BAND NAME: Blatant/Unashamed
GENRE: Post-Black Metal, Ambient/Acoustic, Blackened Death
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: USA (Burlington, North Carolina)

Formed as two different projects. "Blatant" was supposed to be beatdown hardcore; "Unashamed" can be found [here]. As far as I can tell, "Blatant" never released anything. In 2021 they were merged into this one project. The artist pronounces the name as "blatant and unashamed".

Years active:
2019 - 2021, Unashamed
2021 - now, Blatant/Unashamed

Mike Stavanja - All instruments, Vocals

Interview @ Blacforje
Apple Music

Unofficial links:
Unblack Metal Wallpapers


Beyond This Darkness (demo, 18 July, 2021, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

1) Melancholic

2) Apathetic

3) There Is a Light
3:41, lyrics:
"Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now am found
Was blind, but now I see"

The Liar, Thyself (single, 4 September, 2022, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

1) The Liar, Thyself 4:40, see below for lyrics

Grief (single, 18 November, 2022, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

"Dedicated to DBF".

1) Grief 5:16, see below for lyrics

Lamenta (album, 17 February, 2023, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

"“The Liar, Thyself” refers to the rampant self-righteousness found within the Church. [. . .]
“Slave” is a song about addiction to lust and the normalization of such a practice. [. . .]
“Despised” is somewhat of an exegesis of Matthew 10. [. . .]
While I did write the music for Grief in 2019 [. . .], I found the meaning for it in the loss of a loved one. [. . .]
Finally, Lamenta is a condensed musical exegesis of the book of Lamentation [. . .]"

Full details can be found in the interview link above.

1) Intro
1:03, instrumental

2) The Liar, Thyself
4:40, lyrics:
The mother of every evil thing

The lovers
Of self
Boastful, revilers, unholy

Seeker of righteousness
Only for oneself
That none might be saved

"Praise be to God
That I am not like the others
I do as I should
In the sight of men"

The liar

Your attention
On your walk alone

You walk away from your father

Into the snare of the liar
(Into the snare of the liar)

3) Slave
4:29, lyrics:
This cancer
Keeps taking

(The innocence from my hardened heart is fading)

A burden
I've carried
(From the days)
(Of my youth)

It wants to
Eat me alive

I fight but I can't stop it on my own

Lord help me

Carnal desire has left me numb to love and be loved

A generation ruined by distortion

Break my heart

Set me free

4) Despised
2:27, lyrics:
You will hate me

He has brought a sword

Your enemies will be your household

Sent like sheep to wolves

To a world that will never accept you

But do not fear the killer of the body
Fear the One who can kill the soul

5) Grief
5:14, lyrics:
The viewing was the longest memory I had of you

A life lost too soon

Oh how I would've loved to really know you

All I have is the tales of who you were from my infancy

The memory of our trivial conversations

When I ran away and you said "I'm not a monster"

Now all I have is your legacy through those we loved

The priceless and intangible lessons they should've learned

Oh the future that could've been

What a squandered youth and melancholy existence

We pray
We grieve
We believe



A new world discovered too long before your kin

God only knows if you will ever see them again

We pray for your soul that this was not the end

We pray
We grieve
We believe

That this will not be the end

6) Multiplied Mourning
00:29, instrumental

7) Lamenta
6:55, lyrics:
Becomes slave

As she knew the righteous God
She turned to evil instead

Woe to Jerusalem
She lay naked in filth and shame
The right hand of God withdrawn

I am the man who has seen affliction
By the rod of the Lord’s wrath

He has driven me away and made me dwell in darkness
He has turned his hand against me again and again

He has made my skin and my flesh grow old
My bones, broken

He has made me dwell in darkness like those long dead

Let him bury his face in the dust

There may yet be hope

You, Lord, reign forever
Your throne endures from generation to generation

You, Lord, (reign forever)
Your throne (Endures forever)
Restore us (To yourself, Lord)
That we may return
(Renew our days of old)

IncompletePage, CouldUseBetterImages, SimilarTo
INFO: Missing lyrics from the first demo
IMAGES: Better version of the logo used on "Lamenta".

Similar to: [SECULAR] Deafheaven, Panopticon, Crown of Asteria, Unreqvited, Evergreen Refuge, Stellar Descent, Autumn's Dawn, Сивый Яр, ██████, A Sombre Boreal / Boreal, Waldweg, [CHRISTIAN] Vials of Wrath, Longing, Ex Nihilo / Exnihilo, Batyushka ("Rus"), Dark Procession, Eunagelion, Vårgrike / Vargrike, Sabactâni / Sabackthanny, Starless, Bismoth, early Cryptic Rising, No Lower Place to Fall


[logo not available]

BAND NAME: Unashamed
GENRE: Doom/Post-Black Metal
STATUS: Changed Name
(Active under new name, Blatant/Unashamed)
LOCATION: USA (Burlington, North Carolina)

Years active:
2019 - 2021, Unashamed
2021 - now, Blatant/Unashamed

Mike Stavanja - Everything

Apple Music


Melancholy (demo, 2 May, 2021, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

"First Tracking/Demo"

1) Melancholic

1) Did the project have a logo under this name? 2) It's mostly instrumental, but there seem to be just a few vocals in this, but I can't quite tell... If so, what are the lyrics?


