BAND NAME: Rejoice in Our Suffering
GENRE: Lo-fi Unblack Metal, Dark Ambient
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: USA (Berkeley Springs, West Virginia)

Written on the project's Bandcamp:
"Primarily, it is an exploration and expression of depression and weakness we experience as Christians while trying to live up to God's standards. We absolutely will persevere, thanks to the grace of Jesus Christ and his righteous perfection. However, we are still human."

Also the artist wishes to note:
"[T]he artwork for my demos is made with AI, I have no desire to hide that from anyone - if there are any artists out there that would be willing to work with me on artwork, I'd be happy to compensate if possible, I just don't know any."

T. Suffering - All instruments, Vocals

Demo (8 December, 2023, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

Ambient, all instrumental.

The verse in track 4's song title might make more sense if you read it along with the [preceding verses].

1) Whom He May Devour (1 Peter 5:8) 3:41
2) The Pain of This World (Psalms 34:18) 2:22
3) Deception (1 John 4:1) 4:01
4) Parasepsontas (Hebrews 6:6) 3:59
5) In Due Time (1 Peter 5:6) 3:46

Though the Righteous Fall Seven Times (demo, 1 March, 2024, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

Ambient, all instrumental.

1) Fear (Isaiah 41:10) 3:54
2) War (Matthew 5:9) 4:14
3) Though the Righteous Fall Seven Times (Proverbs 24:16) 7:45

Maranatha (single, 30 July, 2024, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
link expired

Single from the "Spiritual Warfare" demo. Deleted, presumably when the full demo was released.

1) Maranatha 2:35

Spiritual Warfare (demo, 12 August, 2024, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

Tracks 1/6 are ambient, tracks 2-5 are all black metal.

1) Meditations 1:46, instrumental
2) Spiritual Warfare 1:06
3) Maranatha 2:30
4) Psalm 46 1:32
5) Lifting 3:15
6) I, Sinner 1:39, instrumental

A full-length dungeon synth album; a full-length metal album; and a split album with an unnamed unblack band from the USA are all currently in the works right now. Also, a compilation of the existing releases above is being planned. More info will be added later!



T. Suffering said...

Hello, thank you very much for your interest in my project.

You're not missing anything. I'd rather not publish the lyrics, it's something I thought about for awhile and they're fairly primitive. In the future this will likely change as I've developed a better direction for the project.

I took down the single because I thought it was redundant, I had posted it for a few friends that asked to hear something from the project before I released the Spiritual Warfare EP/Demo, and that whole release changed a little between the initial release and by the time you came across it.

The streaming links were taken down because I'm putting all of the demos together into a collection and releasing it on CD or cassette, and I'd rather have them all up there as one release for the sake of simplicity. This should happen in the next couple of weeks or so.

Finally, though this is in the future, I'm working on a full length black metal album, a full length dungeon synth album, and a split with another Christian Black Metal band from the USA.

I appreciate this post and look forward to reading more of your page, I pray you're doing well and would like to thank you again for your interest and the exposure. If you're curious, I play all of the instruments and perform all vocals for the project...

If there is anything else you need or would like to know, feel free to reach out to me.

-T. Suffering

T. Suffering said...

I just realized you're the Annihilated Pentagram Productions guy! I thought about reaching out to you, but didn't want to bother you. Thanks for everything you're doing for the scene.

I also forgot to note in my previous post that the artwork for my demos is made with AI, I have no desire to hide that from anyone - if there are any artists out there that would be willing to work with me on artwork, I'd be happy to compensate if possible, I just don't know any.

Thanks again!

Nocturnal Iridescence said...

That explains why nothing came up when I tried to reverse-image search them, hah! I was sure the Maranatha artwork was from some old medieval text.

I have you down as "T. Suffering". Is this good or should I use a different name? Also - how did "Spiritual Warfare" change from initial release if I can ask?

I see you have a blog. Should I add that link here?

And yeah that's me lol. I'd love to work with you, it wouldn't bother me at all, but it's still on hold as I try to fix my printer (a symptom of a much larger problem with depression and lack of motivation in my life). Thank you very much for the kind words. The fact you acknowledge this work genuinely means the world to me. I get kind comments disturbingly infrequently and that seeming lack of appreciation is crippling. Not too much though, as (since 2014) God holds me up and gives me strength! All glory to Him. Without Him none of my work in the scene would exist as I would have been dead in 2012.

T. Suffering said...

T. or T. Suffering, either one is fine.

I just started the blog to reply to this post, I'm really surprised someone managed to find my music to be honest. This scene appears to be huge, but a small community at the same time. Maybe I'll do something with the blog portion of it in the future.

I have no plans to have any social media beyond the Bandcamp, streaming pages, stuff like that. I really don't like to keep up with X and Facebook and all of those, plus they tend to bring out the worst in me politically and socially, so I just avoid them for my own sanity - nothing against the services really or communicating with others socially, just me being a hermit.

We share struggles with depression and lack of motivation, I seem to only be motivated to create and put that stuff out there then not promote it or push it in any way.

The one thing I've really tried to do with this project is reaching out to other artists to do split releases. If you yourself or any other artists you know would like to do a split 7" or Tape, CD, Album, whatever - let me know. I'm even happy to fund it if I can, but I'll confess I'm terrible at the follow up to that. It's a self-imposed curse.

I would also bet that a lot of people in this scene that don't reach out have similar reasons to myself - Simply put, I just didn't want to impose on what you were doing... Certainly, I consider most other artists in this scene more talented and interesting than myself. The few people I have reached out to, probably about a dozen, I received exactly one reply. And because you found me, I feel a little silly about not reaching out now.

KJV Hebrews 10:25 - Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

---This is obviously more about gathering in a church-like setting, but this could probably be applied to this scene, couldn't it? I really appreciate it, this interaction and finding this posted has made my week and comes on the heels of my speaking with a newly found network regarding my ministry training. God speaks to us in the most interesting ways, and makes it clear when he does so.

God has a people. Thank you.

T. Suffering said...

Oh, I'm sorry, I got excited there. I clarified the mixes and mastered Spiritual Warfare a little bit better, as I was going to originally release it as an EP, but after comparing it to my new material it really is a demo.

It had an alternate color cover, as well. I can email that to you if you'd like, and I should still have the Maranatha cover. I flatter myself by thinking I've just gotten good at massaging the AI prompts.