GENRE: Experimental Unblack Metal
STATUS: Changed name (see notes)
(Split-up under new name, Armageddon Holocaust)
LOCATION: Indonesia (Jakarta, Java)

Formed in 2001. After THT Productions saw the success of Armageddon Holocaust's debut album, this project was merged with AH in 2002. All future Doctor D material was released under that name. AH's album "Radioactive Zone 245" was originally meant to be the debut album of Doctor D, called "D-liverance".

Doctor D - Vocals, Guitars, Bass
Jefray Arwadi - Vocals, Guitars, Drums



Demo (NOT SURE IF LEGIT, 2001)

Three tracks, titles unknown. Heard about this from a friend. But neither of us is sure if this was ever an actual, separate release, or if it's just the split album mentioned below (where three Doctor D songs are featured) and there was a misunderstanding along the way.

Doctor Dark (split, July, 2001, THT Productions)
Format: CD

Despite what many sites say, this is actually a split album.[1]
Tracks 1-3 are from Doctor D, and tracks 4-12 are from Bealiah.

1) Doctor D - A Frosted Celtic Hammer 3:23
2) Doctor D - Where the Rainforests Die 4:04
3) Doctor D - Burn You 3:44

Self Krusher Compilation - 5th Anniversary THT Productions (Compilation, 2001, THT Productions)
Format: CD

1) Doctor D - A Frosted Celtic Hammer 3:23

Extreme Music Sampler Volume 5 (compilation, year unknown, Blastbeats)
Format: CD

17) Doctor D - A Frosted Celtic Hammer 3:22


D-liverance (UNRELEASED, THT Productions)

There was artwork planned for this.[1] But it was, of course, never used, as the album was eventually released under the Armageddon Holocaust name instead.

Not sure if the same track titles were used on this, or if they were changed for Radioactive Zone 245.

IncompletePage, CouldUseBetterImages, UncertainInfo
1) Is that 2001 demo legit, or not? In the slight chance it is legit, can anyone tell me more info about it? 2) Anyone have more info about the UNRELEASED version of D-liverance?
Both the logo and cover art could use higher-res / higher-quality versions.

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