"Blacklist" / "Black List"

This is a list of bands / projects that don't fit here, but people may be confused about. Being on this list DOESN'T mean we have "problems" or "beef" with the artists listed here -- just, their music doesn't fit the site's purposes for various reasons. This post is updated from time to time.
Names are listed in alphabetical order.

Update 2024: Restored the pages for Goatscorge and What Brings Ruin, with the caveat that some content was censored. Done with permission from the artist. I hope to get both pages back up-to-date in time.

- Absum (Italy)
The first album was said to be "Christian". However, the artist was a Jehovah's Witness and not a true Christian, and I refuse to host JW cult ideology on this site. If you don't know anything about JW theology, here are just a couple reasons to reject it: 1) They claim that Christ is the same person as Michael, the archangel. The Bible is clear that these are separate people. Not only this, but Michael was created by God, while Christ was not created; He is part of the Holy Trinity, which is God. 2) They claim that only 144,000 people can be saved. This is based on a perversion of [this passage]. Revelation is clear that anyone who perverts its words is not saved. The reality is that [more people will be saved, than a person is able to count]. 3) They try to change the Bible to fit their beliefs. Anything that contradicts JW theology is edited by their committees, and then added to their own "New World Translation". This isn't actually a translation, but the equivalent of writing graffiti over a sign, and claiming that your words are "written on the sign". Technically yes, but only because you vandalized it. There are many, many, many more reasons.

- Ad Christi Gloriam (Canada)
Not Christian, see this statement by one of the band members

- Aegnogeth (USA)
Parody project. I know the artist and they are Christian, but the project was always just fun/goofy.

- Alt Rite / Altrite (USA)
So-called "Christian NSBM". Christians cannot be nazis. The teachings of the two are wholly incompatible with each other. Either you side with Christ who was born in Israel to a Jewish family and will welcome people of all races into Heaven; you side with the clearly non-Christian man Adolf Hitler who worked with Pagans to lead Germany away from Christianity through their racially-charged propaganda; or neither. Never both.

- Anorexia Nervosa (France)
Sometimes mistaken for converted Christians, based on their 2004 album "Redemption Process". However, as confirmed in an interview with Hreidmarr (which I can't find right now...), this IS NOT a Christian album, nor is it meant to be. They reference Christian theology in their lyrics, but this is just symbolism and metaphors. They remain a secular band.

- Baggerfall (Netherlands)
The members were Christians, but the project was not. Heidendoder comments about it, "Just joke noise, hitting your instrument as hard and wild like you could. To call it christian it would be an insult."

- Batushka / Батюшка (POLAND)
They try to be ambiguous, but various things (such as this inverted schema symbol showing "death" over the cross) make their stance clear. NOTE: Not to be confused with this band with a very similar name!

Parody project, not actually Christian. NOTE: Not to be confused with this band with a very similar name!

- Beeroth (Mexico)
See "Hortor" for an explanation.

- Beheaded Satan (Mexico)
Planned to do black metal at one point, but apparently never did. By the time they got around to writing music they had switched to death metal.

- Blacksoul Seraphim (USA)
Not Christian, confirmed by Rick Lowell. They talk about Biblical subjects, but aren't Christians.

- Black Landscapes (Israel)
Jewish, not Christian.

- Black like Crost / Black like Crust (Romania)

- Calvaria (USA)
"Calvaria exhumes the bones of a Gnosticized Catechism to wage war against Archonic forces of control and subjugation."

- Carolus Reformatus ("USA")
This artist has various secret projects under various pseudonyms. Some of them have Christian lyrical themes, but some are very odd. For example, one discusses astrology which obviously contradicts Christianity. In addition, the artist lies a lot, like creating fake engagement on their posts using sockpuppet accounts, and repeatedly changing their stance on money-related issues. I truly hope this person, who seems very confused, repents, but until that time, I'm not comfortable at all having them on this website. Important note, this artist has at least 3 pages that remain on Unblack Archives. This is because the projects are from many years ago, when their faith was more sound, and before all this strange activity began. I'm not going to disclose which bands they are.

