GENRE: Progressive Death/Black Metal
STATUS: Active

Formed by Deborah's former bassist. The project is named after a woman named Dorcas (also went by Tabitha) whom Peter raised from the dead. See [here] in English. Mira [aquí] en español.

Rocío del Moral Osnaya - Bass (other roles unknown?)
(rest of lineup currently unknown)

Official Website


I See You Again (single, 11 April, 2021, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

Released independently, under license from The Underground Anchor.

1) I See You Again
4:12, lyrics unknown

Raised from the Dead (album, UPCOMING, The Underground Anchor)
Format: CD (+ other formats?)

More info will be added as it becomes available!

??) I See You Again
4:12, lyrics unknown




IncompletePage, NotOnMA
1) Lyrics? 2) Lineup info? 3) When did this project start?


Miscellaneous stuff: Old logos + old album artwork

The full image used in the artist photo above:


BAND NAME: Siyum Evel
GENRE: Gothic Black/Doom Metal
STATUS: Split up
LOCATION: Brazil (Brasilia, Distrito Federal)

Formed in 2001 when Leonardo Mello converted to Christianity and was inspired to start a band. Originally when he formed it with Ubiratan, they used the name "Aliança de Sangue" ("Alliance of Blood" in Portuguese.) In the same week, Caroline and Renato joined. After this, they changed their name to Siyum Evel.

"Siyum Evel" means "End of Lamentation" in Hebrew. The band said in an interview (translated), "In this world we will face pain and suffering, and go through dark moments just as Christ did. The end of lamentation is God's promise for us that came to us through Christ (Revelation 21:1-7)."

The band was inactive from sometime in 2004, up until 26 December, 2005. The implication was that they would be active again, but I'm not sure if anything ever happened.

Leonardo Rodrigues de Mello - Vocals
Francinete "Fran" Ribeiro - Vocals (operatic/female)
Lázaro Takeo Ramoa Mae - Guitars
Caroline Reis - Bass
Leonardo dos Reis Aragão - Keyboards, Synth
Renato Araujo Silva - Drums

Past members:
Marta - Vocals (operatic/female)
Ubiratan - Guitars
André - Guitars, Backing Vocals

Official website (fortunecity)
Official website (atspace)
Official site @ ( link that doesn't seem to work (

1) There's a song in [this video] that I can't identify. Anybody know?

2) A "pre-demo" of the song "Siyum Evel" was available [here] but the download link no longer works.
The song was later released in its entirety on the compilation below.


title unknown (demo, 2003, NOT SURE IF RELEASED)

Planned to have 5 tracks. No further info known.


title unknown (demo, 2003, NOT SURE IF RELEASED)

Either this demo, or the previous one, was planned to be on CD, but I'm not sure which.

??) Siyum Evel 10:18, see below for lyrics
+ 1 other song, track position / further info unknown

Extreme Collection Volume II (compilation, January, 2004, Extreme Records)
Format: CD-R

Included with copies of Extreme Brutal Death Zine #12.

Written on the artwork:
"Certa vez, em um século esquecido pelo mundo, havia alguns cavaleiros excluídos do Reino de onde eram. Espalhavam o terror e a morte por onde passavam. En uma emboscada, foram capturados. Logo depois mortos com as armas terrenas que usavam. Eles erem anjos caídos."

8) Siyum Evel - Siyum Evel
10:18, lyrics:
Vi um novo Céu
E uma nova terra
Porque todas as coisas
São todas passadas
E o mar já não existe

Vi a santa cidade
A nova Jerusalém
Que de Deus descia dos céus
Como uma linda esposa
Que vem para o seu marido

Ouvi uma grande voz do céu que dizia
Eis aqui a morada de Deus com os homens
Pois com eles habitará eles serão seu povo

Deus limpará de teus olhos toda lagrima
Não haverá mais morte nem pranto nem clamor
Nem dor porque já as primeiras coisas são passadas

E o que estava assentado sobre o trono disse
Eis que faço novas todas as coisas
Escreve: está cumprido
Eu sou o Alfa e Ômega, o princípio e o fim
A quem tiver sede de graça lhe darei da fonte de água viva
Quem vencer herdará todas as coisas eu serei teu Deus e ele será meu filho

The lyrics to the following songs are featured on their website.
I'm not sure if they were ever released on anything:


Guerra! Empunhem suas espadas!
Guerra! Levantem suas armas!

