Note: This is about a band from Ecuador. Not to be confused with xDoulosx from the USA.


GENRE: Blackened / Brutal Death Metal / Grindcore
STATUS: Unknown
LOCATION: Ecuador (Latacunga/Riobamba?)

The band have said they're from Latacunga, while Metal Archives mentions Riobamba. ... Maybe they have members in both locations?

Some places say they formed in 2000, some say 2001. Even the band's official pages give conflicting dates.

....... They might have changed their name to "Esclavos" at some point? This page says "Esclavos [antes Doulos]" ("antes" is Spanish for "before", "previous" etc) and the account is friends with Ayary and Pathryark, showing this is the same band.

While nowadays, it's probably best to get in touch with them via Facebook, they used to have email addresses at:
doulos_deathbrutal [AT] hotmail [DOT] com
doulos_brutaldeath [AT] hotmail [DOT] com

Abraham "Pathryark" Quishpe - Vocals, Guitars
Dario "Dyo" Yambay - Guitars (lead)
Santiago "Phoenix" Córdova - Bass
Santiago "Arkangel" Quishpe - Drums

Past members:
Franz - Vocals
Fausto S. - Bass, Keyboards
Deliriumwut - Drums
Wilson - Drums

Merch @ ChristianBandShirts
Official site @ (doulosdeath.netfirms)


Al filo del metal - Volumen I (compilation, 2001, Magzín Cultural Letra Oculta)
Format: CD (or CD-R?)

7) Doulos - Injuria al averno
6:24, see below for lyrics


Ayary I (compilation, year unknown, label unknown)
Format unknown

Thusiasterion contributed at least one song to this compilation. (Mentioned [here].) But I'm not sure what the song is. I have virtually no information about this compilation in the first place. I assume, given the name, it was released by Eirene Records?

Pudrica maldición (demo, 2004, Independent)
Format: CD (or CD-R?)

Track 4 was recorded live at White Metal Fest (Quito, 2003).

1) Injurias al averno
6:29, lyrics:
Cubro mi ser con su sangre,
llamas de fuego toman posesión,
antorcha humana de sabiduría
guíame al día de la eternidad.

Truena Kuryos con tu gloria profanando herejías
No hay lamento ni condena solo honra al Yo Soy
En el abismo de la muerte, un sarcófago exhibido
La bandera que flamea es de Cristo el Salvador

Solo a ti Señor doblo mis rodillas,
toda potestad tienes oh Cordero
tu trono celestial ilumina mi ser,
la gloria el honor para ti Adonai.

No hay retorno de polvo en tierra
Ni barro que reclame su sangre
Las tinieblas se humillan a la luz
Cuando el peregrino de la eternidad por el viento va

Mis pies enrojecen por la sangre altiva
de mis enemigos que veneran la maldad,
las huestes del infierno se preparan a su exilio
destrozadas y humilladas por el Cordero redentor

2) Isaías 40.31 (Mortification cover)
4:02, lyrics:
Viviendo en oración
Caminando en la gracia
Realeza es mi herencia
Hay furia en mi sangre.
Volando a las alturas
Como el águila intrépida

Isaías 40.31
Isaías 40.31

Volando hacia el cambio
Destruyendo al odio
Con espada de hierro
La muerte me aprisiona
Sigo fiel a mi demanda
Como el águila Intrépida.

Isaías 40.31
Isaías 40.31

Isaías 40.31
Isaías 40.31

3) Pudrica maldición
8:33, lyrics:
Miro a la eternidad en la muerte de mi alma
para la esclavitud de este mundo.
El pacto esta consumado las tinieblas pisoteadas
por el primogénito de los muertos.

En el sacrificio del Cordero con su sangre soy rociado
Y redimido del maldito opresor.
Regreso a mi aposento en donde la gloria no se apaga
y su luz gobierna mi ser.

Las cicatrices del corazón han secado la fuente del manantial
y en la mente están tatuadas las sonrisas del ayer.

El murmullo silencioso de la vida es corto
y la herida mortal crece con cada respiro,
cuando has dormido en la región del polvo
y deseas caminar con el primer rayo de la mañana
sientes una voz que te dice no vayas
eres indigno de perdón todo esta perdido
descansa en el Seol. !!!No!!!

La luz se vuelve mas intensa
Consumiendo la maldición,
Victorioso desde un madero
El eterno salvador ha destrozado
Las calumnias del suplantador.

4) Injurias al averno (live)
There's a bit of talking at the beginning, and then I need to listen and see if the lyrics are the same as the studio version or if there were changes. If anyone feels like transcribing this audio for me, please do so! But I'll eventually try to do it myself.



