BAND NAME: Theoservus
GENRE: Symphonic / Melodeath / Unblack Metal
STATUS: Active

Michael Venner - All instruments, Vocals

Twitter / X
Apple Music
Amazon Music


Banished from the Blessed Garden (album, 14 December, 2024, Independent)
Formats: CD and Digital
Buy the CD + Stream/Download (OFFICIAL)

1) The Greatest Story of All
12:29, lyrics:

A book of many authors
Scrolls from ancient times
Reaching across a vast history
Preserved by providence

Prophecies of old
Written long ago
Words of the Almighty
Dictated to His chosen servants

Guided by The Spirit
The master plan unfolds
A story of ruin and redemption
A tale of perfect love

Kingdoms will rise and fall
But the true King will reign over all
By His wounds all will be healed
By His resurrection we are raised to eternal life

(By His wounds all will be healed, by His resurrection we will be raised to eternal
By His wounds all will be healed, by His resurrection we will be raised to eternal Life)

Life and death
Given every breath
Body and Soul
The Great One in control

Holding the keys to the universe, He stands above it all guiding the world to fulfill all that which He has designed. A great war between good and evil is raging. Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand.

of those who trust in
The God who took our place
The greatest story of all

The heavens reveal the majesty and glory of their creator from land to distant land
The work of His unseen hand
It guides us through this world of woes
He'll guide me through this world of woes

So the story goes
The pages turn
The Ageless One composes His symphony of time
And it listens to only One
The Master of all things under the sun and beyond the stars
His orchestra performs in perfect harmony
Divine beings enact His flawless will
Oh an ornate tapestry
Labyrinthian web of deliberate intervention
Behold the greatest story of all

I've seen the light
It shines through the veil of darkness
Piercing the black
The One foretold shall come and rescue the lost
Undo the mistake
Break free from the chains
Untie from this world
Break free!
Break free!
No more a slave to sin
Goodness and mercy will follow me all of the days of my life

So the story goes
The pages turn
The Ageless One composes His symphony of time
And it listens to only One
The Master of all things under the sun and beyond the stars
His orchestra performs in perfect harmony
Divine beings enact His flawless will
Oh an ornate tapestry
Labyrinthian web of deliberate intervention
Behold the greatest story of all

2) Banished from the Blessed Garden
8:31, lyrics:
Once upon a time
The was a blessed garden
The garden was a paradise
But soon an evil plan would be devised

And all the world
Was peaceful and thriving
But the serpent was conniving
It lied - abettor
Man's purpose gone awry
Now the man and the woman would die

The creation was so beautiful
The creatures sprawling 'cross the land
Mankind living among the beasts
He named them all from the greatest to the least
Carving a rib from Adam's side
The Creator created woman kind
"Freely eat all the food you see
Touch not the fruit of the knowledge tree"

The serpent was cunning and vile
Hatred for God and man
"Take it and give it a try
You most certainly will not die"

"To taste the fruit
To taste the fruit is death
A disastrous aftermath"
"No no, He lied
To taste the fruit is knowing
More and more your mind is growing"

And so the first transgression was committed
A fall from grace
Blight on the human race
Forever tainted now
Forever a broken vow
Can The Lord save us somehow?

Cursed you are
You shall return to the ground
Work the soil with sweat and toil
Thistle and thorn
Your flesh will be torn
Banished from The Blessed Garden
Mortal now
For you are dust and to dust you shall return once more"

"Behold Adam has become like Us
Having knowledge of good and evil
I will drive them out this day forthwith
They must not take The Tree of Life and live forever"

And The Lord God drove them from the garden. On the East side, He posted a cherubim and a flaming sword turning every direction to guard the way to the tree of life.

