GENRE: Lo-fi Experimental Death / Atmospheric Unblack Metal
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: Costa Rica (San José)

Played for 3 years before splitting up. Became active again in April 2019!

Last-known contact:
azgad7 [AT] hotmail [DOT] com

Edward Vargas - Vocals
Felix Badilla - Guitar
Marcos Baldelomar - Guitar
Sergio Baldelomar - Bass
Carlos Baldelomar - Keyboards
Joel Solis - Keyboards
Antony Suarez - Drums



Demo (2010, title, label unknown)
Format: Unknown

1) Justo juicio
10:50, lyrics:
El ángel toco la trompeta, gritando al cielo diciendo alerta,
Bajo del cielo una estrella... Ardiendo en fuego toda la tierra
Derramando su copa en la tierra……
Persiguiendo al que este con la bestia
Tienes tiempo de decidir y seguir
Si en el infierno te querés podrir

El juicio caerá, ven y despierta ya, la luz esta al final, ven y despierta ya

Van impartiendo justicia en la tierra
Los cuatro seres desataron la guerra..
Este es el tiempo que vendran a reinar
El diablo vino a tu alma a matar. ..

Satanás quiere tu alma reinar
El diablo vino a destruir y a matar.
Tu decides si huir o morir
Ya Cristo vino por ti a sufrir....

El juicio caerá, ven y despierta ya, la luz esta al final, ven y despierta ya

El justo juicio pronto caera
En justo juicio la tierra hoy estâ..
Mira si tu alma muerta va
Recuerda por sus llagas vivo estás
Vivo estás
Decide ya, decide ya, si morirás o vivirás, si el bien y el mal escogerás o en el infierno morirás
Decide ya, decide ya, si morirás o vivirás, si el bien y el mal escogerás o el Dios eterno adorarás

Espíritu ven de los cuatro vientos
Profetiza, la vida del sepulcro salió..
Y quebro el muro...
Y en su cara resucitó...!!!

Deseo caminar, en aquel lugar de la eternidad, para no pecar, mis errores pagar, y así poder alcanzar La luz, La luz, la luz, en la oscuridad.

Fue por tu sangre,

Fue por tu sangre

Fue por tu sangre

2) Levántate

3) El camino del Señor (Alabanzas cover)

Also released "Salva" on PureVolume, but I can't get it to play (and now their PureVolume page is down, with PureVolume's udpates...) so I don't know the track length.

IncompletePage, NotOnMA
1) More info on this 2010 demo? 2) Track length for "Salva"? 3) Was "Salva" included on any demos or anything?...

HOLOCAUSTOS (Holocausto)

Not to be confused with a band from Paraguay called "Holocausto" (possibly [this band]).

BAND NAME: Holocaustos
GENRE: Unblack / Thrash Metal
STATUS: Unknown
LOCATION: Chile (Temuco)

Also went by "Holocausto", apparently.

Lineup unknown.



Ensangrentado (live demo, possibly 2003, label unknown)
Format unknown

Note about the release year: The files that my friend has (thanks grendel!) have a creation date of 2003. So we assume that's when the demo itself was released, but we're not sure yet.

1) La caida de la muerte (Imperium cover)
2) Falta poco tiempo 4:09 
3) Ensangrentado 4:35 
4) Escapar 7:11 
5) Y te vere morir (Sanctuary cover)

Bandas Holy Unblack Metal de Chile (compilation, NOT SURE IF OFFICIAL)

11 January, 2012, Lord Nazarenum Records / Christian Productions, MegaUpload, link expired
10 October, 2012, Lord Nazarenum Records / Christian Productions, Mediafire

Not sure if "Salmos" is a cover song, or an original song.

3) Holocaustos - Escapar 7:11
4) Falta poco tiempo 4:09

Southern Voices from Heaven - Compilation Vol. 1 (December, 2018, Subterránea Records)
Format: CD

??) Holocausto - Rostro ensangrentado
track length / lyrics uncertain

IncompletePage, NotOnMA
A bunch of stuff is missing. If you know anything, let me know. Thanks! Also, is "Rostro ensangrentado" the same song as "Ensangrentado"?



