NEVZAEL (+Winds of Fire)

^ Old logo ............... v New logo [draft]


BAND NAME: Nevzael
GENRE: Psychedelic / Bestial Black / War Metal
STATUS: Active

IMPORTANT NOTE: Nevzael is "a Christian project", but it is not meant for Christian listening. This project is heavily influenced by esoteric / occult / pagan / left-hand themes (the path I walked before God saved me), and is an evangelistic work to show God to those still on that path. Essentially, teaching Christian theology using left-hand concepts and terminology with which those listeners may be more familiar.

The name "Nevzael" (NEV-zigh-yel; НЭВ-заи-ел; etc) doesn't mean anything, it's just an idea I had. I may have invented it after reading names in the Old Testament. It started in 2015, and was planned to be something a bit like [Orationem] or [Light Shall Prevail], but with more atmospheric leanings. In January 2023, I started a separate project called Winds of Fire, but with God's discretion, I decided these two projects were similar enough and I didn't need both, so I just merged them. The name is Nevzael, but the current style leans more toward what I was going for with Winds of Fire.

In theory, Nevzael never "split up" despite me doing nothing with it for 9 years, but it was obviously inactive.

Years active:
(1 June-12 Sept?) 2015 - ????, Nevzael
19 January 2023 - 28 August, 2024, Winds of Fire
28 August, 2024 - present, Nevzael

Nocturnal Iridescence - All instruments, Vocals
Credit also to God. We could debate about how to describe this (somehow it feels irreverent to call Him a "band member") but I still want to make it very clear that everything with Nevzael is done with His guidance and input. Songwriting, lyrics, art direction, etc., and done in deep gratitude to Him.


For the Living God (EP/album?, UNRELEASED)

Had ideas, never finished them.
Might still work on this someday. Not sure.
The left picture was made on 12 September, 2015. The right one was made on 16 March, 2022.

Χριστός Ο Ίεροφάντης (demo, 29 August, 2024, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

Also stream on YouTube (OFFICIAL)

The text below the title is "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΚΥΡΙΟΣ ΚΥΡΙΩΝ" ("KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS") § Revelation 19:16. It's meant to be symbolic of 1 Corinthians 13:12, and the general idea that God meets us where we are in life, but loves us too much to let us stay there. Calling Christ a "hierophant" is the dim and dark mirror through which occultists and catechumen listening to this would first be introduced to the Messiah; later in life, we begin (only BEGIN) to understand His full divine nature, a bit of which is shown to us in Revelation.

1) Manifests as a White Dragon
3:49, lyrics:
O Dove, o Tongue of Fire
Life-giving Water rising higher
In realms demonic, manifest
And share Your wisdom, You know best

Remove my wings that I may fly
Remove my life that I may die
Remove my death that I may live
Evermore my soul to give

The abstract spectrum, in all its hues
Lies incomplete, complete in You
My breath is fire, my heart is black
My wings portray the power I lack

Remove my wings that I may fly
Remove my life that I may die
Remove my death that I may live
Evermore my soul to give

Baptized in Spirit, now I know this
The truth of life - monotheistic
The Three in One, the ancient name
Takes all my demons, to Him the fame

2) Even the Forests (If Ye Seek Nature, Seek God)
2:54, lyrics:
He is the all
Christ, God, and Holy Spirit
All things are imperfect simulacra
Of actual divinity

If He is the painter
Then creation is the canvas
Thus, all "good" things portray Him imperfectly
Likewise, all evil remains bound to Him
Never able to remove His fingerprint

The One is not a simulacrum
Open your eyes
And see the life beyond

ArtistConfirmed, SimilarTo
Miscellaneous stuff:
Left: Draft / placeholder logo of "Winds of Fire"
Right: Planned split between Winds of Fire and one of my other projects. I might actually still finish this someday as Nevzael.

Similar to: [SECULAR] Jute Gyte, Plague Organ, อัฐิ, Aptrgangr, (newer) Oaks of Bethel, Njiqahdda, Acheron's Reticuli, Sunset (IL/US), Vingþórr, [CHRISTIAN] Flaskavsae, Orationem, Auditory Assault, Glaciial, Exalted Saviour, Agathothodion, Eternal Father,

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