Oculto (album)

2004-2005, ????, CD (or CD-R?)
2006, Nordic Mission, CD (or CD-R?)
2006, Eirene Records, CD (or CD-R?)
Not sure which version:
????, Extreme Records, "version for Brazil", format unknown

This is a bit of a mess to untangle.
The left version was used on the original version. Metal Archives says 2004, everything else I'm finding says 2005. I don't know which label released it. Metal Archives says it was self-released, but I can't find anything confirming that.

The Nordic Mission was added by myself back in 2016. Being that that was eight years ago, I've lost wherever I got that info from, but it must be accurate. I wouldn't just add random information to Metal Archives. Discogs also mentions this art variant being used for an Eirene Records version I can't find mentioned anywhere else online, also 2006. I don't know which of these versions the photograph of the CD case is from.

The Extreme Records version was briefly mentioned [on their old site]. I'm pretty sure Extreme Records only release CDs, but technically, no format is specified so I'm not sure. I don't have anything else about this version, but apparently the tracklist is the same as the other versions. Also, it was definitely released, not just planned -- the page says "throws", this is just a mistranslation of the Spanish word "lanzar" which is used to denote releasing music. (Literally "lanzar" -> "launch")

I have no info on the bottom version. It appears online... Could it perhaps be the artwork for the Extreme Records version?

1) Injurias al averno
6:29, lyrics:
Cubro mi ser con su sangre,
llamas de fuego toman posesión,
antorcha humana de sabiduría
guíame al día de la eternidad.

Truena Kuryos con tu gloria profanando herejías
No hay lamento ni condena solo honra al Yo Soy
En el abismo de la muerte, un sarcófago exhibido
La bandera que flamea es de Cristo el Salvador

Solo a ti Señor doblo mis rodillas,
toda potestad tienes oh Cordero
tu trono celestial ilumina mi ser,
la gloria el honor para ti Adonai.

No hay retorno de polvo en tierra
Ni barro que reclame su sangre
Las tinieblas se humillan a la luz
Cuando el peregrino de la eternidad por el viento va

Mis pies enrojecen por la sangre altiva
de mis enemigos que veneran la maldad,
las huestes del infierno se preparan a su exilio
destrozadas y humilladas por el Cordero redentor.

2) Doulos
6:11, lyrics:
Sus miembros se marcharon al sepulcro del destierro
Devorando a nuestros hijos como muestra del horror
Entre todos sus amantes no hay nadie que defienda
A las doncellas despreciadas que marcharon su honor

El herido fue por nuestras rebeliones, Doulos
Masacrado por nuestros pecados, Doulos
Todo el castigo fue sobre El, Doulos
Por sus llagas hay salvación, Doulos

Porque no escatimo su deidad a que aferrarse
sino que decidió venir y hacerse cadáver
y librarnos de la muerte, del infierno y de la condenación

El rey junto a sus príncipes están como extranjeros
Los profetas solo anuncian falsedad y tonterías
Ciudad la venerada la aplaudida por imperios
Como siempre la modelo de vanidad y hermosura

Alzad vuestras miradas humillaos a su gloria
Jesucristo es el camino, la vida y la verdad
Con su sangre derramada limpio nuestros pecados
Humillándole a la muerte y brindándonos la vida

3) Oculto
10:45, lyrics:
Oculto en las entrañas de lo desconocido,
siempre estas presente en mis aflicciones y dolores;
hoy mi alma eleva este grito desesperado,
Oh Creador de la Eternidad ven y rescata mi ser
porque sin ti en los brazos del abismo estoy.

Dios!!! aquí estoy
Vuelve!!! vuelve tu rostro hacia mi.

Infinitas distancias he caminado
por los senderos de la soledad
encontrando solo culpa y ausente esta la paz;
Dios ven y abraza mi ser y oculto permanece en el,
hoy!!! hoy necesito de Ti.

Jesús!!! socorre, socorre mi alma
que aquí en la oscuridad en lo oculto
Te espero, y te esperare

4) Delirios de la muerte
6:17, lyrics:
Vengo de rodear el mundo
Veo destrucción del hombre
Apoyado en huecas filosofías
Deseando conquistar lo oculto

Criaturas de la noche con siluetas contaminan
Vendiendo lo profano blasfemando lo divino
Son disueltas por la sangre de Aquel ser inmolado

Escapando vacía el sepulcro con libertad sentenciada
Sus aflicciones desatan la tortura a la impiedad

Sangre y fuego destructor
Acaban con el ídolo carnal
Vencido ya fue en la cruz
Con poder del que tiene autoridad

Todos los cielos se abren y el Espíritu desciende
A morar aquí en su templo por toda la eternidad
Señoreando lo oculto asesinando a satan

La tumba vacía esta
La muerte consumida
El rey desde su trono
Devora a todo dios

5) Púdrica maldición
8:33, lyrics:
Miro a la eternidad en la muerte de mi alma
para la esclavitud de este mundo.
El pacto esta consumado las tinieblas pisoteadas
por el primogénito de los muertos.