No way back inside.
Banished from the land.
Forced to live in wilderness
Time was still
Now flowing
Evil inescapable

No works of the flesh
Could save us now
Only through the grace of the creator
Prophecies through time
They reveal the ultimate sacrifice

Death Lurks just around the bend
Eternal Damnation
Following in the footsteps of our father's nature before us
Oblivion waits for us all

Cursed we are
We all return to the ground
Sheep gone astray
We all turn our own way in the end
Damned we are
We'll sleep in the beds we have made
One day
Far away
Wait for the prophesied One who can set us all free

3) Under the Moon of Vice
8:22, lyrics:
Falling down into the void
The tower I created was destroyed

Downward spiral
Endless chasm
Growing shadows
Impulse rising

Oh free me from these shackles
My aptitude fails me consistently
The cherry blossoms fall
And my life decays by the moment
My corrupted desires destroying my life

Coping on a substitute
Strangled by the brutish compulsion
Body and mind under the reign of a dark hunger
Into this endless night under the moon of vice
Frailty and confusion inside my mind

Oh wait for me in the brighter day
Where I'll be free from this master of mine
Oh wait for me in the tranquil times
Where I'll be free from these miserable chains

Oh can You rescue me?
I'm trying but the dark clouds are following
Can You hear my tired plea?

The Autumn leaves withered
And my life will be taken by this sickness
Oh please if You're there, grant me redemption

Thorns pierce my flesh
Fouled by the serpent's venom
Drinking the wine of temptation
Into this endless night under the moon of vice
Deliver me from the darkness
Reshape my mind

Your Spirit sanctifies
(Reveal what is in my heart)
Your power heals us all
(Cleanse me from within and transform what I am)
Oh and the fire will burn
Remove this heart of stone
I put my faith in You

4) Extinguished Lamps
8:59, lyrics:
My thoughts are evil and my heart is wicked
Covered in the night and I can't see the light
Lost I am in this silent sin
Oh won't you please deliver me

I've fallen once again and my will is weakened
The darkness surrounds me and it fills my heart
Drowning in lies of the dark lord
Oh won't you please save me now

When all is dark and we've dulled our swords
We shall cry out to the One we call Father and Lord
By the blood of the Son we shall be made anew
Now remember the pain He endured
The wage that was due

I am now alone, the Spirit has been quenched
Nothing in my heart but frozen emptiness
The fear of reprobation swells deep inside
Salvation uncertain. What happened to me?

Father above, teach me now again
Renew my mind and sanctify my soul
I long for the days that my hope was in You
Lead me to green pastures, lead me to still waters

When all is dark and we've dulled our swords
We shall cry out to the One we call Father and Lord
By the blood of the Son we shall be made anew
Now remember the pain He endured
The wage that was due

When all is dark and the flesh is weak
And the will to endure grows now dimly bleak
By the blood of the Son we shall be made anew
Oh remember the sacrifice made
His blood shed for you

The Son shall return one day riding in the clouds
The servant awaits the Master, and the bride for the Groom.
When we stand before Him, and the cleansing fire
Will He find us awake? Or will He find our lamps put out?

5) He Reigns Forever Eternally
9:11, lyrics:
The whole creation groans waiting for The End
The Lord shall return and the dead will ascend
As a thief in the night no man knows when
And the wicked shall be punished in eternal fire forever amen

Matter, time and space will perish in fervent heat
Judgement on mankind rendered complete
The world scourged in fire and its deeds therein
The Lord will be just as He has always been

Doers of evil will not be spared
They'll die the second death
A fate for which they were not prepared

The world has turned cold and numb to their Creator
Posers prepare to meet your maker
You walk in spiritual death and lies
Now it's only a matter of time before His judgement reveals your demise

Come conquest, come famine, come death and war
Earthquakes like that which were never seen before
The sun became black and the blood moon rises
The stars fell down beyond the horizon

Who can stand against the wrath to come?
The wrath of the Lamb from which you cannot hide
Hear the beating of the drum

In this dreadful nightmare we hope, we pray, we wait
These seven long years seem like an eternity
Trials and tribulations oh when will it be complete?
For those of us faithful we wait

Clothed in white
Washed by blood
Serving The King
Day and night

They hunt us for the things we believe
We've become the enemies of the world
Where good is called evil and evil called good
Nothing is sacred. All is lawlessness

