NOTE: Not to be confused with Melchizedek from Brazil.

BAND NAME: MelchizedeK
GENRE: Unblack Metal with Crust Punk / Hardcore Influences
STATUS: Split-up
LOCATION: Canada (Sherbrooke, Quebec)

Formed 8 October, 2012, after a few years of floating around as an idea.
The album was improvised and recorded 8-9 October, 2012.

Michael "Michelle Massacre" Mosher - All instruments, Vocals



No Rapture (album, 13 November, 2012, New Life Recordings)
Format: Digital / Mediafire

Also stream on YouTube (ARTIST-APPROVED)

1) Furnace 2:22
2) Breakthrough 3:15
3) Equilibrium 4:46
4) Solvents 2:12
5) Addict 3:15
6) Helios 2:02
7) No Rapture 1:25
8) Hypocrite 2:16
9) Autumn 1:53
10) Closure 1:33
11) False Flag 5:01
12) Foliage 2:23
13) Diadem 3:15
14) Repress 2:29
15) Desolate 1:53
16) Extraction 5:10
17) Redemption 5:09
18) Spiritual Cancer 2:38
19) Auto-Asphyxiate 2:38
20) Messenger 3:28
21) Tribulation 1:26
22) Repress (Reprise) 2:29


Miscellaneous stuff:

Alternate artwork on SoundClick.
This image was used as the thumbnail for "Helios" on SoundClick, but wasn't "officially" used at all.


BAND NAME: Sacred Revelation
GENRE: Unblack/Death Metal with Doom Influences
STATUS: Split-up
LOCATION: USA (Kansas City, Kansas)

Years active:
2011 - 1 November, 2013

Last-known contact:
sacredrevelation [AT] hotmail [DOT] com

Storm - Vocals, Lyrics
Fire - All instruments

Interview (audio, skip to 1:06:12)


Revelations of the End (EP)

25 June, 2011, Independent, Digital / BigCartel, link expired
9 January, 2012, Independent, CD, link expired
April, 2014, Sanctus Gladius Records, Bandcamp, link expired

1) The Vision
2:37, lyrics unknown

2) Seven Plagues
5:23, lyrics:
The sores upon you marked for your choice, refusal of the truth.
The sea now blood filled with the stench of death, your waters now dead.
You shed saints blood now be served this judgement your blood filled drink.

Angels pour out God’s wrath his judgement is due your evil deeds have doomed you.
Consumed by hate you refuse the truth.

Your sun now burns, you blaspheme God’s name for your pain repent you do not. 
Your kingdom is dark and pain you gain you blaspheme God’s name repent you do not.

Angels pour out God’s wrath his judgement is due your evil deeds have doomed you.
Consumed by hate you refuse the truth.

Euphrates dries up prepared for kings. 
Three spirits emerge from dragon, beast and false prophet, for kings they gather for battle. 
Christ comes as a thief and gather to Armageddon.

Angels pour out God’s wrath his judgement is due your evil deed have doomed you.
Consumed by hate you refuse the truth.

A voice cries out skies light and earth shakes.
The great city divides, nations fall, Babylon drinks the wine of God’s wrath.
Islands flee mountains vanish hails falls you blaspheme God’s name.

Seven Angels Bring Seven Plagues. God’s judgement poured out in full.
Your reward for your evil done.

3) Seven Seals
2:59, lyrics unknown

4) Beware of Hell
11:00, lyrics unknown

Diminishing Diabolical Strongholds Volume 3 (compilation, 2011, Unblack Metal Scene Records (RIPOFF LABEL))
Format: CD-R

SUPPOSEDLY released 6 September, but I'm not sure.

9) Sacred Revelation - Sacred Plagues 5:23, see above for lyrics

Hymns of the Blackest Light, Volume 2 (Compilation, 23 April, 2018, Fallen Oak Recording)
Formats: CD and Bandcamp
CD sold out
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

 9) Sacred Revelation - Seven Plagues 5:23, see above for lyrics

1) The rest of the lyrics. 2) When was "Diminishing..." Volume 3 released?