Marchemos em frente sem temor!
Guerreiros em nome do Senhor!

Fogo santo desce sobre a terra
Flechas inflamadas cortam os céus
Hordas de soldados se travam em combate
O vermelho do horizonte, a marca de horror

Em todo o firmamento ouve-se o furor
O estrondo de carros, os senhores da guerra
Sangue e fogo, colunas de fumaça
Anjos contra demônios, guerreiros celestiais

Guerra! Empunhem suas espadas!
Guerra! Levantem suas armas!

Marchemos em frente sem temor!
Guerreiros em nome do Senhor!

Gritos de dor ecoam pelos montes
Destruição das legiões e hostes malignas
Ajoelhadas e rendidas diante do mestre
A batalha é ganha pelo exército de Deus

Legiões deste exército percorrem o firmamento
Perseguem o mal como lobos implacáveis
Com a força soberana do nosso eterno pai
Pedra sobre pedra, juramos, não ficará!

Guerra! Empunhem suas espadas!
Guerra! Levantem suas armas!

Marchemos em frente sem temor!
Guerreiros em nome do Senhor!

Há um altar edificado nos céus
Dedicado à memória daqueles
Que pereceram no combate
O seu sangue clama da terra
E não tardará o grande dia
Que verão seu incontável triunfo
E reinarão com nosso Deus
Na vasta cidade santa

Sinto os meus olhos contemplarem a escuridão
Meu corpo cansado vai perdendo suas forças
Meu espírito vazio embarca lentamente
Numa viagem sem volta, é a morte que me espreita

Uma grande voz diz: abram o grande livro
Que traz os nomes dos conhecidos de Deus
Seu nome não está escrito, anuncia-se o veredicto
Um calafrio ao ouvir: aparta-te maldito

Qual será o meu destino, o medo me consome
Nas profundezas de um abismo, ouço um clamor de sofrimento
Terriveis gritos de dor de milhares de almas mortas
Brindam tristemente a minha chegada

Uma esmagadora dor arrebata meus pensamentos
E queima dentro de mim como um vulcão em erupção
O sofrimento indescritível já não se mede em palavras
Clamo pela morte mas a morte já me abraçou

É dura a realidade que não queria aceitar
Não há segunda chance, a sentença é eterna
Não há saída do inferno, o tormento não tem fim
Este é o preço que pago por não lembrar do mestre
Por não tê-lo buscado enquanto ele estava ali
Enquanto o fôlego da vida pairava sobre mim

Nao há caldeiroes nem diabos com rabinhos
Tridentes, mas apenas choro, ranger de dentes
Sofrimento, destruição, morte
Para os que não tem seu nome no livro da vida
Morte espiritual, separação eterna de Deus
O lago de fogo, enxofre, o tormento eterno

IncompletePage, CouldUseBetterImages, NotOnMA, NeedsScriptureReferences

Miscellaneous stuff: More photos. Sadly these are the largest res I have:


NOTE: Not to be confused with [this band] from Indonesia or [this band] from Mexico.

(logo not available)

BAND NAME: Hagia Sophia
GENRE: Black/Death/Doom Metal
STATUS: Split up
LOCATION: Brazil (Maranhão)

Formed in 2008. I don't know when they split up.
The band name means "holy wisdom".

Arthur "Tribuzi" - Vocals, Guitars
Ângelo Moreira - Bass, Vocals
Flaviano "Vico" Honorato - Drums




Extreme Worship for Glory Eternal (EP, NOT SURE IF RELEASED, Independent)
Format: CD

Planned for 2009.
Tracklist / further info unknown.