All the light withered away
God's judgement rains down upon the Earth
Famine, plagues, bloodshed and war
Creatures from the abyss awaken
Strange disease, death and decay
Wishing for death and granted not
Now behold and open your eyes
Christ, the Son of Man behold look to the sky

Heaven and Earth are now passing away
The King has returned and the throne reclaimed
Saints and the wicked are rising from the grave
Hades and the seas give up the souls they saved

All will be judged at the end of days
Be not afraid oh the ones He forgave
Prophet and beast, wicked burning infernally
Victory He reigns forever eternally

And then I saw another book was opened: The Book of Life. And if anyone's name was not found written in The Book of Life he was cast into the lake of fire.

Heaven and Earth are now passing away
The King has returned and the throne reclaimed
Saints and the wicked are rising from the grave
Hades and the seas give up the souls they saved

All will be judged at the end of days
Be not afraid oh the ones He forgave
Prophet and beast, wicked burning infernally
Victory He reigns forever eternally



BAND NAME: Heavenheim
GENRE: Melodic Death/Unblack Metal with Symphonic Influences
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: Argentina

Kai "Skog" Pérez - Vocals
Dave Flokk - Guitars
Andy Dyr - Bass
Leon Engler - Keyboards
Gisa Helgen- Drums

Apple Music
Amazon Music
YouTube Music


Damn the Man (single)

23 April, 2024, Independent, Spotify (etc)
21 November, 2024, Independent, Bandcamp

1) Damn the Man 5:05

Hell? (single)

8 May, 2024, Independent, Spotify (etc)
21 November, 2024, Independent, Bandcamp

1) Hell? 6:04

United Forever (album/EP)

2 December, 2024, Independent, Bandcamp
12 December, 2024, Independent, Spotify (etc)

1) Nightmare 5:07
2) All Alone 5:39
3) Damn the Man 5:05
4) Hell? 6:04
5) United Forever 13:13
6) United Forever 13:22, instrumental version





Miscellaneous stuff: Old artwork for "Damn the Man"? Found it online


BAND NAME: Flannel Blood
GENRE: Experimental Unblack Metal
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: Portugal

The band name seems to refer to Saint Veronica, who according to Catholicism, gave Jesus a cloth to wipe His head/face while He was carrying the cross to be crucified. Joel notes in the description of one of his videos, he believes this cloth was a flannel tissue.

Joel Afonso - Unknown
(I don't know if there are other members or not)



Voices of Blood... (EP)

23 July, 2024, Independent, YouTube [1] [2]
23 July, 2024, Independent, YouTube

1) A Cor do Sangue
5:01, partial lyrics:
Ninguém, é a nuvem que cobre os Homens
É veneno que respiramos sem medo.
[. . .]

2) Desapego do Mundo
2:49, partial lyrics:
Cansa Caminhar
Na areia mais do que na terra.
Cansa falar e ouvir
o que não interessa
[. . .]





IncompletePage, NotOnMA
What are the full lyrics, if the artist is willing to publish them?


^ Old logo
v New logo

GENRE: Unblack Metal with Various Influences
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: USA (Indian Land, South Carolina)

The project does various styles on different releases. Influences include (but likely aren't limited to),
- standard black metal
- bestial black / war metal
- blacknoise
- raw / ambient black
- death/black
- black/thrash

William Whitmore - All instruments, Vocals



Pain (demo/single, 7 July, 2024, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

1) Pain 1:49

The Dying Sun (demo/single, 1 September, 2024, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

1) The Dying Sun 3:19

War Metal Demo (25 September, 2024, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

1) Untitled 1 00:37
2) Untitled 2 1:28
3) Untitled 3 2:35
4) Untitled 4 1:24

Messiah (single, 26 September, 2024, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Donwnload (OFFICIAL)

1) Messiah (Hellhammer cover) 4:03

Incomprehensible Power (EP, 12 October, 2024, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

