^ Old logo ................... ^ New Logo

BAND NAME: Teeth of the Fae
GENRE: Raw / Experimental Black Metal with Folk Influences, Dungeon Synth
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: United Kingdom (London, England)

Formed in 2024 when the artist converted to Christianity. The project deals with a mix of the artist's Catholic faith, and their interest in mythology and history.

Jamie Prentice ("and His Band of Gnomes") - All instruments, Vocals

Bandcamp (+other projects)
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Facebook (artist page, +other projects)
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YouTube (streaming)
Twitter / X (+other projects)
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Apple Music


Microcosmic Garden (single, 19 March, 2024, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

1) Microcosmic Garden 8:48, instrumental

I Can Feel This Land Breathe (album, 24 March, 2024, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

1) Invitation to Their World
8:43 (vocalizing, no lyrics)

2) Dance Beneath the Shrooms
3:18, instrumental

3) Microcosmic Garden
8:48, instrumental

4) Changeling Hysterics
6:10, instrumental

5) The Oaks Called Me by Name
6:48, instrumental

6) Stuck in the Inbetween
15:44, instrumental

Comforted by Sorrow (EP, 18 April, 2024, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

1) Divine Sorrow
8:16 (vocalizing, no lyrics)

2) Patron of the Anxious
6:02, instrumental

3) Patron of Lost Causes
7:28, instrumental

Dandelion Pedestal (single, 27 April, 2024, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

1) Dandelion Pedestal
6:45, see "The Unseen Beckons" for lyrics

A Heart Full of Swords (album, 9 May, 2024, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

All instrumental, to my knowledge.

1) A Heart Full of Swords 5:38
2) Immaculate 6:40
3) Mary Garden 3:29
4) Undoer of Knots 8:14
5) The Visitation 4:12
6) Mother of All 4:21
7) Relief at the Temple 3:33
8) At the Foot of the Cross 5:30
9) Stabat Mater 6:34

 Levant Mine (single, 3 July, 2024, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

1) Levant Mine
15:12, see "The Unseen Beckons" for lyrics/info

Our Ways Are the Old Ways (album, 8 July, 2024, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

“To love means loving the unlovable. To forgive means pardoning the unpardonable. Faith means believing the unbelievable. Hope means hoping when everything seems hopeless.”
― G.K. Chesterton

All instrumental, to my knowledge.

1) Infinite Dignity 10:48
2) Integral Kingdom 5:41
3) Our Folkish Ways 7:37
4) The Joyful Mysteries 3:51
5) The Sorrowful Mysteries 8:34
6) The Glorious Mysteries 4:17
7) The Luminous Mysteries 7:28

The Unseen Beckons (album, 15 July, 2024, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

Track 8 is "dedicated to the 31 men who lost their lives in the disaster. Christ have mercy."
You can read about the backstory behind this song [here].

Other notes, from Bandcamp:
A warm welcome to all who enjoy tales of faeries, disasters, and the beauty of creation.

“You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you odd.”
― Flannery O'Connor

1) Dandelion Pedestal
6:45, lyrics:
A whisper of wings
Beat within the bush
A trace of transparency
Solicits behind the sycamore
A trickle of the tips
Beckon between the birch
A wink of whiteness
Calls atop the cedar

Perched upon a dandelion
Skeletal beauty to behold
Soon whipped away

A deadly intrigue arises
Your end if you follow
Or a chthonic beginning

Do you wish to split dainty flesh?
Gorge yourself on microinfinity?
Do you dare enter the enclave?
Satiate your lust on brittle bones?

Massacred by the minuscule
Your unworthy flesh decimated
A fountain of mundane blood
Shall feed their queer hunger

Laid upon a pheasant feather bed
Delicate majesty to admire
Or perhaps it's not as it seems

A fatal curiosity awakens
This world is not your own
A sinister invitation calls

Balanced upon a pine cone
Intricate glory to swoon
Don't expect to ever return

A misjudged yearning surfaces
The seductive nature of otherness
Don't hope that you can turn back now

2) Ruthless Mercy
4:00, lyrics:
That you would strip me
Of this abominable fleshliness
Nothing impure and blemished
Shall you leave unscathed
Merciful evisceration I welcome
Rip the filth from my bones
After the extermination
Sear your name into my heart