Miscellaneous stuff:

The logo with all those artifacts around it, for those who are interested:


NOTE: Not to be confused with Christian death metal band Espiritual from Brazil.

BAND NAME: Espiritual
GENRE: Unblack Metal
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: Colombia (Villavicencio, Meta)

Formed somewhere between 2008 and 2011.

Hector Herrera - Vocals, Guitars, Songwriting, Lyrics
Daniel Velasquez Diaz - Guitars (rhythm)
Lizeth Dayanna - Bass
Jhon William Aguado Herrera - Piano
Solivan Andres Delgado - Drums

Past members:
Maira Aragon - Vocals (choral)
Jose Luis Aguado Herrera - Vocals, Bass, Lyrics
Angel Ivan Dominguez - Guitars
Deivi Duque - Drums
Jose Molina (Surmount Darkness) - Drums


Unofficial links:
Unblack Metal Wallpapers


Ceremonia espiritual (demo / EP)

Top-Left: 17 October, 2011, Independent, CD
Top-Right: 17 July, 2012, Independent, CD
Middle-Left: 29 February, 2016, Independent, Bandcamp
Middle-Right: 10 July, 2016, Vampire Records, CD
Bottom: year unknown, Light in Darkness Metal Store, CD

Also, this free Mediafire download has been approved by the artist.

1) Ceremonia espiritual
5:30, lyrics:
Alisto las velas las enciendo las coloco en cada punta de la trinidad
Me hago en el centro invoco tu Espiritu Santo...

Cojo la copa y hecho tu sangre
Sangre que derramaste por nosotros y podremos beber de tu sangre Jesucristo

Ceremonia espiritual, ceremonia de luz,
Bebo tu sangre, siento la luz
Siento tu perdón
Muerto andaba
Muerte eterna allaria
Vivo estoy
Vida eterna allare

Ceremonia espiritual, ceremonia de luz
Estoy en la presencia del Padre
Hago reverencia ante él.

Estoy a tu servicio que sea tu voluntad en mi.

Ceremonia espiritual, ceremonia de luz
Jesucristo iluminame

Ceremonia espiritual
Ceremonia de luz

2) Venciendo al maldito Satan con la espada del Señor
11:58, lyrics:
Venciendo al maldito Satán con la espada de Señor...
Maldito Satanas, maldito Lucifer, maldito asechador,
Maligno engañador...

Venciendo al maldito Satán con la espada del Señor...
Tu espada nos a fortalecido en el pacto de tu sangre mediante tu sangre
Somos libres de la esclavitud de Satán y la muerte eterna,
La ignorancia es destruida y nos llenamos de sabiduria espiritual.

Guerreros espirituales somos y estamos a tu servicio,
Que el Señor nos ilumine ante la oscura muerte
Jesucristo tu eres la luz, el camino, la verdad y la vida eterna
La armadura de Dios nos da la victoria.

Por lo demás, fortaleceos en el Señor y en el poder de su fuerza. Revestíos con toda la armadura de Dios para que podáis estar firmes contra las insidias del diablo. Porque nuestra lucha no es contra sangre y carne, sino contra principados, contra potestades, contra los poderes de este mundo de tinieblas, contra las huestes espirituales de maldad en las regiones celestiales. Por tanto, tomad toda la armadura de Dios, para que podáis resistir en el día malo, y habiéndolo hecho todo, estar firmes. Estad, pues, firmes, ceñida vuestra cintura con la verdad, revestidos con la coraza de la justicia, y calzados los pies con el apresto del evangelio de la paz; en todo, tomando el escudo de la fe con el que podréis apagar todos los dardos encendidos del maligno. Tomad también el yelmo de la salvación, y la espada del Espíritu que es la palabra de Dios. Con toda oración y súplica orad en todo tiempo en el Espíritu, y así, velad con toda perseverancia y súplica por todos los santos; y orad por mí, para que me sea dada palabra al abrir mi boca, a fin de dar a conocer sin temor el misterio del evangelio, por el cual soy embajador en cadenas; que al proclamarlo hable con denuedo, como debo hablar. (Efesios 6:10-20 / Ephesians 6:10-20)

Venciendo al maldito Satán con la espada de Señor...
Maldito Satanas, maldito Lucifer, maldito asechador,
Maligno engañador...
Venciendo al maldito Satán con la espada del Señor...

