Thank you VERY much to past contributor Mason Beard for help with this massively involved and detailed page!

BAND NAME: Vials of Wrath
GENRE: Black Metal with Death Metal influences (early), Black Metal / Neofolk / Ambient (now)
STATUS: Active (or on hold?)
LOCATION: USA (Charlotte, NC, early; Maryville, TN, now)

Formed in 2011.
Went on hold in 2020. I think it's active again, but I'm not sure.

The band name [is taken] from [Revelation 16:1].

Dempsey grew up in a family that "went to church sporadically"[1], but he wasn't Christian. He's often said during that time in his life, music was a "religion" for him. He converted after his wife convinced him to go to a revival event at her Pentecostal church. There, he felt God's presence and an anointing. At first, he gave up music as it had become an idol to him. He struggled with this but persevered. A few years later, Christian melodeath/metalcore band [Bloodline Severed] recruited him and, realizing he could play Christian music, resumed playing.

Vials of Wrath started as a black/death band, very different from the more contemplative, atmospheric sound it's best known for. According to the "[1]" interview above, the reason he changed styles was that he felt the death/black material was too similar to what he played before being saved. He wanted to move away from that, and also just wanted music closer to the more atmospheric folky music he had come to like.

Dempsey "DC" Mills - All instruments, Vocals



Vials of Wrath / Let There Be Light (EP)

Left / Vials of Wrath / self-titled:
2011, UMS Records (RIPOFF)), CD-R, limited (???) copies, sold out
Right / Let There Be Light:
23 July, 2013, Black Metal Underground (RIP-OFF), CD-R, Remastered, sold out
23 July, 2013, Independent, Bandcamp, Remastered

At least 14 copies exist of the "Vials of Wrath" version.

1) Cold Contempt
5:19, lyrics:
God do you feel anger?
Remorse? Regret?
When You look down
At your creation

Snakes that resemble men
Dwell among your children
And they feed
And they breed

Serpents feeling comfort
There should be cold contempt
Blind to their lies
We embrace them
We embrace them

Accustomed to their presence
Seeking Less of Yours
Solace in prayer slowly fades

Broken in Nehushtan
Shattered as should be
Deliver us from evil
We condone

I will send venomous snakes among you
Vipers that can not be charmed
And they will bite you
They will bite you

2) From the Dead an Army Risen
3:35, lyrics:
The hand of the Lord was upon me
And I was carried out of the spirit
And he set in the midst of a valley
Which was full of bones

And I passed them round about
There were many, so very dry
He asked me, 'can these bone live?'
'Upon them now prophesy'

From the dead an army rise
The breath of life enter you
Creating flesh, ye shall live
And all will know I am the Lord

I prophesied as commanded
There was a noise, behold they shake
The bones the came together
Skin covered, but no breath they take
'Son of Man', He commanded me,
'Prophesy unto the wind
From the four corners,
Breath into these slain
So that they shall live'

So I prophesied as He commanded me
And breath came into them
And the lived, stood upon their feet
It was and exceedingly great army
From the dead

3) Rise
5:14, lyrics:
Rise! A war has been declared
Arise now and choose your side
Fall! Down on your knees
Our triumph comes from prayer

Our struggles is not against
The flesh and blood
But principles of darkness
Rise! A war has been declared
To win we must be sanctified

Take upon your armor
So you may withstand evil
Holy armor of God
And having done all to stand
Guard within you truth
Righteousness and peace
A shield of faith
Will protect from fiery slings
Helmet of salvation and the sword
Of the Spirit, to attack and defend
Against that which is unseen

A call to arms
Rise up and defend
A call to arms
Goes out to all men

Arise! A war has been declared!
Arise! Arise and choose your side!

4) Every Knee Shall Bow
4:55, lyrics:
Who are you to judge my service?
To our own master
We stand and fall
And I will stand, even when I'm weak
For the Lord strengthens me
When I call

Receive the one who is weak
And struggles with their faith
They may not see each day
As holy for giving praise
No one lives just to himself
No one dies the same\
In life and death we are the Lord's
And glorify his name

To this end Christ both died
And rose and received
To be the Lord
Of the dead and the living

For it is written
As I live

Every knee shall bow before me
And every tongue confess
That I am God

We all shall stand together
Before the throne of Christ

5) The Shadow of Death
4:46, lyrics:
In the void of despair, fear grips me without warning. When my faith is weak, it takes hold.
Alone in my thoughts, like death, voices of doubt rise to take hold, leave me cold.