1) Intro 00:39
2) Blood of the Lamb 4:46
3) Rapture 5:52
4) Not Worthy 2:03
5) Repentance 4:18

His Creation (album, 22 October, 2024, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

1) Intro 1:57, instrumental
2) Eyes of Fire 4:21
3) Incomprehensible Power 4:26
4) The Shadows 4:39
5) Sorrowful 3:07
6) The Peace Inside 4:56
7) Melancholic Reckoning 3:22
8) Wage the War 2:58

Obliterate the Filth/No More/Cut Down the Enemy/Pulverize the Hypocrisy/The Dark Minds/The Pain Is Unbearable (demo, 27 October, 2024, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

6 short tracks combined into one audio file. Total length is 4:52.

Individual track lengths currently unknown.
1) Obliterate the Filth
2) No More
3) Cut Down the Enemy
4) Pulverize the Hypocrisy
5) The Dark Minds
6) The Pain Is Unbearable

Blackened Noise from a Pained Entity (EP, 3 November, 2024, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

1) The Beginning That Never Ends 1:51
2) The Endless Thoughts 10:37
3) Blackened Noise from a Pained Entity 14:58

Boreal Reckoning (EP, 14 February, 2025, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

1) The Darkness Inside 7:26
2) Winter’s Grasp 1:55
3) Where No Light Touches 5:52
4) As the Wind Blows By 2:48


Lyrics if the artist is willing to publish any of them?


^ Logo on first demo
v New logo
higher quality, lower res ................. lower quality, higher res

BAND NAME: Enviro-Metal Garbage
GENRE: Death Metal/Grindcore, Death/Unblack/Industrial
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: Portugal

The project plays a somewhat unusual style I'm struggling to describe. It's based mostly in a lo-fi kind of death/grind. It's been more or less the same style throughout, but as the project has gone on, it's added more black metal influence with some industrial flair.

Joel Afonso - All instruments, Vocals


Throw Away (demo, 14 June, 2024, Coleiosis Records)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

Also stream on YouTube (OFFICIAL)

1) Stone Garden
2:28, lyrics unknown

2) Introvert Society
2:37, instrumental

Protection Against Them (EP, 29 June, 2024, Coleiosis Records)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

Also stream on YouTube (OFFICIAL)

1) Closed Minded
2:04, instrumental, but the following is written on Bandcamp:
Ouvi no Céu um forte barulho de uma grande multidão que aclamava:
A salvação, a glória
E o poder pertencem
Ao nosso Deus
Porque os seus julgamentos
São verdadeiros e justos
Sim! Deus julgou
A grande Prostituta
Que corrompeu a Terra
Com a sua prostituição
E vingou nela o sangue
Dos seus servos”

A multidão continuou o canto:

2) Fail to Prevail
2:21, lyrics:
Open your wings and fly
Crush the devil's seed
You don't need them!
They will betray you!
Open your eyes

Here to stay
Against them
I failed
But you won't

3) Fermentation
3:46, lyrics:
I saw
A black sheep
Eating grass

And I saw
White sheep
Eating each other

They are rotting!

I turned my face away
But the smell of death was pungent
I won't stay
I won't be like them!

I, the black old sheep
Can't face you
Black I am
But not for long

4) Plants for Fuel
3:11, lyrics:
Planta a vida
Na despedida
Passam os dias
Crescem melhor
Sem ninguém por perto

5) From Earth to Space

The Harvest (EP, 19 October, 2024, Coleiosis Records)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

Also stream on YouTube (OFFICIAL)

1) To Announce God
1:40, lyrics:
Fragile bodies
Ignorant minds
Trying to conceive a lie
But neither by force nor by thought
Can they presume so high

We talk what we heard and learn from the Lord
But they talk only what fits their skinny clothes
And by force means hypocrisy and social cruelty
Against those who as doves carry the message of God
To upfit this newborn society from the infamous heritance of the snakes