BAND NAME: Nazirheus
GENRE: Various / Metal
STATUS: Unknown
LOCATION: Brazil (Distrito Federal)

Mostly seem to do cover songs. 
The styles vary, from rock/nu-metal like P.O.D. to black metal, like Vaakevandring.

Ismael Braga - Vocals
Leonardo Guedes - Guitars
Pablo Mendes - Guitars
Wallas - Bass
Rodrigo Lopez - Drums


Unknown. But here is a list of songs they've done live:

Would You Die for Me (Bride)
Suicido (Antidemon)
Scrolls of the Megilloth (Mortification)
Olhos Abertos (Rodox)
My Tourniquet (Soul Embraced)
Incinerador (Rodox)
Forever (As I Lay Dying)
Fader Vaar (Vaakevandring)
Credo (Trino)
Alive (P.O.D.)
And finally, "Plantão", which isn't credited as a cover. So it might be an original song?

IncompletePage, NotOnMA
More info on their discography? Have they done any original songs?


BAND NAME: Rotting Grave
GENRE: Unblack Metal
STATUS: Unknown
LOCATION: Slovakia

Rot (Pilgrimage) - Vocals, Guitars
Samuel - Drums


 "Rehearsal Demo" / "Demo - Frost" (2011, label unknown)
Format: Unknown
1) Frost
4:37, lyrics:
Mráz v našich srdciach
zima v domoch našich
popol hriechu, špina ohavná
smútok v dušiach, práznota v mysliach

Iba jeden nás môže vyslobodiť
Jeho žiara zaslepí temnotu
Jeho jas rozmrazí naše srdcia
Jeho sláva naplní nás radosťou

Mráz v našich srdciach
čoskoro nahradia lúče jara
popol hriechu, špinu ohavnú
nahradí posvatná čistota

Iba jeden nás môže vyslobodiť
Jeho žiara zaslepí temnotu
Jeho jas rozmrazí naše srdcia
Jeho sláva naplní nás radosťou

2) Lament in a Pain of Sin
4:05, lyrics:
Tiene mojej minulosti neustále ma prenasledujú
neviem sa im brániť, nikde nenachádzam pokoj
kde uviazla moja duša, kde je moje srdce
prečo cítim tú prázdnotu v mojej mysli

kráčam vyprahnutý nocou a načúvam spevu čiernych vrán
šum konárov vysokých stromov vyhráva mi v ušiach
mrazivé kostolné zvony vyzváňajú mi na pohreb
nechcem zomrieť bez teba môj Pane

Tvoj lesný majestát ticho mi šepká
som tvoja kolíska, drevo tvojej rakvy

V žiare zamrznutého mesiaca, vidím svoju tvár
A moje srdce je tmavé, plné hriechu

Tiene mojej minulosti neustále ma prenasledujú
neviem sa im brániť, nikde nenachádzam pokoj
kde uviazla moja duša, kde je moje srdce
prečo cítim tú prázdnotu v mojej mysli

kráčam vyprahnutý nocou a načúvam spevu čiernych vrán
šum konárov vysokých stromov vyhráva mi v ušiach
mrazivé kostolné zvony vyzváňajú mi na pohreb
nechcem zomrieť bez teba môj Pane

Tvoj lesný majestát ticho mi šepká
som tvoja kolíska, drevo tvojej rakvy

V žiare zamrznutého mesiaca, vidím svoju tvár
Ty mi nedáš zahynúť naveky Pane... Halelujah

IncompletePage, NotOnMA
Stuff the page still needs: 1) How was the demo released? (If it was released physically, what format? If it was released digitally, what site was it released on?) 2) I assume it was released independently, but I'm not sure.


[logo not available]

BAND NAME: Celestial Armor
GENRE: Unblack Metal, Various
STATUS: Changed name
(Active under new name, Almagor)

Years active:
2000 - 2007 Celestial Armor
2007 - present Almagor

Formed in 2000 under the name Celestial Armor, as a cover band.
They started out covering bands like Stryper and Mortification, before switching to more black metal stuff.
Changed their name in 2007 to Almagor, as they started focusing more on original material.

