^ "Skog av stillhet"

BAND NAME: Blood of Sorrow / Skog av stillhet
GENRE: Raw / Depressive Black Metal / DSBM*
STATUS: Unknown

Formed as "Blood of Sorrow". Later changed name to "Skog av stillhet". Once the information here is organized a bit better, I may separate these into two pages. In the meantime, everything will be gathered here.

While the project is grounded in Christian faith, as opposed to Satanism/Atheism/etc, the artist did not intend for this to be "religious" or "preachy". The music and lyrics are based on his personal emotions and struggles in life, hoping to give encouragement and hope to other depressed people. This is mentioned various times on the project's pages, and it seems this was very important to the artist.

I'm not sure when the project began, but the Myspace page was created on 8/4/2008. (Since Myspace is American, I assume this means August 4th.)

If memory serves me correctly, there was a time when this project was dealing with secular themes, but it later returned to Christian themes. However, I can't verify this.

*I only have two ReverbNation samples to base this genre on. I'd ideally like to have more audio at some point.

Muspelheim - All instruments, Vocals

Myspace @



Demo (???)
Format unknown

Not sure which name this was released under.

??) My Tourniquet (cover) 4:19
??) Alone in Silence (cover) 2:23
not sure if there were other songs or not

Tårer av aske (???)
Format unknown

Released under the name "Blood of Sorrow".

??) Eternal Emperor (cover) 3:49
??) Sadness 10:32
not sure if there were other songs or not

... Tårer og aske (???)
Format unknown

Released under "Skog av stillhet".

This, and the other two releases mentioned above, are all mentioned on the project's Myspace page. So they would logically be from the year 2011 or earlier, but I don't know for sure.

??) Loneliness 11:49
??) Smerte 8:35
not sure if there were other songs or not

Ancient Forest and Ethereal Winter (split, 19 April, 2016, Eternal Records)
Format: CD

Split with Secunda Morte.

4) Skog av stillhet - Smerte
5) Skog av stillhet - Coma
6) Skog av stillhet - Eternal Emperor (cover)

IncompletePage, CouldUseBetterImages, UncertainInfo, NotOnMA
INFO: Way too much to write a list for. If you have anything, let me know!
IMAGES: Every image here could use a better version.

Uncertain info:
This is a photo of the actual booklet. Notice the band logos are darker. Can anybody just confirm if this is how the split actually looks? And if so, can someone get a higher-quality version of this artwork with the darker band logos? Thanks!

Miscellaneous stuff: A picture from ReverbNation. No title is given, so I assume it's not cover artwork for any release.

ABISUR (Espirito Santo)

NOTE: Not to be confused with Abisur from Pernambuco.

^ Early logo ............. v Newer logo


GENRE: Unblack/Death/Thrash (early), Unblack/Speed (later)
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: Brazil (Vila Velha, Espirito Santo)

Formed in 2018.

Contact and buy physical copies:
bandaabisur [AT] gmail [DOT] com

Evandro Napalm - Vocals, Guitars
André - Drums

Past members:
Ronny - Guitars

Merch @ Extreme Records


Abisur / self-titled (EP, 2020, Independent)
Format: CD-R

1) Caindo em Meu Abismo Interior
3:27, lyrics:
Vejo dentro do meu ser
um vazio existencial
verdugos dançam em
minha mente
e já não sei o que fazer

vultos, vozes e arrepios
Assolam minha alma abatida
na calada da noite
em busca de paz
não consigo encontrar a saída

mas ouço uma voz diferente
em meio ao caos e agonia
Cristo vem, me chama pelo nome!

2) Injustica
2:47, lyrics:
Ai daquele que constrói
o seu palácio
por meio corruptos,
seus aposentos,
pela injustiça
fazendo os seus
trabalharem por nada

Justiça! Justiça!

mas você não vê
nem pensa noutra coisa
além de lucros desonestos
derrama sangue inocente

Opressão! Extorção!

Jeremias 22:13-22

3) Metal União
1:58, lyrics:
Porque é do coração
que vem
os meus pensamentos
e crimes de mente
pois nossa luta
não é contra carne
e o sangue mas contra
principados e
potestades do mal


transforme seus
arados em espadas
diga ao fraco,
eu sou forte!

metal união
metal união

4) Voice
2:50, lyrics:
To hear
God's voice in my heart
is my aspiration
to surrender my life
and achieve salvattion
what shall
do is fight for my best
and walk with Jesus
without fear of regret
best it's to dive into your
words so cherished
he who does not
know will have
soon perished

 Imagens Distorcidas (EP, 2021, Independent)
Format: CD-R

1) Imagens Distorcidas
2:44, lyrics:
Vejo em frente ao espelho...
Vejo em frente ao espelho...