IncompletePage, NotOnMA


GENRE: Death/Unblack Metal
STATUS: Split up
LOCATION: Brazil (Imperatriz, Maranhão)

Formed in 2006.
Last-known contact:
marcelops [AT] hotmail [DOT] com

Marcelo "Nouset" Pereira Silva - Vocals
Whilian - Guitars
Hudson - Bass
Rafael - Drums



In addition to the main discography, the following songs were on Myspace:
- Cross of Blood (live) 3:29, 2008 (lyrics unknown)
- Song to the King 3:16, 2009 (instrumental)


Keep of Death (EP, 2010, NOT SURE IF RELEASED)
Format unknown

1) Cross of Blood
2) Jesus Exelencia
3) Lord Sky's
4) Dislacereti Hell
5) Dead Satan
6) Keep of Death

IncompletePage, CouldUseBetterImages, NotOnMA

Miscellaneous stuff:
Left: Art by Jason Engle. Used as a thumbnail for "Cross of Blood".
Right: Graphic. I assume from their Myspace?


NOTE: Not to be confused with Milhamah.

(logo not available)

BAND NAME: Milrramah
GENRE: Blackened Death Metal
STATUS: Unknown
LOCATION: Brazil (Maceió, Alagoas)

Years active:
June 2005 - 2009 Metal Celestial
2009 - ???? Milrramah

Moisés Andrade da Silva - Unknown
+ other members, names unknown
In the rehearsal audio there's a vocalist, 2 guitarists, a bassist, and a drummer.


I can only find one song they did under this name

Cultura dos Insanos
4:01, live studio rehearsal
uploaded [here] by Moisés, and [here] by another member, name unknown.

IncompletePage, NotOnMA
1) Logo? 2) Lyrics? 3) Any more songs they did? 4) Lineup? 5) Anything else.


BAND NAME: Metal Celestial
GENRE: Death Metal (early), Death/Black Metal (later)
STATUS: Changed Name
(Unknown under new name, Milrramah)
LOCATION: Brazil (Maceió, Alagoas)

Years active:
June 2005 - 2009 Metal Celestial
2009 - ???? Milrramah
One place says they formed on the 27th of June; another says they formed in the middle of June.

"Uma das primeiras, talvez a primeira banda desse estilo em Alagoas." //
"One of the first, maybe the first band of this style in Alagoas."

Last-known contact:
metalcelestialvocal [AT] hotmail [DOT] com
wandebergg3 [AT] hotmail [DOT] com

Jordão - Vocals
Moisés Andrade da Silva - Guitars
Daniel - Guitars
Allysson - Bass
Kikorial - Drums

Past members:
Victor - Guitars
Daniel - Keyboards
Junyo - Drums


In addition to the discography below, the following is online:
- Extorção (live studio rehearsal) 2:00 (uploaded 22 Sept 2008)
- Extorção (live at Tiroteio Metal Fest) 1:40 (uploaded 5 May 2009)

Screams of Abaddon - Metal Fest 2006 (live compilation, 2007, Rhythm Produções)
Format: DVD

Recorded in 2006, released in 2007.

10) Metal Celestial - title unknown 3:30
11) Metal Celestial - title unknown 3:55
12) Metal Celestial - title unknown 3:37


title unknown (demo, 2009, NOT SURE IF RELEASED)
Format unknown

Planned for the "first half of 2009". Further info unknown.



IncompletePage, CouldUseBetterImages, NotOnMA
A whole bunch of stuff is missing. If you know anything, let me know. Thanks!



BAND NAME: Azaryahu
GENRE: Melodic/Symphonic Unblack Metal
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: International (Netherlands, Brazil)

The band name means "God helps".

Formed in early 2021 by Premnath, who then asked Melancton to join.

Melancton Samengallef - Vocals, Lyrics
Premnath Gonesh - All instruments

Apple Music

Unofficial links:
Unblack Metal Wallpapers


In Thy Light (single, 5 June, 2022, Independent)
Format: Digital
Spotify / Apple Music / etc (OFFICIAL)

1) In Thy Light
5:04, see below for lyrics!