En el sacrificio del Cordero con su sangre soy rociado
Y redimido del maldito opresor.
Regreso a mi aposento en donde la gloria no se apaga
y su luz gobierna mi ser.

Las cicatrices del corazón han secado la fuente del manantial
y en la mente están tatuadas las sonrisas del ayer.

El murmullo silencioso de la vida es corto
y la herida mortal crece con cada respiro,
cuando has dormido en la región del polvo
y deseas caminar con el primer rayo de la mañana
sientes una voz que te dice no vayas
eres indigno de perdón todo esta perdido
descansa en el Seol. !!!No!!!

La luz se vuelve mas intensa
Consumiendo la maldición,
Victorioso desde un madero
El eterno salvador ha destrozado
Las calumnias del suplantador.

6) Isaías 40:31 (Mortification cover) (bonus track)
4:02, lyrics:
Viviendo en oración
Caminando en la gracia
Realeza es mi herencia
Hay furia en mi sangre.
Volando a las alturas
Como el águila intrépida

Isaías 40.31
Isaías 40.31

Volando hacia el cambio
Destruyendo al odio
Con espada de hierro
La muerte me aprisiona
Sigo fiel a mi demanda
Como el águila Intrépida.

Isaías 40.31
Isaías 40.31

Isaías 40.31
Isaías 40.31


Format unknown

"In a style Melodic Brutal Death Grind"
Mentioned on their old website. Planned to have English lyrics.

?) Cadaver
?) Pulverizing the Impurity
?) In the Morning (Hymn)
?) The Imperium

+ presumably other songs, too

De Nacht der Plagen... ...een Zwarte Historie - het derde deel (compilation)
2005, SneeuwStorm Produkties, CD-R, link expired
13 March, 2015, Nokternal Hemizphear, Bandcamp, link expired
17 December, 2023, SneeuwStorm Produkties, Bandcamp

The 2023 Bandcamp version has black and white artwork.

A compilation of Christian and secular artists.
Written on the artwork:
"SneeuwStorm Produkties presenteert:"

CD1, track 1) Doulos - Oculto
10:45, see above for lyrics

Een reis naar de galgeheuvel - Het vierde deel (compilation)

2005, Sneeuwstorm Produkties, 2 CD-R
17 December, 2023, SneeuwStorm, Bandcamp
2010, UMS Records (RIPOFF LABEL), 2 CD-R

The Unblack Metal Scene version is misspelled as "Gen reis".

CD2, track 13) Doulos - Injurias al averno
6:33, see above for lyrics


Extreme Collection Vol. V (compilation, 2006, Extreme Records)
Format: CD (or CD-R?)

Doulos appeared on here with one song, but I'm not sure which one.

Christian Brutal Death Metal Volume 1 (compilation, 1 March, 2015, Christian Brutal Death Metal)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

37) Doulos - Delirios de la muerte
6:19, see above for lyrics

I look to the eternity in the death of my soul
for the slavery of this world.
The pact this accomplished one the tramped darkness  
for the first-born of the deads.

In the sacrifice of the Lamb with their blood am dewed
And redeemed of the damned oppressor.
I return to my room where the glory doesn't fade  
and their light governs my being.

The scars of the heart have dried the source of the spring  
and in the mind the past smiles are tattooed.

The silent murmur of the life is short  
and the mortal wound grows with each respiration,
when you have slept in the region of the powder  
and you want to walk with the tomorrow's first ray  
you feel a voice that tells you don't go  
you are unworthy of pardon all this lost one  
rests in the Seol. !!! No!!!

The light becomes but intense  
Consuming the curse,  
Victorious from a timber  
The eternal savior has destroyed  
The slanders of the deceiver.

I cover my being with their blood,  
fire flames take possession,
human brand of wisdom  
guide me to the day of the eternity.

Kuryos thunders with your glory profaning heresies
There are not lament neither condemnation single honor to the Lord
In the abyss of the death, an exhibited sarcophagus
The flag that flames belongs to Christ the Salvador

Alone to you Lord, I bend my knees,  
all imperium has oh Lamb
your celestial throne illuminates my being,  
the glory and the honor for you Adonai.

There is not powder return in earth  
Neither I sweep that claims their blood  
The darkness humble to the light  
When the pilgrim of the eternity for the wind goes

My feet redden for the cavalier blood
of my enemies that worship the wickedness,  
the hosts of the hell get ready to their exile  
destroyed and humiliated by the redeeming Lamb.