Uma imagem distorcida
de mim mesmo.

Face a face comigo mesmo
olho ao meu redor
e sinto tristeza e dor


Liberte-me deste cativeiro!

2) Tempestade
2:14, lyrics:

Oh meu Deus espalhe esta
gente como pó.

Como a palha que o vento
sopra para longe.

Assim como o fogo queima
a floresta.

E as labaredas incendeiam os montes.
Assim persegue-os com a
tua tempestade.

Que saibam que somente tu
és Deus ó Senhor.

Salmo 83:13

3) Criador
2:05, lyrics:
Elevo os meus olhos
para os montes de
onde me virá o socorro.
O socorro vem do Senhor
que fez o céu e a terra.

O Senhor guardará
a tua saída é a tua
entrada, desde agora
e para sempre.

Salmo 121

4) Primogenito
2:51, lyrics:
Ele é a imagem
do Deus invisível
o primogênito

Ele é a imagem
do Deus invisível
o primogênito

Ele é a imagem
do Deus invisível
o primogênito

Sob toda criação
pois neles foram
criado todas as coisas
nos céus e na terra
as visíveis e as

Colossenses 1:15,16

5) Batalha
3:34, lyrics:
Que som é esse
que me enche de energia
e que me chama pra batalha

O aço ecoa cortando e
dilacerando a carne
quero combater ao lado
do rei...

O anjo caído gelou,
cantemos hinos de guerra
aos quatro cantos da terra
seu nome será lembrado.

Filhos da guerra
Guerreiros da luz!

6) Tempo
2:41, lyrics:
Há tempo de nascer
e tempo de morrer;

Tempo de plantar
e tempo de arrancar;

Tempo de matar
e tempo de curar;

Tempo de derrubar
e tempo de construir;

Tempo de guerra
e tempo de paz!

Promo Split (split, ???)
Format unknown

Also stream on YouTube (OFFICIAL)

Split with Schofar. Possibly released as a cassette, but I don't have confirmation right now. The YouTube stream was posted 15 February 2022, so I assume it was released right around the same time.

1) Abisur - Armadura
2) Abisur - Campo Minado

track lengths unknown, total approximately 5:27

Extreme Collection Volume XV: Början av en ny Era (compilation, 21 March, 2022, Extreme Records)
Format: CD
Buy the magazine and CD (OFFICIAL)

Included with copies of Extreme Brutal Death zine #27.

3) Abisur - Campo Minado
track length / lyrics unknown

Holocausto de Sangue (EP/album, 2023, label uncertain)
Format: CD-R

Released sometime between 1 January and 20 March of 2023.

Metal Archives says it's an EP. Extreme Records says it's a full-length. It's only 19 minutes so I'd guess it's an EP?

Metal Archives says it was released independently. Copies are for sale on Extreme Records. I don't know.

1) Temor
2:53, lyrics:
O Senhor ouvi falar
Do que tens feito
E estou cheio de temor
Faze agora, em nossos tempos
As coisas maravilhosas
Que fizeste no passado
Para que nós
Também as vejamos
Mesmo que estejas irado
Tem compaixão de nós.

O Senhor ouvi falar
Do que tens feito
E estou cheio de temor
Faze agora, em nossos tempos
As coisas maravilhosas
Que fizeste no passado
Para que nós
Também as vejamos
Mesmo que estejas irado
Tem compaixão de nós.

Na frente dele
Vão pragas terríveis
E atrás vem
Doenças mortais.

Na frente dele
Vão pragas terríveis
E atrás vem
Doenças mortais.

Ele para e a terra treme
Ele olha para as nações.

Habacuque 3:2

2) Aflição
3:09, lyrics:
A aflição
Não brota da terra
A desgraça.
Não nasce do chão
Somos nós mesmos
Que causamos o

Tão certo como
As faíscas das brasas
Voam para o alto

Jó 5:6-7

3) Juízo Final
3:16, lyrics:
Chuva de sangue
Levando o mundo
Uma ave agorenta
Trazendo aflição

Não fuja, lute!
Combata com honra
No juízo final.

Arranjo da guerra
Tocando a trombeta
A força da fé
Fortalece a minha alma

O demônio tremeu
Diante dos santos
Cantem e louvem
No juízo final.

