Note that this page contains some artistic nudity.
BAND NAME: Gravenchalice
GENRE: Black Metal with Melodic/Post Influences
STATUS: Active
Please note:
Only 1 member of this band identifies as Christian; the other two are not. Similar to a [few] [other] [pages] on here, this band is added here based primarily on that person's work/input. Gravenchalice consider themselves black metal (ie, "not unblack") and consider themselves totally separate from the scene that this site is based on.
Tillson - Vocals, Guitars, Lyrics
Thaumiel - Guitars
Lord Gothryd - Guitars, Drums
- Drums were programmed on the first 2 releases
- On the occasion that keyboards are used, Tillson and Gothryd both play them.
Apple Music
Apparition (album)
10 May, 2020, Independent, Bandcamp
5 June, 2020, Independent, CD, sleeve, sold out
Also stream on YouTube (BAND-APPROVED[1])
The band has stated their intention to do a vinyl pressing of this album eventually, but it's not clear just yet when they'll be able to do it. Also, a cassette version is in the works.
1) Graviora Manent
7:41, lyrics:
From the void, a light bleeds
And from the light, a shadow forms
One star to run and devour four
A river bursts, set against the world
A tongue of flame, crowning the saints
And an eye in heart, guiding the pilgrims
All is vain aside from the void within the wounds of the Lord's hands
Vertigo within as I look upon the distance
The stairs descend through the chaos winds
Yahweh's blood running down the cross
Running down the steps as sinners' atonement
Yes, they ride
Together as one through the sky
Blood in the rain, tis the day for performing the dance of fate
Sing the song of death and drink
Drink of this graven chalice
Bathe in sunlight, fall with the stars
And forget these things of the past world
Apparition as a floating head crowned with halo
Groans in foreshadowing over life and death
Repent! For the sand doth fall!
To know the truth is suffering and yes, I am suffering
2) Behind Her Veil
5:56, lyrics:
A hymn of woe
For imbalance and sin
For the wicked hearts of men, shallow and unrepentant
Our Mother's veins are filled with rust
For God so loved this damned world
Descend into the void and you will find the answers
Along with other questions; the weight of the cross
Hatred is stirred, you curse at the sky
Clenching your fists while descending
Now you see, behind her veil
The rotted skull and the empty eyes
Now you feel, the cold embrace of eternal truth, resembling death
You weep for me and you search for me
But seek me not, for I'll come to you
In perfect peace, wen fear is gone and lust has fled
Only then we'll meet
A hymn of woe
For the Day of Judgement
For the wicked hearts of men, born in damnation
See Your furnace overflows
And see the crowds upon the widened road
They shall never know good things again, oblivion
They shall never see the light of day
3) Apocalypsis
6:06, lyrics:
My Lord, war, famine, death
A sword, a sword, sharpened and polished
Sharpened for the slaughter of the Image of God
Yes a sword, a sword, to gut the flesh of life
Behold the demise of God's creation
Blot out the sons of men
Repent over Your creation
For Thy crown of Thorns was of the earthen soil
And Satan a finger of the shrouded left hand
Angels sound the trumpets for the Lord's vengeance
A blackened sun and a bloody moon adorn the heavens
The Son of God, for all to see
Wielding a sword, Jesus weeps
Repent over Your creation
4) Missio Dei
5:16, lyrics:
Oh, how the hatred shakes the bones
Nostrils flare as tears are falling
Crucified, You're left weeping
A fate of damnation, bearing splintered cross
He - a lion - will seek, kill, destroy
Morning star, you'll bow to Me
God's creation adores what I AM as My Hands stretch out to slaughter them
Father forgive me for all I've done and all I do
Withhold Thy hatred from me by the pardon of Your Son's blood
A mass of rot inside out, death piled upon death
A crown of thorns woven from sin adoring the brow of Yeshua
Every praise a lamentation
And every bow a breaking of knees
Even the dead find no rest
They gnash their teeth and curse their mother's womb
Seven thrones and seven crowns rusting in heaven's tears
The winepress spews a sea of blood to drown the nations over iniquity
Yet once again, they do not repent
The light seduces and she does lie
And when the sword is to their throat, they will cry,
"Lord, my Lord, please save me!"
