BAND NAME: Vinterfjørden (Vinterfjorden)
GENRE: Ambient / Unblack Metal
STATUS: Unknown
LOCATION: USA (Virginia and Maryland)

The artist photos are at their original sizes. I'm not sure why one photo is so much larger than the other.

Nosgoth - Songwriting (other roles unknown)
Vandor - Drums, Songwriting



Vinterfjørden Demo (NOT SURE IF RELEASED)

Mentioned on Myspace. and on their old website. Contained "Rising of the Full Moon" (00:53, but I assume this was just a sample of a longer song.) The demo is listed as being from 31 December, 2006, and the song is listed as being uploaded 1 January, 2007, though Myspace often has incorrect dates listed on things like this.

IncompletePage, CouldUseBetterImages, NotOnMA
A lot is missing / could be improved. If you have anything, let me know!
ALSO, I could have sworn there was a more "complete" version of their website... Was there a different link or something, or am I just going crazy?

Miscellaneous images:

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