BAND NAME: His Name Alone
GENRE: Unblack Metal with Symphonic/Atmospheric Influences
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: USA (Kentucky)

All music is AI generated.
It's run by a solo artist, but I don't know if they want their name out there.

There's a typo in the logo. "Hiis Name Alone".



The Narrow Path (album, 7 June, 2024, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

1) Amazing Grace 2:04
2) Cleaved unto Wrath 1:38
3) Echoes of the Gall 3:11
4) Requiem of Death 2:35
5) Darkness Trembles 3:06
6) Martyrium 2:40
7) Word Unspoken 2:43
8) Demon's Plight 2:43
9) Chalice of Mercy 3:16
10) Spiritual War 3:16

IncompletePage, CouldUseBetterImages, NotOnMA
INFO: Lyrics?
There used to be a better version of the logo online. I can't seem to find it now. Any help?


Miscellaneous stuff: A picture on Bandcamp

Similar to: [SECULAR] Odium, Limbonic Art, Obsidian Gate, Sirius, Ceremonial Castings, Vargrav, Parnassus, [CHRISTIAN] Antestor, Dödsmarsch / Dodsmarsch, Sanctifica, Opus Irae, (add more later)

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