Crying out in desperation
In the valley of the shadow of death
I will fear no evil, for you are with me
I will fear no evil, for you are with me

There’s darkness closing in
Yet whom shall I fear?
The Lord is my light and salvation!

Alone in my thoughts, like death, voices of doubt rise to take hold, leave me cold.

Crying out in desperation
In the valley of the shadow of death
I will fear no evil, for you are with me
I will fear no evil, for you are with me

6) Our Final Mourning
2:32, instrumental

Vials of Wrath / Warfrozen (split, 2011, UMS Records (RIPOFF LABEL))
Format: CD-R
sold out

Split with Warfozen. See above for lyrics.

Possibly released at the end of March?

1) Cold Contempt 5:19
2) From the Dead an Army Risen 3:35
3) Rise 5:14
4) Every Knee Shall Bow 4:55

Righteous Judgment (EP, NOT SURE IF RELEASED)
Format unknown

Mentioned [here] and [here]. Planned to be "re-issue of remixed/remastered EP". I would assume that refers to what later became "Let There Be Light", but I'm not totally sure.

The SoundCloud link was posted on 21 November, 2012.

??) Vengeance Is Mine 5:05, see below for lyrics
full tracklist unknown

Vengeance Is Mine (single, 3 December, 2012, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp

The date given on various websites seems to be 18 July, 2013, but in the source code for the page, it says 3 December, 2012.

The samples after the second chorus are from sermons by John Piper. I tried to transcribe them, but couldn't make out a few words. Any help?

1) Vengeance Is Mine
5:05, lyrics:
You ask where I was
When the earth was being formed
I ask where are you
When its end is being born

As fear turns to hatred
Battle lines are drawn
We cannot repay evil for evil
And live in peace with all men

Vengeance is mine
I will repay
Saith the Lord
Therefore if thy
Enemy hungers
Feed him
If he thirsts
Give him drink

For so
In doing thou shalt heap
Coals of fire on his head
To overcome evil with good
Tis better than to pray him dead

As fear turns to hatred
Battle lines are drawn
We cannot repay evil for evil
And live in peace with all men

Vengeance is mine
I will repay
Saith the Lord
Therefore if thy
Enemy hungers
Feed him
If he thirsts
Give him drink

Vengeance is mine
I will repay
Saith the Lord
Therefore if thy
Enemy hungers
Feed him
If he thirsts
Give him drink

"Call no man unclean. Call no man (???). Everyone is (heading?) to an everlasting horror, or an everlasting joy. There are no trivialities in God."

"The Lord Jesus will be revealed from heaven (???) mighty angels in flaming fire, taking vengeance on those who do not know God, and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. They will suffer the punishment of eternal destruction away from the presence of the Lord, and (???) glory (???)"

We cannot repay evil for evil
And live in peace with all men
We cannot repay evil for evil
And live in peace with all men






Seeking Refuge (album)

23 April, 2013, Independent, CD (digipak), sold out
23 April, 2013, Independent, CD (jewel case), sold out
23 April, 2013, Independent, Bandcamp
29 September, 2015, GS Productions, Bandcamp
20 June, 2016, Vision of God Records, CD-R, link?
20 June, 2016, Vision of God Records, Bandcamp (standard version)

2014, Black Metal Underground (RIP-OFF), 12'' Vinyl (33⅓ RPM)
29 September, 2015, GS Productions, CD (digipak), 100 copies
2020, VoGR / Fallen Oak Recording, Vinyl, test pressing, (???) copies, sold out

10 March, 2019, Vision of God Records, CD-R (digipak) (??? copies), Remixed
18 March, 2019, Vision of God Records, Bandcamp, Remixed
December, 2020, Vision of God Records, 12'' vinyl (33⅓ RPM) (??? copies), Remixed

For the GS Productions versions:
1) The Bandcamp version is labeled "Seeking Refuge in the Light" on Bandcamp, but has the standard artwork.
2) The Bandcamp artwork uses the top variant, and the actual physical CD artwork uses the middle variant.

For the 2020 test pressing version, I don't know how many copies were made, but the one on Discogs is autographed by the artist. Note that it was merely housed in a reused Black Metal Underground sleeve, probably to protect it during shipping; it was not released on that label.

For the VoGR "ultimate" vinyl, some places say it's limited to 200, but Bandcamp says 150. What is the correct amount?

Some of the independent versions are said to be by "VoW Music". I'm not sure if this is a real label the artist owned (like Fallen Oak was) or if it's just a personal imprint.