3) Oración de fe
8:45, lyrics:
"He aquí, yo estoy a la puerta y llamo; si alguno oye mi voz y abre la puerta, entraré a él, y cenaré con él y él conmigo." (Apocalipsis 3:20 / Revelation 3:20)

Señor Jesus antes que todo te pido perdón por mis pecados
Por todo pacto que yo halla hecho con Satanas
Port toda brujeria, hechieria, ocultismo que yo halla hecho

Toda atadura, toda cadena espiritual que el enemigo halla puesto en mi
Y todo argumento que Satanas tenga ante mi, y todo decreto de muerte...

... Es destruido en el nombre de Jesus y por la sangre de Jesus
Que es el nuevo pacto de perdón y de salvación y de vida eterna...

Señor Jesus yo te abro la puerte de mi corazón y yo te pido que tu entres en el.
Y seas el dueño de mi vida, yo te acepto como mi unico Dios.
Señor Jesus yo te pido que anotes mi nombre en el libro de la vida.

"Y la oración de fe restaurará al enfermo, y el Señor lo levantará, y si ha cometido pecados le serán perdonados." (Santaigo 5:15 / James 5:15)

4) YHWH - Yo Soy
1:10, lyrics:
"Yo soy el Alfa y la Omega, principio y fin, dice el Señor, el que es y que era y que ha de venir, el Todopoderoso." (Apocalipsis 1:8 / Revelation 1:8)
Dios; yo soy el padre, yo soy el Hijo, yo soy el Espiritu Santo. Yo Soy.
Sobre todo nombre es Jesucristo (Jesus)...

Holy Unblack Metal Ultimatum Vol.1 (compilation, NOT SURE IF OFFICIAL)

4 November, 2011, Christian Productions + Lord Nazarenum Records, MegaUpload, link expired
10 October, 2012, Christian Productions + Lord Nazarenum Records, Mediafire

Listed by Espiritual as part of their official disocgraphy.
Apparently some of the Lord Nazareum Recs compilations were unofficial; I'm not sure which ones.

1) Espiritual - Ceremonia espiritual 5:30
2) Espiritual - Venciendo al maldito Satan con la espada del Señor 11:58

Ceremonia espiritual - Venciendo la oscuridad (split, 24 August, 2017, Warriors Records)
Format: CD, limited (???) copies

Split with Surmount Darkness.

1) Espiritual - Ceremonia espiritual 5:30
2) Espiritual - Venciendo al maldito Satan con la espada del Señor 11:58
3) Espiritual - Oración de fe 8:45
4) Espiritual - YHWH - Yo Soy 1:10

La palabra del Dios altisimo (split)

June-July, 2019, Christian Metal Underground Records, CD
21 April, 2021, Christian Metal Underground Records, Bandcamp

Split with The White Prince.

1) Espiritual - Ceremonia espiritual 5:30
2) Espiritual - Venciendo al maldito Satan con la espada del Señor 11:58
3) Espiritual - Oración de fe 8:45
4) Espiritual - YHWH - Yo Soy 1:10
5) Espiritual - Dos caminos eternos track length, lyrics unknown
6) Espiritual - Atmosferico track length, lyrics unknown (bonus)

Christian Black Metal - Sudamerica Vol. 1 (compilation, UNOFFICIAL, 14 November, 2022, Omnipotent Radio Records)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp

See above for lyrics!

14) Espiritual - Oración de fe 8:44
15) Espiritual - Venciendo al maldito Satan con la espada del Señor 11:58

IncompletePage, CouldUseBetterImages
1) How many copies were made for the Warriors Records split? 2) In the images below, which version of the demo, does the "not sure which version" image belong to? 3) Track lengths and lyrics for "Dos caminos eternos" and "Atmosferico".
Better pictures or scans, of the Warriors Records split.

Because of the large amount of rereleases of the debut demo/EP, I decided to add layout photos here instead of at the top of the page. ALSO NOTE: I hid the phone numbers on the 2011 version.