In Humility (single, 22 July, 2022, Independent)
Format: Digital
Spotify / Apple Music / etc (OFFICIAL)

1) In Humility
4:39, see below for lyrics!

Seed ov God (album, 16 December, 2022, Independent)
Format: Digital
Spotify / Apple Music / etc (OFFICIAL)

Also released on Bandcamp on the 19th of December.

1) Intro
1:01, instrumental

2) In Humility
5:08, lyrics:
"I chose doors that opened under the gaze of insanity.
Catching breath from the deep dive, a rebirth of conquered anguish.
And hell pointing out every choice.
Upon my shoulders the burden of the bitter harvest.
Bathed by the waters that held back all my sadness.

Where the marks of a dead man are wounds that heal the one who emerged from his tomb.
Reborn from the bowels of a corpse.
Where the old meets the new.
His words are the winds of this furtive storm.
Like streams flowing from its flaming throne.
Bleeding from the cracks that awakened the apocalypse.
I buried the old man in deep graves.
And this sanctuary of pain, enslaved by sin.
The old existence has supplanted disaffection in the black waters of oblivion.
Behold the rebirth of man.
Envision the mortal's encounter with Eternity.
Look at the forgiven creature.
Complete worship of the Supreme Creator."

3) In Thy Light
4:53, lyrics:
Higher than the endless distances of the sky.
Silent as the void between the stars.
A Realm deeper than aeons of eternity.
It settles down in incorruptible glory.
In the cradle of the suns, where the light of the oldest star was born.
His hand reaches to infinity.
Behold The Mighty Creator of the Universe.
Endless is the flame of His reason.

Hear the song I will sing over the grave of your enemies.
By a thousand names we call Him.
And the blood of his martyrs watered his seed of Word.

For eternity I will follow the faith under the dominion of servitude.
Keep my name written in blood letters.
And I will walk the streets of Your golden Kingdom.
Who can count His days?
Who can forget His name?
For reasons that make me believe, I am the void that only your presence can fill.

4) Adversary
4:25, lyrics:
Engulfed in the flames that sparked the rebirth of hatred.
O child of despair, you have found despondency in the ruins of your fallen heart.
Feeding the storm in the silence of mourning.
Pathetic existence strangled by fear.
Servant of the lie, you have been denied.
You fell and we beheld the disaster of your insurgency.
Glazed eyes, rotting without being able to die.
The food of death condemned to live in the dark.
We are the opposition of their dogmas, the resistance reunited with blood.
Smashing the portals of hell.
O son of rebellion, I will burn your empire of lies, you fall and we rise.
I beheld the splendor of your light being drowned in the loneliness of oblivion.
sanatas reficul.
King of sin, your faults have been exposed
in front of everyone.
And the currents that carry you down to the diabolical tomb of your burning sanctuary.
Under the lash of the punishment of time, its real name is hypocrisy.

5) Yom Hadin
4:25, lyrics:
Hear the sounds of this calamity draining the sources of telluric energy
Whether they are angels or demons, we don't know...
If we could decipher the secrets of Urim and Thummin
If only we could see the light that hid behind the darkness.
Without warning, they arrived, destroying thrones.
Behold the hour of calamity, the end of all things, this desolation on the day of judgment.
The two witnesses to chaos.
The coldest shadow of existence.
Contemplate fear.
You are the beginning, the prophet of despair.
Your faith has shaken the altar of unbelief.
Fallen in lies, without divine protection.
Under the tyrannical shadow of iconoclasm.
Summoning the legions of war, to consume all spoiled meat.
Raising the flag of discord, to subdue the lot of the infidels.
Dying, to resurface.
Exposed, to be feared.
Bow down, O fallen humanity, recognize him who reigns over all things.

6) Whispers
2:48, instrumental

7) Azaryahu
4:32, lyrics unknown

8) Risen
5:08, lyrics:
Look inside yourself
In the farthest depths of this labyrinth of pain.
Detach yourself from the paradigm and submit to the One.
Intolerance for the weak.
Eternity will be conquered on the battlefield.
Reinvigorate blade strength in the splendor of war.