4) Holocausto de Sangue
2:27, lyrics:
Sangue derramado
Animais imolados
Holocausto de sangue
Símbolo de remissão.

Sacerdotes profanos
Que oprimem o povo

O cordeiro do calvário
A sombra do holocausto

Remissão de pecados
Agora é real
E não apenas
Um símbolo
De remissão

5) Anjos Caídos
4:28, lyrics:
Quando caíste com meus anjos
Compus uma canção triste
Como combater filhos
Que eu mesmo criei.
Como banir para
As trevas criaturas
Antes tão puras.
Nunca desejou ser maior que o Pai.
Nunca tomará o lugar do Altíssimo.

Que a nossa guerra
Estremeça o mundo espiritual.

Chorai anjos caídos
Minha espada corta o mal
Minha espada corta a alma
Eles cantam uma canção de guerra
Os anjos exaltam o teu criador
Teu cavalo cavalga
E treme os portões da escuridão

Os quatro cantos da terra sentiram
O poder do Criador
Ver chorar o homem
Provoca um grito de dor.

6) Naum
3:29, lyrics:
Eu estou contra vocês
Vou queimar
Seus carros de guerra
E os seus soldados
Morrerão na batalha
Ai de Ninive, cidade cruel
Cheia de mentira e de violência
Onde não faltam crimes.

Escutem os estalos do chicote
E o barulho das rodas
Ai vem os cavalos galopando
Os carros de guerra vem correndo
Os cavaleiros atacam
Com espadas brilhantes
E lanças reluzentes
Mortos por toda a parte
Milhares de cadáveres...

Naum 2:13 - 3:1-3

Delirium Alcoólico (album, 2024, Kongsblod Records)
Format: CD (or CD-R?)

Might have been released in early-mid 2024. Extreme Records first mentioned it on 14 June.

I haven't heard any audio from this, but the link states this has a lot more speed metal influence than the previous stuff.

1) Delirium Alcoólico
2) Doses Destruidoras
3) Álcool
4) Vitória
5) Escudo
5) Fear
7) Amos
8) Voice



IncompletePage, CouldUseBetterImages
1) Missing track lengths and lyrics for "Delirium Alcoólico". 2) Missing track lengths and lyrics for the sogns on "Promo Split". 3) Are "Delirium Alcoólico" and "Holocausto de Sangue" released through Extreme Records or not? 4) More info on "Promo Split". Was the cassette ever released? etc. 5) Is "Delirium Alcoólico" a CD or CD-R?
1) The self-titled EP. 2) Better version of the old logo. 3) Better pictures of "Promo Split".


Miscellaneous: Unused variant of "Imagens Distorcidas":


GENRE: Death Metal
STATUS: Unknown
LOCATION: Brazil (Caruaru, Pernambuco)

Previously went by Abisur.
Added as an exception because that band was death/black.

Were active, as of April, 2014. Beyond that, I don't know.

Wanderson Edes Barbosa -  Vocals
Flavio Ferreira - Guitar
Jailson Lira - Unknown (possibly drums)

"Escravos do Pecado" @ YouTube (rehearsal audio)
Further info unknown.

IncompletePage, NotOnMA

ABISUR (Pernambuco)

NOTE: Not to be confused with Abisur from Espirito Santo, formed in 2018.

^ Old logo ....... v New logo

GENRE: Death / Unblack Metal
STATUS: Changed name
(Status unknown under new name, Hamate)
LOCATION: Brazil (Caruaru, Pernambuco)

Posted the first logo on Facebook in January, 2014. Posted the second logo in March, 2014.
Presumably formed somewhere around the same time?

Wanderson Edes Barbosa -  Vocals
Flavio Ferreira - Guitars
Jailson Lira - Unknown (possibly drums)

Further info unknown.

IncompletePage, NotOnMA


(logo not available?)

BAND NAME: Chalice of Thorns
GENRE: Melodic / Gothic Unblack Metal
STATUS: Unknown
LOCATION: USA (possibly California?)

Even though the EP was released in 2017, this band is much older. It was mentioned in the "thanks" section of Elgibbor's "War" CD which was released in 2009.