1) A Greater Calling
7:37, lyrics:
I am a grain of sand
Swept with tides of unknown shores
You are the ocean mighty
Full of life both great and small
I am a single fading light
In the cold night sky
You are the bright morning star
Shining bright for all to see
I am a lone drop of rain
Falling and quickly forgotten
You are the cleansing flood
Who takes away all untrue
I long to be so much more…
More of what you are
I am nothing without you
For you are the great I am

2) To Walk upon the Heights
7:26, lyrics:
I hear and my insides tremble
My lips quiver at the sound
Rottenness enters my bones
I tremble while I stand
As I await the day of distress
To come against those who attack us
I will rejoice in the Lord
Rejoice in the God of my deliverance
The Lord God is my strength
He will set my feet like the deer
He will let me walk upon the heights

3) Contemplating Creation
2:29, instrumental

4) The Beginning of Sorrows
7:34, lyrics:
In the passing of the eternal
What stands the test of time?
All of your possessions will burn
Everything rusts, dies, decays

All this world can offer is trivial
Meaningless unto the grave
To put away treasures here on earth
Is useless at the end of days

Can you not see the signs?
Can you not feel the pain?
This world as we know it is dying
The only escape: be born again

I will seek refuge in the woods
To be alone to pray
Just as the Christ, who often withdrew
Unto the mountains
Beside the streams
Into the forest
Among the trees
In His creation I find peace
And pray

5) In Sackcloth and Ashes
2:51, instrumental

6) Alone in the Wilderness
8:19, lyrics:
Night falls and I am alone
With my thoughts, my failures
The harsh reality of wood and stone
Revives my spirit again
The solitude of God's creation
Brings peace, cleanses my sins

To be alone, in the wilderness
Brings a freedom to pray
All around, branches, like hands
Offer up their praise
And with each gust of wind
They bow to the King of Grace

A fire within me burns
And grows each passing moment
I must do more with this life, this gift of being
Beneath infinite stars I ponder the eternal
And know I'm never truly alone

Father, here I am
Please forgive me
I pray you welcome me home

1) A Greater Calling 7:37
2) To Walk upon the Heights 7:26
3) Contemplating Creation 2:29
4) The Beginning of Sorrows 7:34
5) In Sackcloth and Ashes 2:51
6) Alone in the Wilderness 8:19
7) Artist Devine 6:34, lyrics unknown

1) A Greater Calling 7:37
2) To Walk upon the Heights 7:26
3) Contemplating Creation 2:29
4) The Beginning of Sorrows 7:34
5) In Sackcloth and Ashes 2:51
6) Alone in the Wilderness 8:19
7) Cold Contempt 5:22, see above for lyrics
8) From the Dead an Army Risen 3:38, see above for lyrics
9) Rise 5:08, see above for lyrics
10) Every Knee Shall Bow 4:03, see above for lyrics
11) The Shadow of Death 4:46, see above for lyrics
12) Our Final Mourning 2:32, instrumental
13) Empty Words 4:48, see below for lyrics
14) Vengeance Is Mine 5:05, see above for lyrics

1) A Greater Calling 7:37
2) To Walk upon the Heights 7:26
3) Contemplating Creation 2:29
4) The Beginning of Sorrows 7:34
5) In Sackcloth and Ashes 2:51
6) Alone in the Wilderness 8:19
7) Artist Divine 6:34
8) A Greater Calling (demo) 7:34, instrumental

(+ Vision of God CD "ultimate" uses this tracklist too)

1) A Greater Calling 7:37
2) To Walk upon the Heights 7:26
3) Contemplating Creation 2:29
4) The Beginning of Sorrows 7:34
5) In Sackcloth and Ashes 2:51
6) Alone in the Wilderness 8:19
7) Artist Devine
(+ Vision of God CD "ultimate" uses this tracklist too)

1) A Greater Calling 7:38
2) To Walk upon the Heights 7:27
3) Contemplating Creation 2:30
4) The Ways Of Old 4:38, see below for lyrics
5) The Beginning of Sorrows 7:34
6) In Sackcloth and Ashes 2:51
7) Alone in the Wilderness 8:20
8) All That's Left in the Shade 4:53, see below for lyrics

Empty Words (single, 5 June, 2013, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp

This single is fairly typical of VoW's later "ambient black" sound, but also has significant DSBM / depressive black metal influence not found on other songs.

Nowadays, it can be listened to on GS Productions' re-release of "Seeking Refuge" where it's a bonus track.

