BAND NAME: Gondolin
GENRE: Black Ambient / Funeral Doom
STATUS: Unknown
Angsar currently does not identify as Christian. Ethan does. I don't know if either of them plans to continue the band someday or not. I also don't know which member is which in the photos above.

They say on last.fm that they're influenced by "Summoning, Agalloch, and Ahab". Based on the only song I can find by them ("Awakening to New Lands"), ... I guess? The song is basically like Summoning but without the guitars, and with a very, very sad/morose mood to it.

[This page] says, "Lyrical concepts focus on the majestic earth, and its Creator", while [this page] says they're influenced by Tolkien. Maybe a mix of both?
Ethan - Unknown
Alexander "Angsar" James - Unknown

The following songs are mentioned on Last.fm. I don't know if these are by this band or not. All other songs from last.fm
not mentioned on this page, are confirmed to be by different bands.
- Discovering Runes of Old
- Crossing of the Dnieper
- Introduction
- My Mirrored Self
- Sketches of No Mosquitoes
- New Gondo
- Old Thunder
- The Music


Christian Metal Fellowship: Compilation Volume II (compilation, 2009, Sullen Records)
Format: CD

3) Gondolin - Awakening to New Lands
7:44, lyrics unknown


Revelations Vol II (compilation, NOT SURE IF RELEASED, Sullen Records (RIP-OFF))
Format unknown

This band was confirmed to appear on this, but it's not clear if the release ever happened or not. Announced in November 2008.

??) Gondolin - track(s) unknown


A Voyage Beyond the Unknown (EP, NOT SURE IF RELEASED, Sullen / Open Grave (RIP-OFFS))
Planned format: unknown, but limited 1,000 copies worldwide[1]

"An Ode..." is 4:33, but it's noted on Myspace as an "edit", so the final song was probably longer.
"Awakening to New Lands" is notably 41 seconds shorter than the version on the compilation for some reason.

??) An Ode to the Most High
??) Awakening to New Lands
??) Crossing of the Open Sea 3:16
not sure if there were other songs

IncompletePage, CouldUseBetterImages, NotOnMA
Way too much to list. If you have anything, let me know!
I do know 100% for a fact there's a higher-quality version of the logo out there somewhere, but I can't find it.

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