- Cebo))) (USA)
Not sure if this project is Christian. It doesn't appear to be? Either way, this band plays sludge, not black.

- Compatriot (USA)
So-called "Christian NSBM".

- Cromleh (ex-"Sepulcral") (Romania)
Antisemitic lyrics.

- DarmKHaTaR (Netherlands)
Halfvergaan (RIP) was a Christian, but the project was not.

- Death Colony (USA)
Initially blacklisted because the amount of violence/hostility in the lyrics just made me uncomfortable. However since then, it's come out that there were racist undertones to these lyrics that I had initially missed. Skeptics need to understand: this is yet another fulfillment of God's teachings. Although a few others and I didn't understand why at the time, God still gave all of us the discernment to recognize that His voice was not present in these recordings; it was the "voice of a stranger". Read [this] for context.

- Death Kristjan (Russia)
(Misspelled one or two places as "Death Kristian".) They parody black metal stereotypes, but aren't "unblack metal" / "Christian black metal"

- Départe (Australia)
The vocalist is a Christian, but it's not a "Christian band".

- Der Tapeman (Germany)
Despite having a song called "Unblack Noise", it's [not actually] a Christian project.

- Desolate Tomb (ex-"Horcrvx") (USA)
Purports to be Christian (or Messianic Jewish, I forget which), but his actions show him to be otherwise. I followed Biblical instruction on this matter.[1]

- Deuteronomy (Greece)
"We stand against all Abrahamic religions."[1] The band's premise basically relies on the assumption that Christians only read the "comfortable" parts of the Bible and don't read the harsher sections. (Which is utterly false.) They then take these "harsher" sections out of context in an attempt to say, "Look what a terrible thing God did that one time!!" without considering the reasoning etc behind it.

- Devotee (Canada)
". . . Left-Handed Islamic ideation, gnostic glorifying of the Demiurge [. . .] and Pre-Islamic Paganism."

- Disastrous Age (Indonesia)
Death metal, not black metal. (Referenced [here])

- Drømmer / Drommer (USA)
Never Christian, confirmed by Wavy Svendersuhn. Not to be confused with [this Dutch band] with a similar name, which is Christian.

- Dusk (Italy)
Jehovah's Witness theology. See "Absum" (one of his side projects) at the top of this page for an explanation. Note: Not to be confused with [this band] which to my knowledge, doesn't talk about religion, and thus has no affiliation with JW.

- "Eliud" / "Folkened" / "Satireal" / etc (Colombia)
All run by the same guy. Plagiarist. Steals folk rock/metal songs from other people, adds vocals over them, and passes them off as his own. In nearly all of his YouTube videos, you can see the copyright notices with the names of the original songs. By the way, fun fact about Satireal: It has demos dated to 1998 and 2002, but this is impossible because the font used in its logo (XXII Ultimate Black Metal) wasn't made until 2007. NOTE: "His" death metal project called "Nahum" should not be confused with black metal band "Nahum" from the USA.

- Endelmoor (Chile)
Plagiarists. The first demo may have been original, but their later music was stolen wholesale from folk albums.

- Eradication (Poland)
The artist is Christian, the project is not.

- Exorcista (Brazil)
Death/thrash metal, not black metal.

- Far Beyond (Germany)
No Christian music has ever been released under this name, confirmed by Eugen.

- Fever (USA)
Nazis who got called out by somebody for being Nazis, and it affected their ability to get signed to normal labels, so now they're pretending to be Christians to try to whitewash their past. You can see this for yourself in the Metal Archives [report history] where updates are made at the request of a certain Nazi label, and then [the band themselves] lie and claim they "have nothing to do with" that same label. And it's not that they used to be Nazis but then changed beliefs; they have never changed beliefs, they're lying. You can see one of their current members used to be in an NS band [here], and you can see them lying and saying they were never Nazis [here]. (Full disclosure: I cannot verify the note on that member's artist page about a "black stepmom"; it appears to have been added by a troll.)

- Fjellelv (USA)
Never Christian. The artist behind it, Killian Thorn, was previously associated with the unblack scene for awhile with different projects, but later left. No Christian music was ever released under this name.