Marc Bowling - Guitars
not sure if there were other members

Apple Music
Amazon Music


Legions (EP, 2 March, 2017, Independent)
Format: Digital
see streaming links above

1) Legions
5:03, partial lyrics:
(?) temple (?) stained glass
Christened through the sacrament
(?) the altar

(?) twilight
And break the shackles
Of your torment

Your time (?) is now
It's time for you to die
The power of Christ compels you
To eternity of fire and brimstone
Burn with your (?) of darkness

(?) destroy legions

This haunted chapel
Forever is blessed

Your time (?) is now
It's time for you to die
The power of Christ compels you
To eternity of fire and brimstone
Burn with your (?) of darkness

2) The Moon, It Howls
5:20, partial lyrics:
The moon, it howls
Amidst the (?)
Forest of Carpathia

Deceived by the father of lies
I declare war on (?)
Now I walk (?)

Given to despair of sin
(?) How can I live like this?
Blinded by (?)

Fallen angels whisper in my ear
Muttering (?)

(?) do my will

Plunge into the ends of the earth
(?) lake of fire

(?) Transylvanian

(?) in Christ (?) been redeemed
(?) sign of the moon

3) I, Gothic
6:03, partial lyrics:
I do not worship the devil
And I am not always depressed
And I
(?) hated, though we are
Don't judge me, I (?)

4) Under a Crimson Sky
5:39, lyrics unknown
(All I can understand is the song title, and a few other random words like "night", "silence", etc)

5) Hellig usvart er krig
3:18, instrumental

IncompletePage, CouldUseBetterImages
Way too much to list. If you have anything, let me know!
Could use the original, non-stretched version of the artist photo. (I tried to fix it, but...) Also, if this project ever had a logo, that'd be awesome, too.


Note: Not to be confused with [this band] from Sweden/Russia.

BAND NAME: Unblasphemy
GENRE: Bestial / Blackened Death / War Metal
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: International (USA / Mexico)

Witchcraft Annihilator - Lead Vocals, Lyrics
Satan's Tormentor - Backing Vocals, Lyrics
Demon Slayer - All instruments

Unofficial links:
Unblack Metal Wallpapers


Demons Blood on My Sword (demo / single, 20 June, 2024, Independent)
Format: Digital / YouTube

1) Demon's Blood on My Sword! 3:29

Demon's Blood on My Sword (EP, 1 July, 2024, Blackened Label Records)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

1) Intro (Kill the Demons) 1:00
2) Anti Satanic Warlord 4:09
3) Demon's Blood on My Sword 3:29
4) Beheading the Goatwhore 3:54
5) Outro (Cursing the Name of Satan) 00:20

Similar to: [SECULAR] Von, Sect Pig, Plague Organ, Thanatoseptis, Progetto:ChaosGoat.666, [CHRISTIAN] End (Nor), Goatscorge, Horror Tomb, (add more later)


BAND NAME: Strange Creature
GENRE: Raw Unblack Metal with Ambient/Atmospheric Influences
STATUS: Active

Formed in 2023.

Older material emphasizes the "raw" elements more. Newer material focuses more on atmosphere/ambience and not being as raw.

Jeremie "Jecide" Martin - All instruments, Vocals

YouTube (Jecide)


Strange Creature / Indigent Ritual (split, 30 May, 2023, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download 1 (OFFICIAL)
Stream / Download 2 (OFFICIAL)

Split with secular band Indigent Ritual.

1) Strange Creature - Strange Creature 2:41
2) Strange Creature - You'll Die in Hell 4:22
3) Strange Creature - Ikke vær redd 6:08
4) Strange Creature - The Source of Life 6:00
[5-8 - Indigent Ritual's tracks]
9) Indigent Ritual / Strange Creature collab - Transilvanian Hunger (Darkthrone cover) 5:11      
10) Strange Creature - The End 8:05, instrumental

Noé (demo, 3 June, 2023, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

1) Noé 3:45
2) Consequences 2:20
3) Seven Things God Gates 4:45
4) The Word Was God 3:58

The Path of Peace and Love (single, 16 September, 2023, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

1) The Path of Peace and Love 3:18

Glory to Him Who Saved Me (single, 27 September, 2023, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

1) Glory to Him Who Saved Me 7:23

Strange Creature / self-titled (EP, 14 June, 2024, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

The artist also published instrumental demo tracks for these songs. See below for more info.

1) Intro 4:19
2) Le Seigneur Jésus-Christ de Nazareth 7:15
3) Les origines de l'univers 3:21
4) Jesus, I Give You My Life 3:45


Synthe/Raw/Instrumental Black Metal (demo, 20 July, 2023, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

Instrumental demos of the songs that'd later appear on the 2024 "Strange Creature" EP. Note that while the artist calls it unofficial, it's more in the sense that he doesn't consider it an "actual release" (as compared to say, an album or EP), just some demo tracks. It is official in the sense that it was posted by the project itself, and thus not posted by bootleggers, etc.

