BAND NAME: Ancient Pilgrim
GENRE: Unblack Ambient/Doom Metal
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: Italy (Tuscany)

ancientpilgrim [AT] gmail [DOT] com

Alberto - All instruments, Vocals



Unblack Ministry (EP)

20 October, 2019, Independent, CD, 1 copy, PRIVATE RELEASE
UPCOMING, Independent, Bandcamp

1) The Night Sea as a Forest of Thoughts and Memories
3:22, instrumental

2) The World Is Dark and Wants the Light of the Lord
4:30, instrumental

3) Kyrie Eleison
5:58, lyrics:
Kyrie eleison
Christe eleison
Kyrie eleison...
Kyrie eleison...

(repeats throughout song)

Oh Lord, God Almighty forgive us

Oh Lord, God Almighty forgive us
when we don’t love You enough

when we don’t love our brothers
when we don’t help those who are in suffer

when we do not invoke Your Holy Name

Oh Lord, God Almighty forgive us
when we don’t love you enough

when we do not invoke Your Holy Name
when we do not thank You when we are happy
when we do not thank You when we are in suffer

Oh Lord, God Almighty forgive us
when our hearts are full of pride
because of our unblack metal

because of our unblack metal

A few songs on YouTube and Instagram:

- God of Vengeance (live)
11 December, 2018, 1:10, lyrics:
O LORD, God of vengeance, O God of vengeance, shine forth!
O LORD, God of vengeance, O God of vengeance, shine forth!
Shine, shine forth!
O LORD, God of vengeance, O God of vengeance, shine forth!
Shine, shine forth!

- A black/doom song called "Miles Christi" is in the works; a preview can be heard [here].
(Video has been set to "private" now.)

- A small part of a still-incomplete song called "Resurrection" (19 April, 2019, instrumental) is available on Instagram.

- Those on His Left (Matthew 25)
4 November, 2019, 6:22, lyrics:
"He will place the sheep on his right and the goats on his left." [25:33]

"Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you accursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, a stranger and you gave me no welcome, naked and you gave me no clothing, ill and in prison, and you did not care for me'." [25:41-43]

'Amen, I say to you, what you did not do for one of these least ones, you did not do for me.' And these will go off to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life." [25:45-46]

- Angelic Choir
17 November, 2019, 15:33, instrumental

- The Crucifixion of the Lord
18 November, 2019, 6:09, instrumental

- The Light of the Lord Jesus Christ
29 November, 2019, 16:15
This song is made of parts of already existing songs: "The World Is Dark ...", "Those on His Left", "The Crucifixion of the Lord", and "Angelic Choir". About this, Alberto says, "Putting them together, I wanted to show in one single view some frames of the life and preaching of our Lord Jesus Christ (His coming into this material world, His teaching of love, His crucifixion, His eternal glory".) Thus, the lyrics to this song are the same as the ones from "Those on His Left", since the other three songs are instrumentals.

- Kyrie Eleison [Lord, Have Mercy] (Dubstep Version)
3 December, 2019, 4:35
Remix of the song "Kyrie Eleison" from the "Unblack Ministry" EP.

- Merry Christmas to You All :)
23 December, 2019, 00:12, lyrics:

- Melancholy
14 March, 2020, 2:56, instrumental

- Humilitas
3 April, 2020, 1:00, instrumental

- Meditation on the Good Friday
10 April, 2020, 2:45
Modified version of "The Crucifixion of the Lord" from 2019. Instrumental.

- Thinking About My Mother, Alone and Far Away on Easter Day
14 April, 2020, 1:30
"Because of Coronavirus alarm, I haven't seen my mom in a month. She is a widow and lives alone in another municipality. She spent Easter day alone. So on Easter day I played this song for her". Instrumental.

- For My Mom Alone on Easter Day
17 April, 2020, 1:30
Remastered version of "Thinking About My Mother".

- Anger & Hope
19 May, 2020, track length/lyrics unknown
"To do this I used 'Humilitas'"

- Meditation in the Ancient Wood
25 May, 2020 (track length/lyrics unknown)

- Father!
(originally posted [here] but was re-uploaded for some reason)
22 June, 2020, 2:59, lyrics:
Christians fight each other.
Life has no value.
My brothers suffer.

Christians fight each other.
My brothers suffer.

Father! Father!

NotOnMA, ArtistConfirmed

Miscellaneous stuff:
Some old, alternate logos:

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