5) Vanitas
5:01, lyrics:
Vomit the earth and spit out the ashes of your mothers and fathers
For still you reap what vanity they sowed
Harvest again, it shatters your spine!
Fruits of abundance seal your lips
In the lake you can see the stars
But in the sky they're none
Will your eyes look back upon that burning city?
And your flesh contort into a pillar of salt?
For the lust of the flesh and the pride of life come not from the Lord's hands
They come from the world like serpents slithering from a shrinking hole

Samael (album)
3 October, 2021, Independent, Bandcamp
UPCOMING, Deepgrooves Records, Vinyl
A cassette version is also in the works.
1) Icarus
7:27, lyrics:
Threads of dawn weave the heart and bind the soul to morning's flare
I will kiss the sun in all of her splendor and she will scorch my lips
Rending my soul asunder
Falling through empyrean, feathers cascade from seared wings
Salvation obscured, may shackles never unclasp
A severed hand emerging from the depths
Its fingers forming a crown and its palm a throne
Bestowing the names of Adversary
A third of every halo forsaken
By the sweeping of serpentine tail
Angels weeping o'er their punishment; abandonment
Behold, Oh Lord, the descent like lightning
Scratching cerulean sky
So that the void may bleed through the cracks
For this world has been given unto me upon my crashing
And they will worship me as the Most High
The lowly clay brought forth to flame
A heaping of carnage to sing Your praise
Their entangled limbs erect an altar
Devoid of obeisance, devoted to violence
They stare at the sky with blank expressions
I am undismayed though my midst be ablaze
For You will uphold me within Your left hand
Do not delay, my Lord, to torment me
A lamp for my feet and a light for my path
My heart treads burning coals
Reflecting my upmost admiration; You whom I serve through enmity
Staring at the sky with blank expression as if to hope
2) Samael
4:38, lyrics:
Alas, has the Savior come to die?
To bash my head with the weight of His heel
I look into Your eyes, aligned with ailments of men
Shall they bring You to stumble and fall?
Calamity spews forth from inner vexation
So serpents shall slither from Eve's putrid womb
With lies we shall tempt her and bring her to fall
And they will know sin like a scarlet mark
And He will taketh pity on them
Reaching with dead man's arms
Reason with them, show them a road white as snow
Where all is forgiven and shame is none
And they shall become a bride for you, ready for my opposition
For indignation stirs from within
Upon a will reborn scorched eyes lift
This chastening has sharpened my resolve
And my resolve seethes with vehemence
Because Thou has bound me in chains
I will attack them from every side upon Thy straight path, from which they shall deviate
Gnawing on their tongues, ripping out their hearts
Here he comes, a roaring lion
And here you are, a trembling lamb
A petal of the rose, this bitter enmity
A field of ashes and dust to surround
There is no hope and there is no peace
Not for me and soon not for them
Atonement demands for the blood of innocence
Holdfast, and I will break You
Hammering nail through wrist
Salvation drips from splinters
Father's abandoning hangs Your head
And Mother's caressing closes Your eyes
The worms shall weave their veils to adorn Your shredded face
Maggots shall drown Thy sockets
Cloaking Thy back of scars
Why did You not turn stones into bread?
Why did You not leap from the edge?
3) Cain
6:23, lyrics:
Hear their fervent prayers whispered in veils
And witness the rivers of tears
I will enter beneath shadowed foliage into Eden
On belly, through dust, approaching Your reflection
Enticing their lips to drink from my offering drawn from a wellspring of knowledge
Where I laid the foundations for the first and final revelations
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone as he himself is cast from the cradle of existence
Another son scorned in testament to His righteousness
Cursed and banished as I, you are marked with abomination
My open arms welcome you and close in to tighten around your neck
Constricted by fear
Shaken by wrath
Kill your brother and tarnish the crops with his blood
Wailing to Abba
From this field of bones you shall erect Enoch
Enlightened by the words of unknown fury
Strangle compassion and tear her insides
Relentless, she fanatically gasps, "please, please spare me!"
