BAND NAME: FlyRavenHome
GENRE: Unblack Ambient / Neofolk / Drone
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: Unknown (early), USA (now)

Formed as a secular project around 2011/2012. Nothing was recorded or released.

Brought back in 2023, reborn as a Christian project.

Nocturnal Iridescence - All instruments, Vocals


Demo 1 (demo, 23 August, 2023, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

The tree symbol is (a flawed recreation of) a symbol given to me by God, meant to stand against / counter things like nature worship, neopaganism, nature-based new age beliefs, etc.

1) Untitled 1
5:23, lyrics:
The sun sets
Civilization and nature
What is it all, but a dim mirror? (1 Cor 13:12)
A black-winged silhouette
In the cold wind
Against the gold sky
Looking into the shining forest
Dimming into night

I pray to You, Christ
In hopes of a tomorrow.

Thy will be done.

2) Untitled 2
5:21, lyrics:
From decaying mountains (Rev 21:1), I watch the end begin. Behind me, civilization is burning. In front of me, I watch the grass and branches move in the wind. Knowing the time will come soon when I will have to stand up from this height, take up my sword and shield anew (Eph 6:10-17), and enter the fire. There remains a mission (Mark 16:15)... The mere thought exhausts me, but unlike the last time I was here, my armor is not rusted. the decay is not my only companion, for the decay cannot substitute the divinity. I drank of the pagan fountains and was left dehydrated. This time, I will drink of heaven's fountain (John 4:13-14), and I will fight alongside thousands of armies of the non-fallen. I slumber in You, Christ (Ex 33:14). When I wake up, help me to fight.

NotOnMA, ArtistConfirmed, NeedsScriptureReferences, SimilarTo
Similar to: [SECULAR] Oaks of Bethel, Claudio Yuraq, Twilight Falls, Aäkon Këëtrëh / Aakon Keetreh, Woodstone, Мстивой, At the Head of the Woods, The Elemental Chrysalis, [CHRISTIAN] Dark Procession, Tordenheim / Holkeheim, Sacred Forests, Grim Priest, Coldrealm,

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