BAND NAME: Expiacion
GENRE: Bestial Unblack / War Metal
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: Mexico (Mérida, Yucatán)

The band name is stylized as ΞΧΡΦΔϹΦΩΠ.
Side project of [Santo Culto].

E.V. - All instruments, Vocals

Unofficial links:
Unblack Metal Wallpapers


Demo MMXXII-IV (demo, 29 February, 2024, Comando Records)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

1) Soldados de Cristo 1:08
2) Total erradicación de la oscuridad 1:42
3) Primogenito 2:58


BAND NAME: Gnadenthron
GENRE: Unblack Metal with Epic/Viking Influences
STATUS: Active

Formed in 2023.

"Gnadenthron" is the German term for the "mercy seat" (כַּפֹּרֶת / ἱλαστήριον / etc), the lid on the Ark of the Covenant.

Lineup unknown.


Unofficial links:
Unblack Metal Wallpapers


Verheißung (album, 13 January, 2024, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

1) Christ ist erstanden
3:20, lyrics:
Christ ist erstanden
von der Marter alle.
Des soll'n wir alle froh sein;
Christ will unser Trost sein.


Wär' er nicht erstanden,
so wär' die Welt vergangen.
Seit daß er erstanden ist,
so Lob'n wir den Vater Jesu Christ



Des soll'n wir alle froh sein;
Christ will unser Trost sein.


2) Im Angesicht des Königs (Offenbarung 1)
5:11, lyrics:
Ich war am Tage des Herrn im Geiste
und vernahm hinter mir eine laute Stimme
wie Donnergrollen.
Und ich wandte mich um, die Stimme zu sehen, welche mit mir sprach
und da ich mich umgewandt sah ich und siehe


Dem Sohne eines Menschen gleich,
mit Gold und Leinen angetan.
Das Haupt wie Schnee und Wolle weiß
Augen rotglühend Feuerflamm’n.

Gleißendes Licht,
Zerschmetternde Kraft,
der König in
ruhmesglänz‘nder Macht.

Als ich ihn sah
ergriff mich die Not.
In Zittern und Furcht
fiel ich vor Ihm wie tot.

Das Reich und die Herrlichkeit und die Macht unseres Gottes!
Wahrhaftig und gerecht ist sein Gericht!

3) Verheißung (Gen 26, 4)
8:40, lyrics:
Der Tross setzt sich in Marsch,
wissen nicht wohin, nicht mehr wer sie sind.
Verworfen der Sünde wegen
und doch Europas Völker Segen.

Einst Kinder des Höchsten.
gesegnete Erb‘n,
für Hochmut und Götzendienst
unter dem Zorn des Herrn.

700 Jahre vor unserer Zeit,
die Skythen zum Sturme bereit.
Dem Nordreich Israel entstammt,
vom Werkzeug seines Zorns, Assyrien, verbannt.

Omri, Khumri, Kimmerer,
Goten, Galater, Gallier,
Skythen, Herren des Partherreichs.

εξομολογεισθε τω κυριω

Sacae und Saxa in Rom genannt,
brachen sie auf ins nordische Land.

εξομολογεισθε τω κυριω

In den alten Namen ist es offenbar:
Sakai, Sacae, Saxa, Saxonia.
Die uralte Verheißung Gottes
in Isaak ist wahr!

Die Sachsen, die Deutschen und Europas Geschlecht,
Söhne des Höchsten,
in seinem Erbrecht.

Drum erkennet, ihr Brüder,
wer ihr nun seid,
wem ihr gehört
und macht euch bereit!

Erkennt das Licht,
das göttliche Licht,
das da scheint über euch!
Erkennt das Licht,
das göttliche Licht,
das da scheint
in Jesus Christ!

Väter und Vorväter, 2000 Jahr‘,
dienten ihm,
sie erkannten was wahr.
Ihr Ruhm ist unsaglich,
sucht ihresgleichen die Welt,
doch heute Erbe und Glanz
in Trümmer fällt.

Blick‘ auf ihr Vorbild,
eif‘re ihm nach,
zum Segen,
zu deinem,
dem Volk
und der Welt hernach!

4) Sieg im Norden (Psalm 135, 15-18)
4:50, lyrics:
Den Nordwind im Rücken,
die Schwerter bereit,
Dala-Gudbrandrs Mannen
ziehen in den Streit.

(Dala spricht)
„Unsere Alten Götter
aus Holz und Stein,
die man sehen kann,
die werden uns die Kraft verleih’n.
Olaf Haraldsson
schwor ihnen ab,
drum zerschlaget ihn
und seinen Christengott!“

Stahl trifft auf Stahl,
Axt auf Eichenschild,
grausam der Streit,
rasend und wild.