1) 1 4:19
2) 2 7:15
3) 3 3:21
4) 4 3:15

Similar to: [SECULAR] Celestial Sword, Storming, Penance in Blood, [CHRISTIAN] Elgibbor, Old Path, Verdelger, Eternal Father, Katumus, Nahum, Evig Mørke / Evig Morke, (add more later)


Thanks to Jecide for clearing up some info!

BAND NAME: Death Wrath
GENRE: Lo-fi Black / Unblack Metal with DSBM/Atmospheric Influences
STATUS: Active

Formed as a Satanic project. Later moved to general "anti-Christian / anti-religion" themes. Split up in 2023 when the artist became Christian. Later brought back as a Christian project.

Years active:
2019 - early 2023
2023 - present

Jeremie "Jecide" Martin - All instruments, Vocals

YouTube (Jecide)
Apple Music
Amazon Music

Unofficial links:
Unblack Metal Wallpapers


+ Released before becoming Christian +
- Crash, demo, 2019
- Magic Horror Blackened Noise, split, 2020
- M​à​rvo Thoryvo, demo, 2020
- Voyage dans l'atmosphère, EP, 2020
- Fuck the System (Nocturna Armòsfair), single, 2020
- Death Wrath, EP, 2020
- 3 Track Black Metal for Death Wrath Instrumental, EP, 2020
- Furorem, EP, 2020
- Bathroom, EP, 2021
- Le règne de Satan, EP, 2022
- The End, demo, 2022
- Nightmares in My Room, demo, 2022
- La guerre ne s'arrêtera jamais, demo, 2022
- Blood, EP, 2022
- Demo 9, demo, 2022
- Demo 10, demo, 2022
- Destruction, demo, 2022
- Satanist Instruments, demo, 2022
- Compilation (2019 - 2022), compilation, 2022
- Rapprochons nous, EP, 2022
- Track Demo, demo, 2022
- The Magic of Fucking Christmas, EP, 2022
- I'm Locked Up, demo, 2022
- This Is Satanic Black Metal (EP version), 2023
- Return to Earth, demo, 2023
- Secret in the Forest, demo, 2023
- The King's Ordered, EP, 2023
- Dunkelheit, single, 2023
- This Is Satanic Black Metal (album version), 2023
- Satan te baise, demo, 2023
- Demo 1, demo, 2023
- Track 1, single, 2023

Le Seigneur est fidèle (demo)

April, 2023, Independent, Bandcamp, link expired
15 June, 2024, Independent, Bandcamp

Written as "Le Seigneur est fidèle" on Bandcamp
Written "Mais le Seigneur est fidèle" on the cover art.

Jecide's first material recorded after becoming Christian. First published in April 2023, but deleted immediately afterward as he wasn't satisfied with the final product. Formally released in 2024.

Fun fact: This demo was released while I was in the process of writing up this page.

1) Le Seigneur est fidèle 5:45
2) Retour à la guerre 3:47
3) De nouveau Jésus parle à la foule 4:00

This Is Not Satanic Black Metal (demo, 6 October, 2023, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

Unlisted for a time, but brought back sometime between 14-21 June 2024.

1) This Is Not Satanic Black Metal 4:52
2) Abolish the Hierarchy 5:28

YHWH (album)

24 March, 2024, Independent, Bandcamp
12 May, 2024, SneeuwStorm Produkties, Bandcamp
12 May, 2024, SneeuwStorm, CD-R, standard
12 May, 2024, SneeuwStorm, CD-R, deluxe, 30 copies

The standard version is unlimited, but the CD tray is black and the insert is only a single front/back page.

The deluxe version has a clear CD tray with additional art, and has a full booklet.

1) Le Seigneur est fidèle 4:46
2) Fantoft
3) La marche avec l'Éternel 16:05
4) YHWH 7:41
5) Proverbes 11:19
6) Je hais mon pays 3:19
+ bonus, SneeuwStorm versions only +
7) Gloire au Seigneur Jésus-Christ 3:01

An Angel Leading a Soul into Heaven (single/demo, 2 July, 2024, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

See below for more info.

1) An Angel Leading a Soul into Heaven 4:04
2) Where Did You Sleep Last Night 6:22

An Angel Leading a Soul into Hell (album, 4 July, 2024, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

Track 5 is a cover of [this song]. It's considered "traditional" and its authorship is unknown, but Death Wrath's cover is based on Kurt Cobain's and Lead Belly's renditions of it.