Lineup info:
Esteban S. - Unknown
(other members unknown)

Official site @ (only this page seems to work)


Bandas Holy Unblack Metal de Chile (compilation, NOT SURE IF OFFICIAL)

11 January, 2012, Lord Nazarenum Records / Christian Productions, MegaUpload, link expired
10 October, 2012, Lord Nazarenum Records / Christian Productions, Mediafire

Not sure if "Salmos" is a cover song, or an original song.

13) Celestial Armor - Salmos 2:36

IncompletePage, NotOnMA
Stuff the page still needs: 1) More info on music they released. 2) Lineup info. 3) Info on the song "Salmos". 4) A logo, if possible?

STRIFER (Stryfer)

BAND NAME: Strifer (or Stryfer)
GENRE: Unblack Metal
STATUS: Split up
LOCATION: Brazil (Vitória, Espirito Santo)

Formed in 2003.

This verse is written on their MetalCristao page.
Portuguese: Porque não temos que lutar contra a carne e o sangue, mas, sim, contra os principados, contra as potestades, contra os príncipes das trevas deste século, contra as hostes espirituais da maldade, nos lugares celestiais. - Efésios 6:12

English: For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. - Ephesians 6:12

Elder - Vocals, Guitars
(Unknown) - Vocals, Bass
Marisol - Drums

Not sure if these are past or present members?
Lorraine Assunção - Drums
Gabriel Cavalcante - Guitars



Screams of Abaddon - Metal Fest 2006 (live compilation, 2007, Rhythm Produções)
Format: DVD

Recorded in 2006, released in 2007.

I also don't have any more information on this (or what role the band played on it, etc) right now.

IncompletePage, CouldUseBetterImages, NotOnMA
Could use a better version of the bottom logo.


BAND NAME: Azbaruk Armon
GENRE: Unblack Metal / ???
STATUS: Unknown
LOCATION: Brazil (Rio Grande do Norte)

Played at Brutal Devastation Fest in 2009. See the "Additional Notes" on [this page]
(Note, however, they do not appear on the DVD itself; they simply played at the same festival.)

Lineup currently unknown.



Satanic Illusion (album, NOT SURE IF RELEASED)

A full-length album, meant to be released in February, 2012. [1]

IncompletePage, CouldUseBetterImages, NotOnMA
1) Info on the album. 2) Anything else about this band.
Album artwork.


BAND NAME: Kolapso
GENRE: Death/Unblack Metal
STATUS: Split up
LOCATION: Brazil (Guarulhos, São Paulo)

Pretty much an even split between "death metal" and "black metal".

The following are songs that are attributed to Kolapso on websites like, but ARE NOT actually by the band: Nunca Vine; Black Night; Plush; Machinehead; Quem Eu Sou?; Ameba

Nilson - Vocals, Guitars
Fernando - Bass (R.I.P. 2000)
Silmar - Drums


Refúgio do Rock (compilation, 1995, Independent)
Format: Vinyl

5) Pacto satânico
2:21, lyrics:
Lúcifer tá destruído
Vozes gritam e adoram
Corpos e incenso
Fazem parte deste ritual
Crianças mortas
Carne podre
Está pronto o pacto satânico

Mas nós estamos aqui
Pra declarar vida

Lutar contra o príncipe das travas
E lançar um desafio

Para quem você grita?
Sará que ele te ouve?
Ou você é um tolo que exalta um derrotado?

Caça um pacto divino
Então verá Deus
Jogando lúcifer nas extremidades da terra
Para todo sempre


"Single" / title unknown (single, NOT SURE IF LEGIT)

Mentioned on [this page] before the site went down. Given the track record of websites like "cbuyservice", this probably isn't a real release, but I figured I'd better mention it, just in case.

IncompletePage, CouldUseBetterImages, NotOnMA
Anyone have info about this alleged single? Did this band ever release a single?
Band logo + cover art.


BAND NAME: Frostundus Ronoiseus
GENRE: Unblack / Noise / Grind / Blacknoise
STATUS: Changed name
(Split-up under new name, Frostundus)

Shortened name to Frostundus in June, 2018.