(Olaf spricht zu Dala)
„Bruder gegen Bruder,
Herr gegen Knecht,
Schwert gegen Axt
führt niemanden zum Recht.
Lasst das Wort nun streiten,
die Weisheit möge sing‘n,
die Wahrheit siege
auf dem Thing!“

Dem Bildnis des Thor,
voller Huld,
Dala Gudbrandr
beschwört den alten Kult

(Dala spricht)
„Wir wissen nicht
von wem Olaf spricht,
den nennt er Gott,
man sieht und hört ihn nicht.
Wir haben einen,
nimm ihn doch wahr,
rein Gold und Silber,
stark und furchtbar!“

(Olaf spricht)
„Du drohst mit dem Bildnis,
welches blind ist und taub,
dir nicht helfen kann,
ich zermalme es zu Staub!“

Zerborsten ist das Götzenbild
Ratten- und Schlangenbrut aus dem Innern quillt.

(Dala spricht)
„Tot sind die Götter,
dessen sind wir nun Zeugen,
wir woll'n uns in der Taufe
dem wahren Gott beugen!“

5) Synagoge des Satan (Offenbarung 2, 9)
8:02, lyrics:
Heb deine Augen auf und werd gewahr:
Fäulniss, Dekadenz und Hässlichkeit.
Was heldenhaft, gottselig und anmutig war,
ins Gegenteil verkehrte Abscheulichkeit

Ihr Hass ist wider die Tugend und der Sonne Licht.
Im Bunde mit Dämonen, im Krieg gegen uns,
gegen Gott und seinen Christ
Geheimnis, Greul und Dunkelheit,
vom HERRN genannt die Hure.
Verpflicht' zur Lüge und Verschwiegenheit,
besiegelt mit Menschenblute

Sie räuchern den Dämonen,
dem Baal und Moloch allein,
vergiften die Nationen,
stürzen sie in Pein.

Kyrie wann kommt dein Zorn?

Die sieben Schalen des Zorns, sie sind schon bereitet,
für die große Stadt und niemand, der es vereitelt.

Feuer und Hagel und Plagen und Blut,
die Kinder des Teufels und ihre Götzen
vergehen in Seiner Zornesglut!

Verbrennt die Hure!
Verbrennt die große Stadt!
die Synagoge des Satan,
die sein Reich vergiftet hat!

Noch winden sich die Schlangen,
wie Gewürm und kriechendes Tier,
trachten nach dem Blut der Heiligen,
in unstillbarer teuflischer Gier.

Wer Ohren hat der hört
Wer Augen hat der sieht
Ihr Ende ist beschlossen,
Der Tag kommt wie ein Dieb

Zerbrochen sind die Säulen,
ihr Tempel in Flammen,
Ihre Opfer, Rituale,
ihre Zauberei ist vergangen!

6) Winterdemut (Psalm 90, 12)
8:28, lyrics:
Rau kreischt der Wind, grimmig beißt der Schnee,
wie Kristall im Licht des Mondes schwebend.
Schlummernd das Land, erstarrt jeder See,
dem Anschein ohne Leben.

Unter kalter Last,
ächzt Gebälk und Ast.
Wo nur, oh du Mensch,
wo ist deine Macht?

Was nur, was bis du?
Ein Wurm, ein Hauch, ein Wind!
Eben noch in voller Kraft,
verdorrt, auf ewig dahin!

Sei eingedenk deines Sterbens,
Weisheit ist die Furcht des HERRN!

IncompletePage, SimilarTo
Lineup info?

Miscellaneous stuff:
Official English translations

1) Christ ist erstanden
Christ is risen / From torture all. / Let us all rejoice; / Christ will be our consolation. / Kyrieleis.

Had he not risen, / the world would have passed away.
Since he has risen, / we praise the Father of Jesus Christ / Kyrieleis.
Alleluia (4x)
Let us all rejoice; / Christ will be our consolation. / Kyrieleis.

2) Im Angesicht des Königs (Offenbarung 1)
I was in the Spirit on the Lord's Day / and heard a loud voice behind me like thunder.
And I turned to see the voice that was speaking to me / and when I turned I saw and behold
Like the son of man, / Clothed in gold and linen. / The head like snow and white as wool / Eyes red-hot flames of fire.

Glistening light, / Shattering power, / the king in glorious might.

When I saw him  / I was seized with distress. / In trembling and fear / I fell before Him as if dead.

The kingdom and the glory and the power of our God! / True and righteous is His judgment!

3) Verheißung (Gen 26,4)
The procession sets off, / hundreds of thousands, / don't know where to go, no longer know who they are.
Rejected because of sin / and yet the blessing of Europe's peoples.

Once children of the Most High. / blessed heirs, / for pride and idolatry / under the wrath of the Lord.

700 years before our time, / the Scythians prepared for the storm.
From the northern kingdom of Israel, / banished by the instrument of his wrath, Assyria.

Omri, Khumri, Cimmerians, / Goths, Galatians, Gauls. / Scythians, lords of the Parthian Empire.

εξομολογεισθε τω κυριω
Called Sacae and Saxa in Rome, / they set out for the northern lands.
εξομολογεισθε τω κυριω

It is evident in the old names: / Sakai, Sacae, Saxa, Saxonia. / The ancient promise of God / in Isaac is true!

