BAND NAME: Dynamon Dark
GENRE: Raw Unblack Metal
STATUS: Unknown
LOCATION: Brazil (São Paulo, São Paulo)

Supposedly formed in 2003 and split up in 2005. (Not 100% sure if this is correct.)

Last known contact:
dynamondark [AT] yahoo [DOT] com [DOT] br

 Annihilator Darkness (ex-Crown of Pain) - Vocals, Guitars
Diego "Nocturnal Forest Lord" Putrid (Azbuk, ex-Crown of Pain) - Drums

Past members:
Sanguinary Lamb - Vocals
Heder Honorio (ex-Crown of Pain) - Bass


Unofficial links:
Unblack Metal Wallpapers


The Fall of Unholy Master of Darkness (live EP, 2003, label unknown)
Formats: CD and Mediafire
Download (OFFICIAL)

Called "The Fall of Unholy Master of the Darkness" on the back of the EP.

The band refer to their lineup roles as "holocaust screams and apocalyptic guitar", and "total devastation drums".

1) Dark Void 1 6:29
2) Prophecy of Damnation 4:55
3) Dark Void 2 (The End) 6:25

Live at Warmarch (live EP, 2004, label unknown)
Format unknown

Please note, this might not be an official release.
This is a comment I got from regular reader/contributor Doug M:
"This album is probably a bootleg, I asked about it once in a group of extreme Christian metal, a very active crowd on the scene said they had never heard of this album, but apparently it was recorded in "The March of Extreme Forces Festival""

1) At War
2) Frozen
3) Dark Void (Pt.I)
4) Prophecy of Damnation
5) Dark Void (Pt.II) 

 IncompletePage, CouldUseBetterImages, UncertainInfo, SimilarTo
Info: 1) Track lengths for "Live at Warmarch". 2) Lyrics for both releases. 3) Format for "Live at Warmarch".
Images that could use better res/quality: 1) Live at Warmarch. 2) Logo.
Uncertain info: 1) When did they form and split up? 2) Is "Live at Warmarch" legit or not?
Similar to: [SECULAR] Malfeitor, Witchhammer, Bloodmoon Lycanthropy, Frontline Despair, [CHRISTIAN] Eternus, Offerblod, Abhorred Devil, Forestnorth, Vozes Noturnas, (add more later)

BLOODSICLE (Crushed Serpent)

BAND NAME: Bloodsicle
GENRE: Symphonic/Melodic Unblack Metal
STATUS: Unknown
LOCATION: International (Malaysia / Thailand)

Formerly known as Demonicide, but realized there was another band with the same name.
Changed their name to Crushed Serpent before finally deciding on Bloodsicle.

Devilripper - Unknown
TheCrimsonKnight - Unknown

They have the following lineup on Facebook ...
Dominic Fitzgerald - Guitars.
China Tosinthiti - Bass guitar, programming.
... but they don't say which person uses which alias.


^ Possible cover art?

Had a 2-song demo planned for October 2015, but ultimately didn't release it "due to unforeseen circumstances". Unsure if they plan to release it eventually?

Also, for archival purposes, here is their logo from when they went by Demonicide:

IncompletePage, NotOnMA


Note: Not to be confused with [this band] from the USA / Mexico.

BAND NAME: Unblasphemy
GENRE: Lo-fi Unblack Metal
STATUS: Unknown
LOCATION: Unknown (see notes)

A now-defunct page on Firestream said they're from Sweden.
SoundCloud says they're from Yakutsk, Siberia, Russia.

"Vintern Skog Resenär" is written on SoundCloud, which is a Swedish phrase.

Lineup unknown.


A couple songs on SoundCloud:
- King of Unblack 2:45 (15 June 2013)
- Holy Monks of Light 2:15 (16 June 2013)

"Holy Monks of Light" is also available on Myspace.

According to Firestream, they were working on an album. No idea if the album was ever released.

IncompletePage, NotOnMA
Where are they from? Does anyone have any more info on this project?



BAND NAME: Nazareo
GENRE: Unblack Metal
STATUS: Split-up
Formed in 2000.

