1) Most of the info on this page is outdated (~2019). I hope to get it organized and up to date with time. Please be patient in the meantime.

2) A bit of content on this page was censored for being too graphic. This was done with permission from the artist. I did my best, but if there's something I missed that readers believe should be redacted/censored, please tell me. I'm happy to make changes.

BAND NAME: What Brings Ruin
GENRE: Raw Lo-fi Unblack Metal / Blacknoise
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: USA (Russellville, Alabama)

Formed in early 2019.
Although announced after Shekinah, this project was actually started first.
Went on hold on 1 October, 2019.
Became active again in December, 2019.

"The logo and name represents sin and how it brings ruin [. . .] The logo itself is a play on words, the words say "What Brings" and the Viking rune is set in place of the word "Ruin""

Nocturnal Servant - All instruments, Vocals



Drinking the Blood of the Antichrist (single)

19 July, 2019, Independent, Bandcamp
19 July, 2019, The Bearded Dragon Productions, Bandcamp

1) Drinking the Blood of the Antichrist 6:01, see below for lyrics


30 August, 2019, Independent, Bandcamp
30 August, Independent, The Bearded Dragon Productions, Bandcamp

Also stream on YouTube (OFFICIAL)

Originally planned to be a four-song demo, but was later combined with a couple three-song EPs that were also being planned.

Songs with no lyrics or "instrumental" note are labeled "lyrics unavailable" on Bandcamp.

 1) The First Season
00:50, instrumental

2) Heart of 666 Karat Gold
3:31, lyrics:
Witness the uprising
of a selfish and inhuman

Satan, he calls your name
to give you this heart of gold
666 karat gold

Perversion of compassion
tolerating abominations

I see them march in celebration
praising their own wickedness
as they trample His Holy Blood underfoot
with every step they take

Perverting a promise of peace
into blasphemy!!

Sympathy for pedophiles
let the guilty go free

Inject the needle
just let the old lady die!
dump the filth on our children
out of sight, out of mind

Over-tolerance is Satan's specialty
will it ever end

Come and take your heart of 666 karat gold
the price is your soul

3) Feed Me Lies, Feed Me Death

4) [. . .]
4:17, lyrics:
[. . .]
death filled night
fleshly enslaver
come and fight

lust filled night
help me die
fill the void
with your meaningless pride

sexual temptations
[. . .]
fleshly desires
power of Satan

lust filled night
help me die
take my hand
lead me to the bitter end

[. . .]
death filled night
fleshly enslaver
come and fight

lust filled night
help me die
fill the void
with your meaningless pride

sexual temptations
[. . .]
fleshly desires
power of Satan

lust filled night
help me die
take my hand
lead me to the bitter end

take my hand
and lead me to the bitter end!

5) Drinking the Blood of the Antichrist
6:01, lyrics:
Drinking the Blood of the Antichrist
for all to see

Watch me slay him
before the altar of Baal

I approach the unholy altar
to desecrate

Smashing the Luciferian crown
beneath my feet

Flaming sword of Holy might
I am coming for you


....now die!

Drinking the Blood of the Antichrist
for all to see

Watch me slay him
before the altar of Baal

I approach the unholy altar
to desecrate

Smashing the Luciferian crown
beneath my feet

Flaming sword of Holy might
I am coming for you

I am coming for you (repeat)


....now die!

6) The Second Season
00:20, instrumental

7) Deny Me Not
2:30, lyrics:
Deny me not into eternity
Flames will consume my soul
Death will surround my bleeding heart so cold

Deathly mockers blaspheming what they cannot see, what they don't want to understand

Deny me not, deny me not
Deny me not into eternity of pain
Destroyed my soul, destroyed my mind

Deny me not my soul
Deny me not my mind
Deny me not this heart of flesh

Give me not this heart of stone
Don't not harden my heart

Take me from this deadly grasp
Of eternal fire
Of eternal night and pain

Deny me not
Release me from damnation
Take me from this grief and sorrow

Take me from this nightmare

Save me not, and I will die forever

8) Grave Excommunication
3:52, lyrics:
Excommunicated, cast out
Taken away, from the cemetery

Grave Excommunication
Exiled from the dust

This cemetery reeks of corpses
Our bodies growing stronger
In the dust we came and we
rose to life once more

Excommunicated, from a
dreadful existence
Excommunicated, from death

Taken away, from the dust we came
Taken away, from this
cold cemetery

Rotten earth we came
Breathing life once more
From the miry grave
We came

Drinking life once more
From death we overcame
Bright light emits from our soul

But this time we can see it
With our natural eyes

Onlookers behold, the bodily resurrection of the dead in Christ

We will not remain in death forever

Excommunicated, cast out
Taken away, from the cemetery

Grave Excommunication
Exiled from the dust

This cemetery reeks of corpses
Our bodies growing stronger
In the dust we came and we
rose to life once more

Excommunicated, from a
dreadful existence
Excommunicated, from death

Taken away, from the dust we came
Taken away, from this
cold cemetery

Rotten earth we came
Breathing life once more
From the miry grave
We came

Drinking life once more
From death we overcame
Bright light emits from our soul

But this time we can see it
With our natural eyes

Onlookers behold, the bodily resurrection of the dead in Christ

We will not remain in death forever

The bodily resurrection of the dead in Christ is here

9) Night of the Eternal Moon
2:31, lyrics:
Night of the eternal moon
Frozen cold forever in the dawn of time