I come from surrounding the world  
I see the man's destruction  
Supported in hollow philosophies  
Wanting to conquer the hidden thing  
Creatures of the night with silhouettes contaminate  
Selling the profane thing blaspheming the divine thing  
They are dissolved by the blood of that immolated being  
Escaping empty the sepulchre with sentenced freedom  
Their afflictions untie the torture to the ungodliness
Bleed and destructive fire   
They put an end to the carnal idol  
Conquered it was already in the cross   
With being able to of the one that has authority  
All the skies open up and the Spirit descends  
To live here in their temple for all the eternity  
Dominating the hidden, murdering to satan   
The grave empties this  
The consumed death  
The king from their throne  
It devours to all god

Their members left to the sepulchre of the exile
Devouring to our children like sample of the horror
 Among all their lovers there is not nobody that defends
 To the rejected maidens that they went their honor  

The wounded was for our rebellions, Doulos
Slaughtered by our sins, Doulos
The whole punishment was on The, Doulos
For their wounds there is salvation, Doulos

Because I don't scant their deity to that to cling
but rather decided to come and to be made cadaver
and to get rid of the death, of the hell and of the condemnation

The king next to his princes is as foreigners
The alone prophets announce falsehood and foolishness
City the one worshipped the one applauded by empires
As always the model of vanity and beauty

Raise your looks you humiliate you to their glory
Jesus Christ is the road, the life and the true
With their clean spilled blood our sins
Humiliating to the death and offering us the life

Hidden in the bowels of that ignored,
always these present in my afflictions and pains;
today my soul elevates this desperate scream,
Creative Oh of the Eternity comes and my being rescues
because without you in the arms of the abyss am.

God!!! here I am
It returns!!! it returns your face toward my.

Infinite distances have walked
for the paths of the solitude
finding single blame and absent this the peace;
God comes and my being hugs and I hide it remains in the,
today!!! today I need of You.

Jesus!!! it aids, it aids my soul
that here in the darkness in the hidden thing
I wait for you, and I will wait for you 

IncompletePage, CouldUseBetterImages, SimilarTo
1) When did they form? 2) What's the deal with Esclavos? 3) What's the deal with their city? 4) Info on all these obscure compilations they appeared on? 5) Info on the other release "Cadaver"? 6) Are all of these releases CDs or CD-Rs? 7) Any help with all these different versions of "Oculto"?
Almost every image here could use a higher-res, higher-quality version. Also, if anyone has more layout photos, I'd really appreciate that.

Also, note to self - proofread the translations.

Similar to: [SECULAR] Dying Fetus, Xoth, Origin, Cryptopsy, Gorgasm, Eximperituserqethhzebibšiptugakkathšulweliarzaxułum, Nader Sadek, Neoandertals, Eye of Minerva, Epic of Empyrea, Alfa Eridano Akhernar, [CHRISTIAN] Antidemon, Crimson Thorn, Crimson Moonlight, Bloodwork, Taking the Head of Goliath, Tortured Conscience, Zombie Mortician, Akryal, Apokatastasis, Day of Atonement, Endless Sacrifice, Gog and Magog, Harpazo, In-Conquered, Slaughter Thy Wicked, Zyon,


GENRE: Unblack Metal
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: Slovakia (Bratislava)

P.L. - All instruments, Lyrics


Demo (20 December, 2023, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

A guest vocalist did vocals for this demo, but... I don't know who they are?

1) The Misery of Prevailing I
5:28, lyrics:
No one makes upright accusations
or pleads sincerely.
All rely on empty words, utter falsehood,
conceive trouble and give birth to evil.
They are hatching adders' eggs
and weaving a spider's web

Their webs are useless for clothing,
their deeds are useless for wearing;
their deeds are deeds of guilt,
violence fills their hands.
Their feet run to do evil;
they are quick to shed innocent blood.
Their thoughts are thoughts of guilt,
wherever they go there is havoc and ruin.

They do not know the way of peace,
there is no fair judgement in their course,
they have made their own crooked paths,
and no one treading them knows any peace.

2) The Misery of Prevailing II
4:54, lyrics:
Why are your garments red,
your clothes like someone
treading the winepress?
I have trodden the winepress alone;
of my people, not one was with me.
So I trod them down in my anger,
I trampled on them in my wrath.
Their blood squirted over my garments
and all my clothes are stained.

For I have decided on a day of vengeance,
my year of retribution has come.
I looked: there was no one to help me;
I was appalled but could find no supporter!
Then my own arm came to my rescue
and my own fury supported me.