In acts of domination are you satisfied?
You will die in your own sins
Gnashing of teeth
You will weep
The forbidden fruit and its purity begin to rot
Amidst those truths I sowed
Truth I sowed
You who taste its succulence will succumb to tasteless desire
And all your days become vain pursuits
Vain pursuit
4) Soli Umbra
2:59, instrumental
5) Bellum
5:20, lyrics:
Inevitable death
We will take joy in dashing the infants against stone
As flowers of joy bow down to wilt
I have heard the war trumpet's cry with pounding heart and itching tongue
Swords raised against the Lord
Spewing blasphemy's vortex
Given authority to bind them
And given a blade to slay them
Worship the beast you conquered nations
And the dragon standing on the shore
Opposition crushed by his teeth
Who of you can stand against us?
We will kill you, you sons of men
Making icons of you, icons of vanitas
We will kill you, angels of above
Dragging you to abyss, mangling you
Oh, blameless, Son of God
Let us meet in the valley of death where I'll cast my crown upon Your feet to suffer defeat
Yet I'll hang not my head, for there is reason to rejoice
For as we stand the flames begin to lick the stars
And it was agreed that few should be saved and many should perish in pain
A clamor of clamoring to smother the gasping
These restless days are like clouds on the sun
Their hands stretch out to skim Thy healing garment
Yet Your back is turned, so that I may devour them and spit out their bones for ravenous dogs to gnaw upon
Breathing sulfur plagues, reaping slaves
I render them dead before You
Silent anticipation
Endless lamentations flowing from my palms
Laid to waste as disposable piece
Consumed by plague, you pine away
Upon their skin, the teeth of beasts
And within their veins, the venom of serpents crawling through the dust
He has delivered you a thousand times
Yet a thousand times you return to me
6) Tartarus
8:25, lyrics:
A mirror to the titans of old who begat their own usurpers
And so were seceded by their sons
Seceding where I could not
Helel's name is lost, masked by abysmal pitch
Thus folds the wings of alluring beauty
Thus smothers the flame that engulfed the world
May Your scribe account the sins of my epoch
And the millennia of illumination
Look upon me one last time
And clutch at Your chest as a third of creation descends
Following me in severance from You
Drunk off wormwood, filled with bitterness
Here there is only desolation
A dwelling place made in the dark
Where fiery waves clash against the shore
And the wind like knives lacerate the skin over and over again
Lining my arms, lining my throat
A suffering without relief of death
Hence my prayers are none
And even if they were, You wouldn't heed a word
What light remains becomes a vignette
As I collapse in the black hole of Tartarus
May You bring them to writhe like worms
May You bring them to curse You with moans
May You utterly reject them
And may they know damnation
Just as I have known all of these things
7) Lamentations
9:26, lyrics:
Twisting wisdom for splendor
As rivers shall thy tears flow
Strength and joy cease to be and you groan, exasperated
Laden with chains that cut the skin and grind the bone
An embracing of ash, to kiss the dust and say, "this is my newfound rest"
You wove fabrics of sin to ensnare me
To hang by my neck as a yoke and to harden my spirit against You
Besieged with hopelessness for there is no salvation for the angels
We could never return home
Flesh withers from all sight and every hidden bone protrudes
Waste away like a garment devoured by moths
A stairway built unto the sun
Crumbling beneath her rays
Shriveling beneath her light
Lament this ending
Cast below where utter despair resides
A maze of tunnels without lights
Eyes widened in terror for this is the fate set in stone before my first breath
Crying in the abyss
Wading in flame
Know your death hath come
Cling your palms and pray for dismay
Let your troubled soul be still and want not
As you bask in a shrouded sun, may My will be done
Hold to your transgressions for they all are you have
And tend to your open wounds for no other can
Thou be damned

Via Dolorosa (EP, 30 May, 2022, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)
A cassette version is also in the works.