Conde Ragnarok currently does not identify as Christian.

Sir Pathryark - Vocals
Conde Ragnorok - Guitars
Lord Apokrypho - Bass
Lord Eskol - Drums



A few songs that were released online:
Ceremonial 3:01
Infamia 4:16
Battlefield (tributo Antestor) 7:07
Obscura 6:39

The following information has been confirmed by Conde Ragnarok:
1) The band never released any music physically. The songs above were only released online.
2) There are other songs, besides the four listed above, though additional information on these other songs is unavailable right now.

IncompletePage, CouldUseBetterImages, NotOnMA
Anything, really!
The 2nd logo, with the bullets. The current image is very small.

Miscellaneous stuff:

Left: Artwork for "Infamia" on Myspace
Right: ... and the promotional image, from which the artwork was adapted!
The image reads, "NAZAREO - ceremonia negra de exaltacion"


BAND NAME: Cupressaceae
GENRE: Unblack / Experimental
STATUS: Unknown

Logo by Christophe Szpajdel

J. Knowles (pictured) - Unknown
J. Pejacsevich Miko (picture on Myspace doesn't work anymore) - Unknown



A couple songs on Myspace:
Phasmatis Loricatus Sample 3:12 
En Abyssus Sample 00:44

IncompletePage, NotOnMA


BAND NAME: Baphomet Decimation
GENRE: Unblack Metal / ???
STATUS: Unknown
LOCATION: USA (Virginia)

Jeremy - Unknown
Cyrus - Unknown



A few songs on Myspace:
Rehearsal Winter 2006 (2006) 6:06
Winter 2007 1 (2007) 9:36
Winter 2007 2 (2007) 4:45

IncompletePage, NotOnMA


BAND NAME: Sanctus Obscurum
GENRE: Unblack Metal
STATUS: Unknown

The caption "IX. Ex Ignotus" is written for the above band photo on Myspace. I'm not sure if that's meant to be a stage name, or what. 

Last signed to Son of Man Records.



Revelations Vol. 1: A Light in a Dark Place (compilation, 28 June, 2008, Sullen Records)
Format: CD-R, limited (???) copies

16) Sanctus Obscurum - I Live in Death

Miscellaneous songs:

Two songs on Myspace:

1) Mercies Unending 3:00 (left artwork)
2) Final Prayer 4:54 (right artwork)

IncompletePage, UncertainInfo, NotOnMA
1) Is "IX. Ex Ignotus" the artist's name?... 2) Track length for "I Live in Death". 3) Lyrics for any of these songs. 4) Generally, any more information on this project? 5) How many copies were made for the "Revelations Vol. 1" comp?


BAND NAME: Bezrytmix
GENRE: Unblack Metal / Punk
STATUS: Unknown
LOCATION: Poland (Pruszcz Gdański)

On the website, they're referred to as "Punks & Skins". Did they change their name at some point?

Unblasphemer (Fire Throne, Abdijah) - Unknown



Carrying the Deadly Blast (Pt.3 & 4) (compilation, 03 February, 2009, Deadknife Records)
Format: Digital / Archive.org
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

Part 3, track 10) Bezrytmix - Zaden Marny Cel 2:07

Metanoia Zine Vol. 1 (compilation, label/format/year unknown)

8) Bezrytmix - United in Christ
2:51, lyrics:
Punx, skins razem
Stoimy w kosciele
Silni i mocni
Razem zjednoczeni.

Prawdziwa miłosć
Łaczy nas
Nie kufel piwa,
Dziwki, chlanie i zadyma.

Jezus punx, Jezus skinheads ,
Jestesmy uswięceni,
Zjednoczeni krwia baranka,
Jestesmy zbawieni.

Prawdziwa miłosć
Łaczy nas
Nie kufel piwa,
Dziwki, chlanie i zadyma.

Uwielbienie, dziękczynienie
Jest w sercach naszych,
Wiemy komu służymy,
I co zawdzięczamy.

Prawdziwa miłosć
Łaczy nas
Nie kufel piwa,
Dziwki, chlanie i zadyma.