I crushed the peoples in my anger,
I shattered them in my fury
and sent their blood
streaming to the ground.

3) The Misery of Prevailing III
5:56, lyrics:
All you wild beasts of the field,
come and eat,
all you beasts in the forest!

My watchmen are blind,
all of them unaware;
They are all dumb dogs,
they cannot bark;
Dreaming as they lie there,
loving their sleep.

They are relentless dogs,
they know not when they have enough.
These are the shepherds
who know no discretion;
Each of them goes his own way,
every one of them to his own gain:

Come, I will fetch some wine;
let us carouse with strong drink,
And tomorrow will be like today,
or even greater.

4) The Misery of Prevailing IV
4:54, lyrics:
Silver has its mines, and gold a place for refining
Iron is extracted from the earth, the smelted rocks yield copper
Man makes an end of darkness, to the utmost limit
he digs the black rock in shadow dark as death.

Foreigners bore into ravines in unfrequented places,
swinging suspended far from human beings.
That earth from which bread comes is ravaged underground by fire.
There, the rocks have veins of sapphire and their dust contains gold.

Man attacks the flint, upturning mountains by their roots.
He cuts canals through the rock, on the watch for anything precious.
But where does Wisdom come from? Where is Intelligence to be found?
No human being knows the way to her,
she is not to be found on earth
where they live.

The vocalist - even if it's just "anonymous", I'd like to give some form of credit.


Not to be confused with numerous other artists with this name, including ones mistakenly listed on this band's streaming pages.


GENRE: Atmospheric Unblack Metal / Dungeon Synth
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: USA (Washington)

Frederick Blauer / "The Dragonfather" - All instruments, Vocals

Apple Music


Under the Watchful Eye of Night (EP)

23 June, 2023, Independent, Bandcamp + various streaming sites
5 March, 2024, Independent, Bandcamp (other page)

1) Lost in the Currents of Time 2:29
2) One Thousand Years of Winter 2:59
3) Twilight Citadel 3:43
4) Premonition 5:33
5) Well of Dreams 4:50
6) Beyond the North Star 4:41

IncompletePage, SimilarTo

Similar to: [SECULAR] Summoning, Caladan Brood, [CHRISTIAN] Fathomage, Dark Woods, (add more later)


Thanks to Tyler for helping a bit on this!

^ Old logos
v New logo

BAND NAME: Todesklaue
GENRE: Lo-fi Black Metal / Unblack Metal
STATUS: Changed name
(Active under new name, Trisagion)
LOCATION: USA (Rock Spring, Georgia)

Formed in 2018. A side project of Tyler Johnson, better known in the brutal death metal scene.

Most early Todesklaue lyrics dealt with norse mythology without any real "ideology/message" behind it, though a couple songs did reference Tyler's worldview. Brought back as a fully Christian project in 2024. Now known as [Trisagion].

Tyler Johnson - All instruments, Vocals

Old Bandcamp

Non-Christian release:
- Lyngbakr, EP, 7 Feb 2018

Rising of a Midnight Sun (demo, 2 February, 2018, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
link expired

Two secular songs, two Christian.

1) Over Marshes and into Smog

2) Rising of a Midnight Sun
5:09, lyrics:
We witness the rise of a midnight sun
As it ascends their sins are done
We witness the rise of a midnight sun
Over the city of evil as it's reduced to none
The broadcasts of sin are ceased
As our brainwashed world is freed
The Devil's influence erased
From the nation's face
Scorched is the Hollywood sign
The sunrise seen from deserts nearby
Erased are their sinful lives
We are liberated from their lies
A beach turned to sheets of glass
The tides reduced to vapor
Those of power over our minds
Burn in hell forever

3) Šhøńeý's
5:44, lyrics:
The flesh trap of sin
Clouding my adolescent mind
The ways of today's youth
Spit in the face of our God
Turning our backs
To his disappointment
The devil takes hold
Of the souls of our youth
The feminine domain
His design to drag us down
No conscious thought remains
Morality no longer around
The drugs, the parties, the life
He proposes to our generation
Clasping their souls in his grasp
They give themselves to Satan
Our society
Forces us to stray from God
The media and celebrities
Under the unholy crown of Lucifer
Millions of his minions
March in the streets against us
Harassing us into giving in
A pathetic armada of sin
Feelings of regret
I am a sinner too
Feelings of desire
I mustn't stray away

4) Mother of the Kraken

Incinerate the Sacrificial Grounds of Moloch (EP, 16 January, 2024, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

The page [was modified] on 27 December 2024 to reflect the new band name and logo.