1) Empty Words
4:49, lyrics:
Immortality brought
From words penned
Sharing a thought
Long after
I’m gone

Memories fade
With the owner
Truths of events
Forever laid
To rest

No longer able
To reconcile
Apologies linger

Do we ever know
A greater scheme
Or just

Forgive me
In my exit
For nothing
To say

Prophecy Foretold - A Brutal Christmas Compilation (compilation)

December, 2014, Sanctus Gladius Records, CD
????, Bandcamp

Vials of Wrath's song was posted separately on SoundCloud (see "miscellaneous discography" below). The release date written on SoundCloud is 1 December 2014, so it was possibly released on that day. I'm not certain though.

This compilation used to be on someone's Bandcamp, but I'm not sure whose, and I can't find the link anywhere -- it must have been deleted.

4) Vials of Wrath - Greensleeves (What Child Is This)
3:42, instrumental



Days Without Names (album)
8 September, 2015, Independent, Bandcamp and CD (jewel case, ??? copies)
15 December, 2018, GS Productions, Bandcamp and CD (digipak, 100 copies)
27 February, 2019, Vision of God Records, Bandcamp
8 March, 2019, Vision of God Records, CD (digipak, ??? copies), Remastered
27 July, 2020, label uncertain, Vinyl (12'', 33⅓rpm), 200 copies, link?
26 May, 2017, Fragile Branch Recordings, Bandcamp
26 May, 2017, Fragile Branch Recordings, Cassette (100 copies), sold out
2020, VoGR / Fallen Oak Recording, Vinyl, test pressing, 2 copies, sold out
The cassette version shipped in a cardboard box with silver-colored embossing. Included: 4''x4'' patch (about 10cm x 10cm); incense cone; artist photo; and download code. The last 20 copies copies, sold directly by the artist, also included an enamel logo pin and a vinyl sticker. Also for this version, tracks 1-4 are on Side A, and 5-8 are on Side B.

I don't know if the 27 February 2019 version is remastered or not.

Some places say the 27 July, 2020 version was released independently, and others say it was released by Vision of God Records. That version is described as "red with black and blue splatter", but if I understand correctly, these three colors don't all appear on each vinyl; some were printed with one color scheme, and some with the other color scheme. But I'm not 100% certain about that. Also, supposedly there are some with "red/black/WHITE" splatter?

There were only 2 copies of the test pressing, but the page indicates only one was sold. The other may have been held onto by the artist? Anyway, it was autographed. Written on it: "Fallen Oak Recording" "Side A" "Days Without Names" "Test #1" "To [Jack?], Thanks for your support! Dempsey Mills VoW" "VoW Days test D.C."

I hope to have layout photos of the other CD versions with time.
1) That Which I've Beheld
2:51, instrumental

2) Journey Beyond the Flesh
9:12, lyrics:
To journey beyond the confines of this flesh
In communion with another
I wander neath a canopy of oak and pine

The allure of an October eve
Sees me tread amongst fallen leaves
My sorrows are lifted in the presence of the Divine

Let this feeling never cease
Tranquility and peace
In the forest will I be found

When death’s cold hand takes mine
May it be in such a time
Make my grave upon the highest mount

3) Revival of the Embers
7:23, lyrics:
This glacial apathy
I must overcome
This fleshly desire
I am undone
This calloused heart beats now
But for how long?
To the dilemma of another
It hastens to numb

As smoldering embers weaken
A faith not fanned doth wane
Dying amongst the ashes
I must revive the flame
This earthen vessel
A dwelling place for the most high
Flawed and unworthy
Made pure by fiery trial

I offer myself once again
Yahweh M’Kaddesh
You are welcome here

4) Burning Autumn Leaves (Under a Harvest Moon)
7:02, lyrics:
As I stand here burning leaves
The aroma of autumn
Distinct and full of memories
Cold yet warming, like hidden sin
‘Tis death approaching
A season’s end
Grey skies and long nights
The beginning of decay
Green turns to gold
But it will not stay

Under a harvest moon
An omen looms
From fervent prayer
A discerning guide
A spirit of light
May all who hear beware

Servants of twilight
There is a coming dawn
There the vultures will gather
There death will new life spawn

As the earth grows cold
And all its hues fade
Memories of our future
Are revived once again

At the end of an age
Harvesting wheat
Burning the tares

5) The Path Less Oft Tread
8:31, lyrics:
In time I will be forgotten
Forsaken, forlorn
By even those closest
From enemy and friend torn