So that today the gates of hell are shaken by hatred.
Become the sword, be the arrow aimed at darkness.
Devastating the enemy on the front lines.
Bringing death to the ends of the depths of the abyss.
Be disturbed, O inhabitants of the earth, free yourselves from the chains of ignorance.
The conception of truth generated in the winds of wisdom.
Sculpting the new world, the new being.
Invigorated from the seed contaminated by sin.
We are the born-again, the children of the Son of man.
The transition from the lost prodigal to the body of the glorified.

Missing lyrics for the song "Azaryahu".

Miscellaneous stuff:
Music samples from Facebook:
Audio sample 1 / Audio sample 2
Audio sample 3 / Audio sample 4

Old, slightly different logo:


GENRE: Various / Raw Unblack Metal / Musique de variétés / Electronic
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: Belgium (Brussels)

While Moyen himself is a Christian, most of his music doesn't have a particular message behind it. However, he has done a few overtly Christian releases. These will be catalogued here.

Musical genres/styles vary greatly between releases. The majority of it consists of experimental music with electronic elements, and samples from movies / prayer chants / etc. Releases often feature multiple guest musicians. Moyen refers to his own style as "Dark Variété".

Moyen - All instruments, Vocals



Grazie Gesù (album, 27 November, 2014, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

Guest appearances:
Jean-Louis Costes - Music (tracks 1, 9)
Pitchie (RIP 2019) - Vocals (track 2)
Pipik (RIP 2019) - Vocals (track 2)

Pitchie and Pipik were Moyen's pet parakeets.

1) Jesus Penetrator 5:30, instrumental
2) Maria, moeder van goede raad 2:26
3) Credo 4:04
4) Le signe de la croix 5:37
5) Gloria in excelsis 3:02
6) Prière au Christ 4:28
7) Tu vas voir quand Jesus va te taper ta gueule 4:10
8) Enseignez toutes les nations 00:53
9) Jesus-Christ Penetrator 5:29

Mod Sanatas (album, 17 February, 2017, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp

1) Douvè abom 00:29
2) PD du cul : encule ton propre cul (de race), espèce de PD sexuel. Auto-PD = ça c'est bien 00:41
3) Pou Toujouï 00:14
4) Dans les djoks 3:50
5) Tout peut cramer 7:12
6) Hommage à la jeunesse catholique 2:58
7) Jésus-Christ nous donne Sa vie 2:28
8) Rendez grâce au Seigneur 1:35
9) Totalitarisme glorieux 1:32
10) Jean-Marie chante Noël (remix de Moyen en hommage au Menhir) 3:28
11) Aristocrate anarchiste dépressif 3:17
12) La vengeance de Jésus 1:04
13) Mariage princier 15:06
14) Le diable existe, surtout en notre temps 19:21

Contre le monde moderne (EP, 20 March, 2017, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Guest appearances:
Zaleski - Vocals (backing, track 2), Music

Track 1 is inspired by Colossians 3:1-4.

1) Vivre avec Lui 2:02
2) Temps douloureux 8:04

I've lost contact with Moyen. Are there any more Christian releases which aren't documented here?


GENRE: Black / Doom / Death Metal
STATUS: Unknown
LOCATION: USA (Tampa Bay, Florida)

Most of this band no longer identifies as Christian. They did at one point, however. See [this interview].

Formed in 1996.

Supposedly, they changed their name to "Among the Dead" in 2005, but failed to get another record contract, and split up in 2006. I collected this info from Discogs,, and Metal Music Archives, but have no idea if it's true or not.

The self-titled emphasizes their doom side, while "Niflheim" emphasizes their black metal side. I don't know what was on "Live DVD".

The symbol in their logo seems to be [the Chartres labyrinth], which some use as a symbol for the long, difficult path to heaven.