2011 CD ......................... Not sure which version

Vampire Records CD:

Not sure which version?


BAND NAME: Frostundus
GENRE: Unblack / Noise / Grind / Blacknoise
STATUS: Split-up

A sort of mix of two of Kenneth's other projects, Desmodus Rotundus and Frostnoise.

Previously went under the name Frostundus Ronoiseus, but shortened the name in June, 2018.

Kenneth "Nattesorg" Holsen - All instruments, Vocals


Wine of the Condemned (EP, 25 June, 2018, Naorg Production)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp

Contains most of the songs from the Frostundus Ronoiseus / Frostnoise split.

1) Will Not Turn Away 2:08
2) Devour the Places 2:12
3) Wine of the Condemned 2:40
4) Store Up Violence 2:36
5) Tempted with Evil 2:08
6) Whole Body 2:15
7) Into the Sea 2:11
8) All the Days 1:44
Sornetiltu Kraspint (album)

Left / Frostundus Ronoiseus:
6 January, 2018, Independent, Digital / Bandcamp, link expired
18 February, 2018, Independent, Digital / Bandcamp, link expired
Right / Frostundus:
21 November, 2018, Naorg Production, Bandcamp, link expired

According to Kenneth, the song titles on this album don't mean anything (except track 10 which is "Holsen Kenneth" backwards).

1) Sornetiltu Kraspint 2:49
2) Grutilchrum Jordkresk 2:08
3) Brukitro Fuqewrok 2:17
4) Troitrotkisk Vebzklatr 3:13
5) Abdrutrusk Xortrut 1:29
6) Krktkirt Traktorte 2:48
7) Fictirut Bnlortusk 2:57
8) Svoprota Tlopskr 2:37
9) Tanzroput Trakdust 2:35
10) Htennek Nesloh 3:13
11) Retrigturt Rabrut 2:44
12) Furtrompt Gropgpo 3:20
13) Bgortf Gfarts 2:28
14) Nbartfrust Gtfir 3:06
15) Alpopereo Ororter 2:16
16) Crosrekt Gtortfert 2:56
17) Tkatro Torrtort Slort 2:41
18) Grtorbt Farertort 2:29
19) Gfwrwqd Fxakpore 2:12
20) Trakrotert Brutlo 3:17
21) Ikorertik Takrasert 3:12
22) Mnbrutrexz Klwqert 3:09
23) Brwhoprt Ncnurtop 2:44
24) Nnmbreder Bnbarter 3:12
25) Hbhoterd Gogocrash 3:02

Naorg Grindcore Noise (split/compilation, 10 June, 2019, Naorg Production)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
link expired

Split between the following projects:
Desmodus Rotundus, Patay Demonyo, Turn to Christ, Frostundus, Horror Tomb, Nagpatay, Desrot, and Unblack Chaosnoise.