On także chce
Wykupic was z grzechu,
Abyscie mogli się
Naprawde zjednoczyć.

Prawdziwa miłosć
Łaczy nas
Nie kufel piwa

These are listed on their old website.

Któż sie zlituje nad toba Jeruzalemie.
Kto cie bedzie żałował?
Kto sie zatrzyma, aby się zapytać
Jak ci sie powodzi?

Ty mnie odrzuciłes, tak mówi Pan.
Tyłem się do mnie odwróciłas.
Wyciagnałem wiec reke przeciwko tobie.
I zniszczyłem cie. Mam dosc pobłażania!

Przewiałem ich, wiejadłem po
Miastach tej ziemi.
Osierociłem i wygubiłem mój lud
Gdyż nie zawrócił sie ze swoich dróg.

Dlatego tak mówi Pan:
Jeżeli zawrócisz i ja się zawróce.
Do ciebie i bedziesz mógł stać przed moim obliczem.

My jestesmy w armii Boga, w Nim zwyciestwo mamy.
On dodaje siły nam i odwagi.
W każdej sytuacji i na każdym kroku,
Czuje Jego obecnosc, u swojego boku.

Zewszad uciskani, nie jestesmy jednak pognebieni.
Zakopotani, ale nie zrozpaczeni.
Przesladowani a nie opuszczeni
Powaleni, ale niepokonani.

My Bogu służymy w wielkiej cierpliwosci.
W uciskach, w potrzebach, w utrapieniach .
W chłostach, w postach, w niepokojach, trudach,
W czuwaniu i w wiezieniach.

Zewszad uciskani, nie jestesmy jednak pognebieni.
Zakopotani, ale nie zrozpaczeni.
Przesladowani a nie opuszczeni
Powaleni, ale niepokonani.

Zastanów się komu pokłon dajesz.
Komu grzech, choroby na krzyż oddajesz.
Kto najwieksze w swiecie meki cierpiał,
Abys życie wieczne z łaski otrzymał.

Nie, nie, nie, nie, nie
Nie, nie, nie, nie, nie
Nie badzcie bałwochwalcami

Babilon, Watykan, Sodoma i Gomora.
Rozpusta, figurki, szatanska podpora.
Bóg to wszystko widzi i boli go to bardzo.
Że Maria najważniejsza, a Jezus nie za bardzo.

Nie, nie, nie, nie, nie
Nie, nie, nie, nie, nie
Nie badzcie bałwochwalcami

Wizyta " wielkiego papy "w kraju.
On na pewno nie zabierze was do raju.
Całowanie, klękanie, chwalebne piesni.
Ogromne bałwochwalstwo. To się w głowie nie miesci!!!

Nie, nie, nie, nie, nie
Nie, nie, nie, nie, nie
Nie badzcie bałwochwalcami

Pan jest pasterzem moim.
Niczego mi nie braknie.
Na niwach zielonych pasie mnie.
Na wody spokojne prowadzi mnie.

Duszę ma pokrzepia.
Wiedzie mnie scieżkami
Ze wzgledu na imie swoje.

Chocbym nawet szedł
Ciemna dolina,
Zła się nie ulekne,
Bos ty ze mna.

(same lyrics as "Bezrytmix - United in Christ")

Bez wolnych weekendów,
Słonecznych wakacji,
Bez ferii zimowych,
Barowych libacji.

Jesus Christ - working class!

Zawsze tylko razem,
Tylko razem z nim,
Głosimy Chrystusa,
Bez kwasnych min.

Jesus Christ - working class!

Czasem mamy lekko,
Czasem cieżko jest,
Czasem ktos wyglada z nas,
Jak zabity pies.

Jesus Christ - working class!

Ale w tych momentach,
Jezus z nami jest,
On dodaje siły nam,
Nie poddamy sie.

Jesus Christ - working class!

Głosić ewangelie,
Wszelkiemu stworzeniu,
Taka to robota,
Aby służyć Jemu.

Kto mówi: biada! Kto mówi: ach!
U kogo jest kłutnia? U kogo skarga?
Kto ma rany bez powodu?
Kto ma zaczerwienione oczy?