The Saxons, the Germans and Europe's lineage, / Sons of the Most High,  / in his right of inheritance.

Therefore recognize, you brothers, / who you are now,  / to whom you belong / and prepare yourselves!

Recognize the light, / the divine light that shines upon you! / Recognize the light, / the divine light that shines in Jesus Christ!

Fathers and forefathers, for 2000 years, / they served him, / and recognized what was true.
Their fame is unspeakable, / the world seeks their equal, / but today their heritage and splendor / falls into ruins.

Look to their example, emulate it, for your blessing, / for your own, for your people and the world hereafter!

4) Sieg im Norden (Psalm 135,15-18)
The north wind at their backs / swords at the ready / Dala-Gudbrandr's men / march into battle

(Dala speaks) "Our old gods of wood and stone, that can be seen, will give us strength. Olaf Haraldsson swore off them, so smash him and his Christian God!"

Steel meets steel / Axe on oak shield / cruel the battle / furious and wild

(Olaf speaks to Dala) "Brother against brother, master against servant, sword against axe leads no one to justice. Let the word now argue, let wisdom sing, let truth prevail at the Thing!"

To the image of Thor, / full of grace, / Dala Gudbrandr / summons the old cult

(Dala speaks) "We do not know who Olaf is talking about, he calls him God, He cannot be seen or heard. We have one, look at him, of pure gold and silver, strong and terrible!"

(Olaf speaks) "You threaten with the idol, which is blind and deaf, it cannot help you, I will crush it to dust!"

The idol is shattered / The spawn of rats and snakes oozes from within.

(Dala speaks) "The gods are dead, of which we are now witnesses, we want to baptize ourselves to the true God."

5) Synagoge des Satan (Offenbarung 2,9)
Lift up your eyes and realize  / Rottenness, decadence and ugliness
What was once heroic, godly and graceful / Turned into abomination

Their hatred is against virtue and the light of the sun
In league with demons, at war against us, / against God and his Christ
Mystery, abomination and darkness / Called by the LORD the harlot
bound to lie and secrecy / sealed with human blood

They burn incense to demons / to Baal and Moloch alone / poison the nations / plunge them into torment  

Lord when will your wrath come

The seven bowls of wrath are prepared for the great city and no one to thwart it
Fire and hail and plagues and blood
the children of the devil and their idols / perish in the fury of His wrath

Burn the whore! / Burn the great city! / the synagogue of Satan, / that has poisoned his kingdom!

The serpents are still writhing, / like worms and crawling beasts / crave the blood of the saints / in insatiable diabolical greed

He who has ears hears / He who has eyes sees / Their end is decided, / The day comes like a thief

The pillars are broken / Their temple in flames / Their sacrifices, rituals, / their sorcery is gone

6) Winterdemut (Psalm 90,12)
The wind shrieks harshly, the snow bites grimly, / like crystal floating in the light of the moon.
The land slumbers, every lake freezes, / seemingly without life.

Under cold weight, / Groans beams and branches. / Where, O man! / where is your power?

What only, what are you? / A worm, a breath, a wind! / Only a moment ago in full power, / withered, gone forever!

Be mindful of your death, / Wisdom is the fear of the LORD!


Similar to: [SECULAR] Bathory, Graveland, Nordisches Blut, Geasa, [CHRISTIAN] Admonish, Elgibbor, Exultet, HaSzem, Pilgrimage, Thy Sword, (add more later)


^ Old logo .............. v Newer logo

BAND NAME: Nocturnal Faith
GENRE: Progressive/Symphonic Black Metal (early), Black/Death Metal (later)
STATUS: Unknown
LOCATION: Panama (Santiago, Veraguas)

Formed in 2003, went on hold in 2011 and still were as of 2015. Not currently clear if they plan to come back or not.

Kem Marín - Vocals
Francisco Hurtado - Guitars
Carmel Urieta - Guitars
Gill Yangüez - Bass
Adolfo Díaz - Drums

Past members:
David Gómez - Guitars
Hector "Popo" Pérez - Guitars
Jose David Saldaña - Guitars (also did bass at some point?)
Anel Concepción - Guitars (lead + rhythm)
Miguel Corrales - Keyboards

Apple Music

Unofficial links:
Fan Myspace (see also!)
Unblack Metal Wallpapers

Apparently the band was "recording a full length album" on Dysmorphic Records as of 2005, but it was never finished/released.

Blackness Reality (demo/single, 1 February, 2003, label unknown)
Format unknown

Mentioned by Kem Marin in a Metal Archives report ("1 February"). The fan Myspace page mentions "Emblem of Glory" being recorded in 2003, meaning this would have been recorded then, too. I don't currently have any more info.

1) Blackness Reality 5:25, see below for lyrics

Collected Works / Trabajos 2001-2003 (compilation)

Left / Collected Works:
2004, Dysmorphic Records, CD (USA)
Bottom: Trabajos 2001-2003:
2004, Independent / Bombworks Records, CD (Latin America)

This is actually a [SorrowStorm] release. But since Felipe was Nocturnal Fiath's manager for awhile and he ran their label, one of their tracks was included on the disc to help promote them. Released before "Emblem of Glory".