84) Frostundus - Wine of the Condemned - Will Not Turn Away 2:08
85) Frostundus - Wine of the Condemned - Devour the Places 2:12
86) Frostundus - Wine of the Condemned - Wine of the Condemned 2:40
87) Frostundus - Wine of the Condemned - Store Up Violence 2:36
88) Frostundus - Wine of the Condemned - Tempted with Evil 2:08
89) Frostundus - Wine of the Condemned - Whole Body 2:15
90) Frostundus - Wine of the Condemned - Into the Sea 2:11
91) Frostundus - Wine of the Condemned - All the Days 1:44
92) Frostundus - Sornetiltu Kraspint - Sornetiltu Kraspint 2:49
93) Frostundus - Sornetiltu Kraspint - Grutilchrum Jordkresk 2:09
94) Frostundus - Sornetiltu Kraspint - Brukitro Fuqewrok 2:17
95) Frostundus - Sornetiltu Kraspint - Troitrotkisk Vebzklatr 3:13
96) Frostundus - Sornetiltu Kraspint - Abdrutrusk Xortrut 1:29
97) Frostundus - Sornetiltu Kraspint - Krktkirt Traktorte 2:49
98) Frostundus - Sornetiltu Kraspint - Fictirut Bnlortusk 2:57
99) Frostundus - Sornetiltu Kraspint - Svoprota Tlopskr 2:37
100) Frostundus - Sornetiltu Kraspint - Tanzroput Trakdust 2:35
101) Frostundus - Sornetiltu Kraspint - Htennek Nesloh 3:13
102) Frostundus - Sornetiltu Kraspint - Retrigturt Rabrut 2:44
103) Frostundus - Sornetiltu Kraspint - Furtrompt Gropgpo 3:20
104) Frostundus - Sornetiltu Kraspint - Bgortf Gfarts 2:28
105) Frostundus - Sornetiltu Kraspint - Nbartfrust Gtfir 3:06
106) Frostundus - Sornetiltu Kraspint - Alpopereo Ororter 2:16
107) Frostundus - Sornetiltu Kraspint - Crosrekt Gtortfert 2:56
108) Frostundus - Sornetiltu Kraspint - Tkatro Torrtort Slort 2:41
109) Frostundus - Sornetiltu Kraspint - Grtorbt Farertort 2:29
110) Frostundus - Sornetiltu Kraspint - Gfwrwqd Fxakpore 2:12
111) Frostundus - Sornetiltu Kraspint - Trakrotert Brutlo 3:17
112) Frostundus - Sornetiltu Kraspint - Ikorertik Takrasert 3:12
113) Frostundus - Sornetiltu Kraspint - Mnbrutrexz Klwqert 3:09
114) Frostundus - Sornetiltu Kraspint - Brwhoprt Ncnurtop 2:44
115) Frostundus - Sornetiltu Kraspint - Nnmbreder Bnbarter 3:12
116) Frostundus - Sornetiltu Kraspint - Hbhoterd Gogocrash 3:02

NotOnMA, SimilarTo
Similar to: [SECULAR] Tetragrammacide, Chaos Cascade, Reek of the Unzen Gas Fumes, Intolitarian, BDSM, Blasphemous Covenant, Nyogthaeblisz, Black Beasts, The Gate Has Been Opened There Is No Escape, [CHRISTIAN] Desrot, Unblack Chaosnoise, Patay Demonyo, Desrotaricon / Desrotarium, Horror Tomb / Ultimate Terror from Below, Hazael / Hazaell, Decimate Damnation, Goatblood (US), Satan Destroyer, Goatscorge, Pie Iesu Domine Dona Eis Requiem, What Brings Ruin,


NOTE: There are a few people online with the username "Coldrealm", the same as the artist name I originally used for this project. They are unrelated to this project, and vice versa!

BAND NAME: Coldrealm
GENRE: Unblack Ambient / "Winter Synth"
STATUS: Active
LOCATION: Unknown (early), USA (now)

Years active:
2012 - 2014
2018 - present

Started as a secular project in early-mid 2012. Became more "Christian-influenced" over time, until I fully left behind my occult beliefs in 2014 and ended the project. Originally I planned to continue it, but decided to leave it behind instead. Restarted, still as a Christian project, in November 2018.

Note that the project had another logo when it was secular, but I can't find it anymore. It was just a generic medieval font with some "icy" filter applied around the edges.

Nocturnal Iridescence (formerly "Coldrealm") - All instruments, Vocals

Unblack Metal Wallpapers


Non-Christian release:
Into Freezingness, demo, 2013

† Cellphone Recordings † (compilation, 6 November, 2018, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

A compilation of the songs I record on my cellphone until I get a new, proper recorder.

These tracks were uploaded 20 November, 2018.

See "Winter Contemplation" for lyrics.

5) Coldrealm - A New Walk in Coldness, Now Guided by God's Hand 8:23
6) Coldrealm - God-Given Clarity in Snow 1:05, instrumental
7) Coldrealm - Snowstorm Reflection 4:19
8) Coldrealm - Alive in Trials 4:15
9) Coldrealm - Ice Shelves in Cold Wind 1:23

Winter Contemplation (EP, 6 January, 2019, Blackened Label Records)
Format: CD

Also stream on YouTube (OFFICIAL)

1) Intro
00:27, instrumental

2) A New Walk in Coldness, Now Guided by God's Hand
8:23, lyrics:
The cold chills my skin
Under this blizzard
Wind blows through the night
Through the ever-bare trees

