Thanks as always to Phantom for helping with this page!
BAND NAME: Moonlight Romantica
GENRE: Gothic Unblack Metal
STATUS: On hold
LOCATION: USA (Newington, Connecticut)
Announced on 1 January, 2024 on Nick's personal Facebook page. Went on hold 27 August.
Phantom - All instruments, Vocals
Sword of Heaven (single/demo, 15 January, 2024, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)
1) A Haunting Face in the Castle
2:11, instrumental
2) Sword of Heaven
3:30, lyrics:
Triumphant blade of Angels
Battlefield of blood
Demonic flesh sliced open
Cold steel, razored edge
Slits the throat of Satan
As we praise God
"If you have never asked Jesus into your heart as your Lord and Saviour, it is not too late either."
The holy rejoices
The black temple crumbles
As the chapel of God stands tall
We worship Jesus Christ!
Miscellaneous stuff:
Left: The promotional image from Facebook, before the name was revealed. (My guess was "Noodles Is Raisin" which turned out to actually be wrong.)
Right: Lower-quality, but higher-res version of the cover art.