Ci co do pózna przesiaduja przy winie
Którzy chodza skosztować winnej mieszaniny.

Nie patrz na winio jak się czerwieni,
Jak sie skrzy w pucharze i jak lekko spływa do gardła,
Bo w końcu ukasi jak waż,
Wypusci jad jak żmija.

Ci co do pózna przesiaduja przy winie
Którzy chodza skosztować winnej mieszaniny.

Twoje oczy ogladac beda dziwnie rzeczy,
Twoje serce mówic będzie opatrzne słowa,
I wyda ci sie że spisz na pełnym morzu,
I że jestes spiacy przy sterze okrętu.

Ci co do pózna przesiaduja przy winie
Którzy chodza skosztować winnej mieszaniny.

Bili mnie a wcale nie bolało,
Tłukli mnie a nic nie czułem.
Jak tylko wytrzezwieje
Znów do niego wróce.

IncompletePage, NotOnMA
There's a lot missing from this page. Not much is really known about this project. Any help is appreciated!


NOTE: Not to be confused with Milrramah.

(logo not available)

BAND NAME: Milhamah
GENRE: Unblack Metal
STATUS: Unknown
LOCATION: Poland (Pruszcz Gdański)

Unblasphemer (Fire Throne, Abdijah) - Unknown 



Demo with an unknown title. Never released to the public. Not SURE if this is legit. Got the information from a comment here, and from a comment here on UA.

??) Mighty Storm is Rising
??) Ognisty Wieczny Holokaust (Fiery Eternal Holocaust)
??) title unknown
??) title unknown

Carrying the Deadly Blast (Pt.3 & 4) (compilation, 03 February, 2009, Deadknife Records)
Format: Digital / Archive.org
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

Part 3, track 5) Mighty Storm Is Rising 2:58


title unknown (may have been just "Abdijah/Milhamah"?) (split, NOT SURE IF RELEASED)
Format unknown

Planned split with Abdijah, apparently mentioned on Myspace. The report on Metal Archives was filed on 15 December 2012, so if it was released, all I know is that it would have been sometime between 2001 and 15 December 2012...

Tracklist unknown.

IncompletePage, UncertainInfo, NotOnMA
1) Any info on the "demo with an unknown title"? 2) Was there a logo for this project? 3) Any more info in general?

There's also some other stuff to add here eventually but I have to message some people first.


GENRE: Melodic/Gothic Unblack Metal
STATUS: Unknown
LOCATION: Mexico (Oaxaca)

Formed in 2005. 

The band's name comes from Isaiah 62:4:

"You shall no more be termed Forsaken, and your land shall no more be termed Desolate, but you shall be called My Delight Is in Her (Hefzibah or Hefzi-Ba), and your land Married (Beulah); for the LORD delights in you, and your land shall be married."

Lineup (last known)
Neftali (male) - Vocals, Guitars 
Maribel (female) - Bass
Laura (female) - Drums


Discography unknown.

IncompletePage, NotOnMA


BAND NAME: Hellig Usvart
GENRE: Unblack Metal / ???
STATUS: Unknown
LOCATION: Brazil (Porto Feliz, São Paulo)

Renan De Moraes - All instruments




Holy Unblak Metal Attack!! Vol. 1 (compilation, 2011, Christian Productions)
Format: Digital / Megaupload
link expired

5) God Is in Control of Everything... Except the Human Hearts 3:23
6) The god That Is Not a God 6:57

 Hellig Usvart (demo, 12 September, 2011, Independent)
Format: Digital / Myspace
link expired

1) Inner Tears 4:59
2) Song of Maalate Teatanote 7:01
3) God Is in Control of Everything... 3:23

The First General Persecution - Nero (single, 11 February, 2012, Independent)
Format: Digital / Myspace
link expired
1) The First General Persecution - Nero 5:41

IncompletePage, CouldUseBetterImages, NotOnMA


GENRE: Unblack Metal
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: Ecuador (Latacunga)

"Aya" is a Quichua word meaning "spirit".