I betray you over bronze
Not even a full bag
A single piece is enough
To reveal my mercenary heart
I crawl back to vomit, a dog
Bathing in excrement a pig
A desperate beg for slaughter
Kill the beast in me, I pray

It lurks within my breast
Prowling, poised to devour
It churns my wretched loins
Bubbling insidious poison
It stews the innards in every man
Drowning the dignity inherent
Preserve, the flood shall pass
The traitor beheaded by the king

Slavery is the only choice
To righteousness or to vice
Can anyone call themselves free?
Whilst a slave to the body's whims
Surrender to The Ultimate
And be liberated from choice
Heed the familiar voice...
Of a Father, a Friend, a Mother

3) Neath Rotting Leaf
9:30, lyrics:
Damp fortress of amber
Deceptive delicacy
Footfall dares disturb
Uncouth ignorance
Of doom concealed nether
Laid beneath the shrooms
Cackle claws unclothe
Fangs poised to sap
Diaphanes grow fat
Unimaginable hunger
Unfathomable appetite
Of the in-between world
Exquisite in execution
Innocent and engorged
Feeding is their habitude
No guilt from drained blood

How can you not wonder
The universe under each footfall
The elusive traces of the fallen
Now inhabiting the middle

Do you hear their faint song
When wondering in the woods
If your ear was more attentive
You'd surely heed their warning

Lift to be pulled down
Far, far too late now
To take back the trespass
Into their hidden biosphere
Lump caught in the throat
Cacophony in the stomach
From the morbid realization
They have been disturbed
They are pleased by no words
No man can placate them now
Heavenly creatures gone afoul
Death is smaller than you'd expect
When the woodlands you neglect
Tinniest seed you disrespect
No time left to accept regret
Resonating anguished howl

The weary traveler was searching
Furiously bent on spectral revenge
After he noticed the changes
In his most beloved spawn
Yet he joins the scrolled list
Of this folk's many prey
Without remorse they slay
Feeding, work of their day

Before death a window
Into a dark panorama
Their ways are strange
Unfamiliar to man's

Gawking in the last moments
At the banquet preparations
Horror to be the glad meal
Of manifold ethereal beings

Bones left to uncaring forest
Not a slab of meat left
They surely ate their fill
As many a mundane grow ill

4) Author of Life Part 1
3:46, lyrics:
The tender intimacy
With which the clouds were woven
The warm regard
Holding each blade of grass
The fearful care
Within each of your cells
And the might
Of the unparalleled cosmos

Do not despise this creation
Nor turn it into a vain idol
But see in it the reflection
Of the glorious and eternal Logos

Well-fed seed springing in praise
The crash of the waves a chorus
Those who seem without a place
Becoming members of a singing body
Just as flowers unfold unto the sun
So must the heart feed upon your light
A unsnuffable flame even in the night
Like ruffling feathers, souls take flight

Those who would destroy this
Shall also destroy themselves
The privilege of stewardship
Is a mountain of precious wealth

5) Abandoned in the Abyss
5:54, lyrics:
Corporate gluttony
Drains honest lives
The boundless savagery
Of cancerous growth
What profits a man
To gain the world?
And yet lose his soul
By trampling the humble

Alone in the darkness
Abandoned in the abyss
sucked into the void
Confined in a pipe
Swimming in oil
Shattered bones
Depleted energy
Only one survivor
The rest left behind
To succumb to injuries
Or dehydration's scourge
They could have been saved
But greed triumphed
Margins over lives
Is the worlds law

Families torn asunder
Hearts ripped in two
A devastating legacy
Of uncaring industry
Bodies never recovered
Never laid to rest
But left to decay
Beneath the ocean

An unimaginable demise
Shiver at the sheer horror
How can such a morbid tale
Be such a dreadful reality?

6) Author of Life Part 2
4:07, lyrics:
Where were you
when I laid the earth’s foundation?...
Who marked off its dimensions?...
Who stretched a measuring line across it?

