my skin
Breathe, feel, deny, search, find, receive
Doors are closed, I hold the key will they stay like this
for eternity searching for what I don't want to find a
hibernating cancer hibernating cancer
But I don't want to forget and therefore
I cannot ever forgive
Gazing at the mirror trying to find small remnants of my
soul which have been left behind during childhood
the memories and the shame.
All that's left is revenge all that's real is revenge
Breathe, feel, search, find, receive
Doors open by the touch of my hand hibernating cancer
Euphoria, redemption
Stabbed in the back by the most trusted individual it
leaves mental scars that only God can heal I will never
forget, and I cannot possibly forgive locked away in the
back of my mind forever it is like a hibernating cancer
6) All Towers Must Fall
6:48, lyrics:
Trust not the kings of this world
trust not the snakes by the crowns on their heads
The scorching of septic flesh, the riddance of the yoke
they have lured upon us, scorching into our flesh
the melting of golden crown into ploughshares
Be not like the princes
rip not your heart of flesh out in search of a golden one
glory of this world is but vapour
All towers will tear and fall to the ground
Trust not the kings of this world
for ever to their shackles they us bind
look for not to their sliver for hope, that blinding glimmer
darkness building, destructing
Let not our thoughts be bent to the ways of their greed
for ever like a rabid mongrel
greed bite the hands that feeds it
Let justice be wreaked on the wolves of their thrones
Let us be rid of this curse
let us be different, let us inverse
The riches of this world are but vapour,
towers ready to fall
In the valley of death we are all beggars
Their castles will crumble, and the waves run them over
and grind them to sand
All towers must fall, throne rooms and gilded halls
facing the flood of an unending tide
All tyrants will crawl, like the snakes they were
stealing, making idols for their own destruction
false flames in the hearts of man
All flesh will rot, all hearts will stop
We will look for embers of humanity in the ashes
of the empires brought to justice
7) Torn Apart
4:19, lyrics:
Self-inflicted mental scars
protected by memories old
Seeing something from a different view
it could not help less
Broken and beaten I face another day
unleashed into this cold world
Mistrust and decay
I couldn't care less
Continuing this seemingly hopeless journey
scars from the past push aside the pain
alive but not living
the life of the undead
Still you remain and maintain your powers
trying my best to neglect your ways
Victory seems so far gone
death just a razors edge away
Mistrust and decay
I couldn't care less
My life is not worth living
how can I stand this pain
there is no reason to exist
I wasn't asked to join this sick game
Self-inflicted mental scars
protected by memories old
seeing something from a different view
it could not help
Praying for no more than hope
is the only light in this darkness
torn apart as I may be
Ready to be rebuilt
8) Tilflukt
3:42, instrumental
9) Benighted
4:52, lyrics:
Her kisses were like being embraced by life itself
dressed in a funeral gown she was more
beautiful than I ever could remember
The true source overwhelms me
embraced by this entity
the fullness of her beauty
lacks the imperfection of humanity
Like an angel she came
but like a demon she flew away
joy turned to sadness
hope turned to hate
Fooled yet again by the lies of mankind
fooled yet again by the lies
Like an angel she came
but like a demon she flew away
joy turned to sadness
hope turned to hate
All alone I wander in the darkness
lost and dazed I cease to exist
visions of old comes to mind
I've been through this before
Joy turned to sadness
hope turned to hate
Will I ever dare to feel again
or is this my everlasting bitter end
10) Mørkets grøde
6:00, lyrics:
Smerte, min kjærkomne venn
du svikter ei når alt annet er ikledd bedrag
Lyset, så ukjent og fjernt
minner om en gammel kjenning
som nå fordømmer hvert steg
og hver tanke jeg tenker
Her er alt jeg eier
min sorg, min angst, mitt dødsønske
så ikke kom her og redd meg
jeg vil heller drepes enn å glemme den sorg jeg har
Jeg forakter alt som glimer av håp
og mine øyne har lukket seg for godt
nå ser jeg døden sende roser med mitt navn
det varmer godt i en utgrått sjel, det fyller opp mitt savn
Se minnene brenner
se ordene svir
se blemmene skapt av svikende frender
se mitt bryst revet opp av kjærlighetens løgn
Her er alt jeg eier
min sorg, min angst, mitt dødsønske
så ikke kom her og redd meg
jeg vil heller drepes enn å glemme den sorg jeg har
Smerte, min kjærkomne venn
du sviktet ei, du har fulgt meg til veis ende
Ser du lyset min gamle kjenning?
det er tid for å ta farvel
men vi sees nok atter igjen
Side A
1) Treacherous Domain 5:33
2) Unchained 3:56
3) In Solitude 4:34
4) Remnants 6:01
Side B
5) All Towers Must Fall 6:48
6) Torn Apart 4:19
7) Benighted 4:52
8) Mørkets grøde 6:00
^ Back of the DVD .................................. ^ The poster that's on the back.