1) Torrents of Wretched Oppression (Intro)
1:30, instrumental

2) I, Theocrat
3:31, lyrics:
To hell with red and blue
With earthly ways I am through

All parties ran by the same puppeteers
Manipulating our minds and conjuring our fears
Catering to blasphemers to make extra cash
What will these cowards do when Jesus Christ comes back?

A nation under theocracy
Under our God, not you and me
To hell with democracy
Divine rule is what I seek
Burn down the idols, stop degeneracy
Biblical teachings to spread the seed
One nation under theocracy
Say goodbye democracy

No more predators going after our children
No more satanists establishing rule
No more zionism ruling our media
Place the government under he who is true
Replace the greedy cult which is now in control
I want the rule of he who makes me whole
Let this nation prosper once more
On this plague of evil I close the door

I stand for theocracy

3) Incinerate the Sacrificial Grounds of Moloch
2:37, lyrics:
Modern temples of worship
To a perverted god
They sacrifice their own offspring
Leaving them to rot
Burn these forsaken temples down
Show them no mercy
All false gods must suffer and die
So the innocent will cease to bleed

Incinerate, burn these grounds of child sacrifice to the ground

There is nothing unvirtuous about the destruction
Of satanic idols and their means to destroy us

We shall burn you to the ground

If a child is only a clump of cells
Then your clinics are just a clump of bricks
Now reduced to a pile of filthy rubble
Fire and gasoline should do the trick

4) Christ Supremacy
5:33, lyrics:
Confined to this flesh
My personal righteousness is nothing
Creator of the universe
Conqueror of all

No nation's leaders
In place without his doing

Every nation's leader
Will submit to Christ's supremacy

Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
Non subservient to the other
Three persons as one
Reign over the universe
All existed all of time
None of them created
God's essence infinite
Reigning supreme

No false god or devil
Can topple Christ's supremacy
Creator of the universe
Shedding divine blood for me
Only a fool would deem satan
An evenly matched foe
This prisoner of the world
Destined to suffer below

Your own will is selfish
Submit to Christ's supremacy
Our own wants will kill us
My own flesh my enemy
Your own will is selfish
Submit to Christ's supremacy
Our own wants will kill us
My own flesh my enemy

Similar to: [SECULAR] Janaza, [CHRISTIAN] Bealiah, Cacophony of Wailing, Mirha, Primitive Church, Hazarmaveth, (add more later)


^ Old logos?
v Current logo

BAND NAME: Ebonkirk
GENRE: Black Metal / Dungeon Synth
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: USA (New Jersey)

Lineup unknown.

Apple Music


Dæg and Niht (single, 1 December, 2022, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

The track titles are Old English and translate respectively to "Frosty Morning" and "Dusk".

1) Hrimig Morgen 4:48, instrumental
2) Foranniht 3:51, instrumental

Possessed by the Apparition (single, 21 October, 2023, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

1) Possessed by the Apparition
5:21, lyrics:
In the dead of night
A howl from the forest
Broke through
Winter moonlight

Rustles from the trees
Towards the town
Attacked the beast
Eyes flared and barren teeth

A knight from the castle
Humble and meek
Woke up and looked east
The Bethlehem star shined bright

Armored he was, the knight
Possessed by ancient apparition
Plunged sword into stomach
Slaying the varmint

Ab Aeterno (EP, 22 March, 2024, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

1) The Overgrowth
2:33, instrumental

2) The Wisp of the Dragon's Tail
4:25, lyrics:
Amongst caverns
Drifting by dripstone
A scaly gust pervades
The cacophonous silence

Within roosts
Pil'd atop the pine
Resounds the song
The pinnacle of created beasts

Floating in the wind...
Snapping pasts sands...
A behemoth's tail

Amongst caverns
Drifting by dripstone
A scaly gust fades...

Within roosts
Pil'd atop the pine
The dragon's essence...

3) Fae
4:11, instrumental

4) Forestspire
4:33, lyrics:

Slab and stone crown'd with roots
Vines curled to the roof
An abode of old
Spiraling into the treetop

Leaves brushed against the sills
Brick upon log
Mortar upon brick
Fauna upon mortar

Such magic!
Never before...
The sun peaks through the wood
Enhancing its essence

Its insides...
Pages fly through the windows
Potions tumble out the gate


Slab and stone crown'd with roots
Vines curled to the roof
An abode of old
Spiraling into the treetop

5) Hammer Betwixt the Trees
5:41, lyrics:
Between two trees lies a weapon of old
Sunlight dashes through
Its features become known

Its head, pure steel
Its pommel, that of iron
The Mark of Jerusalem engraved
Its face, spattered in daemon blood

Twisted along, from pommel to shaft
The hair of saints
Untainted and pure

Between two trees lies a weapon of old
The adventurer grabs hold...