Abraham Quishpe - Vocals, Guitars
Thiago Isaiah - Drums


Note: In addition to the discography below, they have a song they played live called "YHWH". The song (or possibly a preview of it?) in the video is about 50 seconds long.

Diminishing Diabolical Strongholds Vol. 2 (compilation, December, 2010, UMS Records (RIPOFF LABEL))
Format: CD

13) AYA - Ofrenda de inmundicia 3:34

Sin principio sin final (album, NOT SURE IF RELEASED, Eirene Records)
Format: CD-R, limited (???) copies

In an unknown edition of Extreme Brutal Death, they talk about this being an EP with 5 songs, but according to someone else, it was an album. Were plans changed along the way or something?

Planned to be released in March of 2010.
Further info currently unknown.


Espiritu Supremo (album, NOT SURE IF RELEASED, Eirene Records)
Format: CD-R, limited (???) copies

Mentioned on Facebook 15 July, 2015.

IncompletePage, CouldUseBetterImages, NotOnMA
1) More info on "Espiritu Supremo". 2) More info on "Espiritu Supremo". 3) Lyrics?
1) "Sin principio sin final". 2) The 2nd logo.

 Miscellaneous stuff:

1) "AYARY" thumbnail for the song "Ofrenda ..." on Myspace.
2) Profile picture - "Culto negro, sin principio, sin final"
3) Just a picture from Myspace

1) "Coming soon" -- "Sin principio ..."
2) "Coming soon" - "Espiritu Supremo"
3) Alternate version of their 2nd logo.


^ Higher quality, no verse ............... v Lower quality alt version with verse

GENRE: Blackened Death Metal
STATUS: Split-up
LOCATION: Switzerland

Formed in August-September, 1998.
Formed as Israel, but briefly went by the names Satanicide and Demonicide. ("Satanicide" was changed because they discovered a death metal band in the USA with the same name. The "Demonicide" was changed because they wanted a more meaningful band name.) They eventually went back to the name Israel.

The Bible verse in their logo (Deu.33:29) says,
 Happy art thou, O Israel: who is like unto thee, O people saved by the LORD, the shield of thy help, and who is the sword of thy excellency! and thine enemies shall be found liars unto thee; and thou shalt tread upon their high places. 

Last-known contact:
israel [AT] urbanet [DOT] ch

Christophe - Guitars, Bass

Cyril - Bass
Miguel - Unknown

Not sure if "past" or not:
Emmanuel "Taanak" Novak (Demoniciduth) - Vocals, Bass
Jéhu (Demoniciduth) - Unknown

Official Links:
Official site @ archive.org
Interview @ Turn or Burn (archive.org)
Note, I (the blog author) do not agree with some of the views expressed here

Unofficial Links:
Song of Warriors @ YouTube


Screams of Abaddon (compilation, 2000, Laceration Productions)
Format: CD

2) Israel - Song of Warriors 4:49


title unknown (EP, NOT SURE IF RELEASED)
Format unknown

"The songs will be recorded in CF Recording Studio / Lausanne. . . . We are not sure yet whether it will be entitled "Blinded by Satan" or "Scream Satan, Scream!", but in any case it won't be self-titled. As for the music, it is heavily influenced by the last few Mortification albums, since they are our guitarist`s favourite band. My vocals will be partly in the vein of Vomitorial Corpulence, i.e. with monstrous effects, and partly in the vein of my favourite band Crimson Thorn, i.e.without using effects. I will also use some black metal vocals in the vein of Horde or the second Zao album. Well, mix these elements and you will obtain Israel. We label ourselves as "technical grindcore / death metal with a touch of black metal".

1) Blinded by Satan
2) Ignorance (Psalm 2)
3) Make your Choice
4) Think before You Speak
5) Scream Satan, Scream! (instrumental)

IncompletePage, NotOnMA
1) Was Jehú a "current" or "past" member? 2) More info on the 5-song EP. 3) Any more relevant info at all. 4) Supposedly, Christophe and Miguel are the same people who played in the band "Extreme Salvation". Can anyone confirm if this is correct?