As I choose a path
The one less oft tread
I fear I dire end waiting
Was all for naught if nowhere lead

I am overcome with sorrow
Life’s elusive meaning I seek
A journey that leaves me failing
Destitute and weak

So in pressing in onward
I envision Heaven’s open gate
With hell always at my heels
I pray the better of two fates

Let me now falter nor stumble
Grant me strength on this day
With each victory to remain humble
And each failure boldly pray

6) Silhouettes Against the Sun
2:11, instrumental

7) A Cleansing Prayer
8:50, lyrics:
I long to be where no shadows dwell
All darkness is vanquished
And my spirit is well
At this summit of stone and oak that impales
Transfixing my mind upon self, upon self
My purpose
My pain
My loss
My gain
Ne’er more than what is today
Purge me, Adonai, of desire and lust
Less of me, more of thee
May all my glory be thine
Empty me of self... of self

8) Within the Grey
6:20, lyrics unknown

8) The Ways of Old
4:38, lyrics:
This world is evil

Purge the earth
Of all unrighteous filth
Bring forth a fresh plague
That life may begin anew

Cleanse this sphere
Let natures course consume
May those that remain
Inherit terra firma pure

We are a cancer
Devouring, destroying
The soil, water, air
Despite ourselves

We are the cure
If returned to the natural ways
A divine order of old
Set in place by our creator

9) All That Is Left in Shade
4:54, lyrics:
Time is genocide
Of all my dreams
With age and wisdom
I now abort them
To alleviate their birth pain

Too many seeds planted
Too little harvest to show
My ambitions withered
My spirit broke

With each new day
I lament the rising sun
It’s golden light a beacon
For the death of yesterday

Dusk brings mourning
Buried in darkness
Its ghosts will haunt me
With all that is left in shade

I will seek to bear witness
To days without names
Taste the blood of a savior
Living water flowing
From a ne’er ending stream


All Things Christian Extreme Metal Volume 1 (compilation, 1 November, 2016, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

15) Vials of Wrath - Revival of the Embers
7:23, see above / "Days Without Names" for lyrics

Hymns of the Blackest Light, Volume 1 (Compilation, 20 March, 2017, Fallen Oak Recording)
Formats: CD and Bandcamp
CD is sold out
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

12) Vials of Wrath - All That Is Left in Shade 4:53

Consuming Fire / Vials of Wrath (split, 20 May, 2017, Black Metal Underground + Martyrdom Records (RIP-OFFS))
Format: 7'' vinyl, limited 100 copies

Split with Consuming Fire.
There were both black vinyls and white vinyls for this, but I don't know how many copies were made of each color.

Both songs repeat on both sides.

2) Vials of Wrath - All That Is Left in Shade
4:54, see above for lyrics

Metal from the Dragon (compilation, 23 June, 2017, The Bearded Dragon)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

24) Vials of Wrath - Journey Beyond the Flesh
9:11, see above / "Days Without Names" for lyrics

Hymns of the Blackest Light, Volume 2 (Compilation, 23 April, 2018, Fallen Oak Recording)
Formats: CD and Bandcamp
CD sold out
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

3) Vials of Wrath - The Ways of Old 6:35

Ataraxia (EP)

21 August, 2018, Independent, Bandcamp, link expired
21 August, 2018, Fallen Oak Recording, CD (link?), limited 200 copies

The Bandcamp version was merged into the "Ataraxia I & II" compilation released later on. See that release (2023) for lyrics.

Originally planned to be 250 copies. Got lowered to 200 for some reason. All orders included a black and white vinyl sticker. The first 50 copies also came with a 1.5'' pin of the album cover.

1) As the Shadows Grow Long 7:13
2) Hands to the Plow 7:47
3) As the Shadows Grow Long, Part II 3:05

The Ways of Old (compilation/EP)

29 August, 2018, Independent, Bandcamp
(1 Jan - 29 Oct?), 2018, Black Metal Underground (RIP-OFF), 7'' vinyl, sold out

Compilation of songs that first appeared on the Blackest Light comps. See "Days Without Names" for lyrics.

About the vinyl version, Dempsey says, "Unfortunately the quality isn’t the best for listening, but makes for a nice 'collectible.' "

1) The Ways of Old 4:38
2) All That Is Left in Shade 4:54

Black Metal Warrior #5 (compilation, 1 January, 2019, Embek Ireng)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)
25) Vials of Wrath - The Greater Calling 7:38

Vision of God Records CBM Singles (compilation, 22 April, 2019, Vision of God Records)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

7) Vials of Wrath - All That Is Left in Shade 4:54
14) Vials of Wrath - Alone in the Wilderness 8:23


VINYL VERSION .......................

