BAND NAME: Mathumanaetion
GENRE: Raw Unblack Metal
STATUS: Split-up
LOCATION: Netherlands

From Herr Darkpriest's YouTube video:
"Before the release of the legendary EP 'In Het Holst Van De Zwarte Nacht' two of the three band members (Lord Swordfather and Baron Eulogian) released a demo called Burn in Hell. Its actually another recording of the song 'Doomed To Burn' that can be found on the Verdelger EP 'In Het Holst Van De Zwarte Nacht' (with Herr Darkpriest on bass)."

Lord Swordfather - Vocals, Guitars
Baron Eulogian - Drums


Burn in Hell (demo/single, 2002, Independent)
Format: Cassette
sold out?

Stream on YouTube (OFFICIAL)

Top-left is in the video; bottom-left is the thumbnail. Not sure which color scheme is the actual cover art. I'm also not sure if this is a single-sided tape, or if the same song is on both sides.

Also, even though it's just an early recording of a song we already have the lyrics to, they seem to be slightly changed, and given how muffled the audio is, I'm not confident putting lyrics here yet.

1) Burn in Hell 4:34

IncompletePage, CouldUseBetterImages, NotOnMA
Too much stuff to list. If anyone has info, let me know!

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