Kenneth "Nattesorg" Holsen - All instruments, Vocals


Sornetiltu Kraspint (album)

Left / Frostundus Ronoiseus:
6 January, 2018, Independent, Digital / Bandcamp, link expired
18 February, 2018, Independent, Digital / Bandcamp, link expired
Right / Frostundus:
21 November, 2018, Naorg Production, Bandcamp, link expired

On the original version, tracks 11-25 were added on 23 January, 2018.

According to Kenneth, the song titles on this album don't mean anything (except track 10 which is "Holsen Kenneth" backwards).

1) Sornetiltu Kraspint 2:49
2) Grutilchrum Jordkresk 2:08
3) Brukitro Fuqewrok 2:17
4) Troitrotkisk Vebzklatr 3:13
5) Abdrutrusk Xortrut 1:29
6) Krktkirt Traktorte 2:48
7) Fictirut Bnlortusk 2:57
8) Svoprota Tlopskr 2:37
9) Tanzroput Trakdust 2:35
10) Htennek Nesloh 3:13
11) Retrigturt Rabrut 2:44
12) Furtrompt Gropgpo 3:20
13) Bgortf Gfarts 2:28
14) Nbartfrust Gtfir 3:06
15) Alpopereo Ororter 2:16
16) Crosrekt Gtortfert 2:56
17) Tkatro Torrtort Slort 2:41
18) Grtorbt Farertort 2:29
19) Gfwrwqd Fxakpore 2:12
20) Trakrotert Brutlo 3:17
21) Ikorertik Takrasert 3:12
22) Mnbrutrexz Klwqert 3:09
23) Brwhoprt Ncnurtop 2:44
24) Nnmbreder Bnbarter 3:12
25) Hbhoterd Gogocrash 3:02

In the End (split)

3 February, 2018, Independent, Digital / Bandcamp, link expired
18 February, 2018, Independent, Digital / Bandcamp, link expired

Split with Frostnoise.

The left artwork was the original; it was replaced with the right artwork shortly after release.

With the exception of the song "My House", Frostundus Roniseus' part of this split was later rereleased under the new band name, Frostundus.

4) Frostundus Ronoiseus - Will Not Turn Away 2:08
Frostundus Ronoiseus - Devour the Palaces 2:12
Frostundus Ronoiseus - Wine of the Condemned 2:40
Frostundus Ronoiseus - Store Up Violence 2:36
Frostundus Ronoiseus - Tempted with Evil 2:08
Frostundus Ronoiseus - Whole Body 2:15
Frostundus Ronoiseus - Into the Sea 2:11
Frostundus Ronoiseus - All the Days 1:44
Frostundus Ronoiseus - My House 3:12

NotOnMA, SimilarTo
Similar to: [SECULAR] Tetragrammacide, Chaos Cascade, Reek of the Unzen Gas Fumes,
Intolitarian, BDSM, Blasphemous Covenant, Nyogthaeblisz, Black Beasts, The Gate Has Been Opened There Is No Escape, [CHRISTIAN] Desrot, Unblack Chaosnoise, Patay Demonyo, Desrotaricon / Desrotarium, Horror Tomb / Ultimate Terror from Below, Hazael / Hazaell, Decimate Damnation, Goatblood (US), Satan Destroyer, Goatscorge, Pie Iesu Domine Dona Eis Requiem, What Brings Ruin,


BAND NAME: Darkness Cleansed
GENRE: Unblack Metal / Lo-fi
STATUS: On hold
For an explanation for the inverted crosses in the logo, see [here].

(2013-2014???) - 2014
15 February, 2018 - July, 2019

Nocturnal Iridescence (Bozkath, etc) - All instruments, Vocals



title unknown (demo, UNRELEASED, Independent)

Can't remember the title of the demo.
Meant to be released digitally in January 2015, but God advised me against it at the time.
The artwork, as I recall, was a fire effect with the logo over it, and a bright light at the top to represent freedom from Hell. I can't remember the exact names of the tracks. The names given are what I think they were. (The lyrics are taken from a notebook.) These tracks were recorded... I think, around late 2013 and early 2014, respectively.