- Fog Deity (Mexico)
There was a brief misunderstanding where Fog Deity's guitarist, Azmaveth, was thought to be the same person as Azmaveth from Hortor. However they're actually two different people with the same name. Fog Deity are a secular band and have no connection at all to unblack metal.

- Fordømt Knust (Mexico)
See "Hortor" for an explanation.

- Gehängter Jude (Russia)
Labeled "unblack" on last.fm for some reason, but clearly not Christian.

- Gelassenheit (USA)
Political / secular project that uses religious symbolism. "This project is [...] about using Christianity as a tool for advocacy and unique aesthetic cultivation."[1] "I am not a christian but I find a lot of joy in what I think it stands for."[2]

- Givre (Canada)
Talk about religious topics but aren't Christian.

- Godsaved (Ukraine)
Parody project, not actually Christian.

- GraveSideService (USA)
Originally added here based on 2/4 members. One of those "Christian" members [blatantly made up rumors about me], and has new-age views I'm uncomfortable with anyway. That leaves 1 remaining Christian member. So then, this becomes more of a "Départe" or a "Panegyrist" kind of situation - it's a Christian in a band, not a Christian band.

- Grim Christmas (USA)
As the name implies, does covers of Christmas songs, but the artist isn't Christian.

- Hallowed Butchery of the Son (USA)
"I believed in a divine being, but I had a Universalist viewpoint, believing that all Gods led to the same heaven."[1]

- Heksennacht (Netherlands)
A parody project from some of the guys at SneeuwStorm Produkties. The idea was to mock secular black metal ideologies, but it wasn't actually "Christian".

- Herpaseptic Youth Pastor (USA)
Parody project, not actually Christian.

- His Name Alone / Hiis Name Alone (USA)
Let me be clear, my problem is NOT that this band uses AI. I am not some ignorant fearmonger. My problem is this: The programmer takes credit for work he did not do, while Christ expects honesty from us. He claims to have written and recorded all the music himself, when it's been 100% proven that the music is AI. It is not a Christian principle to let someone/something else do all of your work for you, take credit for it, and then actively deceive your audience into paying you real-world money for "hard work" you didn't do. However, let me also be clear: Even if he made it free to download, that wouldn't solve the problem. It is still deceptive. Asking $13-$17 USD for work he didn't do makes it worse though, no doubt.

- Horeb (Canada)
The album is based on Michael's studies of Judaism and mysticism, despite someone on Metal Archives mistakenly tagging it "Christianity". Michael had planned to release Christian music with this project, but so far, it hasn't happened.

- Himelvaruwe (Netherlands)
Going by the artist's other projects - not Christian. (I know the artist wants to stay anonymous so I won't comment further on this.)

- Horrific Majesty (USA)
Never Christian, admitted by the artist. Secular labels apparently weren't interested in the project, so he pretended to be a Christian to get an unblack label to release his music instead.

- Hortor (Mexico)
Rip-off / scam artists. For over a decade, they've been using their independent label "ExhortMetal Distributions" / "EM Label & Distro" to get money from customers, and then not send the items. A more detailed explanation, including proof of further scams, can be found [HERE]. (Please note that the only people proven guilty in all this are Varme, Azmaveth, and Adunamy. Past members of Hortor are very likely not involved with any of this.)

- Illyria (Australia)
The project seems to be Christian, until you realize he [has a whole side project] dedicated to how much he hates prostitutes and wants to torture and kill them. If you believe that a Christian can write the lyric, "Redemption begins with the slaughter of whores", then you take your case before God. As for me, this is some of the stupidest blathering I've ever read and I'm not going to entertain this on this website.

- Imperium Domini (Brazil)
The members are Christian, but the band is not. See [this interview]. (Archive.org link, just in case)

- Jesu Domine (Poland)
Parody project, not actually Christian.

- Katolikus (Hungary)
Parody project, not actually Christian.

- Legionnaire (USA)
So-called "Christian NSBM".

- Liturgy (USA)
Not Christian. More inspired by nihilism. I think just about everybody knows this already, but I have actually seen a few people mislabel them as such.