6) Entering the Gates
3:05, instrumental

Better version of the most recent logo. All I have is the one up there, cropped from the Bandcamp header.


BAND NAME: Morkerod
GENRE: Depressive Unblack Metal / DSBM / Experimental / Post-Black / Ambient
STATUS: Active

Formed in early 2024 (either 19 February or earlier).
Update 6 September: He's alive and the band is active again. He thanks us for the prayers.

Morkerod is highly influenced by Daemon's personal struggles in life. His dad was an alcoholic with schizophrenia, and thus was raised mostly by his mother. He once had to beat up his dad in self-defense. Four years later, Daemon was sent to a psychiatric hospital for treatment when he too was diagnosed with schizophrenia. He tried to reconnect with his dad, but his dad died 8 months later of heart problems. He converted from Satanism to Orthodox Christianity in 2019. However the following year, he went through a crisis and attempted suicide. Surviving, he created a secular band called "That Distant Void" in 2022. In 2023, he returned to Christianity, ultimately splitting up "That Distant Void" and starting "Morkerod". All of this info was taken from [this review], and comes from Daemon himself.

The writer of the review encourages people dealing with suicidal thoughts to not isolate, and instead to seek help, such as through suicide hotline numbers (USA, international). They also link to [CCEF], a Christian counseling resource. Note that I myself have been suicidal too, but I have never personally used this service, so I can't personally comment on how good it is.

Егор "Daemon" Шпаков - All instruments, Vocals
No longer uses the name "Кимир / Qimir"

Bandcamp (artist; has other projects)
VK (artist; has other projects)
VK (artist; personal)

Unofficial links:
Unblack Metal Wallpapers


Limbo (4 March, 2024, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

"The lyrical hero of the composition, although he positioned himself as a believer, was a good, decent person, but in fact he suffered greatly from lack of faith.
Having died without repentance, our hero goes to limbo - the first circle of hell, described in 'The Divine Comedy' by Dante Alighieri, in which the righteous languish, deprived of faith in the true One God."

1) Limbo 7:06, see below for lyrics

Poenitentia / Repentance (single)

Left / Poenitentia:
8 April, 2024, Independent, Bandcamp, link expired
Right / Repentance:
11 September, 2024, Independent, Bandcamp, Re-recorded, link expired

"I have done many wrong things in my life, but I repent, I really want to change. I am ready for possible punishment for everything I've done, but I trust in God's mercy."

About the new version, Daemon says:
"This single already took place on April 8, 2024, under the same title, but in Latin.
Here, a higher-quality re-recording and a change of some parts were made."

1) Poenitentia
5:15, see below for lyrics [original version]

Severity (EP)

26 April, 2024, Yevkharistiya, Bandcamp
27 April, 2024, Independent, Bandcamp, link expired
25 May, 2024, SneeuwStorm Produkties, Bandcamp + CD-R, 2 versions
25 June, 2024, Bednoiseroom Records, Bandcamp

About SneeuwStorm: One version of the CD-R is in a standard jewel case (opaque tray) with a single-page insert. The other version has a fully clear/transparent case, and has a booklet. This booklet version is limited to 40 copies.

Originally planned to be an album featuring 2 more tracks. It was also going to feature two collaborations: Василием Дуганом (vocals) and Григорием Романовым (instrument unknown). However, all of this was canceled and it was released as an EP without guests.

Tracks 4 and 5 are re-recordings of songs from his old band "That Distant Void".

A note on Bandcamp used to read, "Crawling like a worm in a world of sins."

1) Peccatum
6:19, lyrics:
Fight against myself
In the crypt of insignificance
In the light of ugliness
Crawling like a worm
In a world of sins

To commit
By sin

Dreams of human's sleep
Are dreams of relief
A gates out of hell
Into the void of death

It's follows me
In my dreams
Cannot sleep
Without thoughts
Of my deeds

Fading shining
Can see no light
No God's eye

No God's eye

2) Ira Dei
5:16, lyrics:
Righteous wrath
Of Lord
Embrace the world
Fiery rain
Fell on Sodom
And Gomorrah

All who don't
Will be put
To the death

Ax is prepared
For them all
Fire of hell
Burn them all

Eternal night
So above
So below
Suffocate in passions


Fiery rain
Fell on Earth
Fire of hell
Burn them all

Do not hesitate
To repent
Leave past
Far behind

3) Poenitentia
5:18, lyrics:
I'm so sinful
It's scares me
Glory doesn't shine
To me