1) A Message to the Church
~00:30, lyrics:
The blessed light shine upon you, as a new day starts its course
Be a great explosion to annihilate every negative force
You are an unstoppable force of justice, an army side-by-side
Of truthward, shining spirits; to victory you ride!

2) Libera Me Ex Infernis
~4:00, lyrics:
The King enthroned
The light from the mountaintops
It comes tonight
From the skies it now shall drop

On all your doubting thoughts, and all your judgment days
The King you fear is always here, shining and always

Libera me ex infernis!
Libera me ex infernis!

The Spirit's skies
Shine brighter than dark alleys
Guidance awaits
Leading you from death's valleys

You're hidden in a maze where light is hidden quick
But light shines brighter than any evil trick!

Libera me ex infernis!
Libera me ex infernis!

The End Goal of Hedonism (single)

15 February, 2018, Independent, Bandcamp
7 March, 2018, Independent, Bandcamp, Remastered

Also stream on YouTube (OFFICIAL)

1) The End Goal of Hedonism
3:41, lyrics:
Hollywood rapists manipulating
Drug cartels and pornographers feeding
Abusive parents and governments lying
Dropping their bombs while children are dying

"We won't let the bigots tell us otherwise
We're living right
We're feeling good, that means we can't be wrong, alright
We don't need a fucking Christ"

Your head, you turn
The world, it burns
For your hedonism

School shooters going crazy and killing children
The ones that survive commit suicide, and then
The rest are fed propaganda so they never succeed
Craving sex and drugs to cure their unsatisfied greed!

"We won't let the bigots tell us otherwise
We're living right
We're feeling good, that means we can't be wrong, alright
We don't need a fucking Christ"

Your children cry
Your future dies
For your hedonism

(hteet fo gnihsang dna gnipeew eb lliw ereht erehW)

† Cellphone Recordings † (compilation, 6 November, 2018, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

A compilation of the songs I record on my cellphone until I get a new, proper recorder.

This particular track was uploaded 18 November, 2018.

4) Darkness Cleansed - Untitled
7:06, lyrics:
Lacking compassion, never to seek
Zoosadists and pedos prey on the weak
Hiding their wretchedness in their chatrooms
While in Hollywood, small kids are groomed

Judgment comes to all
You can't hide
Judgment comes to all
You can't hide

Hiding in plain sight with symbols
Influencers spreading their diseaséd bull
Raping the weak to fill their sick lust
With a slick smile for the public's trust

Judgment comes to all
You can't hide
Judgment comes to all
You can't hide

Do you not know, do you not care
You're as weak as the ones you make despair?
You are not at the top, you do not reign
God will condemn you in fire and chains

In fire and chains
In fire and chains
In fire and chains

Forever... and ever... and ever... and ever... and ever..............

ArtistConfirmed, NotOnMA


BAND NAME: Skogens Blod Grater
GENRE: Unblack Metal
STATUS: Changed name
(Status unknown under new name, Moreh's Tree)
LOCATION: France (Schoelcher)

Previously went by Skog Skrike Blod.
Photo removed at artist's request.

Beltschatsar - All instruments, Vocals




Ashes from the Woods of Gammel Skog (demo, 2005, Independent)
Format, tracklist unknown.


The Last Babylonian Kings: Chronicles of a Fallen Empire (EP, 2006, Independent)
Format, tracklist unknown.

971 in Flames (compilation, 2006, Independent)
Format: Digital

Written on the cover art:
" presents :
 971 in Flames
The very first French West Indian Metal/Punk compilation "

9) Skogens Blod Grater - The Pain of Warfare 4:56


Dusk and Dawn (EP, 2006, Independent)
Format unknown

1) Conquered 4:48
2) Crimson Dusk 4:01
not sure if this is the full tracklist?

Spiritual (2006, Independent)
Format, tracklist unknown

Also uploaded a few songs to SoundCloud in October, 2014:

The Wicked Serpent (4:38)
Nocturnal Blitz ov Ice (5:33)
Morgenfrost.WAV (5:14)

IncompletePage, CouldUseBetterImages, UncertainInfo, NotOnMA
1) More info on ANY of these releases, and the tracks on them.
Any of them, really.