- Lo-Ruhamah (USA/Estonia)
They can't decide if they're Christian or not. Band members give contradictory statements. We were supposed to talk about it back in 2021, but never did. Honestly, I just don't care anymore.

- Luteøks / Luteoks (Norway)
The members are Christians, but the band itself is just for fun / parody and has no particular "message".

- Macabre Enslaver (Italy)
Used religious symbolism and themes, but wasn't actually "Christian". I can't currently find the source where I found this, but it was confirmed by the artist somewhere... I want to say, on an old Italian forum?

- Morgarten (Switzerland)
[Matthew 10:33], [band report]

- Mourn in Silence (Italy)
Often mistaken for a Christian band based on the occasional religious themes and symbolism in their lyrics. However, these are just story elements and symbols. The band aren't Christians. The band does not "support any form of religion".

- Μπατουσκα / Mpatouska (Unknown/Greece?)
1) Parody project. They claim to be serious but I mean, lol, monks preparing for armed combat in the mountains of Mount Athos?? 2) The project is centered around politics, not Christianity: "their one and only path is that of constant rebellion"[1]

- Møl (Denmark)
Mistakenly labeled as Christian, but never were, confirmed by the band.

- Nachmanides (USA)
Side project of Gelassenheit.

- Nattesverd (Norway)
Parody project. One by a funny dude on YouTube, but still not Christian.

- Njiqahdda (USA)
Never Christian, confirmed by / aka Wavy Svendersuhn. (I suspect part of the confusion comes from them appearing alongside Christian bands on some of their record label's samplers / compilations. Those compilations had no ideological bent; they were just compilations of various bands on the label at those times.)

- Nocturnal Woods (Canada)
The artist is a Christian, but the project is not.

- Norz Feuer (France)
Mistakenly labeled as Christian, but never were, confirmed by the band.

- Oaks of Bethel (USA)
Never Christian, confirmed by Wavy Svendersuhn

- Obliteration (Indonesia)
The band that some members of Kekal used to be in. While they were all Christian people at the time, they've mentioned that Obliteration was just "for fun", it didn't have a particular message to it.

- Ofanim (Mexico)
Death metal, not black metal.

- Opiatdöd (Sweden)
The project talks about religious/spiritual topics, but is not "Christian". Confirmed by Sainmaa.

- Ovis Adorator ("USA")
Scroll up to "Carolus Reformatus" for an explanation.

- Paganhate (Netherlands)
A parody project from a couple of the guys at SneeuwStorm Produkties. The idea was to mock secular black metal ideologies, but it wasn't actually "Christian".

- Paleas Comburet Igni Inextinguibili (Netherlands)
Hoax by the label owner.

- Panegyrist (USA)
 Has a few Christian members but as the band say themselves, it's not a "Christian band", per se.

- Paradox (UK)
Predominantly doom/death, almost no black metal influence.

- Patriarkh / Патриарх (Ukraine)
Not Christian, just agree with certain Christian philosophies, and this was misunderstood by a few people. Confirmed by a band member.

- Pergamon (Norway)
Death metal, not black metal. See this interview.

- Perdurance (USA)
AI-generated music. Requiring money without disclosing to the audience that it's AI. (Again, to be clear, AI music is absolutely welcome here, but it must be used in good faith, not used as a scam to get money from listeners.)

- Pripyat Survivor (Romania)
Part of Legiunea Orbitala, a Nazist black metal circle. Has lyrics mentioning Christianity, but other lyrics include murdering Jews and Communists. Funny, isn't "thou shalt not murder" one of the ten commandments? The rest of the people in this circle have clear anti-Christian beliefs. If I had to take a guess, this person is probably not a Christian at all and is pretending in order to propagandize his NS views to Christian audiences.

- Rayskaya Bozhen'ka / Райскайа Боженька (Ukraine)
Parody project just made to troll the metal scene, not actually Christian.

- Reptilian Alien Coffin (USA)
Scam artist. Promises to send things and never does.