1) Son âme vendu au diable... 6:57
2) Intro 2:36
3) An Angel Leading a Soul into Hell 7:03
4) Esclave du péché 4:53
5) Where Did You Sleep Last Night 6:22
6) An Angel Leading a Soul into Heaven 4:04
7) Sans le Christ dans ta vie 6:09

Fear of the Dark (single, 4 July, 2024, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

1) Fear of the Dark
6:43, instrumental

, SimilarTo
1) Both band logos. 2) The cover art for "This Is Not Satanic Black Metal".

Miscellaneous stuff:
Here's the preview image for the "Angel Leading ..." album that I had here before the full cover art was revealed (from [Instagram] and [YouTube])
Similar to: [SECULAR] Cosmic Church, Strid, Weakling, Endlichkeit, [CHRISTIAN] Bedeiah, DarkDark / Light Shall Prevail, Jordskaelv, Photosynthesis, Quest for Serenity, (probably more can be added later)

安娜与陈飙 (The Anna & Chenbiao)


 BAND NAME: 安娜与陈飙 / The Anna & Chenbiao
GENRE: Post-Black Metal, Post-Rock, Ambient, Neofolk, Classical, Various
STATUS: Unknown
LOCATION: China (Beijing)

Formed in 2009. It's a husband and wife duo.

Their name is variously latinized as "The Anna & Chenbiao"; "The Anna&Chenbiao"; "Anna&Chen biao"; etc.

They've also gone by the name "Shekhinah" since early 2016. However, I can't tell if they actually changed the band name, or if this is simply the name they plan to use in the English-speaking market. Either way, I can't find any activity from them after April 2017, so I don't know if the band is still active.

安娜 / Anna - Roles/instruments unknown
陈飙 / Chenbiao - Roles/instruments unknown

Official site (豆瓣/Douban)

Unofficial links:
Unblack Metal Wallpapers



Grace (single, 2013-2014?, label unknown)
Format unknown

Apparently before the better-known album below was released, this one track was released as a single. [1] Unfortunately I can't find any more info about it right now.

1) Grace 11:57

Grace (album)

17 April, 2015, 1724 Records, CD (digipak) (link?)
8 December, 2015, Independent, Bandcamp

Ambient / post-black metal.

I don't know if the CD version is still available from any official outlets or not.

Written in the layout:
"God's love and grace are a never-ending sea"

1) Grace (Isaiah 53) 11:57
2) Time (Psalm 90) 12:45
3) Celebration (Genesis 1) 13:57
4) Lamentation (Lamentation 3) 13:53
The Golden Age Dethroned (EP, 11 December, 2015, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

Guest appearances:
Perlascar He - Vocals (track 2)

The date given on Bandcamp is 11 December 2015, but the page was actually published 13 January 2016. At the moment, I'm not sure what this means.

Track 1 on this is industrial black metal. The other songs lean a lot more classical/ambient.

All four songs are meant as a soundtrack for a stage play.

1) Stratospheric Prometheus 6:42
2) The Golden Age Dethroned I 9:28
3) The Golden Age Dethroned III 2:35
4) The Golden Age Dethroned III 2:02

Note: Some time ago, I decided to stop listing full discographies for bands that only had a few metal songs. This band has numerous other songs and releases that aren't mentioned here. As far as I'm aware, none of these have any black metal elements. (Please let me know if I missed any, though.) Please still check out their other releases! If you like any of the genres mentioned above, you will love this band.

IncompletePage, CouldUseBetterImages, NotOnMA, SimilarTo
1) Lineup info? 2) Are they still active? 3) What is the situation with the name "Shekhinah"? Also - is there a Chinese version of the name "Shekhinah"? 4) More info on the "Grace" single. 5) "Arrier" is written in the bottom-right corner of the Grace cover art. What does this mean? 6) Missing lyrics. 7) In general, it was very difficult for me to find info about this band. If there's any information, any pages / links, etc that I'm missing, please let me know!
At the top of the page, there's a symbol like a crown of thorns, used for Shekhinah. If anyone has this symbol in larger resolution/quality, please let me know!

Similar to: [SECULAR] Silent Whale Becomes aº Dream, Unreqvited, Nevermind the Name, Year of No Light, Falloch, [CHRISTIAN] Epta Astera, Ἡσυχασμός, early-mid Fathomage, Daygraves, (probably more bands can be added to both sections at some point)