12) Nocturnal Faith - Blackness Reality 5:22, see below for lyrics

Emblem of Glory (EP, 2004, Dysmorphic Records)
Format: CD-R

Guest appearances:
Felipe "Ogrvst" Diez - Vocals (tracks 2 and 4)

On streaming sites, track 1 is called "Intro", and track 6 is missing altogether. The exact release date given on Apple is 20 September, but these dates are often wrong.
1) Prelude
1:36, instrumental

2) Arrival of the Final Holocaust
6:50, lyrics:
Hear the echoes of the symphony of the dead
that bring within, the rain of blood and sorrow.
The ancient prophecy, the final holocaust
is the awakening of the true horror of the world

the legions of death come around to us
I'm a witness of this decadence
apocalyptical visions of destruction
when all feels the embracing of the darkness

The nations fall down, in the abyss of the eternal flames
waiting for the end, in this chapter of the humanity

In this trial of life or death
lies of Satan, malignant chaos
remove the sins of your heart
stand, and prepare for the war

the lake of sulphur, diabolical flames
eternal suffering, condemnation of life
screams of terror made from hysteria
the thundering voices of desolation

the legions of death come around to us
I’m a witness of this decadence
apocalyptical visions of destruction
when all feels the embracing of the darkness

take your sword, it's the hour of the final battle
fight for salvation, fight for your own soul

history foretold, insanity in demonic forms
your name I call, Jesus Christ, you are the only hope
for the redemption of this putrefied world
and break the chains of the enslaved human soul

in this complex paradox, with monuments of ironies
where human emotions don't exist
look at the sky, and everyone shall see
that the only way of salvation
is your own redemption

3) Emblem of Glory
6:02, lyrics:
Through the mountains we descend
to annihilate the demon seed
and glorify the holy name of Christ
we escape from darkness
where the masses are terrorized
where the suffering is incarnated
and the soul is impaled
evil in disguise
waiting for our demise
tears of blood we cried
but now we see the light
with euphoric madness
we are part of the legion
and ready for the battle
we will build the Emblem of Glory..!!

with our sacrifice
we will defeat our sins
Here is our seal of war..!!
we are your servants
we will spill our blood
and will defend your throne
with the holy armor

reborn of the world
finally comes
the end of pain and suffering
salvation is our reward

Satan you have lost
your empire will fall apart
by the power of God
you are totally destroyed..!!

we extol the name of Christ

4) Cosmic Desecration
5:05, lyrics:
Inside the mind, and unfathomable error
its origins unknown yet of astral importance
cosmic desecration, the first temptation
affecting God and his creation

Loss for Satan, one third of the heavens now fallen to never return
the so-called victories of the goat
are really nuisances only leading further
and further towards his demise.

We are the products of our own volition,
the ends of our own decisions.

One third of the earth will suffer forever.
To survive, one must join us. To save yourself, you must deny.

Deny the cosmic desecration
You are a part of the kingdom of God
of the Lord’s plan

Inside me
Resides the flesh
spirits at war

battles within
Inside me
cries to burn
towards me
Inside me
the cries to burn

Inside me
Resides the flesh
spirits at war
battles within

The suffering burns my eyes

5) Blackness Reality
5:25, lyrics:
See the evilness growing in me
¡Oh! Master Jesus Christ, I need you...

I cry in loneliness...
I'm falling in decadence
the darkness embraces me
desperation is my madness...

Silent screams of despair
my own conscience makes me see my reality
the sins that are preventing my flesh
the spiritual memories I'm losing

With my doors closed
I can't face this trial of fire
it questions my wisdom, my hope and my faith in my lord...

I cry in loneliness...
and falling in decadence
the darkness embraced me
desperation is my madness...

the man:
"I surrender upon my own unfaithfulness"
"Don't give up my son"
the man:
"¡Oh! my lord, tell me what I have to do..."
"Don't allow the power of the evil into your heart..."

Silent screams of despair
my own conscience makes me see my reality
the sins that are preventing my flesh
The spiritual memories I`m losing

"Your faith is in decadence
feeling like dying
bleeding in silence
let yourself meet my glory"

Silent screams of despair
my own conscience makes me see my reality

6) Outro
track length / lyrics unknown

Cryptic Works (1999​-​2003) (compilation, 10 April, 2005, Bombworks Records)
Format: CD

Same story as the SorrowStorm comp above. This is actually an [Encryptor] release, but Felipe included one of Nocturnal Faith's tracks too. Please note that this got re-released later on (Coleiosis Records -- digital 2021, CD-R 2023) but Nocturnal Faith do not appear on those versions.

17) Arrival of the Final Holocaust 6:50, see above for lyrics

De Nacht der Plagen... ...een Zwarte Historie - het derde deel (compilation)
2005, SneeuwStorm Produkties, CD-R, link expired
13 March, 2015, Nokternal Hemizphear, Bandcamp, link expired
17 December, 2023, SneeuwStorm Produkties, Bandcamp

The 2023 Bandcamp version has black and white artwork.