... in Brazil (UNOFFICIAL, 2013, Extreme Records)
Format: DVD, limited 20 copies
Features Antestor's performance in Hangar 110, São Paulo, São Paulo, 11 January, 2013. Although technically an "unofficial" release, the label didn't profit from this release, giving it away free of charge, and adding several notices on the packaging that others are forbidden from selling the DVD for profit.
O autor deste video permite cópias em baixa ou alta escala desde que não seja para comercialização.
("The author of this video permits copies in low or high scale as long as it's not for commercialization")
Also written on the artwork:
Equipamento: Sony de 16.1 mega pixels
Cartão de Memória 8 Gb e Hc 720 pixels
Português: Este produto não pode ser vendido. Distribução gratuita.
English: This product can not be sold. Free distribution.
Specific tracklist unknown.
Live in Oslo 2004 (live album, UNOFFICIAL, year unknown, Heavy Records)
Format: Pro CD-R
The person who sold this on eBay (who was honest, and pointed out it was a bootleg) says, "This live recording has been buried under the nordic snow for over a decade". If this is true, it would have been released between 2014 and 2018.
Also my friend, who originally pointed out this listing, made the observation, "Says it was at Bobfest, but Bobfest 2004 was in Linkoping." Very strange stuff all around!
Written on the packaging:
"WARNING: All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws. Profile Administrators"
1) Intro 00:12
2) Vinterferden 1:32
3) Svartedaudens-Glemkonst 4:24
4) Rites of Death 3:45
5) Old Times Cruelty 4:40
6) Via Dolorosa 5:40
7) The Crown I Carry 5:27
8) Vale of Tears 5:56
9) As-I-Die 4:53
10) Sorg 6:23
Helveteshästen (split/comp, 20 April, 2020, Skogen Art Productions, UNOFFICIAL)
Format: Cassette
Bootleg split with Vaakevandring (Christian) and Feikn (secular).
"Split compilation limited to 10 hand-numbered copies on recycled tapes.
Packaged in a jute bag with cardboard insert."
Packaged in a jute bag with cardboard insert."
See above for lyrics!
A5) Antestor - Vinterferden 1:21
A6) Antestor - A Sovereign Fortress 4:54
A7) Antestor - Sorg 6:14
B3) Antestor - Svartedauens gjenkomst 4:42
B4) Antestor - Gamlelandet 6:14
B5) Antestor - Kongsblod 5:50
A6) Antestor - A Sovereign Fortress 4:54
A7) Antestor - Sorg 6:14
B3) Antestor - Svartedauens gjenkomst 4:42
B4) Antestor - Gamlelandet 6:14
B5) Antestor - Kongsblod 5:50
IncompletePage, CouldUseBetterImages, UncertainInfo, SimilarTo
1) Metal Archives says that "Despair" repeats on both sides of the cassette, but Discogs says the cassette is single-sided. Can anyone clarify this? 2) How many copies was the vinyl version of "Martyrium" limited to? 3) Can anyone clear up the two different versions of "Det tapte liv"? Were both actually released on 22 October or not? Were both only distributed at NordicFest? Are both "limited" editions? 4) What does the promo version of "The Forsaken" say on the cover art? I think it says "NORDICFEST EDITION 04X22"? 5) More info on the 1993 compilation? 6) There are a few releases that were released in the same year, but I don't know the order they were released in. Can anyone help with that? 7) More info on the pre-mastered version of Martyrium? 8) Tracklist for "USA LIVE 2000". 9) Which songs are on which side of the Kongsblod cassette?
Every cover image here (except for "Det tapte liv" and "The Forsaken") could use a higher-res, or higher-quality version. It's bizarre, given how well-known Antestor are, but I'm just having a tough time finding high-res, high-quality artwork for them.
Personal notes:
Add more layout photos.
Miscellaneous stuff:
Left: Original "Return of the Black Death" artwork, by Joe Petagno:
Right: Higher res, but lower quality, version of their old logo:
"Det tapte liv" and "The Forsaken" next to each other (2557x1280)Similar to: [SECULAR] Dimmu Borgir, Uada, Keep of Kalessin, Netherbird, Dissection, Covenant (Nor), ... Of Celestial, Crown of Fallen Heroes, Devil May Care (Rus), Primitive Winds, [CHRISTIAN] Crimson Moonlight, Divine Symphony, Elgibbor, Vardøger / Vardoger, Admonish, Skald in Veum, Quest for Serenity, Vials of Wrath, Sanctifica, Dödsmarsch / Dodsmarsch, Opus Irae / Opus Iræ,
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