1) Via Peccatum
8:26, lyrics:
An ashen mound of sins pouring from my mouth
Collapsing, I pray
"Spare Thy blaze, concealed by veil
And find me here, wailing beneath the angels, ornaments of stone
Clawing the dirt, writhing with laceration
Utter dejection, vile disdain
Condemn me to burn in Sheol forever and ever
Guilty, ashamed of all I am, worthless"
Every hope and thing of peace etched in tombs beneath brown moss
Wilting, rotting, preaching silence's sermons
Spirits crushed
Grief unrelenting
Who can fathom these depths?
Father above, One of many names
Hear Your children plea to be saved
And reach out with deliverance for every shallow and contrite heart
Pulling into the mire of the deep where footholds are none, where dreams go numb
Tongue cleaves to palate and throat is parched
Horizons become as blackened lines
Curling fingers to shun the light
With a loathsome kiss the umbras will declare an oath
"Tremble, you of little faith
For these are the plans we have for you:
Anathemas to harm, strongholds to ruin
Traverse the paths leading astray as dread overwhelms you
And throw away your every virtue and we will sanctify them into miseries
Remain in the shadow of many wings raising you to malice"
The sting of death, the power of sins
Forging a blade to separate from the love of God
Lowering heads and tragic ends where all fall short of the glory of Him
Afflicted and crushed
Perplexed and driven to despair
Persecuted and forsaken
Struck down, concluding anguish
Jubilance suffers this devotion of marring Thy temple
Forbidden repentance from all I commit, all I embrace:
The sackcloth for skin, the ashes for hair and the smile of gritting teeth
Yearning for miracles of grace
They never come, so hold and heal
As before, you never abandon
2) Via Poenitentiam
4:18, lyrics:
In Mary's heart, a thousand daggers
Bring Him close to you with abounding love
From wounds like sockets, divinity's blood trickles onto your skin
Where it seeps into your veins in harmony
A clasping of hands as Mother and Son
Speak to me though no sound can leave Your mouth
Pierce our hearts as your own
And makes us sob right beside you for the death of your beloved Son
And show us the meaning of this decease as we lay down in decay
Our questions met by quietude, we come to conclude there is no other purpose than this:
That all was put on this earth to adore His corpse
3) Via Fastidium
9:22, lyrics:
Walk unpardoned
Walk with guilt
Walk with hate
Through churches, abandoned
Where relics of hope may haunt
And angels may bury their faces for the lust of men
Oh, the bliss of this glorious thought
That my sin, in whole, shall be nailed to flesh to bear forevermore
Oh, praise the Lord!
For He is good
Eli! Eli! Lama sabachthani!
Jesus crying on Golgotha as persona of embedded regrets
Imago Dei, ridden with Thy faults
When You gaze upon me looking into void
Do You remember Your personal plagues?
Those things You could conjure (the wisdoms of good and evil)?
Be still when You rest Your head and haste my departure
Omit my existence as I pass the arches
Where screams are mute of the prodigals that never returned home
Heed not aromas of burning carrion nor evaporating tears from the oceans of fire
They will kindle as effigies for Thy vices
Conviction hurts as gripping thorns
Sundered via dolorosa
Every sound but the crackling, drowned
Every feeling but caressing flame, gone
And it feels as though this always was
The second death is sempiternal
Oh, praise the Lord!
For He is good
ArtistConfirmed, SimilarTo
Page reviewed/confirmed as of 27 January 2023.
Miscellaneous stuff: A couple shirt designs

Similar to: [SECULAR] Deathspell Omega, Dissection, Abigor, Batushka, Mgła / Mgla, Arckanum, Carpticon, Hate (Poland), Kanonenfieber, Blut Aus Nord, Weakling, Choir (Sgp), Meslamtaea, Negative Plane, [CHRISTIAN] Light Shall Prevail, Toreva, Master Hunter, Lo-Ruhamah, Like Dust, Noisgoroth, Greatchrist Opengrave, Исихиазм, No Lower Place to Fall, Vinlandic Hate, Dying Blaze