BAND NAME: Vacation Bible School
GENRE: Experimental Vaporwave (early + later), Dark Ambient / Unblack Metal (mid)
STATUS: Active

Added based on the album "Holy Unblack Metal". All other releases are vaporwave with no metal elements. It's an experimental style the artist calls "churchwave", describing it as, "the sound of walking through an abandoned church lobby."

Vacation Bible School - All instruments



Holy Unblack Metal (album)

31 October, 2018, SoundCloud, link expired
6 January, 2019, Junk Maker Sounds, Bandcamp, Remastered

Stream on YouTube w/ video (OFFICIAL)

The artist has said the following about this album:
This album is dedicated to Christian black ("unblack") metal -- a fascinating movement within religious music history. Giving a proper summary of the history of black metal's second movement and the Christian response cannot be easily done within a short album summary, but there is plenty of information on the web. Here's a fun intro video to the topic by Sam Sutherland from "This Exists":
I recommend Antestor and Horde if you want to hear original, Christian 'unblack' metal artists.
P R A I S E _ J E S U S

1) A Church Burns in the Nordic Winds (Soundscape) 5:55
2) h e a l _ m y _ s o r r o w 2:33
3) c r u c i f i e d 3:34
4) k e n o s i s 2:58
5) s a c r a m e n t 1:40
6) s e p u l c h e r 1:06
7) u n g l o r i f i e d _ d e p r e s s i o n 2:30
8) p r o c e s s i o n 1:54
9) c r u s h i n g _ b a p h o m e t ' s _ t h r o n e 2:00
10) c h a l i c e _ o f _ m y _ t e a r s 1:12
11) b l e s s e d _ p e a c e m a k e r s 3:44
12) h o l y _ t r i n i t y 5:57
13) t h e _ f i r e _ s u b s i d e s 1:01

VBS has a ton of music that isn't listed here. (In general, I think I'm going to stop posting entire huge discographies of bands that are added here based only on one album.) For the rest of their music, please see the links above!


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