A compilation of Christian and secular artists.
Written on the artwork:
"SneeuwStorm Produkties presenteert:"

CD1, track 10) Nocturnal Faith - The Arrival of the Final Holocaust
6:50, see above for lyrics

Underground Rot 2 - Metal Compilation (2005, Rotting Records)
Format: CD

These verses are mentioned in the layout:
If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men. Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head. (Romans 12:18-20, KJV)

Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light: Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son: In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins. (Colossians 1:12-14, KJV)

6) Nocturnal Faith - Cosmic Desecration
5:05, see above for lyrics

Een reis naar de galgeheuvel - Het vierde deel (compilation)

2005, Sneeuwstorm Produkties, 2 CD-R
17 December, 2023, SneeuwStorm, Bandcamp
2010, UMS Records (RIPOFF LABEL), 2 CD-R

The Unblack Metal Scene version is misspelled as "Gen reis".
CD1, track 12) Nocturnal Faith - Cosmic Desecration
5:09, see above for lyrics

Christian Black Metal - Sudamerica Vol. 1 (compilation, UNOFFICIAL, 14 November, 2022, Omnipotent Radio Records)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp

32) Nocturnal Faith - The Inner Dark Soul 4:50
33) Nocturnal Faith - Blackness Reality
34) Nocturnal Faith - Emblem of Glory

- Whispering Death, EP, 2008
(some sites say 2009, but it was actually 2008)
IncompletePage, CouldUseBetterImages, UncertainInfo
1) Was "Whispering Death" Christian or not? 2) Metal Archives says Jose Saldaña did guitars; the fan Myspace says bass. Help? 3) More info on the "Blackness Reality" demo? 4) Track length (and lyrics, if applicable) for "Outro"? 5) Are these releases in the correct order? Several are released in the same year, but I don't have days/months... 6) There's mention of a "demo version" of "Blackness Reality" (lyrics are identical to the EP version). Could the version on the demo, and/or the SorrowStorm comp, actually be different from the EP version? 7) Also, if anyone happens to own "Emblem of Glory" and would have layout photos, I'd appreciate it!
Both logos... They're a good resolution, but they're fairly pixelated.

Miscellaneous stuff:
Left: Slight variant of their newest logo
Right: While "Emblem of Glory" is mostly black and white, there are actually several bits of pink/purple. These are almost totally desaturated and invisible on the final product. They're emphasized here. ........ It might actually just be an error in the image file, but even if so, I still found it interesting.
More band photos - unfortunately pretty low res


This page is in the process of being updated. Thank you very much to Gedaliah for the help so far!
^ Early logo ........ v Newer logo
^ First demo ....................... ^ Some later release

BAND NAME: Ancient Plague
GENRE: Black Ambient/Drone (early), Experimental/DSBM (later) (see notes)
STATUS: Split up
LOCATION: International (United Kingdom / USA / Puerto Rico)

-- "Demo" and "Middle of Solitude" are drone/ambient with some black metal influences.
-- "Archaic Kingdoms" is a very strange mix of depressive black metal, gothic/symphonic metal in an almost funeral doom sense, ambient, dungeon synth...
-- "Litany of Scars" is fairly similar to "Archaic Kingdoms" but emphasizes the metal side of it a lot more.

A couple places online state that they changed their name to Litany of Scars. Apparently they considered this, but never did it. Tujhik joined during this time, but nothing else was recorded. They split up afterward: "The process for *Litany of Scars* was slow and challenging, which ultimately led to the band splitting up. Alexis wasn’t happy with the direction we were headed, and Olias had personal issues that further delayed things for both Alexis and me. During this period, I was going through significant struggles with my mental health. I channeled those feelings into the band, and as a result, the lyrics became more focused on themes of depression and suicide, rather than the earlier Christian influences."

Formed in 2007 by Gedaliah, and was inspired primarily by Azazel (Absum, Dusk, etc). Gedaliah tried to record something by himself, but wasn't happy with it, and the project went on hold. In summer 2009, he heard music Alexis was doing, and asked him to join the project. This means Alexis had another band before this one, but I don't know what it would have been.

Apparently the band name has two meanings: The first is describing sin (ancient, and a plague). The second is a reference to the bubonic plague of the 1340s.

Jim "Gedaliah" (Infectious Apostasy) - Everything (first 2 releases), Vocals, Drums (later)
Olias - Guitars
Tujhik - Guitars, Bass

Past members:
Laura "Sakara" Marshall - Vocals
Alexis Lamboy - Keyboards

Apple Music
Bandmix (Gedaliah)
Myspace @


"Ancient Plague" / "Demo" (year uncertain, Blabber Download)
Format: Digital / MegaUpload
Note that this was recorded solo by Gedaliah. The bottom 2 images were somehow added after the demo was already released. (Neither Gedaliah or I are quite certain how that happened.) It was previously said online this was released in 2008. However, the Blabber Download page was published on 20 May, 2009. Realizing those colored images were added after release, I'm not certain anymore when this was released...