BAND NAME: Skog Skrike Blod
GENRE: Unblack Metal / ???
STATUS: Changed name (see notes)
LOCATION: France (Schoelcher)

Formed in 2003.
Photo removed at artist's request.

Changed name to Skogens Blod Grater, and later to Moreh's Tree.

Beltschatsar - All instruments, Vocals


 Ashes from the Woods of Gammel Skog (demo, 2005, Independent)
Format: Unknown

I'm not sure if this is the same demo that's claimed on Gwadloupe to be released under the name Skogens Blod Grater, and they just got the names mixed up, or if this is actually a different demo.

1) Beginning of the Conquest
Cross the river
Take the city
Cross the river
Blow the wall and enter .
Turn around the city
During 6 days
Seven sacrificators with seven trumpets
Before the arch walks
When the trumpet ring
The warriors scream the wall falls
Here begin the conquest
Accurse the town
Conquer the land
The wall has fallen
Here begin the war
Put your faith in the god of Abraham
Accurse the town
Conquer the land
The war is complete
Burn , burn
Evil town, burn with your idols!

2) Buried Amalech

Buried Amalech
As they die
In the valley
As we fight against them
Fire surround us
They can't go ahead
As they bleed
In the valley
As their defeat shines
As their blod cover the grass
We rejoice because we're winning the war.

Sustain the arms of the prophet
Because as long as his arms are risen
we win the fight .

we're conquerors
As their body bleeds
They flee
We follow them in their town
As their land burns
they watch their defeat
As we win
As they lost
As they die.

3) Curse upon the Land
Cursed generation
Victims of your fathers' crimes
Victims of the wrath
because of the death of the prophets
That the ancients of your tribe has murdered
Your children are lost
There's no more point of reference for them
in this world
And you refuse to believe
And you blaspheme as to bring a harder wrath
on the next generation that come
Curse upon the land
Your hate against Jesus Christ because of the crimes of religion doesn't make sense
because Christ taught to love, but he never taught how to kill
But you refuse to believe in love
And you blaspheme against God
As to bring a harder wrath upon your land
Burning temples
Murder of innocent believers
The wrath of the Almighty shall come upon the land
Until you repent
Until you understand
That God is not responsible of the crimes of man
And that the responsible is the Leviathan.

4) Kadaverik Tenebras
Blessed be the Everlasting Father
Who gives me strength to fight
And who makes me victorious
Blessed be the Everlasting Creator
Who let us hear the heavenly melodies
of the wind as we walk in the fjord.
The snow shines under the sun
The pure white light from the ground rise and meet
my eyes
The shadows of the trees cover the bodies
Blessed be the Creator of earth and sky
Father, Son, Spirit

5) The Shadow of Peace Flies upon Gammel Skog
The rivers produce diamonds
And all the people is prosperous
The wind breathe in the land
And we praise the Lord almighty
The creator
the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
"We're a blessed generation"
Times of peace
No blod flood in the fjord
Times of peace
You , Almighty God have set us free
You shown your strength
and You have given us peace
Times of Peace

6) War Plague
Suddenly they came out from the woods
We didn't thought they could find us so easily
We went, running ,
To take our weapons
" War is back in the land"
It seemed that it had never stop
"Hide the women and the children
Today the skog will bleed again
Nothing will prevail against us
Because we are the army of God"
So much blod
So many dead
We were in peace
But their minds was full of violence
War was back in the land
And it seemed that for them it had never stop
We have no right to choose our belief
According to them
So much blod again
As we won the fight.
They flee , as they lost
And I saw those dead bodies
"So much blod in the skog"
As I dry my tears
Thinking about how many children are now without dad
We were in peace but they attacked
Sorry child, you've lost your dad.