Dark Winter Memories (album)

28 October, 2019, Flowing Downward, CD (digipak)
28 October, 2019, Flowing Downward, 12'' Vinyl, 200 copies
8 December, 2019, Independent, Bandcamp
8 December, 2019, Flowing Downward, Bandcamp
(2019 - 15 June 2020?), Flowing Downard, CD/Vinyl box set, 5 copies, sold out
 Guest appearance:
Josh Thieler - Drums (tracks 2-3)

Notes from [this interview]
- The title "A Black Bile Fog" is a reference to (an obviously long-discredited) idea in medieval medicine that the human body produced a substance called "black bile", and a side effect of this was sadness. Dempsey uses this as a metaphor for depression.
- The album title is a reference to Dempsey's father (RIP). The first letter of each word is the same as the first letter of each part of his name, "Dempsey Woodrow Mills". The title also refers more broadly to the winter of 2016-2017, during which he lost not only his father, but also seven other family members.
- Track 4 was originally planned to be an instrumental.
Please note that I (Unblack Archives writer) don't necessarily agree with all of the views expressed in that interview.
For the vinyl version, there are 100 "crystal clear" and 100 "green crystal clear" (though it seems to be more blue than green?) Also, tracks 1-4 are on Side A, and 5-7 are on Side B.

For the "deluxe" box set, the colors of each vinyl were chosen at random. The box is hand-crafted. The logo was etched on "using pyrography techniques", then stained and sealed. In addition to the vinyl and CD, it had "an embroidered logo patch, stickers, button, full-color lyric insert for the vinyl (exclusive to this box set), and a raven feather replica."
1) Into the Burmal Woe
2:10, instrumental

2) A Black Bile Fog
6:06, lyrics:
Fog lifts revealing
Night’s victims and victors
The struggle eternal
To stay green, to stay
Amidst all remaining
All that’s turning gray
The cold aroma of a winter’s fire
Warm memories overwhelm
They become dark all too soon
Like the day, last of days
Charred remnants become clear
Into oblivion, our past burned
For we are all but ashes
That have not yet turned
The lone call of a raven
Echoes through these woods
Like chambers of my memory
Upon the past I brood
Recollections, reminiscence
For the best of times I yearn
As we are all but ashes
That have not yet turned

3) The Cold and the Hope
6:36, lyrics:
Wistful thoughts and dark memories
As I recall the dead of winter
Fleeting warmth and a most bitter cold
My mind is far from here and now
O, let me be! In this hinterland of snow
To overcome my sorrow with these black birds of woe
On my honor I shall not tarry
But must confront the ghosts which haunt me
Lest they wrench my very soul
They’re words left deep furrows
In my mind, heart, soul
I will cultivate them for my spirit’s growth
“I am the way, the truth, and the life.”
Fading into eternity, the last she spoke
The loudest whisper, truth hard as stone
Like a December’s snow, my elders are falling
Yet have ne’er stood so strong
A celebration for the ages, a rebirth unto dust
They will always be with me
Until I am with them

4) Reflection of an Old Soul
4:42, lyrics:
(lyrics adapted from George MacDonald's poem "Diary of an Old Soul")
Thou wilt interpret life to me, and men,
Art, nature, yea, my own soul’s mysteries –
Bringing truth out, clear-joyous, to my ken,
Fair as the morn trampling the dull night. Then
The lone hillside shall hear exultant cries;
The joyous see me joy, the weeping weep;
The watching smile, as Death breathes on me his cold sleep.

5) With Distance
7:12, lyrics:
Distance – time and space
The chasm between
What is and was
Allows me to find
Distance – like newfound faith
Can come between
What is and was
Allows me to find
Silence is needed, golden, broken
As I trek into the woods
I must press on
To find something, anything
I have become
A brother to dragons
And a companion to owls
[Job 30:29]
My lyre also is turned
To mourning,
And my organ to the voice
Of them that weep
And so the mountains become
A lodestone
The forest an escape
An albatross will be laid down
With distance

6) Calling upon the Ancient One
9:56, lyrics:
Burn, O ancient fire
Purging all impurities
Flow, O ancient waters
Ever cleansing, baptizing
Blow, O ancient wind
Drying up all left standing
Shine, O ancient light
Illuminate this dark world
Return, O ancient of days
Deliver us with your blood
A new Babylon is rising
Wood and stone abandoned
For brick, mortar and steel
The natural ways forsaken
Impugned as we
Bend them to our will
Blue skies laden with white scars
Solemn night defiled by
A throng of false light
Tranquil sonority fallen
At the hands of men
The ever growing pall
Expanse at what perdition?
At the hands of men
At the hands of men

7) A Hiemal Aura
3:56, instrumental

Extreme Collection Volume XV: Början av en ny Era (compilation, 21 March, 2022, Extreme Records)
Format: CD
Buy the magazine and CD (OFFICIAL)

Included with copies of Extreme Brutal Death zine #27.

