Thanks to Coleiosis for helping a bit with this page!

BAND NAME: Christ's Sword
GENRE: Death/Black Metal
STATUS: Active

Formed in 2024.

Alex Goatman - All instruments, Vocals


Mourning the Nazarene (demo)

18 August, 2024, Coleiosis Records, CD-R, black/white cover
18 August, 2024, Coleiosis Records, CD-R, color cover
18 August, 2024, Coleiosis Records, 7'' Vinyl / Lathe-Cut

Guest appearance:
Bloodsucker of Demon Corpse - Lead Guitars

Note that the "color CD-R" artwork and the vinyl artworks are actually slightly different from each other. Also for the vinyl version, tracks 1/2 are on Side A, and 3/4 are on Side B.

Dedicated to Alex's partner Rachel, and also to the old ways of US black metal (USBM) that Alex feels have been lost in the modern scene.

1) The Stench of Myrrh
2:56, lyrics:
One man travels far
Bringing an offering
He who worships the Lord
Sanctifying the corrupted shrine

The stench of myrrh
Cloaked in holiness
The stench of myrrh
Anointing Christ’s servants

At the ruins men were baptized
Cleansing the original sin from Adam
Denying pleasures of the flesh
To appease the Most High

The stench of myrrh
Cloaked in holiness
The stench of myrrh
Anointing Christ’s servants

One disciple travels far
Bringing those willing
The body and blood of Christ
Procurement of a new state of being

2) Draped in Black Blood
1:40, lyrics:
Trembling upon the cross
Pierced in the Side
Nailed through hands and feet
Coughing up his holy blood

And so he bled
Draped in black blood
And so he suffered
Draped in black blood
And so he died
Draped in black blood
The son of God
Jesus Christ

"Forgive them father
Forgive their sins"
Bellowed the son of God
"They know not what they do"

And so he bled
Draped in black blood
And so he suffered
Draped in black blood
And so he died
Draped in black blood
The son of God
Jesus Christ

And then he rose again

3) Mourning the Nazarene
2:38, lyrics:
Looking down the cross
The Son of God and two sinners
One looked towards the Lord
And asked of mercy

As he bled
As he suffered
Carrying forth the weight of the cross
As he was whipped
As he was scorned
Carrying forth the weight of the world

Looking down the cross
The Son of God and two sinners
One scoffed at the Christ
And mocked his words

As he bled
As he suffered
Saint Longinus pierced his side
As he was whipped
As he was scorned
Dying for the sins of mankind

Taken off the cross
After dying at the ninth hour
Wrapped in the Shroud of Turin
Buried yet rose again

4) Beast of Nocturnal Guise
2:42, lyrics:
As the lunar moon touches the stars
I cannot help but to think of you
Our souls eternally intertwined
As we once drank blood of each other's veins

Under the blackened skies
Where the people know true fear
I stalk in the shadows
Feasting upon what is rightfully mine
Still I remember your shadow cast upon my soul

As I gaze upon my lurid flesh
To see of what I have become
Will everlasting indulgence await me upon mine death?
Or eternal punishment?

I wonder when I die
Loss of my nocturnal guise
Will you meet me in Hell?

Similar to: [SECULAR] Lucifer's Hammer, Wind of the Black Mountains, Masochist, Von, [CHRISTIAN] Demoniciduth, Christageddon, Salvaçao, [add more later]

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