2) Fight No Matter What
3:55, lyrics:
Fight no matter what

Falling creatures from the sky
Hoping the least not to die
The impact crush them against the ground
Their brains squeeze between the rocks
Soaking the well-known terrain

Land of no one
Pause and bemol
Land of pain
Land of the ones who died
In the last war against sin

Grinding teeth
Biting tongues
Squeezing hands

3) Martyr
3:23, lyrics:
Honoured saints are all beaten to death in the harvest of pain
Harvesting the richest of the grain
Never-ending wearing baptism clothes
Weary as the mocking

4) Dictator's Smile
3:12, lyrics:
Matter and substance will fall
Contradictions and blame
The purpose of life
Has been dishonoured

Supreme need for forgiveness
Seeking redemption on things, flesh and bone
Hailing the gods of gruesome worship
Beating the dead horse
Blaming the one that you need
Source of all treasures


Estável (album, 11 February, 2025, Coleiosis Records)
Formats: CD-R (sleeve) and Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

1) Benedicta
3:24, lyrics:
Semper virgo - benedicta
Virgem bendita!

Semper virgo - benedicta
Virgem bendita!

Semper virgo - benedicta
Virgem bendita!

Semper virgo - benedicta
Virgem bendita!

Semper virgo - benedicta
Virgem bendita!

Semper virgo - benedicta
Virgem bendita!

Semper virgo - benedicta
Virgem bendita!

Semper virgo - benedicta
Virgem bendita!

2) Beware
4:27, lyrics:
The serpent asked Eve:
Do you want to be like God?
I want it too
But not here!

In the salvation that awaits me
I will behold the face of the Most High
But here on Earth I will not choose sin
Which is the reward of the wicked

Because I hope for something bigger
And I won't be fooled
By the enemy's traps
For the Lord is with me
The Lord is with me

3) Instrumental (bonus track)
3:16, instrumental

4) Chromossoma
3:17, lyrics:
Inside of you there is a hidden place
You don't know
Hail the One who created you
And can lead you there

A seed inside you
Welcome your soul
God's will perpetuated

5) Estável
4:26, lyrics:
Fiz voto de estabilidade em Cristo rocha firme
Não olharei à multidão que me cerca como vento
Pois construi sobre a rocha
E não hei de calar o segredo que transpiro
Pois Cristo fala mesmo quando não se ouve voz
E a multidão não ouve a sua própria respiração

A estabilidade de uma rocha está profundamente enraizada
É como uma montanha
A firmeza do mar é a sua força
E o seu ímpeto o seu pensamento

Assim quero mergulhar em Cristo
E beber da água da vida
Para que não me falte a luz sólida da verdade

Enquanto vivo hei de querer-te ó meu Deus
E a morte será a porta do teu reino

6) Old Ways
2:07, lyrics:
This is the way of old
Crippled and bad
Ugly to the bone

Old ways have passed
Behold everything made new

The old man has died
Behold Christ has risen
The gospel of Jesus Christ
Will save us

7) The Mountain
3:58, lyrics:
The mountain is hard to climb
Then look to our Lord up high
He carried the cross for you
You just need to follow Him
No matter how much you fall
Or how deep you are
Just look to his eyes
Embracing his word

The golden mountain of Christ
Is rising inside my soul
I'm trying to understand
But other is holding me back
I'm staring at the peak
Where the Lord is shining
And his glory destroys all darkness

8) Veronica's Cloth
4:00, lyrics:
We man of courage
Like Jesus Christ
Carrying the cross and suffering

What will we do?
What shall we say?
If no one shows up to comfort us

At the height of life
Someone wiped his face
With the care of a woman in love

And we too will not be left abandoned
But we have to value what we receive

A smile
A look
A word

9) We the Winners
3:23, lyrics:
Fight back
You're under control
Facing the cold
You're on
Fighting towards
The winners
Never to forget
Never to regret!