1) Intro...
2:24, lyrics:
This is what the sovereign Lord says, "My anger and My wrath will be poured out on this place, on man, on beast, on the trees of the field and on the fruit of the ground; and it will burn and not be quenched." - Jeremiah 7:20

2) The Pagan Winds of a Forgotten Funeral
4:58, lyrics unknown

3) Glory, Honor and Power
4:09, lyrics:
In the center, around the throne, were four living creatures, and they were covered with eyes, in front and in back. The first living creature was like a lion, the second was like an ox, the third had a face like a man, the fourth was like a flying eagle. Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under its wings. Day and night they never stop saying:

“Holy, holy, holy
is the Lord God Almighty,
who was, and is, and is to come.”

Whenever the living creatures give glory, honor and thanks to him who sits on the throne and who lives for ever and ever, the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne and worship him who lives for ever and ever. They lay their crowns before the throne and say:

“You are worthy, our Lord and God,
to receive glory and honor and power,
for you created all things,
and by your will they were created
and have their being.”
- Revelation 4:6b-11 (NIV)

4) Resurrection of the Dead
2:56, lyrics:
"But if it is preached that Christ has been raised from the dead, how can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? If there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith." - 1 Corinthians 15:12-14 (NIV)

5) ...Outro

6) The Vicar’s Last Prayer (bonus)
3:37, might be instrumental?

Archaic Kingdoms (album, February/March?, 2010, Sullen Records)
Format: CD, limited 250 copies, hand-numbered
sold out

Guest appearances:
"Kim" - Vocals (track 8)

Metal Archives says February 2010. Amazon says 6 March 2010.

Despite being released after "In the Middle of Solitude", this was actually recorded first.

From the interview on Myspace:
MBR: What is the title of your upcoming release? And how many tracks are going to be included on the album?
Gedaliah: Ohh thats a tough question really, we haven't fully decided on the name yet, but the way the album is shaping out, something to do with Ancient Cultures, but i won't say anymore, not to throw away the surprise haha. And the number of tracks, we are planning on around 10-11, maybe more, we are just seeing how everything pans out, picking the best of the bunch

1) Chant of the Plague I - Summon the Celestial Gods
3:04 (vocalizing and war samples/yells; no actual lyrics)

2) Lord, Help Me Set This Fire
5:32, lyrics:
Lord, help me set this fire
Not of these statues, but of their hearts
Christ be with me, as I'm alive in You,
As I pray in this chapel,
Made of Your spirit, not of this flesh

This foul like breath, sharp piercing teeth,
Take me out of this pestilence, and death of my soul,
Give in me a clean heart, so I can destroy all the evil in my way,
Take me out of this pestilence, take me out of this soulless cavern,
Give in me a clean heart

The beat of Your spirit is nothing to this fire, in my heart for You
Lord, help me set this fire
Not of these statues, but burn the flesh,
... to reveal the true spirit within

3) The Spirits of Kyöpelinvuori
3:30, lyrics:
Ella era joven, de belleza natural. Cargaba en sus manos la inocensia. Y el destino la habría de esperar, para llevarla a otro lugar.

Y quién pensará que a esa edad, con su vida se habría de marchar? Si tenía toda una vida por delante, si tenía un corazón sin regalar. Como una hoja en el viento se fue, despego sus pies del mundo sin querer. Y sin saber que ahora sus pies, caminan despacio, caminan con el Rey.

Ella tenía toda una vida por delante,
pero es que la vida se va en un instante.
Es como esa piedra que está en la arena,

un día está y al otro se lo lleva la marea. (written in the lyrics, but not sung)

4) The Elysian Àraich
7:29, lyrics:
I will cast down all life,

Resounding death in my heart
Wodan our Pagan god,
With my strength, I will cast down fear,
Sacrifice to the archaic gods
Deadly roots of all virtue, this era of Satan's lies,
Unspeakable horrors,
Take me back to the Elysian fields

The old ways are our ways,
Take on a new existence,
Granting all power and wisdom,
Forever living in darkness.

I am a seer,
I am a fire,
I am the wind and rain.

I am a tower,
I am a seer,

I am a god,
I am everything,
(I am a priestess, I am a fire)
deep is the prophecy divine of the seers,
The sound of the trees, howl in the moonlight...

(war samples)

5) Chant of the Plague II - Svartálfaheimr
2:53 (war samples/yelling; no actual lyrics)

6) 1348
5:29, lyrics:
Darkness falls onto this land,
the stars themselves see the fear,
In this lies all evil, an unknown magic from a distant kingdom

Wash away this plague-filled coast,
In the heart of man lies Satan, the deceiver of all mankind,
This black blood runs through me,
Murder all life from my soul,

In the soul of man lies God, He who brings all light,
Wash away this plague-filled coast
Burn away all heathen souls, repenting for our sinful ways,

Bow down to the monolith,
Curse the tongues of evil men,
Vengeful god of the pagan ways,
Pray to Xian God of light,
Symbols of our own demise,
Destroy ourselves for Christ,
Destroy ourselves for Christ

Cursing blackness surrounding me,
All I hear is distant screams

7) Gospel in the Dark
5:05, lyrics:
A lonely stage is set for my life;
Only the moon and stars to love
The mountains my only friend,
The snow's my comfort.