The judgment
Of God
Be gracious
I hope

But my life
Shines with dark
I want to change
My penance is hard

Angels will cry
Sorry for me
Heaven rain
Drops I'll breathe in

Heaven or hell
I'm not who decides
I hope He'll hear
My cries

I beg for forgiveness

Forgive me

4) Flesh and Blood Will Turn to Dust
5:15, lyrics:
On the other side
Gardens bloom
Glory shines
Glory to God

On the other side
Angels sing
And pray to God
For weak

After death
Dissolving in
The skies
We'll be there

Where is
Gardens bloom
Where is
Glory to God

Where is
Angels sing
Where is
No disease

Holy God
Holy Mighty
Holy Immortal

Have mercy on us

5) Limbo
7:38, lyrics:
Abandon hope,
all who enter here

Charon's boat
Starts the way
Where are demons
Stuck to cry

Me, believer
But not good
By the dark

See no longer
Way from this
Just leave me
Die in peace

No way out
All I can is
To mourn

Nothing left
But my past
My forfeit
I can't cry

No more eyes
Dropping tears
Only sorrow
Captive fears


 Satanic Decomposition (single, 12 June, 2024, Yevkharistiya)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

May have been posted to the artist's personal Bandcamp, too. I'm not sure.
See the album below for more info.

1) Satanic Decomposition 4:59

Enlightenment (album)

28 May - 22 June?, 2024, Independent, Bandcamp, link expired
22 June, 2024, SneeuwStorm Produkties, Bandcamp + CD-R (2 versions)
16 August, 2024, Independent, Bandcamp
7 September, 2024, Yevkharistiya, Bandcamp

About the CD-Rs, it's the exact same story as the two versions of "Severity".

1) Satanic Decomposition
7:49, lyrics:
I walked away from half of life
Only shadows met me there
So many written and done
Now just sleeping in hell eternal

Hell swallowing me
Gnawing to the bones
All I can see is fire
Satanic forge

Dark walk in the shadows
Tree color is only black
Trip of torment
For heresy

Deny this way
Embrace the Christ
There is no power in hell
Satan's just the beast

Crush evil within
Your chains are broken
Just let it go
And inhale freedom

Satanic lies isn't deserve
To be written and token
Living in it just killing
And tearing apart

2) Soul Necrosis
6:13, lyrics:
Numb existence
Tearing soul
Covered with sores
Unhappy doom

Sadness drowning me
I don’t wanna live
A Godless places
Sorrows I breathe

Sadness drowning me
I’m afraid of death
All my cries in vain
So deep pain

It stains my soul
It leaves me cold
I can feel
My downfall

Sadness drowning me
I don’t wanna live
A Godless places
Sorrows I breathe

Sadness drowning me
I’m afraid of death
All my cries in vain
So deep pain

So deep pain

3) Shards of Faith
5:06, lyrics:
Give me strength
Save my soul
Deliver me
From evil

Feeling the touch
Of your hand

Embracing the light
I renounce from sin

I hope I will save
My shards of faith

God and I
Will be one
In his flesh
And blood

Let me feel
Your being
Your mighty
Your touch

4) Merciful Lord
3:56, lyrics:
Oh, Lord my God
I beg for you to forgive me
I could say a thousand words
Trying to open Heaven's doors

Should I follow you
To Golgotha?
Should I die for you
For my faith in you?

I follow you through ice and fire
I follow you to the better
Your presence is with me
But I am overshadowed

This was not what I desired
But I'm just your creation
I want to be loved
By my merciful Lord

5) One Man's War
6:28, lyrics:
In God’s reflection
His providence
Only freedom
In it

But I’m chained
By sin
And I can’t
Brake fetters

Overcoming passions
For eternal life
God’s purity is
Even in me

Just open
Your spirit
And follow
His will

With short steps
I will come
To Heaven

Battlefield within
My soul
This is my
Personal war


Prosperity (album, UPCOMING)

Planned to contain 5 tracks. Planned release date is 6 January, 2025 (originally 7 Jan).
More info will be added as it becomes available!
 - Shards of Faith
Ох, Боже!
Дай мне сил / Сберечь свою душу / И в сердце моем / Вытравить скверну

Одолев одержимости / Я ощущаю руку Твою

Принимая света белый / Я отрекаюсь от всякого зла

Я очень надеюсь / Часть веры сберечь / Стать единым / С Богом во всем

Так дай ощутить / Твое существо / Мощь Твою / Касанье Твое


Similar to: [SECULAR] Burzum, Thy Light, Nocturnal Depression, Make a Change Kill Yourself, Këkht Aräkh, From the Sunset Forest and Grief, ... (dotdotdot), Lamentations of Desolation, That Distant Void, [CHRISTIAN] Exalted Saviour, Leave, Heztael, early-mid Cryptic Rising, Bedeiah, Agathothodion, probably more to add to both sections at some point