- Sabeel (USA)
In theory, it's 100% fine to be anti-zionist. After all, "anti-zionist" and "anti-semite" are two extremely different things. Israel, just like all other countries, consists of imperfect and sinful people. The problem is the execution. God gives us guidelines on how to issue criticism toward other people. "You will die"; "I will destroy your descendants"; and "You lying sack of shit" aren't the way.

- Sacramento (Brazil)
Gothic metal, not black metal. [Myspace] [YouTube sample].

- Sacred Emperor (Mexico)
See "Hortor" for an explanation. NOTE: Not to be confused with this band from a different country!

- Satan Is Retard (Sweden)
Joke band, not actually Christian. (A report on Metal Archives confirms this: "this band was a joke that we dont want to be associated with anymore.")

- Seregost (New Zealand)
[Never] [Christian] despite appearing on a SneeuwStorm compilation or two.

- Sewer (USA)
Secular band that released a fake(/parody?) unblack album called "The Light". Sewer seem to be a parody band overall that don't take themselves too seriously.

- Somber Wounds (Turkey / Türkiye)
States that Christ was only human and not divine. Also, the project seems to be universalist.

- Subiaco Foothills (New Zealand)
Never Christian, confirmed by Sean

- Summum Bonum (Brazil)
The artist calls himself an "esoteric Christian", and just... various things he's said over the years about his esoteric views make me very uncomfortable with having the project on this site.

- Suspiria Profundis (Italy)
Jehovah's Witness theology. See "Absum" (one of his side projects) at the top of this page for an explanation.

- System of Decay (USA)
The artist is Christian, the project is not.

- Temple of Perdition (USA/Finland/etc)
"The judge ruled that Jacob was indeed guilty of sexually assaulting a child between age of 14 and 17".[1] Refer to these other pages as well: [2], [3], [4]. That blog itself is secular, but contains relevant information about this project.

- Tetendit (Mexico)
See "Hortor" for an explanation.

- The Blessed / Cradle of God (Russia)
"Although the band's lyrics are pro-Christian, The Blessed is actually hardly a Christian band. According to its vocalist, they use New Testament texts in the lyrics to help 'realize the seriousness of actions and understand where the real protest is'. He also stated that he doesn't support religious confessions but supports faith in general and proclaims heavy metal as a religion."[1]

- The Messiah Liberates ("USA")
Scroll up to "Carolus Reformatus" for an explanation.

- The Slave Eye (USA/Finland)
[Matthew 10:33], [band report]

- Throne of Charlemagne (USA)
Nazi artist. Initially submitted it to Metal Archives with the "Christianity" lyrical theme, but seems to have backtracked.

- Tyrakk (France)
Not Christian. The project talks about battles between good and evil, in a fantasy setting (similar to other "fantasy" bands in the secular scene, such as Immortal or Summoning).

- UnblackPulse (Brazil)
Despite the name, they actually play something closer to nu-metal, not "unblack metal". Also, only one band member is Christian (the vocalist).

- Verwüstung / Verwustung (Russia)
Not Christian, somehow got mistaken for "unblack metal" along the way.

- Viacrucis (Canada)
Side project of Givre who aren't Christian. Note: Not to be confused with bands called "Via Crucis" (two words) from the USA or from Brazil, who are both Christian!

- Volkshammer (USA)
So-called "Christian NSBM".

- Vulnus Dei (Finland)
Still unsure if this was ever Christian or not?... Either way, not black metal.

- White Throne (Brazil)
Plagiarist. ... By the way, I seem to recall this project being called "Whitethrone", as one word, but I'm not sure if it ever actually was. I might have just gotten it confused with Darkthrone and misremembered.

- White Zion (Canada)
The artist was a Christian, but the project was influenced by a number of different things.

- Wothanskreuz (Canada)
"Christopagan". Also based on shamanism / ritual drug use.

-  Zebulon (USA)
Side project of Gelassenheit. Not actually Christian. Not to be confused with [this band].

- Ziklag / Reign of Terror (USA)
Even though some of the song titles were modified on the compilation for some reason, this was not Christian and split up several years before WS' conversion.

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