Eldrik Bloodaxe - Vocals
Deadguy - Vocals
Sol Sangraal - Guitars (lead)
Asgrim - Guitars, Vocals
Cercyon - Bass, Vocals
Kadath - Keyboards
Chris Pistillo - Drums

Past members:
Eric Avant - Keyboards, Vocals
Tim - Bass
Cameron - Drums
Scott - Drums

Official website
Official site @


Yeti (promo, 1-4 July, 1998, Skaught Productions)
Format: CD, limited (???) copies

The copy pictured here is #42. Someone on YouTube mentions that they have #65. They think there are 100 total copies of this promo, but they don't seem certain about it. Anyway, it was released at Cornerstone Festival 1998, which ran from the 1st to the 4th of July of that year.

It's the exact same audio as on the album, just packaged in "promo" artwork instead of the final artwork shown below.

1) (Intro)
2) Foretold Gathering
3) The Awakening
4) I Walk Among the Dead
5) When Darkness Fails to Fall


Yeti / self-titled (album, July, 1998, Skaught Records)
Format: CD

It seems that "When Darkness ..." ends around the 6 minute point. The rest consists of a bit of silence (a little over a minute), followed by about 5 minutes of samples. I assume it's meant to be a hidden track.

1) [intro]
2:35, lyrics:
Back in the days when kings and queens ruled like gods and the earth was only but a child, the greed for riches and the lust for power gripped the land. Far in the northern realm, there lived a wretched king whose fearlessness drove his warmongering knights to unchallenged hatred, looting and pillaging the nearby villages at will. The ground bled as starving peasants cried out in anguish. Some fought back but to no avail. Resistance was futile as death was their only reward. Hope was lost.

2) Foretold Gathering
7:45, lyrics unknown

3) The Awakening
6:06, lyrics unknown

4) I Walk Among the Dead
9:00, lyrics unknown

5) When Darkness Fails to Fall
12:14, partial lyrics:
(samples from the movie "The Legend of Boggy Creek")

I was thinking about it today when I decided to drive out to our old home place, now run down and abandoned. Standing out in this field, it all comes rushing back. And an icy tingle starts down my spine when I recall that terrible, lonesome cry. [sound effects]

It was so long ago that it seems incredible the creature is still out there somewhere right this minute, maybe even watching me. Of course, you may not believe that, or any of this story. You may think the whole thing is a hoax. And that's your privilege. But if you're ever driving down in our country along about sundown, keep an eye on the dark woods as you cross the Sulphur River Bottoms, and you may catch a glimpse of a huge, hairy creature watching you from the shadows.

Yes, he's still here. And you know, I'd almost like to hear that terrible cry again, just to be reminded that there is still a bit of wilderness left. And there are still mysteries that remain unsolved, and strange, unexplained noises in the night.
[sound effects]

"This is where the story plays / A world on which we seldom gaze
A page from the book of yesterdays / Of birds and beasts and winds and water
Here beneath the bright blue sky / No man’s poke blinds the eagle’s eye
And things that crawl or swim or fly / Eat and breed and live and die

Here the sulfur river flows, / Rising when the storm cloud blows.
And this is where the creature goes, / Safe within a world he knows.
Perhaps he dimly wonders why, / There is no other such as I.
To touch, to love, before I die, / To listen to my lonely cry."

Where he searches, where he goes, / this, of course, nobody knows.
But once you've heard his lonely cry, / you can guess the reason why.
Whether he's a beast or man, / what drives him wandering across the land?
His love for others of his clan, / and loneliness, he cannot stand.

"Perhaps he dimly wonders why, / There is no other such as I.
To touch, to love, before I die, / To listen to my lonely cry."

Extreme Music Sampler Volume 4 (compilation, 2000, Cross Rhythms Music)
Format: CD

7) Yeti - The Awakening 4:42

Not sure if Christian releases or not:
- Niflheim, 2003
- Live DVD, 2004

IncompletePage, CouldUseBetterImages
1) The rest of the lyrics. 2) Did the band split up or change their name? 3) Are "Niflheim" and "Live DVD" Christian releases?
Basically everything on this page could use better versions.

Miscellaneous stuff:
For some reason, there are several variants of the Niflheim artwork.