Thanks to St. Yoth for helping me a bit with this page!

BAND NAME: Rüstung Gottes (Rustung Gottes)
GENRE: Experimental Unblack Metal
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: Canada (Nova Scotia)

This artist currently does not identify as Christian. (Starting somewhere around 2020.)

The name is German for "God's Armor".

St. Yoth - All instruments, Vocals



Temple of Quasar (demo, 21 May, 2011, Independent)
Format: CD and Digital / YouTube

CDs are currently unavailable.
YouTube links for 5/7 of the songs are provided.

1) Wormwood
2:38, lyrics:
It comes to destroy
It comes from Heaven

Wormwood terror shines

Center of galactic align
Opening the eye in the mind

Wormwood prophecy

Wormwood prophecy
Wormwood prophecy

Burning bright
Fire of God
Wormwood fills the sky

Dark twin sun
Supreme doom

Hosanna on high

Wormwood worlds collide
Wormwood worlds collide
Wormwood worlds collide
Wormwood worlds collide

2) Holy Roars
1:39, lyrics:
Heilig Heilig Heilig Herrn
Heilig Heilig Heilig Herrn
Heilig Heilig Heilig Herrn
Christus der Herr

Heilig Heilig Heilig Herrn
Heilig Heilig Heilig Herrn
Heilig Heilig Heilig Herrn
Christus der Herr

3) Sabbat Nacht
4:50, lyrics not published

5) Rüstung Gottes
3:34, lyrics:
I am a slave
I am a king
Born of
A holy breath
Into this flesh

Glory to the glorious
Holy is thy name
I wish to lay in the wings of the king

Mighty is the merciful who brings me to my knees
You are most beautiful
Christ hear my plea

6) A Patient Rapture
3:04, lyrics unknown

7) Live by the Word, Die by the Word
2:47, lyrics unknown

Pentacult (album)

21 June, 2012, Independent, CD
2013, No Sleep till Megiddo Records, CD-R, limited 25 copies

The tracklist artwork above is digital. The CD has different backing artwork.
Track 8 is a hidden track on the CD.

About the album title, St. Yoth says, "a word meaning 5, penta, [the 5 wounds] of Christ, and cult, what St. Yoth perceived himself to be in the eyes of the world"

1) Entering the Narrow Gate
1:53, instrumental

2) Born of Flame
3:18, lyrics:
Your mercy is all that I have
Your grace is more than I deserve
Shine upon me
My heart laid in shackles of darkness
My love was a frozen disease
Then came salvation

Hallelujah Hallelujah
Discover the realm of power inside
Hallelujah Hallelujah
Now is the time for suffering

Hallelujah Hallelujah
Discover the realm of power inside
Hallelujah Hallelujah
Now is the time for suffering

Darkened souls want to
Eat my soul alive
I stand fearless, I
Stand with Christ

3) Death & Hell Defeated
3:22, lyrics unknown
"Contains samples from R.D. Henton & Anthony Mangun"

4) Pentacult
6:13, lyrics:
Holy Father
Gracious God
Who reigns from heaven above
Who calls me by name

And saves me by grace
You alone are worthy
You alone are God

The messiah
Free and everlasting
I give you my life


The perfect sacrifice
The blood of atonement
The beloved cross

I wage war on the dark
I wield a sword of eternal flame
And bow down at your throne

Merciful God
Alpha & Omega
Precious and glorious love

5) Morning Fog (James 4:14)
3:30, instrumental

6) Psalm 33:3
3:43, lyrics:
So long I've canvased the cross
With pride in my eyes
Now with tears I ask of myself
He gave his life, but why?

As a child, though old in the flesh
My sins grew, as did I
Sick with shame, I bow to repent
Father I give you my life

I had a dream, I had spoken in tongues
In the language of Christ
T'was a sign from heaven above
Like Father, Like Son, Like child


7) Trample the Lion

8) Entering the Dark Rift (hidden track)

Mental Alchemy (EP, 22 November, 2012, Independent)
Format: CD and Digital / YouTube

CDs are currently unavailable. YouTube links are provided.

1) Reverse Engineering of the Mind
1:51, lyrics unknown

2) Royal Blood Divine
3:09, lyrics:
These hands have torn
These eyes have seen
These creatures follow me and tremble
Their maker knows my name
For I am made of light that resembles His Majesty

No mind has known this prophesy
Ancient words spoken like poetry
No man shall know my shame
For I am bathed in blood that will humble this galaxy

3) I Have Suffered
4:31, lyrics:
Lay your cares and burdens upon
Flames of death beyond the beyond
Man who bears prestige of a beast
Wild and wrought will bow to his knees
All shall confess "Jesus is Lord"
All shall be made sinners no more

All who claim truth of The Word
Shall be saved from death by this world
Kill the self that sins and betrays
Blood of new men creator creates
You are my strength, my refuge and hope
You are supreme, my Father alone

4) Eleven Eleven
3:53, lyrics unknown

Tetrafix (single, 1 November, 2015, Independent)
Format: Digital / YouTube

1) Tetrafix 4:28

Tetrafix (EP, 31 December, 2018, Independent)
Format: YouTube
(See tracklist for streaming links)

Although the EP was released in 2018, the "Tetrafix" video from 2015 is considered part of this EP.

1) The Saints 3:15
2) 2020 4:26
3) Weltkrieg 3 (demo) 4:14
4) Tetrafix 4:28

Not sure if Christian:
- Anthology of Hate, EP, 2019

Confirmed not Christian:
- The Black Project, album, 2021
- This Temple, My Grave, EP, 2024
, ArtistConfirmed
The logo here is a good resolution, but it's pretty low-quality (the image was compressed a lot by Facebook.) Does anyone have a better image of it?


Unknown said...

It is me and i am from Nova Scotia, Canada. Nova Scotia translates to New Scotland

Nocturnal Iridescence said...

Fixed, thank you so much!