7) Ruins of Gammal Skog
Because of the permanent wars
Gammel skog is set on fire
Because of the permanent tragedy
We have to move to another land
When are you gonna understand
The we do not wrestle against flesh and blod
And that our enemy is not our fellow?
I smell ashes
I see the trees turn to dust
"let us mark to a better place"
And let us work for peace
Even if the carnage seems to last
One day it will end
Hope follow life
Ashes of Gammel Skog
Remembrance of wars
Do we really had
To see so many heads be cut ?
As the night fall
We stand by the river
Waiting for another
day to start.

Also apparently released other songs, too.
I don't know if these were on another demo, or what. The lyrics to these songs are below.

Nebucadnetsar's Dreams Part I
"I have dreamed a dream, and my spirit was troubled to know the dream."
The Wise Men Aren't able to find out what it was about .
"All the wise men shall be slain"
For none of them is worthy to live anymore
"All the wise men shall be slain
For none of them was able to explain the dream ."
Here comes a man of the race of Abraham
He knows the dream
For His God has revealed it to him .
"I thank thee, and praise thee, O thou God of my fathers, who hast given me wisdom and might, and hast made known unto me now what we desired of thee: for thou hast now made known unto us the king's matter."
"Daniel , named Belteshazzar art thou able to make known unto me the dream which I have seen, and the interpretation thereof?"
A great image crushed by a mountain
All the secrets of the present and the future are revealed .
The Chaldeans couldn't explain it
But the secret has been revealed to the son of Israel.
"Of a truth it is, that your God is a God of gods, and a Lord of kings, and a revealer of secrets, seeing thou couldest reveal this secret."

Nebucadnetsar's Dreams Part II
"Is not this great Babylon, that I have built for the house of the kingdom by the might of my power, and for the honour of my majesty?"
You were a so wealthy tree , with so wonderful fruits
Every people of the earth came to taste your fruits
But by your pride you have sinned , and because of your pride you're fallen now.
This is the tree you are , and this is the tree you will become .
This is the king you was , this is the beast you've become.
You're like a beast of the field.
Fallen from the palace of Babylon , to eat the fruits of your pride .
"Seven times shall pass over thee, till thou know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will."
"thy kingdom shall be sure unto thee, after that thou shalt have known that the heavens do rule."
This is the tree you are , and this is the tree you will become .
This is the king you was , this is the beast you've become.
"And at the end of the days I Nebuchadnezzar lifted up mine eyes unto heaven, and mine understanding returned unto me, and I blessed the most High, and I praised and honoured him that liveth for ever, whose dominion is an everlasting dominion, and his kingdom is from generation to generation"
"At the same time my reason returned unto me; and for the glory of my kingdom, mine honour and brightness returned unto me; and my counsellors and my lords sought unto me; and I was established in my kingdom, and excellent majesty was added unto me."

Part III : Belchatsar, Son ov Nebucadnetsar
Your blasphemies, your idolatries
Your pride, your tyranny
Your kingdom, your tragedy

Desecrator of the holy things
Full of lust and pride
Worshiper of the quiet images of your powerless gods
The scriptures on the wall scared your soul
Your face turned pale
Front of an event that can't be explained.
Your wise men and your Chaldeans are quiet
Front of this event of a higher degree
Here comes the son of Israel
Daniel, who worships the God of Abraham
He has received the wisdom of Adonai
and the interpretation of these scriptures is in his mouth.

Your blasphemies, your idolatries
Your pride, your tyranny
Your kingdom, your tragedy

No fear of God in your heart
And because of this your kingdom shall fall .
Your pride will become your shame .
"God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it"
"Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting."
"Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians"
Your blasphemies, your idolatries
Your pride, your tyranny
Your kingdom, your tragedy
This is your fate
The fate of your kingdom
"O Belshazzar, hast not humbled thine heart(...)
But hast lifted up thyself against the Lord of heaven..."
You fall.

A Dying World (bonus track)
In the giant forest we're in
committed in an invisible war
Too much blod have been shed/
In the giant forest we're in
committed in an invisible war
Too many innocent have been killed
The legalisation of murder have taken our societies
All the governors of the world are serving the beast.
A blinded eye is their master
A goat, their god
Idolatry is their reason to live
They smell hell as they're burning in pain.