I have so much life in my Savior
Will there be no one to share it with?
Where is my soul
Is there another like me...
So cold, so lonely
Will the clouds of my life clear?
I sing the gospel in the dark
I pray the gospel in the light, the light
So cold, so lonely...

8) Of Nothingness and the Void
4:29, lyrics:
Here is silence, you so far away,
Now then here it goes,
My heart so cold, till I can free myself,
And I fall into nothingness with no soul

In my shame you left me for dead,
I can't see through all that's been,
I've gone away, but I never got far,
Oh the time is near,
I will see the truth again,

Can't you see it all,
In the ways of war,
Life has gone away,

Save me, O Lord,
Save me,
Please save me Lord,
Please save me...

9) Chant of the Plague III - The Rainbow Serpent
3:44, instrumental

10) Ragnarok
4:39, lyrics:
"It sates itself on the life-blood of fated men,
paints red the powers' homes with crimson gore.
Black become the sun's beams in the summers that follow,
weathers all treacherous. Do you still seek to know? And what?
Brothers will fight and kill each other,
sisters' children will defile kinship.
It is harsh in the world, whoredom rife
- an axe age, a sword age - shields are riven -
a wind age, a wolf age - before the world goes headlong.
No man will have mercy on another."
(Prose Edda)

And so brothers, I give you this advice:
Lay down all weapons in peace
Bow down to God's will
May God have mercy on all of us
May His love shine through the heavens onto us
For the end is near.

"The sun turns black, earth sinks in the sea,
The hot stars down from heaven are whirled;
Fierce grows the steam and the life-feeding flame,
Till fire leaps high about heaven itself."
(Prose Edda)

In the Middle of Solitude (EP, 2010, Independent)
Format: Digital / MegaUpload
link expired

Digital-only release with cassette-style cover so fans could print their own copies if they wanted.

According to Discogs, released via a forum thread on Blabberboard.

1) Disconsolateness
9:10, instrumental

2) Supersynchronous
9:42, lyrics unknown

Litany of Scars (album)

8 April, 2011, UMS Records (RIP-OFF LABEL), CD-R in DVD case
Not sure which artwork was used:
July, 2011, (not on label?), Digital / Blogspot, link expired
25 September, 2012, Swampkult Productions, CD

This album focuses more on depression and struggles Gedaliah was facing, instead of outright Christianity.

The left artwork is cropped. The actual artwork is rectangular / vertical. That version version may have been a limited edition. The [old label website] mentions "50 units in stock", but it's not clear if that means it was limited, or if the label just happened to have 50 units printed at that particular moment.

The Blogspot version is confirmed official in some of the band's video descriptions, like [here].

The Swampkult version was announced [here] on 20 September 2012. That might also have been limited, not totally sure. Gedaliah describes the Swampkult version thus: "The front cover for the swampcult release was the image of the train tracks and upside down woman's fade. The CD was black, the interior image was [me self harming]".

1) The Inner Dyad
2) Death by a Thousand Wounds
3) The Manifestation
4) Litany of Scars I
6:28, partial lyrics:
(sample, supposedly from something called "Gottwerdung")
[. . .] Meiner Meinung nach wäre die Welt besser dran ohne mich ich bin das Nichts, keiner hört mich, weil ich das Nichts bin keiner sieht mich, weil ich das Nichts bin keiner versteht mich, weil ich das Nichts bin dann höre ich diese wunderschöne Melodie und ich gehe zu ihr, ich tanze mit ihr und fühle mich wohl. Ich tanze und tanze und erkenne zu spät, dass dies mein letzter Tanz im Leben sein wird. Mein Tanz mit dem Tod doch keiner wird mich vermissen, keiner wird je meine Geschichte erfahren, weil ich das Nichts bin.
5) Animus
6) The Herd
7) Litany of Scars II

8) The Ancient Plague
track length / lyrics unknown

9) (title unknown)
"another remix of several demo tracks, created by a friend"
track length / lyrics unknown

Diminishing Diabolical Strongholds Vol. 2 (compilation, December 2010, UMS Records (RIPOFF LABEL))
Format: CD

14) Ancient Plague - Death by a Thousand Wounds 8:20

IncompletePage, CouldUseBetterImages, UncertainInfo, SimilarTo, ArtistConfirmed
1) Missing lyrics for all albums. 2) When was the first demo released?
"In the Middle of Solitude" (I feel like there has to be a higher-quality version out there.)


Miscellaneous stuff:
Left: Myspace background. It seems the symbol on the top left/right was planned to have more significance in the band's early days. It can also be seen prominently in the layout for the 2009 demo.
Right: Wallpaper included with the 2009 demo (1200x942)


Similar to: [SECULAR] Xasthur, Heirdrain, Winds of Sorrow, Maugrim, Aghast (Nor), [CHRISTIAN] Heztael, Eternal Rest, Bedeiah, early Betheos Abshalom, (add more later)

Existing info confirmed accurate by Gedaliah as of 13 Sept 2024