BAND NAME: Kvaldar
GENRE: Atmospheric Unblack Metal
STATUS: On hold [1]
LOCATION: United States (Charlotte, North Carolina)

Formed in 2010.

Lineup (last known)
 Uriah - All instruments, Vocals



Austerity of the Beloved (single/demo, 10 August, 2010, Independent)
Format: YouTube / Myspace
Stream (Official)

1) Austerity of the Beloved
3:14, lyrics:
A fire is burning
in my heart of war
passion is yielding
my blade untorn

Time has come to turn the tide
reclaiming my destiny
renouncing my affliction
fire has burned me battle has scared me
but nothing in this life will prevent my ascension.

Also a couple teaser tracks on YouTube, though those videos are currently set to "unlisted".

CouldUseBetterImages, NotOnMA
Anyone have a better logo?

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