You start to run
There is more to gain
Power inside
When no one cares
You make it yours

They started to attack you
They want to deceive you
Making you feel the pleasure of defeat
Laying in your bed when you want to pray
Give it all to Christ and send them back away
Mock their faces
Smash their heads
Pray and forget the flesh
Give it all to Christ!

10) O Reino é Nosso (bonus track)
4:06, lyrics:
O reino é nosso
O reino é nosso
E não há que temer

As chamas estendem-se sobre o universo
Procurando quem o receba
Mas as margens do rio são demasiado estreitas
Deixa-o transbordar deixa-o transbordar

As culpas entendem a tua dor
Quando te achas santo
Mas a verdade não está na hipocrisia
Tudo grita de alegria
Tudo grita a loucura

Deixa-te transbordar
Deixa-te transbordar

Entre as molduras das tristezas que guardas
As paredes do teu quarto já não bastam
Revestidas de suores e lágrimas
Diz o ditado: mais vale tarde que nunca
Mas fez-se tarde e não te levantas

O reino é nosso
O reino é nosso
E não há que temer

11) Per Signum Crucis
4:04, lyrics:
By the sign of the cross we defeat our enemies
By the sign of the cross we create new order

Angels and humans gather around the mighty Lord
Who suffered death to cleanse his breed

Per signum crucis

By the sign of the cross we give thanks to the Lord for its Spirit
By the sign of the cross we gather as one in Christ

To know pain is not to feel it
But to know our sin is to fight against it
By the saving sign of Christ
The mighty cross!



GENRE: Experimental Trap / Unblack Metal / Deathcore
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: USA (Edmond, Oklahoma)

The project is still active, but taking a bit of a backseat as the artist prioritizes other life commitments.

The band name is "crown" with the O replaced with an X.

One person, name unknown - All instruments, Vocals

Apple Music
Amazon Music
*Apparently this project had an old Bandcamp page before this one. I don't know what happened to it / what the URL was / etc.


Fuel for the Fires (single)

Left: 14 August, 2021, Independent, SoundCloud
Right: 21 September, 2021, Independent, SoundCloud

1) Fuel for the Fires [prod. RacMuf] 2:20

Graft (single, 12 September, 2021, Independent)
Format: Digital / SoundCloud

Guest appearance:
47tailspin - Rapping

1) Graft [prod. Thorn beats]
1:50, see below for lyrics

Cain // Abel (demo, 3-19 October, 2021, Independent)
Format: Digital
Spotify / Bandcamp / etc (OFFICIAL)

Guest appearance:
47tailspin - Rapping (track 3)

Seems it was uploaded different places on different days, hence "3-19". The left artwork is used on some websites (like Spotify), and the right artwork on others (like Bandcamp).

The new Bandcamp version was posted on 29 May 2023.

1) Fuel for the Fires [prod. RacMuf]

2) Divinity [prod. S!mon]

3) Graft [prod. Thorn beats]
1:50, lyrics:
Treat me like a skin graft, yuh
Using me to hide your insecurities, yea
I don't wanna play that, no
You ain't ever been there for me
I don't open my Bible to air it out, yuh
You're the only thing you care about
You're thin like a cardboard cutout, yuh
Eyes on me like a stakeout
Tearing & cutting & rip out my spine
Folding me every which way that you like
Feel like a puppet, I feel like a mime
Stuck in the box that you made in my mind
The devil is lurking
Suffocate the serpent
He's lurking in the shadows
The wickedness sermon

Stuck with you, like you're a part of me
I wear your vibe like a cardigan
Don't act like you have been sorry for me
This is just right where you want me to be
Trapped in my mind, I'm spinnin' confused
The trust that I gave you been feelin' abused
I just wanna break myself from the chains
Can't put you down like you're some kind of drink (drink, drink)

Treat me like a skin graft
Using me to hide your insecurities
I don't wanna play that
You ain't ever been there for me

You treat me like a skin graft
Using me to hide your insecurities
I don't wanna play that, no
You ain't ever been there for me