1) Vials of Wrath - Yahweh Shalom
track length / lyrics unknown



Ataraxia 1 & 2 / Ataraxia I & II (EP/compilation)

1 September, 2023, Independent, Bandcamp
1 September, 2023, Independent/VoGR, Vinyl, test pressing, sold out
1 September, 2023, Vision of God Records, Bandcamp + CD-R + 12'' Vinyl

The vinyl versions have different mastering ("specially for vinyl") from the other versions.

The test pressing says "one of only two test pressings", indicating only one of them was sold, but I'm not totally certain. At any rate, it also included a CD-R version of the album, an embroidered logo patch, a pin with the cover art on it, and a vinyl sticker.

The CD-R version (at least when ordered from the artist directly?) includes a vinyl sticker and a pin.

1) As the Shadows Grow Long
7:13, lyrics:
As evening approaches
And shadows grow long
My thoughts drift to times past
Of family and friends
Youth that never ends
In a memory no one ever grows old

How I miss that childhood bliss
To be young, naive and sinless
Realities cost is innocence lost
When nightmares are no longer dreams

Just as summer’s shade
Becomes autumnal shadows
A place that once gave comfort
Now renders me so cold

And just as the only constant
is change
I gain solace knowing the one
Who transcends every age

As evening has passed
And the shadows are gone
My thoughts drift to tomorrow
Of family and friends
A new day will begin
Full of joy and sorrow

How I miss that childhood bliss
To be young, naive and sinless
Realities cost is innocence lost
When nightmares are no longer dreams

2) Hands to the Plow
7:47, lyrics:
We all have acquired
What seem to us dreams
Of joyous occasions
And needful things

Our hearts desire
A quest to gather so much more
Never content with the present
But what life has in store

Or old lang syne’s our passion
Nostalgic adoration
Our lives were better yesteryears
Looking into the past
Mourning a half empty glass

Yet I have found treasure
Living in the now
Knowing a divine purpose
With my hands to the plow

For we aren’t promised tomorrow
And there’s no reliving days of yore
To be constantly in the holy presence
‘Tis what this life is truly for

Yet I have found treasure
Living in the now
Knowing a divine purpose
With my hands to the plow

3) As the Shadows Grow Long Pt 2
3:05, instrumental

4) The Eternal Call
9:28, lyrics:
I am addicted
To the drug of nostalgia
Constantly wanting
that which
I’ll never have enough of again

I am afflicted
By euphoric remembrances
Bittersweet events
Bygone, there is a longing
Recalled with both joy
And pain

Time… once a friend
You are a thief betraying all
Always fleeting, yet deathless
Time… no beginning nor end
Ephemeral in your eternal call

Each day feels destined
To be a coffin nail
Each breath drawing closer
To dust, and with wisdom
Knowledge of the coming pale
What does tomorrow hold?
Uncertainty you certainly bring
For I at least know the words
Of yesterday’s songs to sing
But what of today?
Is it no more than yesterday’s morrow?
Let me not dwell on these things
For today is sufficient in its own sorrows

Would that I not lay waste
To this precious gift
This present
What more could I do?
Who could I become?
Time, like tides, cleanses
May I embrace the waves
May I embrace the waves

5) Would That I Remained
7:26, lyrics:
Would that I remain
Before my days are gone
By a river flowing benevolent
Ever pure, ever long
And would that I remain there
Planted like the trees
Who in due season are
altruistic beings

Would that I remain true to all my past, to my heritage, my lineage
Leaving things that last
And would that I remain
With roots that grow so vast
Like the oaks innumerable
Weathering storms steadfast

Silence, Peace, Solace
Eludes me
Unless I remain
Within a sacred wood

Would that I remain
In natural boundary confined
At peace with the pace
of progress
As I’m grafted to the vine
And would that I remain
Ever growing still,
Always moving forward,
According to His will