Creation lies still in the black silent void of space

The moon and sun are nothing but shall become

Time and matter are non existent in the abstract spiritual state of reality's existence

Nocturnal frozen plains of nothingness
Only eternal cold and black
Before the dawn of time

Darkness upon the face of the waters
Darkness shrouds creation
A pre-existence of time and space

Nothing exists, everything is void
All things are made according to His pleasure

Nothing exists, all is none
Everything exists because of His glory

To everything around me
Non-existent you may be
A bleak beauty non-existent to reality

Take me into the eternal ice of dreams
Into the nothingness of creation never before seen and never before told

Take me into the endless void
Take me into the night of the eternal moon

10) The Final Season
00:23, instrumental

11) We Don't Hate You
5:38, lyrics:
indoctrination filth child genocide
don't do this to us leave the innocent alone
they can't comprehend what you are telling them
they don't even have fully developed minds
indoctrination in filth

we don't hate you we merely disagree
we don't hate you but our faith we need
we don't hate you push back our rights
we don't hate you, He bled for you and me

indoctrination filth, what shall we do
take from us the solace of our own minds
indoctrination from Lucifer himself
take from us not this precious child of mine
He bleeds, He has wept for you and me

we don't hate you just take back our minds
we don't hate you we are just outspoken
we don't hate you, we care but we can't compromise
we don't hate you, "Watch Me bleed in your place"

help us save souls fellow brothers in Christ
help us win souls fellow sisters in Christ

come now to your Heavenly Father
He takes all the pain away
sin not, His will can be done
help us take back what is ours

help us save souls fellow brothers in Christ
help us win souls fellow sisters in Christ

we don't hate you we merely disagree
we don't hate you but our faith we need
we don't hate you push back our rights
we don't hate you, He bled for you and me

we don't hate you just take back our minds
we don't hate you we are just outspoken
we don't hate you, we care but we can't compromise
we don't hate you, "Watch Me bleed in your place"

12) Taking Our Blood to Boil

13) Fear and Cowardess

Draak Herd (Vol. 1) (compilation, 13 September, 2019, The Bearded Dragon Productions)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

14) What Brings Ruin - Drinking the Blood of the Antichrist 6:01, see above for lyrics

Serpentcrusher (EP)

18 October, 2019, Independent, Bandcamp
18 October, 2019, The Bearded Dragon Productions, Bandcamp

These songs are taken from an eventual full-length album.

1) Serpentcrusher
6:06, lyrics:
Serpent crusher

Crush the snake
Crush the snake
Crush the snake
Beneath our feet

Blood drains from
thy skull

This authorized

Crush the serpent
The serpent crushed
Crush the serpent
The serpent crushed

Crush the snake
Crush the snake
Gorge the snake
Gorge his head

in nails
Gorge his head in nails

Crush the snake
The serpent defiler
Crush this serpent

Crush his head
Beneath our feet

Demonic hanging defiled
Defiled dark master

Serpent failure
Serpent killer
Serpent crusher

Crush the serpent
Crush the serpent
Beneath your heel

Crush the serpent
Crush his head

Crush the serpent
Crush the serpent
Destruction, death
Demonic genocide
of Hell kingdom

Destroy, destroy
Crush the serpent's head
Serpent defiler
Crushing Lucifer
Every step you take

Crush the serpent
Serpent crusher
Snake defiler
Snake killer
Crush his head

Hang their bones in the trees
Hang the demon by the neck
Barbed wire

Hang the demon
From the trees
In frozen plain

Destruction, death
Defiled, genocide
Crushing Lucifer

I'm the serpent defiler
serpent crusher

Crush, crush, crush, crush
Crush, crush, crush, crush

Crush the serpent's head
Serpent defiler
Serpent skinner

Hang Satan
Crucify Satan
Burn Satan
Crush Satan

Kill, kill, kill


Crush the serpent
The serpent crusher

Crush, crush, crush
Crush, crush, crush, crush

Crush the serpent

2) Necrophobic
3:35, lyrics:
"Hah! Look at you now
dead in the ground and defiled
what a masterpiece
[. . .]

To hell with your 'god'!"

The time is coming soon
when man's reality
becomes even more skewed
pedophilia is already underway

Necrophiles are lurking around you

The way the world is going
I don't have a doubt in my mind
that the majority of mankind has gone mad
they make you like they want you to be

Never opposing a different view
or else next it will be you
raped and dead in the cold ground


Manufacture the guilt
manufacture the endless shame
manipulate reality
soon the horror is upon you
Don't believe me?
Try me!

Try me!!

"To hell with your 'god'!"

[. . .]
[. . .]

"To hell with your 'god'!"
"To hell with your 'god'!"

"To hell with your 'god'!"
what they say

"To hell with your 'god'!"

Never opposing a different view
or else next it will be you
raped and dead in the cold ground

Manufacture the guilt
manufacture the endless shame
manipulate reality
soon the horror is upon you
Don't believe me?
Try me!

Try me!!!!

"To hell with your 'god'!"
"To hell with your 'god'!"

"To hell with your 'god'!"

what they say

"To hell with your 'God'!"

3) Beelzebub, Sacrificed in the Holy Fire (Outro)
00:50, instrumental


Miscellaneous stuff:

Draft artwork for "Demo"

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