4) An Ancient Curse
1:01, lyrics unknown

5) Forevermore, Thy King & Lord [prod. Kynareth]
2:18, lyrics unknown

Ov Ba'al (single, 8-12 April, 2022, Independent)
Format: Digital
Bandcamp / Spotify / etc (OFFICIAL)

1) Ov Ba'al
3:57, lyrics:
The prophets of Ba'al
There on their altars
They weep & they wail
As their sacrifices fail
Abandoned by gods
They made them up
They made up their own fairytales

Their gods sit there in silence
The prophets ov Ba'al
Will soon be faced with hellfire
Beyond their comprehension

Altars ov stone
They lie upon
Mutilate their hearts as the blood runs down
They weep, they wail, as their gods turn on them
As my final voice echoes

[Made from the clay]
[and so I shall return]
[Never to be seen again]
[Deep I will lurk]
Consumed by the dirt,
Encased in roots
When the mountains crumble
To the Spirit I will turn

Made from the clay
and so I shall return
Never to be seen again
Deep I will lurk
Consumed by the dirt,
Encased in roots
When the mountains crumble
To the Spirit I will turn

Made from the clay
and so I shall return
Never to be seen again
Deep I will lurk
Consumed by the dirt,
Encased in roots
When the mountains crumble
To the Spirit I will turn

Made from the clay
and so I shall return
Never to be seen again
Deep I will lurk
Consumed by the dirt,
Encased in roots
When the mountains crumble
To the Spirit I will turn

Made from the clay
and so I shall return
Never to be seen again
Deep I will lurk
Consumed by the dirt,
Encased in roots
When the mountains crumble
To the Spirit I will turn

Made from the clay
and so I shall return
Never to be seen again
Deep I will lurk
Consumed by the dirt,
Encased in roots
When the mountains crumble
To the Spirit I will turn

He beckons.
Now go and then kill them
Let no one escape
Laid down on their altars
The blade rips their heart
400 prophets dead

[God is our refuge and strength,] an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.

(Psalm 42:1-3)

Immurement (single, 29 October-3 November, 2022, Independent)
Format: Digital
SoundCloud / Spotify / etc (OFFICIAL)

Guest appearance:
William Deverey (Covenant [NZ]) - Unknown

1) Immurement 2:17

Forgiven. (album, 19 December, 2022, Independent)
Format: Digital
Bandcamp / Spotify / etc (OFFICIAL)

Guest appearances:
Gavin James (Cleansing of the Temple) - Unknown (track 2)
William Devery (Covenant [NZ]) - Unknown (track 5)

1) Mulch 1:38
2) Forlorn 2:55
3) Silver 2:54
4) Pine}}} 1:09
5) Immurement 2:16
6) Malevolence 2:47
7) Not Partially, Fully Burnt. 2:34

[Forgiven_FLIP] / {Forgiven_FLIP} (EP, 3-4 June, 2023, Indpendent)
Format: Digital
Bandcamp / Spotify / etc (OFFICIAL)

Guest appearances:
Gavin James (Cleansing of the Temple) - Unknown (track 4)

Features remixes of songs from "Forgiven."

1) [ATC_Mulch] 1:49
2) [FLIP_PINE}}}] 1:57
3) [160_Malevolence] 2:48
4) [TIKTOK_Forlorn] 1:42

Apathetic, Benevolent (EP, 1-2 August, 2023, Independent)
Format: Digital
Bandcamp / Spotify / etc (OFFICIAL)

1) Apathetic 2:12
2) Benevolent 2:16
3) Apathetic (DJ I-35 Flip) 2:32
4) Benevolent (DJ I-35 Flip) 2:16





IncompletePage, CouldUseBetterImages, NotOnMA
1) Any more info about the project's early days? Seems some stuff was lost when the old Bandcamp was deleted. 2) Missing lyrics. 3) What did the guest musicians do on each song? 4) Artist name, even if just "anonymous"?
The newest logo. The current version is very pixelated.


Miscellaneous stuff:
Stuff used to make up the artwork for "Apathetic, Benevolent", taken from Instagram