BAND NAME: Display of Agony
GENRE: Experimental Black / Doom Metal
STATUS: Unknown
LOCATION: Brazil (Valença, Rio de Janerio)

Was at least active from 2016 to 2019.

Conceived as a "black/funeral doom" project, but the only song I can still find is way more experimental than that genre tag would imply.

Mercy Lord - All instruments, Vocals


I'm almost certain there were other songs besides just this one. Unfortunately, if I'm right about that, then they were all lost when the Facebook page was deleted.

Agony (single, 27 February, 2016, Independent)
Format: YouTube

1) Agony 4:13

Evig Mørke Collection - Brazilian Extreme Metal Bands - Vol. I (5 July, 2017, Evig Mørke Productions)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

The name was slightly changed (removing "Brazilian") and the artwork was changed (to the right image) on 10 December, 2021.

12) Display of Agony - Agony 4:13

IncompletePage, CouldUseBetterImages, NotOnMA
1) Lyrics? 2) Info on the other possible songs? If I'm right and there were others, can they be salvaged?
The logo. The one at the top of this page seems to be the only one online that isn't stretched/distorted somehow. I'm hoping there's a larger, higher-quality version of this original logo somewhere.

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