Would that I remain
Content with all that I’m given
Despite this world’s philosophy
Despite all the attrition
And would that I remain
Blessed by Jehova Jireh
Ne’er in need of anything
Sabbath my only desire

Silence, Peace, Solace
Eludes me
Unless I remain
Within a sacred wood

I feel my soul’s erosion
Unexposed to the sun
Overwhelmed by the darkness
Unspeakable horror of dying cold and alone

Cast me not away
Into barren and cursed land
I pray my life fruitful
That I delay the scythe in
your hand

Silence, Peace, Solace
Eludes me
Unless I remain
Within a sacred wood

6) The Eternal Call Pt 2
3:08, instrumental

7) A Primal Urge
6:41, lyrics unknown

Left: 26 February, 2013, A Greater Calling [demo/teaser]
1:30, lyrics:
I am a grain of sand / Swept with tides of unknown shores / You are the ocean mighty / Full of life both great and small / I am a single fading light / In the cold night sky / You are the bright morning star / Bright shining for all to see

Right: 3 January, 2014, A Greater Calling [rough instrumental demo]
7:35, instrumental
Left: 15 May, 2014, Dreams from Clouds Dark
1:42, instrumental
It's captioned as an excerpt from a song "in production", but I'm not certain which song this ended up becoming... Anyone know?
Right: 8 June, 2015, A Cleansing Prayer [demo/unmastered]
8:58, same lyrics as album version

Left: 2 December, 2015, Greensleeves (What Child Is This)
3:42, instrumental (same song as on the compilation)

Right: 28 October, 2017, Distance [demo/teaser]
00:48, instrumental
Later became "With Distance" on "Dark Winter Memories"

IncompletePage, CouldUseBetterImages, UncertainInfo, NeedsScriptureReferences, SimilarTo
1) Which sermons were used in "Vengeance Is Mine"? 2) What happened to the "Righteous Judgment" EP? 3) Lyrics to "A Primal Urge"? 4) How many of each color were printed for the split with Consuming Fire? 5) Length and lyrics for "Yahweh Shalom"? 6) Someone on Metal Archives mentions a compilation called "Atmospheric Depressive" that features "A Greating Calling" (misspelled version of "A Greater Calling"). I suspect this is the same thing as the Black Metal Warrior #5 compilation (same song, atmospheric/depressive themes...) but I'm not sure. Can anyone clear this up? 7) Is the VoGR Bandcamp version of "Days Without Names" remastered, or is that only the physical copies? 8) What song did "Dreams from Clouds Dark" end up becoming? 9) Info about that vinyl version of "Days Without Names"? 10) Which versions have the "certain versions only" bonus tracks for "Days Without Names"? I had a note that it was ALL versions from 2018 onward, but apparently that's not correct. 11) The rest of the lyrics from the John Piper sermons? 12) More info on the test pressing of "Seeking Refuge"? 13) Lyrics to "Artist Devine" / "Artist Divine"? 14) A lot of these are limited editions, but I don't know what they were limited to. Likewise, a lot of dates are uncertain. Any help with these? 15) Info about "VoW Music"? 16) Some of the re-releases are co-released with Fallen Oak Recording, but aren't marked as being so. Which ones am I missing?
1) The top-right logo; the current one is cut off at the sides. 2) The top-left logo; it's very small and pretty low quality. 3) "Vengeance Is Mine" single. 4) This project has another logo that's not shown here. It's the letters "V o W" written vertically in a font similar to Trajan Pro. I'm having a fair bit of trouble finding this logo in decent res/quality. Any help with that?
Framed copies of "Let There Be Light" and "Ataraxia". Originally personal copies owned by the artist, later sold on Bandcamp. 1 copy each.
Left: Picture from Myspace
Middle: Promo art from Instagram
Right: Promo art from Vision of God Records
Original artworks commissioned for album artwork. The left one is by Samuel "Stigma" Nelson ([source]). The middle and right ones are by Līga Kļaviņa-Raiska ([source], [source]).

Similar to: [SECULAR] Wolves in the Throne Room, Agalloch, Tond, Nishaiar, Enelixi, Ethereal Shroud, Drudkh, Fen, Evergreen Refuge, Horn (Deu), [CHRISTIAN] Daygraves, Bismoth, Armath Sargon, Blatant/Unashamed, Dark Procession, Eternal Emperor, Fathomage, Irgalom, Sanctified Ethos, Torches in the Void, Within Thy Wounds, Antestor, Holy Blood,

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