On what were its footings set,
or who laid its cornerstone—
while the morning stars sang together
and all the angels shouted for joy?
“Who shut up the sea behind doors
when it burst forth from the womb,
when I made the clouds its garment
and wrapped it in thick darkness,

when I fixed limits for it
and set its doors and bars in place,
when I said, ‘This far you may come and no farther;
here is where your proud waves halt’?
“Have you ever given orders to the morning,
or shown the dawn its place,
that it might take the earth by the edges
and shake the wicked out of it?

The earth takes shape like clay under a seal;
its features stand out like those of a garment.
The wicked are denied their light,
and their upraised arm is broken.

Have you journeyed to the springs of the sea
or walked in the recesses of the deep?
Have the gates of death been shown to you?
Have you seen the gates of the deepest darkness?

(Job 38:4-17, NIV)

7) Majesty in Lowliness
2:21, instrumental

8) Levant Mine
15:12, lyrics:
Creaking man engine
Endless steps of decay
Pocket the profits
Demise, pave the way
Groans to be ignored
Regulations written in blood
The tumbling floor
The crush or the flood

Hurtling wood, cascade of pine
Crushing death, inverse divine
Tones, dreaded splinters
Mangled corpses, whimpers
Fathers, brothers, sons
Callously ripped, away
The body count stays
Disregarded wayward sway

Hauled from the depths
Rescue amidst the rubble
Back into the abyss
Unknown heroes plunge
Godly and simple men
Duty above comfort
What stirs such sacrifice?
But the spirit indwelling

Solemn bells ring
In a humble church
Service of sorrow
Souls ascension
Broken prayers
Lowly and beautiful
They are certainly heard
Rising like incense

Oh Mother Mary
Our lady of sorrows
Intercede, Intercede
For these poor souls
Hasten through the fire
The blessing of purgation

Justice be done
Fickle empires fall
You can't take with you
Your hoards of vain metal

Breaking the sacred heart
Of mercy poured out
Wrath and love together
Spilled into the world
Who shall weep?
And who shall rejoice?
On that great terrible day
When birth pangs cease

Remember in the night
Those who were torn
Those who so loved
He will not forget them

Still across the earth
Industries thrive
Milling human life
Disgracing the sacred

Love for the least
Is the only narrow path
To the endless fountain
Pouring from your side
The first are cast down
The mighty to the dregs
The last are forever exalted
The humble to the heights

A Twig Is a Mighty Staff (single, 13 August, 2024, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

The artwork for this single is a detail from the full "Beneath Pointed Hat" artwork.

1) A Twig Is a Mighty Staff 5:30, instrumental

To Gain the Confidence of Owls (single, 16 August, 2024, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

1) To Gain the Confidence of Owls 7:00, instrumental

Beneath Pointed Hat (album, 23 August, 2024, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

The album is divided into two parts. The first half is closer to standard dungeon synth, "dark and mysterious". The second half is more experimental with new age music influences, "airy and pastoral".

"Sit in the forest and listen, perhaps some of our wee friends will appear!"

All instrumental, to my knowledge.

1) Invocation of the Gonk 1:03
2) Cells Below the Shroom Homes 4:42
3) To Gain the Confidence of Owls 7:00
4) Beard-Obscured Fangs 3:18
5) Dusk Is Dark to Your Eyes But Not Theirs 3:54
6) Creeping, Thieving, Feasting 3:40

7) Take Flight When the Hat Catches Wind 1:10
8) A Twig Is a Mighty Staff 5:30
9) The Dawn Will Blind You But Not Them 3:30
10) Everything You Have They Shall Snatch 4:22
11) Spectacles Carved from Unknown Glass 7:33




CouldUseBetterImages, UncertainInfo, SimilarTo
INFO: I haven't had time to listen to the band's full discography yet, so I don't actually know for sure that all of the songs marked "instrumental" are instrumental, only a few. If anyone feels like confirming that, please let me know!
IMAGES: Both logos are just cropped from album artwork, and so aren't really that great. If anyone has higher-quality versions, please let me know!

Similar to: [SECULAR] Trhä / Trha, Sunset (US), Heáfodbán / Heafodban, Curta'n Wall, [CHRISTIAN] Eternal Father, Dark Procession, Sacred Forests, Ἡσυχασμός, Thaddaios, Beheom, (add more later)

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