Howls from the mountains
In (?) my soul
As the embittered cold
Brings this isolation

... Isolation

Pagans worship the created darkness
And the Creator rejects their words
Spirits imitate this art form
The night rejects them all

... Rejects them all

Let darkness conquer their wicked shadows
Beautify the cold air, remove their cultic dark
Capture them in holiness of winter contemplation
And leave this landscape dedicated to God

God, blow these winds
Restore order
Below the frozen moon
Give holiness and guidance to me

Holiness to all who walk this isolated path
Seeking in the purity and bitterness
The truth...


Let this coldness
And darkness
Yield divine contemplation
That brings souls
Back to You
Cleanse the spiritual darkness
With this physical darkness
And bring the (?)
To others

3) God-Given Clarity in Snow
1:05, Instrumental

4) Snowstorm Reflection
4:19, lyrics:
Maybe I was mistaken those years...
Seeking isolation, my misanthropy...
My sensory perception...
And seeking different paths through the darkness...
Maybe what I wanted all those years...
Though I would have never admitted it to myself...
Was to contemplate the divine
Under a warm-frozen snowfall...

Seeking a relationship with the holy divine
As the idols spoke lies
You spoke divine

5) Alive in Trials
4:15, lyrics:
Take me away from worldly comfort
Take me away from escapism
Take me away from this plague
That tortures my conscience

I have had enough of comfort
There is only one comfort
In hardship
"The Lord punishes those He loves,"
(Hebrews 12:6)
Testing us "in the furnace of affliction.
" (Isaiah 48:10)
Refine me like gold

Leave me shiver in this cold
Let me slide, down on this ice
Leave me hanging on the edge of this mountainside
For as long as You will

Let me grow
In righteousness
Let Your grace
Let Your tests
Once again
Be my true escape

6) Ice Shelves in Cold Wind
1:23, lyrics:
He sends out His command to the earth.
His word runs swiftly.
He scatters the snow like wool
He scatters the frost like ashes.

(Psalm 147:15-16)

Men Han drog sig tilbake til øde steder og var der i bønn (single, 24 September, 2019, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)

Also stream on YouTube (OFFICIAL)

Track 2 is technically labeled "Men Han drog sig tilbake til øde ... (Instrumental)" on Bandcamp, but that's just to abbreviate the title a bit. The artwork without the logo and album title, is the image used for track 2 on Bandcamp.

1) Men Han drog sig tilbake til øde steder og var der i bønn
9:14, lyrics:
Wandering alone
In these cold shadows
Snow blows by
Over the mountains
The hundreds of layers are like fog
Obscuring this place

Away from mankind, rat races, occultism
Only the Triune and I

Trees, caverns
Snow, ice
Mountains, rocks
Wind, cold

A hooded figure walks, with a cross on its neck...

2) Men Han drog sig tilbake til øde steder og var der i bønn
9:14, instrumental

 Demo 2021 (5 March, 2021, Independent)
Format: Digital / Bandcamp
Stream / Download (OFFICIAL)
 1) Bitterness - Snowstorm - Prayer
3:14, lyrics:
Mankind's society has never felt like a home to me
Truly "in the world but not of it", I fellowship with the wildlife
The quietness of winter echoes our silent hymn
In sincerity, I contemplate and worship He who created all things

Lord, in all this, I seek to obey Your commandments.
Guide me ever closer to Your will.
Wherever I go, let Your will be done in me.

Gloria in frigidis Christo!

2) Guide Me Through This Cold Desert
4:01, instrumental

ArtistConfirmed, NotOnMA, SimilarTo

Promo pic from Blackened Label:
Similar to: [SECULAR] Paysage d'hiver, Coldworld, Arkhtinn, Winternacht, Nargul, Battle Dagorath, Llyn y Cwn, Razorwind, [CHRISTIAN] Lidian Forest, With Fire, Sacred Forests, Lord of the Night, early Betheos Abshalom, Unevil Hopes, Grim Priest, Old Path, Thaddaios, Eternal Fire, Fathomage, Dark Woods