He has been killed before his birth
And his blod screams from the ground to heaven.
The red liquid that filled his veins weeps.
The curse have filled the forest
For iniquity have filled the minds.
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blod"
We know which spirit lies behind the crime.
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blod"
A war we've already won.
"It is finished"
In the dying world we're in
Committed in an invisible war
Baruj ata Yeshua, Konge av Konger.
Den Hellige, Son av Gud.

His Love, he has given to you
His blod has been shed for you, on the cross
He can wash your sins
You can be forgiven
In Christ
Forgiven, in Christ
You can be washed.
IncompletePage, CouldUseBetterImages, UncertainInfo, NotOnMA
1) Were those "miscellaneous" songs released on something? If so, anyone have more info on it? 2) What format was "Ashes from the Woods of Gammel Skog" released on? 3) Track lengths for all songs. 4) Why does Gwadloupe list it as a "Skogens Blod Grater" demo? Was it rereleased under that name or something?
Demo artwork.


BAND NAME: Moreh's Tree
GENRE: Experimental Unblack Metal / ???
STATUS: Unknown
LOCATION: France (Schoelcher)

Previously went by Skog Skrike Blod and Skogens Blod Grater.
Photo removed at artist's request.

Last-known contacts:
kultofyeshoua [AT] yahoo [DOT] com
ehud31 [AT] hotmail [DOT] com

Beltschatsar - All instruments, Vocals


Building the Altar (year, label unknown)
Format: Unknown

Sold on SoundClick. I don't know what that means exactly; the page is gone, and was never archived. 
Did SoundClick ever sell CDs? Or was the music just sold digitally?...

Had a track called "Transfiguration Witness". A short sample is available [here].

May have also contained these songs from Myspace?
Unclean No More 7:05
Sacred Place of the Most High 3:35
Rapture 4:21
As I Am 2:52

IncompletePage, CouldUseBetterImages, UncertainInfo, NotOnMA
1) Tracklist + year/label + format info for "Building the Altar". 2) Lyrics?


NOTE: Not to be confused with Hesychast / Исихаст, or Исихиазм.

BAND NAME: Ἡσυχασμός
GENRE: Ambient / Post-Rock / Post-Black Metal
STATUS: Unknown
LOCATION: USA (Boston, MA, early) (Chicago, IL, later)

Other spellings of the band's name:
Ησυχασμός, Hesychasm, Isychasmós, Isychasmos

Lineup unknown. Comments on SoundCloud seem to indicate this is a one-person project, but I don't know for sure.



Demo (single, 6 January, 2015, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

Music by ἡσυχασμός
Recording by Ty Ueda

1) Auguries of Innocence

δι' ἐσόπτρου ἐν αἰνίγματι (EP, 24 August, 2015, Independent)
Format: Digital / SoundCloud / Bandcamp
Stream (SoundCloud, OFFICIAL)
Stream / Download (Bandcamp, OFFICIAL)

Recorded, composed, and produced in: 
Somersworth, New Hampshire; Boston, Massachusetts; Swansea, Wales; London, England; 
Thessaloniki, Greece; Ouranoupoli, Greece; and Mount Athos, Greece

1) ἀναμαρτησία προσχωρέω 9:53
2) ἀρά διά πατήρ Ἰωάννου 10:24
3) κάθαρσις

θάνατος τῷ κόσμῷ (single, 27 November, 2016, Independent)
Format: Digital / SoundCloud / Bandcamp
Stream (SoundCloud, OFFICIAL)
Stream / Download (Bandcamp, OFFICIAL)

1) σοῦ δὲ αὐτῆς τὴν ψυχὴν διελεύσεται ῥομφαία—
18:29, lyrics:
"I know what is for my benefit. Now I begin to be a disciple. And let no one... envy me that I should attain to Jesus Christ. Let fire and the cross; let the crowds of wild beasts; let tearings, breakings, and dislocations of bones; let cutting off of members; let shatterings of the whole body and let all the dreadful torments of the devil come upon me: only let me attain to Jesus Christ." 
-- Ignatius of Antioch

IncompletePage, NotOnMA
Lineup info?
Also, do the other songs have lyrics? If so, what are they?